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Basics of Radiation

• All the matter that exist in universe is in solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma form

• Substance that exist in elementary form are called Elements

• Substance that exist in complex forms is called Compounds

States of Matter
Basic Atomic Structure

• The center of the atom is Nucleus

• Nucleus consist of protons and neutrons

• Electrons circulate the nucleus

• Positively charged nucleus occupies the center position as the sun and
negatively charged electrons revolve around the nucleus in different
orbits as planets
Basic Atomic Structure
Basic Atomic Structure

• Nucleus of an atom consists of Protons and Neutrons

• Protons are positively charged particles

• Neutrons dose not carry any charge hence they are neutral

• Protons and Neutrons have nearly equal mass (1amu)

• Mass of an Electron is negligible compared to the mass of Proton

Basic Atomic Structure
Basic Atomic Structure

• Electrons are negatively charged

• They are arranged in shells named K, L, M, N etc

• Electrons in these shells are bound to the nucleus with energy known as Binding energy

• Electrons close to the nucleus with maximum binding energy is called Bound Electrons

• Electrons with less binding energy is called free electrons

Basic Atomic Structure

• The process of removal of electrons by an external force is called Ionization

• The extra energy released during transfer if electrons from higher level to lower
level is called X-Rays

• Total number of protons present in the nucleus of the atom of an element is

known as Atomic number (Z)

• Total number of Protons and Neutrons in an atom is called mass number(A)


• All atoms of an element must have same atomic number

• Usually mass number of the same element may be same but atoms of same
element with different mass number is called Isotopes of the element

• Release of Alpha, Beta or Gamma energy by an isotope is called Radioisotope

• Some isotopes ate Radioactive and some are Non Radioactive

Modes of Radioactive Disintegration

• Alpha

• Beta

• Gamma
Alpha Particles

• Alpha particles are heavy particles consist of two protons and two neutrons

• Alpha particles are commonly emitted by high atomic number elements which are
naturally Radioactive

• Alpha particles can cause Ionization when passed through matter

• Alpha particles are less penetrating and can be stopped even by a piece of paper

• No use for medical science

Alpha Particles
Beta Particles

• Beta particles are Electrons with positive and negative charges respectively

• Beta particles are easily absorbed in matter

• Their range in air comes up to few meters

• They Ionize matter like Alpha particles but their ionization is less intense
Beta Particles
Gamma Rays

• Emission of Alpha and Beta particles as mostly accompanied by Gamma rays

• Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation similar to X-Rays

• Gamma rays do not possess charge

• Gamma rays are highly penetrating

• Higher the energy higher the penetrating power

Gamma Rays
Body Penetration of Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Uses of Radiation

• Medical

• Agriculture

• Industry

• Aviation

• Science

• Research
Medical and Agriculture use of Radiation
Nuclear Power Production
X – Ray welding in Oil and Gas
Radiation in Aviation
Radiation Protection in Aviation Research
Research with Radiation
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