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Data Collection Timeline

Amanda, Kate & Hieu (Group 4) will be working together on their research project. Here are the roles of each team member:

Amanda: Leader, Editor

Kate: Data Collection and Data Analysis

Hieu: Data Collection and Data Analysis

Kate and Hieu are both at clinical sites that are affiliates of Johns Hopkins Hospital: with Kate being at the East Baltimore campus and Hieu at
their Sibley Memorial campus. The duties of data collection and data analysis will be shared between Kate & Hieu. Our case study will be
retrospective, focusing on analyzing former studies to evaluate flattening-free filter and flattening filter techniques, using the exact same
treatment planning software and data sets. We will be examining 1-10 patients for data collection using an experimental design methodology
and will follow a quantitative project template, focusing on evaluating treatment times while maintaining organ-at-risk dose constraints and
mean tumor dose. Our criteria for data collection are patients receiving volume-modulated radiation therapy to the lung at breath-hold. Hopkins
affiliated sites will be used for all data collection to maintain consistency and limit variables. Conference calls, design plan and authorship will be
constructed by Amanda.

Week Task Result Status
Amanda Create data collection timeline Timeline created Completed
Focus on collection, begin finding
patients whose cases fit our
Kate Collection process has been started Completed
1 research plan, anonymizing
patients as they are found
Assist in and fine tune collection,
Hieu Collection process has been started Completed
aim to limit variables
2 Hold first conference call and
Amanda Conference call held Completed
discuss any issues
Ensure we have at least 5 (5-10
Excel spreadsheet created, metric
Kate total) patients to anonymize, Completed
data added
enter metric data in spreadsheet
Hieu Ensure we have at least 5 (5-10 Data found and added to Completed
total) patients anonymized, enter spreadsheet
metric data in spreadsheet
Hold conference call and discuss
Amanda Conference call held Completed
any issues
Spreadsheet updated with metric
3 Kate Enter metric data in spreadsheet Completed
Try and find 2 more (5+) patients Continue to anonymize patient
Hieu Completed
to anonymize data
Editing of documents, conference
Hold conference call and discuss
call held.
Amanda any issues, begin editing Completed
Participate in zoom meeting with
statistics center.
Participate in zoom meeting with
Add additional metric to
4 the statistics center to discuss
Kate spreadsheet, set plan Completed
standardization. Discuss
standardization for case study
anonymization of patients.
Check plan standardization for Participate in zoom meeting.
Hieu case study, record any noted Solidify metrics for case study and Completed
issues or unseen variables discuss variables.
Hold conference call and discuss Continue editing documents, hold
Amanda Completed
any issues, continue editing weekly conference call
Have a set standard for case
Study standardization
5 Kate study, continue adding data into Completed
implemented; data added
Create logical flow to organize
Hieu Organize spreadsheet, add data Completed
Hold conference call and discuss Hold conference call, edit
Amanda Completed
any issues, continue editing documents
6 Kate Continue adding to spreadsheet Add data to spreadsheet Completed
Edit spreadsheet, ensure objectives
Hieu Edit spreadsheet, organize data Completed
are being met

Hold conference call and discuss Hold conference call, edit

7 Amanda Completed
any issues, continue editing documents
Kate Continue adding to spreadsheet Add data to spreadsheet Completed
Edit spreadsheet, ensure objectives
Hieu Edit spreadsheet, organize data Completed
are being met
Hold conference call and discuss
Hold conference call, edit
any issues, continue editing. Completed
Amanda documents
Work on outline assignment

Add data to spreadsheet, edit

8 Completed
Kate Edit outline assignment, add data assignment

Add data to spreadsheet, edit

Hieu Edit outline assignment, add data assignment

Submit outline assignment. Hold Hold conference call, edit

Amanda conference call and discuss any documents
issues, continue editing
Add data to spreadsheet, check
Add data to spreadsheet, edit as Completed
9 Kate correlation on previous
necessary per feedback
Ensure data correlates with
Add data to spreadsheet, edit as Completed
Hieu corrections made on
necessary per feedback
Hold conference call, edit
Hold conference call and discuss
Amanda documents Completed
any issues, continue editing
Add data to spreadsheet, edit as
Edit capstone assignment, add
10 Kate necessary per feedback Completed
Add data to spreadsheet, edit as
Edit capstone assignment, add
Hieu necessary per feedback Completed
Hold conference call and discuss
Hold conference call, edit and
any issues, continue editing.
Amanda submit documents Completed
Submit final capstone draft and
submission packet
11 Add data to spreadsheet, edit as
Kate Edit capstone draft necessary per feedback Completed

Add data to spreadsheet, edit as

Hieu Edit capstone draft necessary per feedback Completed

Complete peer reviews Complete peer reviews

Amanda Completed
Complete peer reviews Complete peer reviews
Kate Completed
Complete peer reviews Complete peer reviews
Hieu Completed

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