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“ Saetic failure theories” 2k Fracture ty tn sezponeo Separation of a body into +00 0 ¥ mse preces to'an imposed ahrers thet wa static be Constant or Slewly changeirg > and at temp> phat are iow relahve +o bith time melting — point of material are known racture . — Applied strecs my. Jonsile Compressive Shear torsional > for Engg . matenal , too fractures modeg are possible ductile Vv ? Cl fh a i) ductile fracture i) boritHe fracture fracture »— . a ef material co exhibit plastic deformadion joith high energy absorption before froctere. observed jn polycaystalg materials o the procesz proceeds jg slow as the crank length ws extended meang crak ———> stable + prevence of plastic deformation in ductile fracture gives raring that fracture is imminent» alloning poerentive measures be taken. smove strain energy vequired because materials oe —-rhougher duchTle emelals and alloys awe duchle- Jhere as Ceramic ace notably bsfttle and polymers both. « ductile ope © fw having cup oy cone sacle because Yhe mating surfaces ig in the form of cup or other dike a cone Softe fracture ¢- eabitity of madeniala where fractures dake place yoithoat any appreciable deformedion . and by rapid crack psopogection + plastic deformation ——> absent + crack mohon divectim L to dixechen of apphed stress, + such as cesmic glasees, yields a relatively shiny and Smocth surfaces «for beittle matesial, Crack propagation covrespending to the successive and repeated breaking of atomic bonds atlong Specific Coystallegraphic planes + Gither bsittle fracture 'g ave trangg ronwlar Poach or they ave inter gvandaxfrackie. tt toans (ranulas frackwe s- fractise crack passes through the grains +ranggzanclay Frachre 4b Toter Granulay fracture 2- fracuve crack propagectes along gran boundesucs Tne y granules f yachurs Gomparicon behseen duchle or hutile Paine (tracker) : Lee ag duchle Practise ) Batttte frachos ® pushe deformation and slow © dont hue plashe defoomsh ‘ancl acapicd exack formabiy i propagation @ Surface obtained are dull ® |q@ cusface obtained wv crack propegection. gmoeth & Fidvow in neduve shining in noche ® Madera us 19 Plastic condition ® Medesial ss io elastic condita nhen fracuse occurs nben faactire occ am eanes gech ane! @ redudin in cxess gectional axea |)? chee nan oa ||avea © Fresecsed by dislocahen os other |® Trareued by decaeasing temp? defects. a Increasing whoo ote © Characterized by formahon of — {1@ Crwackesired as surfaces has Cub os cone. Veshaped chersons 8¥ fan Hike appearance Poy fracture formahen process Jnvolves tio steps -——~ formation of crack 4 ses nse ty #0 Ppropogaion ef crack on Imposed stoecs edhe mode of fracture .is highly dopencert on the mechanism oF Crack prepegation crack propagation Jos to cxeation of new surface New Surface AKea Surface enemy of matexal POOPOHONDOGTGOFCOFECREeEeeneneesne + cack propagation 4 steady, 4 Unsteady, scrack Groth t- XO Cock will grow alleng slip plane > low vate of crack prepgaiion reo transversely to the principal nostna! chess fracture surface Shows straiahions | Clamshells oe m® haage Gack ; High gate of crack propagation Peon HS slovly increasing with time or tend sudden failure of material —_i ti, {7 7 ij So ~ oO tras) k exceeds ——> find fradure (bottle) Flexural ——> Bending torsional ——> tristing ® Axial © _. Fension , Cormpressin ! Gtaess applied dey fohgee feraile (pening cde | @ thsee mode of crock chear fore mode FeoHY mode > the aeladonships aes matonal peopertes, chess level , the presence aft evack pradueing firs and couch Beesees Propagichion mechanisms are fradwe mechanic to fouchne ic chavacten acct yesiztance agction jg antlyzed - 3 shady johere in a matenal and tolerance of a mafeaial fo @ach p = Fore fiecdwental principles ef dhe mechanics of failere — © Stsess Raiser :- Stress Concentsahin, Griffith theory | — a sharp cosne greoves , notches or acute change of —sechon that cause stress concentewtm onder Pormal lead igs . they can > sotacing or static Stress concentation factor f shorp corner ard greore are hight: 3 edifficuit to determine accusedely- 6 —~ ' ' L x x! (Resitin along x-x') & OS = nominal stress Bm = max® stress Pg = radius of cuvvahine of csuck tip Q = length of surface crack ox half leogth of internal crack . peu vubUuuvUvEUvvEwee 9f if is assumed that a cxank is similar do +40 ellipheal hole throqgh a plate and iz omiented perpendicular to the apphed stvezg » dhe max® otro occur at athe cook tip oe +3 Ope 860 (3) GaPPith cvack Bg? ra for a relatively long microcoank red that has «small tip radius of curvature , the factor (% 4) be vevy lage this will yielda value of om that Va many hme the value ef 65 ctress concentoation factor Remark :- . . . Se .otyecs raiser ig mor eign’ fi cant in brittle than in dudile matenal s - for duchje material, plasHe deformation enyues when He max® stress exceeds the yidd gtrength - hig leads toa mowe uniform distsibuha of strere In the vicinity of the shves® vaiger and tp developme of max® stred concentration factor Joss than theovitical value. Caiticad ctoess (6c) !~ min® amount of Steeas thet is exercted by axtewne force acting over body pohith ws reg.ei ved for inthativy phe motion toward cavsiry the foilures ave knovn os Caitical stocks Be for cack propojechion in brittle matesial are Be=(2£ yey Yes Specific surface eneeyy jects Fi modal of clastiuty + all baitle materiale contain a population of smal! cacks and fiawg that have a vaviely of sieew, geome. and esdiertedions . When the magnitude of a tensile sap ebress of Hip ef one of thae flaws excecds the value of 1s Creal ghesy, a crack form and then propogades Khich results in frachere the Que O selatively Inge plate of a glass ix gubjected to a tensile stress of yomPa. of the specific volume surface cnesyy and @ fer glass ave 0 33)? and 61hFa determine max® length of Surface Flavy thet i } woithout fracture 9 Sol” Given that, moduwus of elasticity ye = 69HPa = 694x107 Nim? 0-335/m? nossible Specific Suvface energy > Ys = 0-3N]/m RB caitical tensile stress se = Uo MPq = UeX1o8 NJm? Dow, Ke kno that, Caltical gtves3 bes 2 Es Ta > ataewy Ta D> O = Qx (69x lo Nim2)x (0:3) m) aru tuox1o&n}m2) Db = KkO-3KET Xx 10) Nimt Am 2614 (4Bx106 wTmZ) x Uo vie! Dims SQ = Qo 2XIDt ~ “Tost Rees oe TROT Mm CUO Rage ves VVVUVUYUYUYUYY © 0 sa? 29x10" G28 XO%m xUOX 10% Bim >) Gros ts 109 G28vU xo Daz 207% lolx io” 62 exy Das s2k 10%! m > @=0° 0082 mM [B= 2st | ous. Fracture thoughness * (Ke) => Furthermore (sia aftr), osig fractore mechanical properties print ples, an expression alates. crank strens for crack propas (ve) eind crack legthiad > ke = You Va L frachuee thoughness > Goat. “@ proparty tebich is measure of material’ wesistanc’ te battle material (fracture) when crack present 1% Horn ax frackise thouphness i + fracture Foughnexs x to energy consume in ploshe defer . stress salso callee)| cavticala intenaity focbr >is one of the most jmportant mechariced properties of any dental mat “ Uptt ake = MmPavm oF psivin a (ET SNe tpreace fracture tegghens of mash matesiiala . (roman numer Baby inctigntae the wede of fracture meclt?h } pak) \ \ er (thaw foce) { os ( heanirg mode ) (tensile mode) { stidiog mode) ow (SPeeiy mode ) Mode | t eyack plane pormal cto the disection of laagyesct tensile leading. Mode IE IS shear force Modell: peanng force > Mode Tis commonly encountered mede and therefore, frthe vemaindes of the mectesial we sill consider kre . Plain Stynin foachwe feyghnes s- SHAS the faactue toughness cited for pyostsituactions. + Mode T subgempt, Rre denotes plane strain fracture toughnes« is more for mode T crack displacement . + fer battle mecterial, plastic defermetion not possible in front of an advanciag crank , have loo kype values and ase vulnerable to catostopic failure > fe duchle matemal, kyo value large + kre is a furdaaered maderial property that depends en many factors which ave temp? , stain rte, and Micsostsuctuve ei e er 6 o eo! o e ee e, - e o o & & e a ea al ou ee a ee Le a a. RR & ®., ame iyi SP Ae ee es ee Che magmtude finer Room temb™ theld ehength and Plane diminishes ith} strain) stain feachire data for éugy IMabeniahs vate and |. dempr. ) an y Hakenal [eld May Ke — tha | keer | main) et gin HMealloy | uae] V2 | aw | 29 Ar atoy auc fso | uw | ue Hitamnumalley qo fa 55 | Bo alloysteel Jioyo long | soo luce Corerele ~ = ary jor) \feda tinegs| — |~ fo 1-08 purod AM oxide - 27-60 fase Polystyrene | — | = fo a-ha foowt Prymebyl fess 1:2 | ogre loce= mothoaryblel 93-1 | 106 fe Polycasbide Je21 | ao | a2 ore) a Paige frac + Fatigue is a foom of failure thab occu in structures subjected fo dynamic and fluctuating stresses (6x2 bridges, aixcoaft, and machine components ). Le occur due +o streas lerel low az Compared -tp expected mode + fatigue ig catagtrophic and fnsidiour voccusing rery cudden and with out earning. Le tike bse in neduve even jn normally ductile metale . in that there is very JitHe plastic deformatim assecieted — yoith Failure + dhe poocess occuss by Initiatten and prepay chien of cradks and fractuse Susface is 1. tp direction of applied fensile gtregs 7 Applied Stoegg ~ may anid), flexusd ox fossione in nochire i Cyclic stresses t- ; tr * Cuthic leading dt the application of repeated or flucheah op shy Strain. oy stress jntensities to locations on xtruchoa! component. ina eweeh, * Cyclic strese ame those gtrexsas that change over time ve pehtive fashion Smee of the laages wheels usecl 40 doive (os aevcd lift sudy as q gki lift 4 «dhe abplied ctregg may be under cyclic axial (tensile /Gomp=), flexural (bending) , torsional (toisting ). > F genesal, three different flucteating gtrees time moder are possible. O Revessecl stress. cycle ® Repecded stress cycle ® Random ctress cycle D Reversed Gtregs t- ——— > Max® tensile stresg (Bmax) toa Min imen Comp cies (Gmin) axe equal Magnitude amplitude ig symmetsca} about q MEAN sexo gtvezx leve} (6m=0) *1 Sm = Snax + Finin _— (BD) Se tee ete ae ale Se eS OEE dk S-N Cue ¢ Y Sy * Ss stregs . a) (SS stress , N— logarithm of no of cycle te faire ~ foreach of sbecimens ) s dhe value § are —> powmally ctress amplitude (%), on occasion Bmax 1 Bmin OF ured. + droo distinct type of S-N curve — > te fatigue Miroit : a. fatigue Gtrength hres ae a re | > amplitude NN fatigue ~~~ ~~ limit poi ff ff fo? wo St (oT ot 10° Cycles to faire , N |] (legarith mic Scale) of the stress, the smaller Plot Indicate that, ithe metenal is capable = Higher the magnitude the number of cycles of sustaining before failure: ‘erroug metal (¢ron bese) fi tanium all tal of highs” n est level ealled = for some f pthe SN curve become horizo or there od a limiting ch atigue limit. (endurance > below fedique Veit failure is mot occur. lirnit sepvesent largest value of fhe thet Will pot Cause Failure fpr essen > fatigue gtress svtmthe ne: of cycles. SFR pT amplitude! Cs) | | 5, | § f---- fatigue | 5 ng arn, | eyete | +Moct Non- ferrous metal (aluminiom, Cobher, magnesium) do not have fatigue limit ta that SN cusve continues fatigue life at Stoess its downrasd 4nd at increasingly greater N yalues. Shux, an will ultimately occur regardless ef the magnitude of 1 ess : to? 10% 165 S408 (cycle te failure, Y) (logarithm scale ) + fer these material , fatigue response ws fatigue strength. ce dhe stress level ot ihich failure soit! occur for come Specified no. of cyclee ( WFeycles) called fatigue strength fatigue Iife (7) s. No. of cycles to cause failure at @ Shecified Stress level. x Crack Tnitiation and Propayction ¥ «Process of fatigue failure chamctesized by three dlishinel type ~ D Cxack iniation phere asmall crack forms at some Point of high stress concent recdh m ayCrack Propogation dusing Phich crank advances ince pith each ctress cycle 3) Fina) failure “hich occur resy vapidly once the advancing crack hak seached a cxitical sige. amen small ezack form at some point of high ctaoxs Concentrohin + (vack nucleation site indlude sketch, ccredches, sharp finer * ck aon key ray, thread, dent oe cyclic load produce micto surface discontinue result frem dislecohin Slip Step that act a stress raise crack initiate ste eccelmar kes crack prpoy Seth indicate position ef crack tip at point in hime Beachmark (clamshell markt) are Macroscopic dimensions obsesve| by naked eyes. fo these Postings are found for components tHatex pemiencec interruph'ens during crack propogationstaye - &Xt- machine operated Only during nosmal work shift 5 1, hours, each beachmarl band a ‘ and sepregent a period of time over crack growth occur, + Fatigue Shiations axe microscopic and subject to obgervah'en with the electson microscope seach stojation represent odyance distance of 4 csack front duving ck single load cycle. + Gtadhonidth debends on and increarer with +f Fracture surface form daring prepogabren < etviatiens fxhigae VR o behanoce ef engg. madenals ve byte vaviabkes of Phase fects evel design chs &) Matali ) Metaliargical ymiables avwellas 8) the — enivironment (cycle +p faiture, N) 2 Measures thet may be taken do extend fatgue Ife include @ veducing — the means shreg x Jevel (i) eliminahien sharp Surface discontinuous Gi) Improving the susface finish by polishing Wo Imposing surface residual compresseric etres es by + Shot peeniny by using carburizing and © Case hardening nitading process € Goin Size :- decreage jo gasin size Improve fohgue nfe os f+ sail! have move axca a grain bouncdar 24 and th restich cack § propagtion nigh t~ Guface finish dmpsovement in Specific suvface finish leads +0 longer fasigus life Residual Stress‘ ; Compressive yesicdual chess—-s cle sing the yn . crack” ultimately : \ it improve fohgue ah \ Shot pesning = induce compressive 1 °F or Ae s L a yesidual ctres at shot peering the surface ef ~~ Ca . = ———— Nosmeal \ | ae N— Envivonment 1- Corcion reduces the farhijue life case havdening:— «= asa technique in yhich both surface fechgue life ave enhanced fer stee| alloys Hasdness tt = fatigue life Tt + Corbariging aod nitzicing proces hardness oF s ig done Carbonaceous and pitregencas adtrnogphere at high temp. + Here, Some amount of carbon and nitzogen ig induces Se en anol ilecebmiahend fhe hardness os Pe! as fatigue life of medericl a x x xa ductile te battle transitions !- . . ~ Sf temp ——> ductile matene) t buittle oped ie us ductile bo bottle greeny + £¢¢ meted —> duchle Fransitien-) Normal 1 temp? dec roase for transition DBTT femp— BCC mek = DPS fron sition (DBT) — patr (ductile to bai tle transite ~ Htenic, fi berty ship» emp?) Both ship foiluve reason sachent. PoOVvVvIVIFVGUUUODUOGUUDY % YS Seen ener a Cavers “Cree seo dime dependent, permanent deformabien proce n * by it. o Where — & raxdesial vader an applied ctoesa eshibite dimensional change at high ferop * or, Dhe shine dependent plartic deformation of matenal subjected VO cenglank toad (sheen) and temp ® greater than about 4 Tay called Creeps, + Shia Process us also tempercduse deberdent proces Geep aleays |nereases, joith temp? Horm Does Creep Occur * Nowmatty, Coeep occurz when vacancies np the matesial migzcdle toward Grain boundaniex thet ave oniented nosmal do the divection of the apblied Shreag., * Caeeh can be occur due do differen} mechanizin, Shreshold for Creep: { dhe cxitica) temp® for creep 1X yor of the melting temberataure 4 HPHOKOHKHHKRHXRR EO HAARMAST 9 f T > 0.40Tm ——> Creep jx, likely . . LL melting temp = Giff. mechanism gre resbonsible foe ceeep jn LA. femP= and foacligg 1 - stress aggicted yocancy diffusion Grain oundasy di ffasim (diffision Creep) Gerain boundaay sliding Bislocation Glide aad lawtinn® Fe poooaonon ? ppp Fr Ff oro ECGC4COCECEEGEBEBEaYNN"S* Earep esting : t *stally fersitle ine | | ~ dead tead apphed « 1 1 P i fe) ) * Stouin ts pleted mut hine i & a sdestucutlly ante ily) fobs Phy ; ee ee y |e furnace vephare (cavep fitilare ) : ' ADE ey Go Her creep testing J Oe Goat Sample deformation at Constant sehexs jad and va dime (eo) @ Priory | transionh Geep yo Slope of sleuia vs time decreaxe with Have + wosk hoe deniog , eccodlaay fstead y ale cueeb t= Slope of stain ys tire is linear, + stoain hardening se difformation is mor ai ffrealt. «balance of sork hardening and 8 time(s) dy vecovery © dextary (Rapidly accelerating shain rade aplo failuse ethere ud an qccelerction of the rate and uttimede foilure. + this failure is frequently termed as vepture . syesclts ef 7m microsteuctiaal aod metalloxgical chang fer nickle alloy 9 which lineay relationship Creep Strain (@) hime (4) —> Por som alloy vdatively large stress yang es, Non-linear lineasity curve ——— #29) seer ioe) 7 stress (10 * psi ) 48 Cougs S 120¢% wot to Be yptwe Hifehime t)) % High demperahise ~>boxep + sattomes move faste ~2 diffausisy controlled process this affects mechaniaal preperties of materials + Goeates prodility of dislocations (climb) detpp= + decreased amouot of yacancies © deformeabiy att gaan brindames + Metatluagical changes, ie, phase transforma? , ¢ Precipitaction, oxictection , yecrystatisation High ctemperettave mrttenials/atloys simproved — high temp? atrength + Good oxidation sesistance SAL of High dompeactare on metal * dower steagth + Grecter cetomic and dislocation mobility, assisting dislocation Climb aod di Ffusion * Higher equilibssum concentredion of vacancies + Ned deformation mechanisms, such as new slip systems oy grain boundary sliding + Recaysheblisation and grain growth “Oxidah and intexyranalas prenctoedhion ¥ To avoid Creep failure t + creep ie generally minimized ie materials with iy High melting temp? ii) high ebashe models ih) Lage grain siges 4 Malesial which espicially yesilienl to ervep: DMadet Htainlesx apheel i) vefoactory metals (contoining element Nb, A, MO) TAY i) Super alley (C0, Wi howe! : coli sol® far deriy 00 Secondary phases) *® &tHect of mean stress using Goodman Soderberg a Relachon :— * ° She effect of mean stress on modifying the ghreex amplitide” (a), Deeded fur failure after Ncycles ig extimectedt vsing — the Goedman Foderbew velction. + dhia assumes that when +he mean stress equal to the failure trove ( su) of material, the additonal gtree2 ample (6a) for failure after cycle ig =O oe ongqagngde ‘TH alco uses the fact that she etres2 amplitude for failure e at oN cycles will be that from the usual s-n curve (En) © shen the mean glrees 1% zero ond it assumes ? lineay elation between these tro extremes, e pe oa [ ®. oy eo J a smean strece effect on fatigee strength ms . . . ~~ + dhe solid line denotes predictiony -foom Sen gotdman sodesberry relccion. ox. &y } bu e Mean stress a o Exi- A ref of os in? je subjected to ctahe pean Se tensile load of lokips. What fatigue stress ¢q) ail Preduce 5! after jof cycles 2 assume Gp = 32 Sj Sy = 6oks) S 4 2) 6 mettle Ss Sat bn- & rie ceo ga a ” fe |m] v ae B, Se = 32-22 4,,, 1 “pei + —————________ [a= 21 3ksi ] be he, pore eh * Fhtroduction of Non destructive testing :~ Non ~ destructive desting t- ig the poocess of inspecting , testing, i Solucting tmatenale, components ox aggemblies for Iscomtinuitty es ox div ff. in chavacterish'cs without destsoying the NDT serviceability of the material “when the inspection and test i8 completed than the ped can be still uced”. éd ig not applied on material , vsed for finding defo of mectesials . No load applications, No change for material deungge &x dye Penetrate test, Utsasonic test, _ Visual Jocpechion tee » hiuid penetrate Mag neh c particle test, eddy current + Ultrasonic test + Radio graphy test horace of NDT 3 checking of a + applied divectly to product + tested parts are not damaged + Various test can performed on same product. + Specimen preparation, net sequired « Los Low destructive test :— oeed For Pinding properhes of material / lead applied + due te lead, material damaged 7 7 rer 1 spe yal Eqgurpment Expensive 1 $F cial El + Skin it required ; . 5 tect, sti: exe~ Fensite teyt, Comp Pete =" hardness test te pused for ID% - alin Produ chy Contre] ual radiography ete. ikem a icahiens- =e emechanical Engg - e Aerospace eryg 2 Civil Engg - > Electrical 6999 + Medicine nee Gnoumphen + forensic cur lost * Ast scystem &ngg Used of NATE Tage dedect internal o7 surface Flas «so dimensions of modesials to to ado fh meaure the determine the mederial's gdructire evaluate the physical and mechanical propertics of omtenals. make & profit oy the usey ro lowe ¥ maintaining ests better preduct design [te Tue? uniform quali, aid In tot —Peadentnn Pen caston devel.

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