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CBA-1 ENGLISH 1-5 KEY 2023-24

Class Subject Answer Key
1 English 1 A
1 English 2 C
1 English 3 B
1 English 4 B
1 English 5 B
1 English 6 B
1 English 7 C
1 English 8 B
1 English 9 B
1 English 10 A
The student has correctly written a meaningful word starting with 'DT. (2M)

The student has written a meaningful word starting with 'T' but with spelling errors (1M)

1 English 11 The student has written a word starting with T that is NOT meaningful or in English, OR
the student has answered the question incorrectly OR the student has not attempted

Award full marks if students write L and A (2M)

1 English 12 Award half marks if the student writes either L or A (1M)
Any other answer (0M)
If the student has filled all four blanks with the correct letters and in the correct sequence.
If the student has filled three blanks with the correct letters and in the correct sequence.

1 English 13 If the student has filled two blanks with the correct letters and in the correct sequence.
If the student has filled one blank with the correct letters and in the correct sequence.
The student has written the letters 'ce' or 'ice' correctly. (2M)
The student has written only ONE letter correctly - c/e OR has confused the sequence
1 English 14
('iec' etc) OR has written a phonetically correct answer 'ise' (1M)
Wrong letters written or question unanswered. (0M)
The word 'truck' is written correctly or a similar word meaning the same is used (lorry,
truck, etc) (2M)
The correct word 'truck', or a similar word, is written with minor spelling errors (truc /
truk) (1.5M)
1 English 15 The word 'truck', or a similar word, is written correctly BUT with more than one letter
written incorrectly (trak / tuc / etc.) (1M)
The wrong word is written OR the question is not answered OR the child has not
answered in English (0M)
Class Subject Answer Key
2 English 1 B
2 English 2 A
2 English 3 B
2 English 4 C
2 English 5 B
2 English 6 B
2 English 7 C
2 English 8 A
2 English 9 C
2 English 10 A
Award full marks if student writes B and S (2M)
2 English 11 Award half marks if the student writes either B or S (1M)
Any other answer (0M)
The student has correctly rearranged both the words- BOTTLE, SHOES (2M)
2 English 12
The student has only rearranged one word- BOTTLE/ SHOES (1M)
If the word 'Hen' is written correctly or a similar word meaning the same is used (Chicken,
Rooster, Bird etc) (2M)
2 English 13 If the correct word 'Hen', or a similar word' is written with spelling errors
(Han/Chiken/Roster)" (1M)
Any other answer or question unanswered. (0M)
Award full marks if the student has written 'O and L' in the correct order. DOLL (2M)
Award half mark if the student has written 'OL' in the wrong order - 'L O' (1M)
Award half mark if the student has written any one letter correctly- 'O' or' L'. (1M)
Award 0 marks if the question is unanswered or the student has written the wrong letters.
2 English 14

Award full marks - if the sentence is written correctly with no errors. (2M)
Award half marks - if the sentence is written with 2-3 errors. (1M)
2 English 15
Award 0 marks if the sentence has more than 3 errors OR the question is not answered OR
the writing is illegible (0M)
Class Subject Answer Key
3 English 1 C
3 English 2 A
3 English 3 A
3 English 4 B
3 English 5 D
3 English 6 D
3 English 7 C
3 English 8 C
3 English 9 A
3 English 10 A
The student has matched ALL 4 pairs correctly. (2M)
The student has matched and written only THREE pairs correctly. (1.5M)
The student has matched and written only TWO pairs correctly. (1M)
3 English 11 The student has matched and written only ONE pair correctly (0.5M)
The student has matched and written NONE of the pairs correctly / has left the answer
blank or illegible (0M)
The student has identified four words that are ALL nouns, such as as 'pencil', 'book',
'brush', 'scale', 'apple', 'bag' or 'paper'. (2M)
The student has identified only three words that are nouns. (1.5M)
3 English 12 The student has identified only two words that are nouns. (1M)
The student has identified only one noun. (0.5M)
The student has identified NO noun / has not answered the question / has added an
illegible answer. (0M)
The student has written the correct answer: "John went to Vishakhapatnam for Christmas
last year." (2M)
The student has written the answer but has made 1 minor punctuation mistake. (1.5M)

The student has written the answer but has made 2 punctuation mistakes. (1M)
3 English 13 The student has written the answer but has made 3 punctuation mistakes. (0.5M)
The student has made more than 3 punctuation mistakes / has rewritten the sentence
without punctuation / has not attempted the question (0M)

The student has written a grammatically correct sentence that accurately conveys the
intended meaning of the word given. (2M)
The student has written a correct sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are
1-2 minor grammar or spelling mistakes. (1.5M)
The student has written a correct sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are
3 English 14 3-4 grammar or spelling mistakes. (1M)
The student has written a sentence that uses the word meaningfully but the sentence has
more than 5 grammar mistakes (0.5M)
The student has written a sentence that does NOT use the word meaningfully / or the
word has not been used / or the answer is incomprehensible or illegible / or the question
has been left blank. (0M)

The student has written at least three sentences that use correct grammar and spelling
and are meaningful in reference to the image given. Sample sentences: A boy is cycling /
Two boys are playing football / the children are playing / there is a dog / etc. (2M)
If the student has written at least three meaningful sentences but has made 1-2
grammatical, spelling, or minor contextual errors. (1.5M)
If the student has written at least three meaningful sentences but has made 3-4
grammatical, spelling, or contextual errors /OR the student has written only two
meaningful sentences with 1-2 grammar errors (1M)
If the student has written at least three meaningful sentences but has made more than 5
3 English 15
grammatical, spelling, or contextual errors /OR the student has written only one
meaningful sentence with 1-2 grammar errors (0.5M)
If the student has written at least three sentences but the sentences are not meaningful,
don't make sense with the image, or are incomprehensible due to poor grammar / the
student has left the answer blank / the student's writing is not legible. (0M)
Class Subject Answer Key
4 English 1 A
4 English 2 C
4 English 3 A
4 English 4 A
4 English 5 C
4 English 6 D
4 English 7 C
4 English 8 B
4 English 9 D
4 English 10 D
4 English 11 The student has written the following answers without any major spelling errors: girl,
brothers, buses, cats (2M)
The student has written only THREE of the four answers correctly. (1.5M)
The student has written only TWO of the four answers correctly. (1M)
The student has written only ONE of the four answers correctly. (0.5M)
The student has written NONE of the answers correctly / has written in a non-English
language / has left the answers blank / writing illegible. (0M)
4 English 12 The student has written the correct answer: "Do you want to go to the park with Ravi and
me?" (2M)
The student has written the answer but has made 1 minor punctuation mistake. (1.5M)
The student has written the answer but has made 2 punctuation mistakes. (1M)
The student has written the answer but has made 3 punctuation mistakes. (0.5M)
The student has made more than 3 punctuation mistakes / has rewritten the sentence
without punctuation / has not attempted the question (0M)

4 English 13 The student has written a grammatically correct sentence that accurately conveys the
intended meaning of the word given.(2M)
The student has written a correct sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are
1-2 minor grammar or spelling mistakes.(1.5M)
The student has written a correct sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are
3-4 grammar or spelling mistakes. (1M)
The student has written a sentence that uses the word meaningfully but the sentence has
more than 5 grammar mistakes (0.5M)
The student has written a sentence that does NOT use the word meaningfully / or the
word has not been used / or the answer is incomprehensible or illegible / or the question
has been left blank. (0M)

4 English 14 The student has written the correct answer "Can I take my Telugu workbook?" or "May I
take my Telugu workbook?" (2M)
The student has written the correct answer that conveys the intended meaning, but the
answer has 1 spelling or minor grammatical errors (1.5M)
The student has written an answer that conveys the intended meaning, but the answer
has 2 spelling or grammatical errors. (1M)
The student has written an answer that conveys the intended meaning, but the answer
has 3+ spelling or grammatical errors. (0.5M)
The student has written an irrelevant answer / has not answered the question / has
written in illegible or incomprehensible handwriting. (0M)
4 English 15 The student has filled ALL blanks with relevant and grammatically correct answers: 1. A
name of some place (aunt's house, grandfather's house, village, etc.) 2, 3. A description of
some activity (I played there, I ate mangoes, I met my cousins, etc.) 4. I sang songs / I read
books / I played cricket / etc. (2M)
The student has only filled THREE blanks with relevant and grammatically correct answers,
OR all four blanks are meaningful but with 1-2 minor spelling errors. (1.5M)
The student has filled only TWO blanks with relevant and grammatically correct answers,
OR all four blanks are meaningful but with 4-5 spelling errors. (1M)
The student has only filled ONE blank with a relevant and grammatically correct answer,
OR all four blanks are meaningful but have more than 5 spelling errors. (0.5M)
The student has not answered this question meaningfully / has not written an answer that
is clear and understandable / has not attempted any answers / has written in another
language. (0M)
Class Subject Answer Key
5 English 1 B
5 English 2 A
5 English 3 B
5 English 4 D
5 English 5 C
5 English 6 C
5 English 7 B
5 English 8 D
5 English 9 C
5 English 10 A
The student has matched ALL 4 pairs correctly and has written the correct answers:
sunflower, wheelchair, postman, rainbow - 2M
The student has matched and written only THREE pairs correctly - 1.5M
The student has matched and written only TWO pairs correctly OR has matched all four
pairs without writing the compound words - 1M
5 English 11 The student has matched and written only ONE pair correctly OR has matched 2-3 pairs
correctly without writing the compound words - 0.5M
The student has matched and written NONE of the pairs correctly / has matched only 1
pair without writing the compound word / has left the answer blank or illegible - 0

The student has filled in all FOUR correct answers in each blank: play, likes, enjoy, go - 2M
The student has filled in only THREE of the correct answers. - 1.5M
The student has filled in only TWO of the correct answers - 1M
5 English 12 The student has filled in only ONE of the correct answers - 0.5M
The student has NOT filled in any correct answer or has left the question blank - 0

The student has written the correct answer: "Vani's cat is sleeping on the mat." - 2M
The student has written the answer but has made 1 minor punctuation mistake - 1.5M
The student has written the answer but has made 2 punctuation mistakes. - 1M
The student has written the answer but has made 3 punctuation mistakes. - 0.5M
The student has made more than 3 punctuation mistakes / has rewritten the sentence
5 English 13 without punctuation / has not attempted the question - 0

The student has written a grammatically correct sentence that accurately conveys the
intended meaning of the word given. - 2M
The student has written a correct sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are
1-2 minor grammar or spelling mistakes.- 1.5M
The student has written a sentence that uses the word meaningfully but there are 3-4
5 English 14 grammar or spelling mistakes. - 1M
The student has written a sentence that uses the word meaningfully but the sentence has
more than 5 grammar mistakes - 0.5M
The student has written a sentence that does NOT use the word meaningfully / or the
word has not been used / or the answer is incomprehensible or illegible / or the question
has been left blank.- 0

If the student has written a meaningful leave letter with the correct format, with no major
grammar or spelling errors, good vocabulary, and fulfilling the word count.- 2M
If the student has written a meaningful leave letter with the correct format, with no major
grammar or spelling errors, good vocabulary, and fulfilling the word count.- 1.5M
If the student has written a meaningful leave letter but has made major errors in
formatting, grammar, spelling, or word count fulfilment.- 1M
5 English 15 If the student has written a leave letter with a relatively correct format, but with major
spelling, and grammar errors, or without logical meaning.- 0.5M
If the student has not understood the question, if the leave letter is not comprehensible,
does not have meaning, or if the question is not attempted- 0
Class Subject Answer Key
3 English - TOEFL 1 B
3 English - TOEFL 2 C
3 English - TOEFL 3 B
3 English - TOEFL 4 C
3 English - TOEFL 5 C
3 English - TOEFL 6 A
3 English - TOEFL 7 B
3 English - TOEFL 8 A
3 English - TOEFL 9 B
3 English - TOEFL 10 A
3 English - TOEFL 11 B
3 English - TOEFL 12 C
3 English - TOEFL 13 C
3 English - TOEFL 14 A/B/C
3 English - TOEFL 15 C

4 English - TOEFL 1 B

4 English - TOEFL 2 C
4 English - TOEFL 3 A
4 English - TOEFL 4 A
4 English - TOEFL 5 A
4 English - TOEFL 6 A
4 English - TOEFL 7 C
4 English - TOEFL 8 A
4 English - TOEFL 9 B
4 English - TOEFL 10 B
4 English - TOEFL 11 A
4 English - TOEFL 12 C
4 English - TOEFL 13 B
4 English - TOEFL 14 B
4 English - TOEFL 15 B

5 English - TOEFL 1 B
5 English - TOEFL 2 C
5 English - TOEFL 3 B
5 English - TOEFL 4 C
5 English - TOEFL 5 A
5 English - TOEFL 6 B
5 English - TOEFL 7 A
5 English - TOEFL 8 A
5 English - TOEFL 9 B
5 English - TOEFL 10 A
5 English - TOEFL 11 C
5 English - TOEFL 12 C
5 English - TOEFL 13 B
5 English - TOEFL 14 B
5 English - TOEFL 15 C

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