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Freedom Fighters having just destroyed a Unicorn MBT.

A 5150: Star Army Mini-Campaign

By David Vallet Bright Horizon is a mining colony discovered and settled by the Omni Consumer Pleasure (OCP) consortium. OCP has a long history of treating Bright Horizon as a fiefdom. The planetary governor, always an OCP employee, rules by decree rather than consent and this, coupled with an upsurge in banditry in the colonys outlying sectors, has inexorably led to disaffection and demonstration among the settler population. Wishing to nip any thought of revolt in the bud, OCP flew in two mercenary regiments. However here OCPs market research failed as the contractor, Unicorn Unlimited, has a well deserved reputation for heavy handedness and brutality. Rather than smothering the flame of revolt, Unicorns goons fanned the flame into a firestorm. As clashes between Unicorn forces and members of the United Mine Workers of Bright Horizon (UMBH) increased, units of the Planetary Defense Forces (PDF) joined the fighting. The commander of the PDF, General Juma, was, as all of her predecessors had been, a mid level employee of OCP. However the rank and file of the PDF were drawn from the same population as the UMBH and rather than side with the Unicorn off worlders, the PDF mutinied against Juma and joined their kin in the rebellion. The political arm of the joint UMBH and PDF forces soon styled itself the Democratic Assembly of Bright Horizon (DABH). One of the first official acts of the DABH congress was to collect funds for, and to contract, a mercenary force to counter Unicorn, Drop Zone Aegis (DZA) accepted the contract and

dispatched the famous Helljumpers of the 7 Regiment to Bright Horizon.


Stiffened by the Helljumpers, rebel forces made slow but steady headway against OCP forces. However this success was illusory as OCP had been merely fighting a holding action as fresh forces were gathered to strike at the flanks of the PDF offensive. The Helljumpers were quickly rerouted in a bid to halt this counter offensive. The small mining facility of Caydons Hope lies directly in the path of the OCP counter offensive and it is here that rebel forces have chosen to make their stand. The facility is to be held as long as possible.

A platoon of artillery tractors, whose capture or elimination will slow movement of UU heavy artillery assets (objective ICE).

As part of this action Rebel command has identified two targets of opportunity: A communication vehicle whose capture would impair Unicorn electronic countermeasures (objective STORM).

Scenario 1: Objective Storm

A squad of Helljumpers led by Lieutenant Spade have to storm the Unicorn Unlimited communication vehicle in order to scramble the mercenaries network. The Helljumpers must eliminate the opposition and get in contact with the comms vehicle to succeed. The Helljumpers player divides his troops in four PEF that enter from sections 2, 4, 6 and / or 8. The Unicorn Unlimited troops are deployed around their vehicle in section 5. The Helljumpers are active in the first round. Unicorn Unlimited is surprised the first round and doesnt move (but can react) Unicorn Unlimited troops must leave by road to the north or south.

Lieutenant Spades HotDrop Squad: 1x Squad Leader with Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Medibot (Medic) 1x ATGM Team with 2 operators 3x HotDrop Fireteams. Each Fireteam has one LAW.

1x Com Vehicle (mvt 8/16 ; armor = Wolf ; no weapons) 2x Unicorn Scout Vehicles (Wolf) 1x Unicorn Maneuver Team 1x Unicorn Command Team (like Maneuver Team but the squad leader is a lieutenant). Once per game the Command Team can call a Bombing Run (instead of moving).

Calling a Bombing Run TABLE (Taken versus REP)

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62) with 3d6.

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62) with 2d6.

No Response. Try next turn.

Scenario 2 : Objective Ice

A convoy of Unicorn artillery is moving into position to crush Caydon's Hole. The Helljumpers have asked the local resistance to coordinate an ambush. Unicorn Unlimited troops must leave the map by the south road. The Helljumpers must destroy the artillery.
with 3d6. with 2d6.

Starting on round two Resistance groups can appear according to the rules for reinforcements (p.59, Investment Level = 4). They appear following the Reinforcement Entry table (p. 63).

The Helljumpers player divides his troop into four PEFs, positioning them in sections 7, 8 and / or 9. Lieutenant Koppers HotDrop Squad : 1x Squad Leader with Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Medibot (Medic) 1x ATGM Team with 2 crew 3x HotDrop Fireteams Each Fireteam has one LAW.

# 1 2 3 4 PASS 2D6 2 x Squads + Rocket Launcher Team 2 x Squads with LAW Squad with LAW Squad Squad None PASS 1D6 2 x Squads Squad Squad None None None

Unicorn forces are divided into three PEFs and enter through sections 1, 2 and / or 3. 3x Artillery Vehicles (mvt 8/16; armor = Wolf ; no weapons) 4x Unicorn Scout Vehicles (Wolf) 3x Unicorn Maneuver Teams 1x Unicorn Command Team (like Maneuver Team but the squad leader is a lieutenant). The Once per game the Command Team can call a Bombing Run (instead of moving).

5 6

Calling a Bombing Run TABLE (Taken versus REP)

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62)

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62)

No Response. Try next turn.

Scenario 3:Caydons Hole

The Helljumpers must protect the flank of the offensive and therefore prevent the Unicorn Unlimited troops from leaving by sections 7, 8 and 9.

Unicorn forces are divided into three PEFs and enter through sections 1, 2 and / or 3. 2x Unicorn Heavy Battle Tanks (Grizzly) 4x Unicorn Medium Tanks (Bullfrog) 5x Unicorn Scout Vehicles (Wolf) 1x Unicorn Platoon Once per game the Command Team can call a Bombing Run (instead of moving).


Helljumpers and Freedom Fighters are divided into five PEFs. They are positioned in the various buildings of the mining facilities of Caydon's Hole (sections 4, 5 and 6). Troops are hidden: nobody can fire at these troops until getting within 12 and in LOS of them or until they fire or move. Lieutenant Ozs HotDrop Reinforced Squad : 1x Squad Leader with Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Medibot (Medic) 1x ATGM Team with 2 operators 3x HotDrop Fireteams. Each Fireteam has one LAW. 3x Worker Fireteams

Calling a Bombing Run TABLE (Taken versus REP)

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62) with 3d6.

Roll on the Bombing Run table (p. 62) with 2d6.

No Response. Try next turn.

PDF Reinforcements enter on turn 2 from the section 8 road. 1x Scorpion APC with one PDF squad inside (2 Fireteams); 1x Thor Heavy Battle Tank.

The Platoon Leader can call a Mortar Fire Mission if in LOS (as per the rules p. 60).
If Objective ICE Mission was a Helljumper success, no fire missions are available.

Three Hell jumper Heavy Battle Armor are dropped on turn 3 : Choose an insertion point for each Armor and roll on the Insertion TABLE. If the communication vehicle wasnt destroyed (Objective STORM) then the electronic countermeasures make insertion more difficult: REP-1 on the Insertion Table.

Drop.Zone.Aegis (DZA) corp.

INVESTMENT LEVEL........! 2 TROOP QUALITY ............ !REP 4 LEADER QUALITY............ !REP 5 TROOP MORAL .............. !STAR ARMY ! ! ! ! ! ! QRS p. 84 BODY ARMOR ................ !HARD PATROL MOVE ............... 10

HELLJUMPERs organization
HotDrop Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader wIth Laser Rifle 1x Rifleman wIth Laser Rifle 1x Rifleman wIth Laser Rifle 1x Grenadier wIth Laser Rifle and Grenade Launcher or 1x Gunner with Laser SAW HotDrop SQUAD 1x Squad Leader wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Medibot (Medic) 3x HotDrop Fireteams HotDrop PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Platoon Sergeant wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Radio/Tech wIth Laser Rifle 3x Squads 4x Heavy Battle Armors 2x ATGM Teams (Anti-Air Launcher) with 2 crews. NOTES Agile - Able to fire without penalty when Fast Moving. Fast - Normal movement is 10".

omni mining syndicate

planetary defense force (PDF)
INVESTMENT LEVEL........! 2 TROOP QUALITY ............. REP 3 LEADER QUALITY............. REP 4 TROOP MORAL ............... PDF QRS p. 80 BODY ARMOR ................. HARD PATROL MOVE ................ 8

PDF organization
PDF Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Grenadier with Assault Rifle and LAW 1x Gunner with SAW PDF SQUAD 1x Squad Leader with Assault Rifle (REP 4) 2x PDF Fireteams SUPPORT WEAPON TEAMS 1 x Heavy Machine Gun Team (Crew: 3) 1 x Rocket Laucher Team (Crew: 2) PDF PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader with Assault Rifle (REP 4) 1x Platoon Sergeant with Assault Rifle (REP 4) 1x Radio/Tech with Assault Rifle 1x Medic with Assault Rifle 4x Squads 2x Heavy Weapon Teams (one of each) NOTES

Drop.Zone.Aegis (DZA) corp.


Class : Light Type : Walker Speed : 12(Patrol)/18 Crew : 1 (REP 5) Front Armor : HARD Rear Armor : SOFT

- Main Gun : Fusion Gun (Beam, Small, p. 85) (Slow Firing Weapon) - Secondary Weapon : HMG (p.85) - Fire Support Heavy Battle Armor only : Main Gun : Plasma Gun (p. 85) Secondary Weapon : Fusion Gun (Beam, Small, p. 85) Attributes & Notes : Bad Design, Slow Firing. An HBA may only fire one gun on a single activation (If its the fusion gun then : Slow Firing).

BAD DESIGN : +1 to weapon impact when rolling on the Penetration Table. SLOW FIRING : Vehicles with a Slow Firing Weapon can only shoot when active (not in reaction).

omni mining syndicate

FREEDOM FIGHTERS (sweat workers)
INVESTMENT LEVEL........! 4 TROOP QUALITY ............. REP 3 LEADER QUALITY............. REP 3 TROOP MORAL ............... PDF QRS p. 80 BODY ARMOR ................. SOFT PATROL MOVE ................ 8

sweat workers organization

Workers Fireteam 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman with Assault Rifle Workers SQUAD 1x Squad Leader with Assault Rifle (1-4 = REP 3 ; 5-6 = REP 4) 2x Workers Fireteams NOTES Irregulars : A supervising leader can join the unit.


Class : Heavy Type : Anti-Grav Speed : 12 (Patrol)//24 Crew : 3 (REP 4) Front Armor : BTA Deck Armor : HARD Rear Armor : HARD Side Armor : EXO

- Main Gun : Heavy Laser Gun (Beam, Heavy, p. 85) - Secondary Weapon : HMG (p. 85) Attributes & Notes : Trusty Gear Point Defense

POINT DEFENSE : Micro lasers and electro-magnetic fields may cause ATGMs and Rockets to detonate prematurely. Roll 1d6: 1-3 the rocket is detroyed before hitting the AFV. TRUSTY GEAR : Some AFVs are heavily trusted by their crews. Roll 3d6 for the Clank Test.


INVESTMENT LEVEL........! 3 TROOP QUALITY ............. REP 4 LEADER QUALITY............. REP 5 TROOP MORAL ............... PDF QRS p. 80 BODY ARMOR ................. HARD PATROL MOVE ................ 8

unicorn organization
UU Maneuver Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader wIth Laser Rifle 1x Rifleman wIth Laser Rifle 1x Grenadier wIth Laser Rifle and Grenade Launcher 1x Gunner with Laser SAW UU Support Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader wIth Laser Rifle 1x Rifleman wIth Laser Rifle 1x Rifleman wIth Laser Rifle 1x ATGM Team (Anti-Air Launcher) with 2 crews. UU SQUAD 1x Squad Leader wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Medic wIth Laser Rifle 2x Maneuver Fireteams 1x Support Fireteam UU PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 1x Platoon Sergeant wIth Laser Rifle (REP 5) 2x Squads NOTES


2U medium tank (bullfrog)
Class : Medium Type : Anti-Grav Speed : 12 (Patrol)//24 Crew : 2 (REP 4) + 9 Front Armor : HARD Deck Armor : SOFT Rear Armor : SOFT Side Armor : HARD

- Main Gun : Medium Laser Gun (Beam, Medium, p. 91) or Heavy Laser Gun (Beam, Heavy, p. 85) - Secondary Weapon : HMG (p. 85) Attributes & Notes : Trusty Gear Point Defense

POINT DEFENSE : Micro lasers and electro-magnetic fields may cause ATGMs and Rockets to detonate prematurely. Roll 1d6: 1-3 the rocket is detroyed. TRUSTY GEAR : Some AFVs are heavily trusted by their crews. Roll 3d6 for the Clank Test.

planetary defense force (PDF)


Class : Heavy Type : Tracked Speed : 10 (Patrol)//16 Crew : 3 Front Armor : EXO Deck Armor : SOFT Rear Armor : SOFT Side Armor : EXO

- Main Gun : 120mm Heavy Gun (5 circle / 1 vehicle : SB 6 - HB 5 - EXO 4 - BTA 3) - Secondary Weapon : HMG (p. 85) Attributes & Notes : -

PDF APC (scorpion)

Class : Medium Type : Tracked Speed : 12/(Patrol)/ 24 Crew : 2+10 Front Armor : HARD Deck Armor : SOFT Rear Armor : SOFT Side Armor : HARD

- Main Gun : 30mm Gun (Projectile, Small, p. 82) - Secondary Weapon : HMG (p. 85) Attributes & Notes : -


2U scout (wolf)
Class : Small Type : Anti-Grav Speed : 18 (Patrol)//24 Crew : 2 (REP 4) + 4 Front Armor : HARD Deck Armor : SOFT Rear Armor : SOFT Side Armor : SOFT

- Main Gun : Light Laser Gun (Beam, Small, p. 85) or Rocket Launcher (p. 85)

Attributes & Notes : -

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