Chapter 5 Bahagian B PG 87

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Chapter 5 Bahagian B pg 87

Situation Y
Ethylene is a gas type hormone .The ethylene concentration is higher in close container. Stimulate the
production of cellulase enzyme. Cellulase enzyme hydrolyses sucrose. Promotes the conversion of starch into

Both involves the cell division / elongation

Both involves uneven cell division / elongation

Both stimulated by the auxin

Shoot Shows Negative geotropism while root Shows Positive geotropism

High concentration of auxin in the lower part induce cell elongation in shoot and induce Lower cells
divide faster than upper cells. This will cause Shoot bends upward
High concentration of auxin in the lower part inhibit cell elongation in root and induce Upper cells
divide faster than lower cells. This will cause Radicle bends downwards

Bahagian C

3 (a) Parthenocarpy technique. Spraying auxin on the ovary of flower

The ovary develops into fruit
No double fertilisation occurs
No embryo or seed produced
(b) -
Harvest the watermelons while they are still young
Add abscicic acid into the containers containing the watermelons
To prevent the watermelons from riping faster
Avoid mixing the watermelons with other ripe fruits
To prevent early ripening of watermelons by the ethylene
Spray the watermelons with ethylene upon arriving at the destination

c) Use auxin hormone Auxin acts as hormone herbicide Grasses are monocot while the weeds are eudicot
Only the dicots will be destroyed and the house compound will free of weeds.
Hormone herbicides are selective/ do not kill all vegetation
(c) -
- Kos rendah/ Low cost
- Mengurangkan pembebasan bahan kimia
Reduce the emission of chemical substances
- Mengurangkan pencemaran air
Reduce water pollution
- Mesra alam/ Environmental friendly

(a) X
(b) Padi X mengalami klorosis, berwarna kuning, lebih kurus dan lebih tinggi daripada padi normal.
Paddy X undergoes chlorosis, yellow in colour, thinner and taller than normal paddy.
Padi Y mempunyai ciri-ciri tumbuhan padi normal.
Paddy Y has the characteristic of normal paddy plant.

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