Talking About Transport and Travelling 2022

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Talking about transport and travelling

How to use the verb ‘arrive’

When you want to express that you come to a country, city, or generally a geographical
location, use “arrive in”, for example:

We will arrive in England at about 5 o’clock.

Once you arrive in Paris, you will definitely have to see the Eiffel Tower.

In virtually any other situation, you should use “arrive at”, by rule, we use “at” when we get
to a small place such as an airport, station or village.

When I arrived at the party, all my friends were already drunk.

Will you arrive at the meeting?
The plane arrives at Heathrow (name of airport) at noon.
Match the following:
arrive / arrive at / arrive in
the airport / home / Hungary / the school / here / Budapest / Budapest Zoo / the camping site /
the border / New York / Café New York / Europe
Video lesson about arrive + time and place prepositions:
Prepositions with get/go/arrive and reach

1.What time did he arrive    the office ?

2. We got    home at eight o'clock.

3. He goes to work    the train.

4. Last week I went    Madrid.

5. We got    the party late.

6. How often do you go    bus?

7. Send me a message when you reach    the airport.

8. We arrived    the station early.

9. He arrived    Berlin this morning.

10. I'm going    the cinema this evening.

Information-gap – Talk about your weekly journey
Ask 3 other students to fill in the chart.
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
means of transport
leave home
arrive in Körmend
how long
how far

Add any more questions that you think important:

e.g. Do you have to change? How long do you have to wait for your connection? Do the
buses arrive on time? How often are the trains late? Which is more comfortable, the bus or
the train?
Choose one of them and write sentences about him/her.
e.g. Zoli usually takes the train. He leaves home at 5 p.m. on Sunday and arrives in Körmend
at about 6.45.
The journey takes him almost 2 hours. He normally walks from the station to the school, it
takes him about 15 minutes.
He travels about 110 kilometres.
Talking about frequency – How often?
Put the time expressions on the scale from 0 (never) to 100% (always).

0% 100%
never always
Where would you put “hardly ever” on the scale?
Choose 3 of them and write a sentence about yourself.
e.g. I normally take the bus to work.

Ask three questions from your partner.

e.g. How often do you go to the theatre?

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