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= ~ = =9 =9 = =a =3 =2 = ah = = = ny == a a \y } bo Phage drranz formation ~ dhe process of taanefosro one oF move diffevent phazes by one or more phage hone o more phages form diffesent phases. *Phase dvansfoomation occuss f jahen the meas and an alloy heated at and cooling at elevated temb*. + dhsee main classification of phase traneformation Phich ave -— ©) diffusion dependent by diffusion independent c)diffusion legs diffusion dependent s- : “no change in phase Compositions and often no. of phage present +s include solidification of puxe medals 5 allotzepi transformation , recrystalli gation and gaan garth. diffusion independent t- + Some asternation in bhase competion and often no- a bhose pregent « final 7 ceawF dn dio phages ext audectoid veachion Giffusionless :~emefastable phage a produced 8x! . = 0 martensitic traneformasion, ihich may be RA Whack ante hinctics of Phase taancfonnatian 1+ diffasion a demperatuve depe on dent phenomenon * pohich ners phase dhe Fosrmah ar of o \ f ds tho locreaze in ereagy ascodaded roith phase \ boandogy etka aoe consated belioeen parser ond produd phage . ga a B dhe 1S! peceess of phase Asanc{osmation 1% nudeahon and 4 ase goorth which ove chown by fuadin of readed (9) VS legasuthion of Time(s) <4 nucleadion Growth Cagorthio ef heatigg Hine (3)) i 4 nucleation + ee form small particle of new phase «capable of groring waing Growth ¢ / a “g snuclei phase increase In size & Vol: of parent phoxe diz2apeos2. influence of demp™ of Phase Magram Ctrant)+- dime is a one yeeuable sich" heat tveaimer? p dead w& ee Jo control ond it may have prof _ Ltnetice , thus che rede of « trangforme Cz vecyystallized ) Chegaca thmic Sacle) st Isothesmal Phase transformertion Diagram a a, % dronefermation of >) © doanefosmation of Aostenite iron carben ghee! at Const temp (\Sothermal) + TRow cARBON CTEEL \ 7 Eben ate dransfe take? place a id Cautentie table) \ heated, at temb™ \ Above cnhical point C Held sometime | Cooling Slowly ta bath’ ( below. CT) at 3ar"c — result autenite vngtable or mixture of { e~ IDI i Ha Bears 4Cemen™ Ay Cusve plot bebseen & of auctenite to pearlite af verte dime elapse af hovizontal axie cated \ cum e 109 | - oe b ~ end of transf do graph tranzfermation Ge begin as has ccHaine bath . 9+ sake Cestain time Fncubation penod beginning of 1798 ——_— 0 — austenite st™ Bes ienivure leh fersite Cemenhte auctenite stable austenite yot unstable aA feo Aer“) +c) a a ‘ J % complehen a Hea curve So peovlite (1®% pearlite 2 é Toco ee =X {0-291 PL YR TERE ym ~ sil 60h 46) —— Specthy a bin 7 Y autenite fornte Cemenite fohen we daavo a curve connecting 0) temp2 oto vertical ax by time honzontal ane ©) time elapze Dee dof Jyansfosmedion called all these point «f baginnis and en Tothermaly di . ime temp2 taongformodio rane formation algo called 4 diagram. x change fn steel a4 below tower critical temp™ + ~ reothesmal tron? of Pustenite of below lower CT but diff. demb™ (27) gtradure & prop fiver vise do forinafion of mixt. ave diff. of + Fegt e thickness vatio of ferrite + Cementite = 84) h Imin rh day Caustenite stable) Coapse Pearlite / AH “ LR fese Qustengre —* Penatlite tran’ Loarse pearlite :~ wie earlite Ye + @ demp™ just below euheclord temp, aMlayer of both & and cementite phase are produce dhie micro Jouclure Called coarge pearlite + at this temp? , diffusion vader axe velalively hyh and carbon cttom can diffuse telatively Jong distances Fine | earlite :~ spith decreasing decreases hen dhe layest become thin in the vic tary of temp2 diffusion rate of Corbor + dhis thin layer ci* pvoduce term fine pearlite Coue'e & Boinite 1 Pha: Pra on austenite os igethermally (decrease) cooled bel to 218°C ———> bainite micvozt. phaze form |e veh X+ fesc phases . - © Bainite form as needles °F plates dePerding on temp of aan sformahan +rangformasions are really compehtere foeen SU" Peagiitic and boinitic joith each other Sphereidiate Phase *,- steel have (Pearle ov Bainitic microst™ ) |e headed Jo and af below evtednid for long ume (1s-2 then form an nother rmicroztructuxe j caied sbheriodiate EeorkeP Sel fine peat Bainits %_Martensite trans ftsmaton : « phen augtenized iron caxbon gteel sapidly cooled ad relatives loo temp® (bees atst) a partengite Phage us ome « MortengHe use pon e@yuilibnum cingle phase +h vesvt is drffusionlees dsangfosmahion ofa « Martensite ws ametastable prose pohich’ Phase. 2 Martensite & bedy central tetragonal tn ghape + Mortercite are neadle shaped g vains. (with the help of photomicrograph shoring maxteng ihc mica r able cienite evtectoid eonb™ a0 eon alloy quenched at Coo¥ | vapidly cocld below ais% pearl te ben C frige bearhte a called martensive sd c and Soo Bainite oo se woo tran g formation termed an adhermal transformahen be, ae ree conor —2 Continuous Cooling Fransformatisn diagzam *~ Se Cooling Peano Sp : ; ; Ss A Continous coating Ertansformaction(ceT) prose cliagrarm u Mee Spier acl whan beat ctunting Hel. B ccr cliagrtm helps +o dclentifiy He pre 9 cooting ronsfomaion a) tain ai pene bexw ee pe Cet diagram works at Sg aten and TTT ol’agraam works only Costant te OS etre chingram ant used epee wots types oP S occu uma matalal a4 Hf Cooked at clifferonee ovat acey) Ce Danni formation Diagram’ PS Thane aut twe omen type helpfull um Aclecting the opsinurm ARE achieve a given Act of pe ‘a. Gow He see! behaves , clifferant pre waves of steal what hemp SO ofstel # thet -portiuss tfims pwwhat te die are pres ateol at thol Jemperoset +] CUT) Ou dronsfarimation clingran peties of ster! F varios cer p tir. temp: cooling trwsform mmperstune only: hose Changes wit Continous of bvufoamatton dicagxam “that ant band procuuing vote to | | | | [ | | | | | | what t4 Aturctet of Au the questions Aclued by ( 2 type of cLTaguom — TTT cet How ole ye! amoke > Centrnow Coobing tram formation diagram Simulated Coc4e ag grain hunt affected Cone of SA 106 gece of Carbon sted - EC ‘f. 4 tes than 2 /.) ,2 © Samples ant heated to a peak Lig C Hunene me deattal shruloter oo Conbing atts veoupind Eom. ont ge te loo". SS Slow Bak HY Kigh cooling sue j Woe thee | = a ct cliagrcam? us Conutur cred for | I BUEVVUBOUUUHUHKUOHHHE Hemp: of i200" ca The but Atinula: Jond then Contd af oll Pen ah Uthat atuuchas ext Py slow cooling Rate? 2 Uhh phys tally property taneamally 4 preasuud fe etiam a Cer pit ? , e\CCr Did are datamined hy moaning pragnasic permet ly & specttic vot chiang Cont nous Cooking. Sh OTT ch'ag rom moots > frase transformation % =>) Highes demp = bin Hime. /, =} gow don't hold Ot one Hemp: f allow time to Chomgt yours Centnouily jersey : , . =) A CCT agram's tront(tion ints wild be dierent from Tm hg physical pep of Constant Coadliug:- Product's, of prlcre Constituents take time Morten tt Rapid Coading . (Hand ay, Peantite = Fino stauctur + Bodsite 9 (Aoftaturdue) modeote clus to slew cooding. General Leactures og cer cliagnam ; cer cl’agaam clepenss On: . Com paar hor of steel ( Corben if oN eding + Quttuai le in size. arent op od par oe a emp of long > extenr to tent, homegontat keep a Qucteale oe PANS e * AS well ag auutens/Hg cmp Btw. tine ) SHE Mane cvalant frfermation Can, fast he ohituned froma CCTdo tn usl’ch phade Chonzus ore tracked For a Voarety of loding Ratt - Heat “Teestmert Heat drectment os thenprecessmofmhestiag ard Hrenzcooting §” y oC U —e Jo gebmamdesinabtempseperty 1s catled hecch eatment. 3 Annealing Nosmaliaing pasdeniog tenpenyy Process Proces? process Process otreeges ¢ to yemove Gases exelieve sincreage gofiness * « duchlity and toughness ow spooduce ct ree micvogtouckwe. n eccting do a desi mp? - »” holding and soaking ot that temp * 3) nee sash do sioom temp?. > chien? is crvsiepeatet sparameless in thecexbracedacy a dhnine heacingssondsconlingsprccrs , => MaggnnnTe=eif | shetebempEmgadient depend en the siaecandgeomelny ofepieces + A dhe FahemefadempRochangeny us too fava, Jempiagradients and inlemibegtresses™ may ibewinduced...that rayheadnede ye Kaaping.o74 eracking . even + Dino, Hidweetual jannealing sitive (musisbeslongaerough sealer ienyaraccsny suomi =e > AEA taeatisent Gemp2 usealeon G0ximportarl-conaidercton latinedling, may be aceeleraded’ byincrearings-+retemp™, vice yeild: ere » \Prchectetreatmont us knocn 08 fulliemenling \¢ offen vhilizead! dn ,Jomerand=mediumecanbonesteeh that wil becetmachined ond swillsexperencesextensive plastic defowrvadtion’ clustingvan-forming= process: dh fall_anneating » o the bypoeutledwidectedliand eutechoidsstecleare heated tn dustenitevegion ‘abouteuc*Gwabore the Upper onticabmuine , held the neceraryectime and then=¢lowey cooled at — oor temp? usually in-farnace and result Te in de form of microstructure that consist stan qraine of prexeutechoidlefersiter and a malisareamOf coormembonetlarspearhite. «fos hybexencteidesteel’, unaterialaixeheatedsinntvee Jphakesregions(ahiRgt) avic=aborenctne-euctechtich-femp > tthehesresaltaie=in=xferme pommcwaree=|ametloss perl *+ corean=cqraoundled "by -ypreseutecoide CeRERHTe- Composi bien (ot ©) “Aig loweneniticad = prtemp= belowsrwhich att quatentite fill have srancformed io ferrite and cementides: phuse Pa oppetmcitoanmremp= for bypeeutectod and hypereutectord oateel. a bove these boundar f only custentite™phoxepreval | We know that Steel have been plactically deformed by irregular shaped and yelafively large grains of peariteand a annedtling proces? ig called nexmadizing an PUEESUR asad THK pe - Povmadized plain cayben gteel censtsh "ae or fine in normalizing beat treatment heating and cooling Curve time -—? a) Process Annealin, a beat fozatment prvees® de which the effect of cold work fabsication process that BBG Ss gece « Process anneading as. is used do nggecte ly ubttized duseg 2 OF gs comment * Becess ann ‘ 0) to and increases the Strain hasdened meta, ado attoo a — continuation of fracuse or excessive energy consumption ductility of relatively deformation roithoed * Process annealing Steps 2- » Recovery and: recsystalligation process ave allo do occas. 2) dhe heat trvectment is terminated before grain growth — bas occused 2) Surface oxidation ox scaling may be prevented and minimized by annealing ad velativey Jow temp ow non ~ oxidizing atmosphere - This process is cals. cabled Stress relief proces? , his cbeatment 1g carried oud cat cthe temp delow thon eufecoid cemp abocet sso%e to éso°c fox hypo- ectectoid gteel. a. Stress yelief Ne koow thet, dntemal recidual gtvesses may be develop in metal piece in vecpense of felloring — ay Plastic deformation process such oS machinin, andl gainchiog b) Non oniform Cooling pals’ pas Processed and Sabriceded at clevated chermp® cach ces casting 09 weld c) Phase teansformation that @ induced upon coolin wherein pavect anc poeduct phase has diff. densitres. RBA distortion and Marpage may wesef} of these wecidual ctresee- Aaa abla the Th cheese velie| heneating heal Arecdment the € ? rete, ( reacted act wrecermmencdedl 4einp? held there ley enaug a Hain a uniform denp? and then cooling ob rece in air. a Shes annealing temp? us ordinualy 6 yolasiv that affects resulting from code) save bing and Frecdment are nol affected = mall 20-4 7 een, QV Favannec! Greridiang 3 Proce aneal: + Fest ay (wt Corben ) _— a ——— nx*¥ S phesofdizing Annead Process Casbon gteel Containing even coaxze pe o Medium and hig a) machine and may still be dop hasd bo convention plastically defosm . . ghee Bel, sefeven any ateel may be heaked annedtized do develop apheriodize gtradure « Gphevoidieing cteel hove max® softness , ducility even eaay te convertianad machining and deform st of heating pode Set a a oatment const Bnd hela ether cooling very Slokonyeny prey sctoweny tals annealing paroceniel 9 eaalenceriee of Fear to form sphervicl atau chire particles called Soft annedling pp teks Oh atthia poneess iF alse ~s The main pepese of havcening ws do make steel hard ad daggh Fo cthis proceua” shoe) ay heated of ao 40" Cabve ho ubper aifical emp? and hen (ottened Ny Coming’ cooking to tha ODM Jempeoasuve by greenday ef soaker ost ofl. Gt us the apposite mestied of annecteir % CHarcines* ¢ ability Of > = fapese of Hardening 2 = matenal Jo withatand 2 shy hasdening “at ina cases the pene ead rege baodlness of steef ey reais DD 2 go vesict ao wean acl 5 $ be Ge other toughness :- mak ® okie aiieos dhe dee! h Cm ved before frac metals. © (xachere, reesien or > Application of Hasdening )- Loren i J s applied for chiesel, hand hammer, —— ad Gear drill rmilling cuter, epi{eblade and toby . Hardening of plain carbon stee) :- he aim of steel havdening &» fo produce beodominantty martencite microstrudue. through gut Hengeet'on 2 the composite of the alloy a type and chamcterishe of quenching *ciae and Shape of Specimen. a Bhe influence of alloy composition ef ehee| on the ability of stee} Alloy go dvansform de martensite for a porticalar quandniry dveatment os related go a pasar thic is knoion as Hawdenability . ¢ + Hasclenability means tis ability of an alley 40 be hawde by chs formation of martensite by given heat treatm eNaxdenability us not hardness |. L eesistance of identedhen ability and qualitative ‘neaswwe rate of which hasdness dzop off with distarce int? the intexior o Specimen px vesutt in martensite content. ° Case hardening és a maternal processing method that is usec incwease the hasdness of the ower surface of a metal. © Ot @ abo calied Casbuvizing Cage (cementadion) ® Covbunizing sused and applied for mild cteel oF Jom Gaabon gteel UpidD 18% Caxbon 693 we 0 hardening pyocerg in which Casbon a intooduced dy dhe curface layer of steo jo tempZ Jemp? ¢ Caxburiaing 13 followed by Hamdening and then © ctee| fm contact th high Casken content CcRycoal jait \gs0-950°C Jroefin - Cy eching waclerstic of Coyburitg *casedepth ds about rasmm + Haxdness after heat treatment RceéS cacedepth . Combucicins time u to lo hours Z incr ene Cidnosie a oen convent Pe @x= Chavtoas Purpose of Corburizing * to psovide a hard gurface © hoxmally By unhordena ble steele © Sacceffully carburizing depend Femp= Hime Cosburiaity atomsphere 1) Pack 2)Gag 2) liquid Carb. Cab. — Carb. \eertabaing > temp’ © Pack Caxbasiaing se 7 Heeck ww Component back into * rt do be alee °° thee boxes betivbe, casbon Steel boxes, clay 3 pack monoxide aear E | siz material _ & al ap Charcdl m1 Prill tT } presence Leal P| nae chavcoat barium Carbonate 2 treated Hai Ted B) | Foamation of Caxbon mono oxidere Pack cosbusizing 1 Quienchury res tough fikes packing » bores are slordly be heated do she carburizing : cdempt b/d qd fo aso°c. and the hold at that temp= upto shou% depending upon depth of caze desired ; hen carburizing Ie complebe i es an enesgin | slooly cooled in box (usv-ser’c) yw . cee hich IN os. 4 Coie 1" v Powmation CO - a ad, with enesgiger ( mixt- of yn carbenate + Gaxbuvizing mix + Be-8s7, Charco! Sodium cavbonafe + Jo-'2 baviu 1-3 7. calcwicm casbonate - @® Liquid Casbwrizing » corbusizing ia done ia liquid galts rohich contain cyp. nide compound such as (macn), Step t-ySal+ bath ds uced and prepare 2) Bath contain (2e-Fe% Nach + vpt UO7, Nar a +Nacl »+Badeo 3)Part ave hed in catt beth atasoee wCasbon staxts dlefocing 1” Hhe onder Surface . QNaN+ 209 = NarC03 + 2N+CO 2CO= COo+C c 4+3Fe iS Fegc Gdlvantage 2-1) Rabid absoxption of casborn and nitsog a 2)Uniform case depth: . 3)Time ak Jess do reach Larburing temp= ufast heat +ronefer ave possible disodvantage :- YCyanide Saltz ave poigionous - 2rCyanide explodes rshile coming into contact with weer, © Gas Carbusiaing :- eused for masc reduction because no hazardous Corspenent i8used in thig proces . Combesizing ! Cages —> methane, ethane | qov'e, 207, COF UO, + yoy eo: . 7 2s hoomm cage depth can be obtained, ° Advantage 7 ) Heating u3 Bapid 2) hesstinie required 3) Chaney surroundic U) hobous cos + Jess 5) Lew time yeguised Complete proces. QNiteiding oT Nitsdig pooces#, nitrogen ud diffused on she surface gtee) being trated and dhe sxeaction of nitrogen with — steel us the formation of very hasdl ixon and alley nitragen Compounds . Result: pitsidigg case us hosces than too! steel or caslowized Steel . Principal aegion of nitsiding t- a) hasdness 1 b) dmprove fohgue c) Wear resistance d) Economic fox mass production ©) Fmprore Comison yesistance sNitding of steel producers Jes distortlen ox deformedon than either —conlexdinal car buxi zing hardening . ’ Nitsiding femp= below (soo’c dogqo°c) and LCT | gteel cont tintidepth 0-02mm ig about ahs. J nitragen source us ammonia. L pd Nitidling Ferp™ ammonia distocade jn Nitrogen o¥ hydsog en oNHa Na+ 2H2 « Nitvogen diffeaes Into gteel and hydrogen uA exhavee tee + Golubility ot pilrozen in fervite ig very gmall ox Fest ws formed - -_ [ Nitsicing ghee) contain IYPl > ns%Cr and o2%M0 G form very havd and weary visdetance nitades Advantage :-.Hoadness upfo HRC #°-@s + Single gas sequired do complete proces? . diz advantage + formation of Gamma nitrides (white layes of Cage. + this layer is very battle and t yer) on outer end to crack. + required grindiy fp remove, process flees long hme. USES 2- Valve geate, | Aircraft engine parts Geas, crank pin and Guages, journals Bushing, : ete. @ Caxbonitsiding ? Methane or propane gerve as aoe caxben Amonia noon — "sy Nitrozen © x ppethane Bor. neralgas +) temp® used 350 -Gen°C . 9 mix: Is % amonia ; +) Guenchiny 4 done jn Gor pot gerve hard as weter So dess disotin un chs modevial to be freatec| Advantage i~ » Case haxdness = =——> 60 ~6SHRC «OF give fas distortion than Corboriaing . applied For plain carbon tee] + cate depth: o-o7s fh 0-95mm Omg Cyoniding process us used do produce the hard curfe of lows and medium carbon ateel in which | ctoe| us heated | molten cyanide zaltbath maintain ataqo°c, folloned by hates ox oil guenching temp? vequire iB lowes than Cartawiaicg 5 ° dusing thig proces, diffusion of both nitrogen and carbon Infy the Surface of steel diffucics —> Cyanide salt (Nach) QNacN + Op ——> 2NaCNO 3 Y Y y . w v S s > : > , BNaCNo= Nalht Nasldst C+2N + cynanide time — o-s—3hr, meter guench required - » cace thickness upto @25mm. @ short time required ag Compare to other advantage :- "36 ® sortable Por high load oO High dighrton @ Unhealthy fumes formed , weguive Care fell handing operation aon i tt immersed Samolten 1 Sait bath (Nace) 3 Low Carbon Stee] temp go °C ie Gucindhngin oi) f i (o-2—ourd 4 dame is-shr | 1 "f [oy water temp: A | | : Lobempzat 206. “= d tgadvantage te é sect penen Sa Odenpewry + Tempering? hen the hardening procs haadens 6 a ‘3 an ~ ult becomes battle ound hos bl eee | hated by operation Used to modify ‘the propustics °* a epetacring Raabe prpaat of initadly Mea wadfeln Tem peu’ 0 drow results in q vuduetion of Pilea a amoral “of irotnal tra‘iy (aused duaing hander! ig: a a be tempuud oft the haadeniy Prau ~ Te fs divided into tious Cattgertay: selow-ckmpenatass Yempreles . High dempuatur: te Purpase of demposry | To wwbieve fntumally sDasel Caused by hoaden'ng. + To nesluce baittenew. 1 Tmprore duc tity 1 Abwugth and toughnen- To Mnursse awe reise. A "TS obtatn clesined Mmethanital prepati : P Brotaduats fon Hmpeing: Tha ated after being quenthed th the hscleng proces Ls ouheated cea cHmpurchun Alfghety bove the empeatun vronga af whic, « uta to be wyed ; but below the dower tical eimptrectune The tempnetuu hur varia from too°C totoo'c a The wtheating Ls done in a bath of ail : 2 mol “lt Ta Suns fe . ie ae Head a molten, Chen tha dempeatu evenly ste tne gett ob Sime att Cpls on the - lowly tn 4c) 9,2 Ppplrcation OF Tempering: 4 ia GH 4 applied Yo Cutting cooly, doo 4, ond I, Ont hardened by tu hod ning Peau, a 3k [Trctaction Hardening + selective hardening aye waa e) —> Frduction hardening dS a method of quick \y and adedivedy hascalening the Surface q a metal past

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