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COSC4010 Blockchain

University of Wyoming - EECS

Spring 2023

Course Information

Time: Online, asynchronus

Office Hours:

Monday 11:00am-12:00pm

Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am -12:00pm

By appointment

If my office door is open feel free to stop by to ask questions/chat.

Instructor: Danny Radosevich ; Office: EN 4074
Email: (make sure you email this address)
Website: WyoCourses

Course Description

This topics course is to give students a basic understanding of the Blockchain technology, as well
as programming experience for a Blockchain. This course will cover many of the applications of
the technology. Programming for this course will be done in JavaScript, if you are a non-CS
major or want a brush-up on JS I encourage you to check out and enroll
in the JavaScript course. This course is open to all majors, so for coding assignments plenty of
example/starter code will be provided. In the first half the semester assignments will be written
homework, with the second half having the programming assignments.

Student work

All student work must be independently authored. While students are allowed, and encouraged
to, work together all the work submitted must be your own. This means no copy and
pasting/sharing direct solutions. All assignment submissions MUST include a section of who you
worked with. If any work is found to be too similar I reserve the right to call students in to my
office individually to explain what every aspect of the homework submitted is. With proper
evidence students found to be in violation will be brought up on academic dishonesty charges. No
collaboration is allowed on any quizzes/exams.


Students will need to have access to a computer, or lab resources. Computers will need internet
access, a developement environment (recommend VsCode), and possibly Virtualbox. Further
instructions for how the programming assignments may be completed will come alter in the

Course Instructional Outcomes

• To give students an overview and appreciation of Blockchain application use and

• To prepare students for a world where Blockchain is becoming a dominate technology
• To teach students basic Blockchain programming


Homework Assignments (50 points each)

Exams (2 @ 200 points midterm/final)

Grade Policies

Your grade will be computed as a direct unweighted sum of the all the class assessments listed
above. The following percentage boundaries will be used to determine final grades.

Percent Letter Grade

>89.9 A
80.0-89.9 B
70.0-79.9 C
60.0-69.9 D
<600 F

If necessary, all or any results will be curved. If applied a curve will only ever be in your favor. I
may relax these grade boundaries but only in your favor (i.e., it might be possible that the A
grade boundary ends up being 88.0 instead of 89.9).
A summary of your grades will be posted on UW’s WyoCourses site. Please review your scores
and report any discrepancies to me.
Note that there are no longer +/- grades.

Late Work

Late work will only be accepted for credit 72 hours after the assignment due date.
You will receive a deduction of 10% per day late. In that for the period of 0-24 hours late you will
lose 10%, 24-48 hours you will lose 20% and 48-72 hours you will lose 30%. Absolutely no late
work will be accepted after the 72 hour period, other than work that is excused by a University
approved absence. Failure to properly submit assignments is no exception to this.

Miscellanea: Extra Credit, and Expectations

Occasional extra credit challenges/assignments may be given at the discretion of the instructor.
The opportunities will be provided to the whole class and will not be given out on an individual

Homework Submissions

All submissions are expected to be properly turned in. Homework submitted to Github or
REPLIT must contain a README with all specified information, especially including a name.

Attendance/Participation Policies

Show up, participate, communicate, and be ready to go for class - whether you’re in-person or

1. University-sponsored absences are cleared through the Office of Student Life; University
policies on excused absences as outlined in UW Regulation 2-108 (Student Attendance

2. If you have a conflict (expected or not), please let me know as soon as possible;

Academic Honesty

The University of Wyoming is built upon a strong foundation of integrity, respect and trust. All
members of the university community have a responsibility to be honest and the right to expect

honesty from others. Any form of academic dishonesty is unacceptable to our community and will
not be tolerated. Teachers and students should report suspected violations of standards of
academic honesty to the instructor, department head, or dean.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class. Cases of academic dishonesty will be
treated in accordance with UW Regulation 2-114. The penalties for academic dishonesty can
include, at my discretion, an F on an exam, an F on the class component exercise, and/or an F in
the entire course. Academic dishonesty means anything that represents someone else’s
ideas as your own without attribution. It is intellectual theft – stealing - and includes (but
is not limited to) unapproved assistance on examinations, plagiarism (use of any amount of
another person’s writings, blog posts, publications, and other materials without attributing that
material to that person with citations), or fabrication of referenced information. Facilitation of
another person’s academic dishonesty is also considered academic dishonesty and will be treated
Any and all suspicions of academic dishonesty shall be investigated in accordance with UW
Regulation 2-114
( Evidence of
academic dishonesty will result in one or more of the recommended sanction, in accordance with
UW Regulation 2-114.

Academic Civility

“There are several misconceptions about intellectual diversity and academic freedom... ...the
narrower concept of academic freedom does not mean the freedom to say anything that one
wants. For example, freedom of speech does not mean that one can say something that causes
physical danger to others. In a learning context, one must both respect those who disagree with
one and also maintain an atmosphere of civility. Anything less creates a hostile environment that
limits intellectual diversity and, therefore, the quality of learning.”
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Board of Directors Statement on Academic Freedom and Responsibility 12/21/05
“The University of Wyoming values an educational environment that is diverse, equitable, and
inclusive. The diversity that students and faculty bring to class, including age, country of origin,
culture, disability, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity, immigration status, linguistic,
political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, worldview, and other social
and cultural diversity is valued, respected, and considered a resource for learning.”

Disability Support Services

If you have a physical, learning, sensory or psychological disability and require accommodations,
please let me know as soon as possible. You will need to register with, and possibly provide
documentation of your disability to University Disability Support Services (UDSS) in SEO, room
109 Knight Hall. You may also contact UDSS at (307) 766-6189 or Visit their
website for more information:

Duty to Report (Title IX)

While I want you to feel comfortable coming to me with issues you may be struggling with or
concerns you may be having, please be aware that I have some reporting requirements that are
part of my job requirements at UW. For example, if you inform me of an issue of sexual
harassment, sexual assault, or discrimination I will keep the information as private as I can, but I
am required to bring it to the attention of the institution’s Title IX Coordinator. If you would like
to talk to those offices directly, you can contact Equal Opportunity Report and Response (Bureau
of Mines Room 319, 766-5200,, Additionally, you
can also report incidents or complaints to the UW Police Department. You can also get support at
the STOP Violence program (,, 766-3296) (or SAFE
Project (,, 766-3434, 24-Hour hotline: 745-3556).
Another common example is if you are struggling with an issue that may be traumatic or unusual
stress. I will likely inform the Dean of Students Office or Counseling Center. If you would like to
reach out directly to them for assistance, you can contact them at
Finally, know that if, for some reason, our interaction involves a disruptive behavior or potential
violation of policy, I must inform the Dean of Students. The purpose of this is to keep the Dean
apprised of any behaviors and what was done to resolve them.


Student’s Role & Expectations

You are expected to treat all members of the class and your instructor with respect. Plan to
engage with course materials, take an active part in discussion or teamwork, and complete all
readings and assignments by the deadlines listed in the syllabus.

Professor’s Role & Expectations

I will follow a professional code of behavior and responsibility. I will treat all members of the class
with respect. I will produce materials and take an active part in your learning. In each class I will
ask: 1) What do I want you - my students - to learn? 2) How will you learn it? 3) What do I
want you to do with the information? and 4) How will I assess your learning?

Tentative Course Schedule
Week One
Syllabus Lecture
Week Two- What is blockchain
Getting started with blockchain
Introduction to blockchain systems
Week Three Currancies
Blockchain 1.0
Blockchain tech and DBMS
Developing Knowledge
Week Four Contracts
Blockchain 2.0 Contracts
Blockchain Fundamentals
Week Five other applications
Blockchain 3.0
Blockchain consensus Algorithms
Industry Impacts
Week Six
Advanced Concepts
Cognitive Radio Networks and Blockchain
Communication Networks and Blockchain
Week Seven
Understanding DAP
Week Eight
Understanding how ETH works
Week Nine
Writing Smart Contracts
Week Ten
Getting started with web3.js
Week Eleven
Building a Wallet Service
Week Twelve
Building a SmartContract...
Week Thirteen
Building a better App
Week Fourteen
Building Enterprise lvl SC
Week Fifteen
Building a Consortium Blockchain

Syllabus Change Policy

This syllabus is only a guide for the course. All deadlines, requirements, and course structure is
subject to change if deemed necessary by the instructor. I will alert you to any possible course
format changes in response to UW decisions about community safety during the semester.
Students will be notified on our WyoCourses page announcement and/or via email of these
changes. Check your UWYO email address regularly. 1

Additional Student Resources

DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES :, 766-3073, 128 Knight Hall,
COUNSELING CENTER :, 766-2187, 766-8989 (After hours), 341 Knight
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS : 766-4286, 312 Old Main,
DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE :, 766-3296, 128 Knight Hall,
UW POLICE DEPARTMENT :, 766-5179, 1426 E Flint St,


If you are sick please stay home/ go to student health service and get checked out.

Last updated on January 12, 2023 by Danny Radosevich —

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