Sanitation Promoter

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Make a survey in a given locality and help people in th efollowing ways:
i. (a) Using clean water for drinking
(b)Demonstrate the process of filtering, boiling and storing water.
(c) Demonstrate the use of charcosl water filter
ii. Protecting grains from rats and other rodents
iii. Protecting cooked food from flies, mosquitos,dirt etc
iv. Showing the correct ways of disposing the waste and use of compost pit.
v. Educating people about the dangers of defecating in the open.
vi. Erecting the inexpensive and effective latrines.
vii. Convincing women on the use of smokeless Chulhass.
viii. Enthusing people belonging to at least 25 houses to use health salts with the
help of hand bills/ posters prepared by herself.

Water is the most important thing for human being because without water human being cannot
live. Water means safe water which is like for drink so we must preserve water and maintain
safe water for human beings. All diseases are in dirtywater which human beings drink then they
are in sick. Water is a fundamental human need. Each person on Earth requires at least 20 to 50
liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and simply keeping themselves clean.
Polluted water isn’t just dirty—it’s deadly. Some 1.8 million people die every year of diarrheal
diseases like cholera. Tens of millions of others are seriously sickened by a host of water-related
ailments—many of which are easily preventable. Water is obviously essential for hydration and for
food production—but sanitation is an equally important, and complementary, use of water. A lack
of proper sanitation services not only breeds disease, it can rob people of their basic human dignity.

"Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink," as the old saying goes. A more apt statement for
these times might be, "water, water everywhere, but is it safe to drink?" And if it's not, what is a
reliable water purification process?
Sadly, in this day and age there are few, if any, places where the water is safe to drink without
treating, no matter how pristine and inviting it may look.
Water in the wild often contains harmful microorganisms, bacteria and parasites that can cause a
variety of ailments, such as giardia, dysentery, hepatitis, and hookworms. Luckily, however, we're
going to learn a few simple ways how to purify water to make it safe for consumption.
I. How to Purify Water — Water Purification Process: boiling
The simplest method to purify water is probably boiling.
You need to bring the water to a full, rolling boil for at least five minutesto be safe, with some
experts recommending an even longer time. The down side to boiling your drinking water is that it
removes the oxygen and the water ends up tasting flat. You can improve its quality by pouring it
back and forth between two containers to put oxygen back in, or simply shake it up.
II. Water Purification Process: purifiers
There are also several chemical purifiers on the market. Iodine comes in either liquid form, (which
can be messy), or tablet form.
One to two tablets or drops will clear up a quart of water. Shake your water bottle or container and
wait twenty minutes before drinking. Water treated with iodine will have a darker color and a bit of
an unpleasant flavor.
It is possible to mask this flavor by adding a powdered drink mix, but be sure to wait the twenty
minutes before adding it, as it will interfere with the iodine's effectiveness.
Other chemical treatments to purify water that work similarly to iodine are chlorine tablets,
potassium permanganate, or halazone tablets. You should be able to pick these up fairly cheaply at
most outdoor stores.
You can even add a few drops of bleach in a pinch, though I wouldn't recommend overusing this
one. It is important when using chemical purification to make sure all surfaces have been
After waiting the twenty minutes, slightly unscrew the lid of your water bottle or container and
rinse around the threads and lid. The nice thing about using tablets is the container is very small and
portable and can be slipped into a pocket, a plus if you do not want to carry a stove or pot, or take
the time to boil water. Chemical treatment can be done on the hoof with minimal stopping time.
III. Water Purification Process: filters
A third method of treatment is commercial filters. These come in all shapes, sizes and price ranges.
Most work by pushing the water through a charcoal or ceramic filter and then chemically treating it.
Normally, they have one hose with a float that goes from the water source to the filter and a second
hose, for clean water, that goes from filter to water bottle. When using this type of filter it is
important to not cross contaminate the hoses. Keep the clean hose in a separate plastic bag so it
never touches the contaminated hose. The plus side to this method of how to purify water is that
there is no flat or funky flavor. Commercial filters are also good for when the water is on the murky
or dirty side, as they will remove this also. The drawback is that the sediment or tannins that you
are filtering out will quickly clog up the filter. Some can be cleaned, with others you need to buy a
replacement filter. Like all technical equipment, cost and breakage are things to be considered.
IV. Water Purification Process: primitive methods
Beyond these common methods, there are more primitive techniques for the serious survivalists (or
the unlucky person who was caught unprepared).

One is filtering through soil or, preferably, sand. Keep rinsing the water repeatedly through the sand
until it is looking clear. A variation of this is to dig a hole near where the source is and use the
water that filters through into the hole. Be aware, that although soil is a good filter for sediment and
other particles, it is not a guarantee for things like bacteria. This is even true for spring water, which
many people assume is safe to drink without treatment.
Distilling is a method that can be used for either collecting water or gathering fresh water out of salt
To collect water from the ground, dig a deep hole and place a collecting container or water bottle in
the center.
Cover the hole with a clear sheet of plastic. The plastic needs to be weighted in the center with a
rock or heavy object so that it points down into the container.
Then, secure the sides of the plastic tightly around the hole, such as by covering with dirt. The clear
plastic acts like a greenhouse. The water in the soil evaporates as it heats up. When it hits the plastic
it runs down to the point and drips off into the container. If all you have is salt water, you can distill
it by placing a small pot inside a larger pot. The salty water goes in the larger pot but not the
smaller one.
Invert a lid over the pots that will point down into the smaller pot, then bring the water to a boil. As
the water boils, fresh water will evaporate, hit the lid and drip down into the smaller pot, leaving the
salt, or other minerals behind.
Charcoal Water Filters

Active charcoal carbon filters are most effective at removing chlorine, sediment, volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), taste and odour from water. They are not effective at removing minerals, salts,
and dissolved inorganic compounds.
When you start researching the best kinds of home water-filtering systems, you will certainly hear a
lot about charcoal water filters. Most of us think of charcoal as those little black bricks that we use
to barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs in the summertime. It is true that the charcoal that is used to
make campfires and for grills is the same substance that does a great job filtering water for human
consumption. It’s a good idea to know more about how charcoal water filters work so you can make
an informed decision before you invest in your own water filtration system.
The heart of any home water-filtering system is the filter itself and that is where a charcoal water
filter stands out. As you may know, charcoal itself is the outcome of a process of where wood and
other organic matter is heated together in an oxygen-free system. A lot of things come out of this
refining process, but charcoal is one of the most useful products of that burning and has a lot of
diverse uses including water filters.

Charcoal often has air pockets buried inside the hard black material. That combination is one reason
charcoal is such a great medium for fires used to make those hamburgers. Along with how well
charcoal burns, the characteristic that makes it so great in the form of a water filter is it traps gases
and contaminants in any water that passes through the filter. Aquasana charcoal water filters take
advantage of the natural ability of charcoal to trap unwanted contaminants to produce a superior
filtering product.
When a charcoal water filter is designed, the manufacturer generally uses a variation of the material
called activated charcoal. Activated charcoal has been processed so it is even more porous than
conventional charcoal. That additional processing makes activated charcoal very good at trapping
unwanted substances that are in the water so they do not make it to your tap.
Activated charcoal water filters can absorb a tremendous amount of substances and trap
contaminants for quite some time before you should change the filter out. For example, just one cc
of charcoal can trap 90 times that much water contaminants in a very small space. That makes an
activated charcoal water filter a tremendously efficient water purification system for your home.
Another quality of charcoal water filters that makes this design a good choice is that they do not
filter out the natural minerals in your drinking water. We get a lot of minerals from drinking water
that are essential to health. If a water filtration system were to remove those minerals, you would
have to find ways to replace that source of nutrition or there could be negative health repercussion
for you and your family. If you select a charcoal water filter design when you buy a home water
processing system, you don’t have that issue to worry about. The health benefits are the primary
reason that Aquasana supports charcoal water filter systems for the benefit of its customers.
When shopping for a high-quality water purification system, you can have confidence if the styles
or models you are considering use the charcoal water filter approach to water purity. It is a design
of water purification that has been in use for quite some time and it has been proven time and time
again to be reliable and healthy in keeping your water healthy for you and your family to drink.

An alternative if you don't have a smaller pot is to put a cloth over the pot the will absorb the steam.
Use caution when removing it to wring it out so you don't get burned.
For another primitive method of how to purify water, see our article on Boiling Water with Stones.
Above all, be cautious and use common sense when choosing where to gather your water.
Do the plants surrounding it look healthy?
Are there dead animals near by that might have contaminated it?
Don't collect any water that looks stagnant. Generally, water that is further upstream will be cleaner
than that downstream, but there are no guarantees.
Don't automatically go for the fasting rushing water, as fast water carries more sediment. You can
avoid picking up a lot of sediment by making sure you dunk your water bottle completely under the
water. This will avoid all the dirt and debris that floats on the surface.
With so many ways to purify water, there should be something for everyone and no reason to ever
take chances drinking untreated water.

There are die-hards out there who will argue that the risk is small and not worth worrying about.
But a nasty case of beaver fever in the back country can be not only uncomfortable, but life
Diarrhea and vomiting can cause serious dehydration and sap your strength to the point that you can
get yourself to safety.

If you are going to spend time in the outdoors, always make sure you have at least one, if not two or
more, methods for purifying water. It's vital to know water purification process methods. Make sure
you view our Giardia article to be aware of the hazards of water that has not been purified.


How to detect rats
Squeaking and scratching noises
- Odour
- Rat droppings and urine marks
- Burrows
- Damage, such as torn bags, spoiled grains
- Chewed window and door sills
- Feet and tail marks on dusty floors, shelves, or table tops
- Grease marks
Prolific pests
Factors contributing to high rat population:
The life span of a rat is 12 to 18 months.
- Rats breed continuously throughout the year.
- First menses begins 4896 hrs after puberty.
- Rats are sexually mature at 6 to 11 weeks..
- A female gives birth to 5 to 21 young at one time.
- A female reproduces 4-6 times in a year.
Rats are a costly, unhealthy nuisance virtually everywhere they spread disease, destroy crops in the
field, destroy stored food, damage household property, and damage forest and fruit trees. Rats
consume and destroy more than 20 million tonnes of field crops, and more than 33 million tonnes of
crops in storage around the world each year. In India alone, rats damage 11 million tonnes of crops
annually with their urine, parasite carrying faeces, hairs, and secretions.
There is no way to get rid of rats completely. Rats can, however, be controlled through a program
of prevention and destruction.
Rat prevention
- Keep food in rat-proof containers.
- Keep left-over food in bins with tightly fitted lids.
- Do not pile rubbish, timber, or bricks near grain stores.
Rat destruction
When fields are flooded during monsoon, rats remigrate and concentrate near residential areas for
food and shelter. As well, rats tend to breed during the rainy season. Therefore, though rats should
be controlled throughout the year, trapping and poisoning rats during the monsoon is most effective.
Trapped rats should be drowned in their cages in a pond.

Mechanical methods
Field rats-Bamboo bow and arrow traps, pot traps and break-back bans are useful for catching field
rats. Break-back traps, as their name implies, are deadly.
Household rats-Rat trapping is an age-old practice. Spring traps and multiple cage traps are
common for protecting food in
Some types of traps
Prevent entry into grain storage areas
- Plug holes with pieces of glass, cement, and plaster.
- Make sure doors fit tightly. Construct a solid platform 75 cm high-without steps or ladders-on
which to store your grain.
- Fix metal sheets at the base of the door.
Flooding and smoking
Flood and smoke rat burrows in the field. For best results, this should be a coordinated, community
effort, targeting as many rat burrows as possible.
Cornered rats can be clubbed with long, heavy sticks.
Chemical methods
Chemicals that kill rats are known as rodenticides. They can be single-dose or multiple-dose
poisons. Among these are: zinc phosphide, barium carbonate, Warfarin, Rodafarin, Pival, and
Restions. These compounds are highly toxic and cause rats to haemorrhage.
Types of bait
Three types of bait are generaly available.
Ready-to-use Rats can be fed directly when bait is of the ready-to-use type.
- Dry concentrate - Thoroughly mix 25 g of bait with 450 g of wheat flour, 10 g of edible oil, and
15 g of sugar or jaggery Do not add water.
Water-soluble baits-These are useful in rat reduction campaigns when rat infestation and
temperatures are high. Mix one part bait with 20 parts of water. Put in a shallow container from
which rats can drink.
How to use bait it, Before any poison is used, train the rats for a few days to eat unbaited food. Put
the food in shallow containers and place these along rat runs and dark areas where the rats can eat
without being disturbed. This makes the rats used to feeding on a particular food. This is called pre-
baiting. After a time, add the poison to the bait.
Baits can also be pushed into rat burrows. This is called "torpedo baiting
Dead rats should be buried.
Unburied dead rats are a health hazard and pollute me environment.
Delayed - action baits
Zinc phosphide kills rats instantly. Warfarin and other poisons kill after 6-7 days.
Rats are intelligent animals.
After a few rats die from zinc phosphide, other rats or 11 not eat this bait. Use Warfarin or other
delayedaction poisons to ensure effective control.
Keep bait away from poultry and children.
After eating bait, rats look for water to drink. Therefore, keep all your drinking water protected,
away from rats.

Safe Food Storage
One of the tragedies in communities that produce food is that much of the food goes bad because of
weather, pests, or other causes. Safe food storage is as important as the ability to grow food in the
first place.

Protect stored grains from pests

After harvest, much grain is lost to rodents, insect pests, or rot. To protect grains in storage:

 Dry and store the grains as soon after harvest as possible to avoid loss in the fields. Well-dried
grains should be soft enough to break with your teeth and dry enough that they make a good
cracking noise.
 Store dried grains in well-sealed, clean containers in a place protected from moisture and pests.
 Smoke the grain before it is stored to kill pests.
 Repel insects, but not rodents, with wood ash and plants such as hot chilies, eucalyptus, and
other strong smelling plants. (If grain is already infected with pests, the protection will not
work.) Dry the eucalyptus leaf, chili seeds, or other plant and grind it to a powder. Mix 1 handful
of the powder with each kilo of grain or beans to keep insects out. Be careful not to breathe in
the powder. More time and effort are needed to wash the grains before eating, but there will be
more grain to eat.

Rodents stay away from open spaces.Clear the area of weeds and other cover. Rodents are
attracted to food waste and protected, dark areas where they can nest. Remove these the area.
Rodents can squeeze through very small holes.Keep storage containers well sealed and repair any
holes quickly.
Rodents can leap. Keep grain storage containers high off the ground.
Rodents can climb.Clear away anything touching the storage container and put collars around its
Rodents are scaredof dogs and cats, so keep these animals in the area.

Grain storage containers keep out rodents such as rats, mice, and squirrels.

Storing fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk

Sun, and heat from cooking, will dry maize placed on a roof.

Fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk are full of moisture. Moisture is needed by the bacteria and
fungus that cause rot. Keeping foods cold or frozen will slow down the rotting process. When there
is no way to store foods cold, they can still be preserved by:

 drying. Foods can be dried in the sun, in an oven on very low heat, or by putting them in salt. If
kept away from pests and moisture, dried foods can be stored for a very long time.
 smoking. Foods put over a smoky fire will be preserved both by the drying that happens and by
the smoke. Meats are commonly preserved by smoking.
 fermenting. Fermenting, like rotting, is the process of letting bacteria and fungus change food.
But unlike rotting, fermenting allows only certain kinds of bacteria and fungus to grow. Cheese
and some kinds of sour breads are fermented foods. Fermented foods can be more nutritious and
easier to digest than the food they are made from.
 pickling and jarring. Fruits, vegetables, and meats are soaked in vinegar and kept in covered or
sealed containers. The sourness of the vinegar keeps bacteria and fungus from growing. Fruits
can be cooked in sugar syrup and sealed in boiled jars to preserve them.

Storing root crops

Root crops can last a long time if they are stored in places that are dark, fairly dry, cold, and safe
from pests. Layering root crops in straw or sawdust so they do not touch each other keeps them

How to make a natural refrigerator

Two clay pots of different sizes, one placed inside the other.
Food or drink is placed inside the smaller pot and covered with a damp cloth.
The space between the pots is filled with wet sand that is kept always moist.
This natural refrigerator works best in dry, hot climate.

A Nigerian teacher named Mohammed Bah Abba developed a method called the “Pot-in-Pot” to
store food where there is no electricity.

Leave the Pot-in-Pot in a dry, open place. As dry air surrounds it, water in the sand passes through
the outer surface of the larger pot, making it stay cool. When the water passes from the sand, the
inner container is cooled, destroying harmful germs and preserving the food inside. The only
maintenance is washing and replacing the sand every so oft
Some of the common kitchen pests are ants, fleas, flies, mosquitoes,cockroaches, anay, rats,
and mice. These pests endanger your health and destroy property. They live in dark, damp, and
dirty places. Some live in pools of stagnant water, piles of garbage, decaying bodies of dead
animals and empty cans. Cleanliness and sunshine will help keep them away.

The flies are the most dangerous of these pests. They carry typhoid, cholera, and other intestinal
disease germs to your food. They breed in animal manure, human wastes, and decaying garbage.
They multiply rapidly. Get rid of the breeding places by spraying them

with lime, ashes, or sand. Keep your house and surroundings clean and sanitary. Bury your garbage,
cover and bury manure, and burn all refuse. 
Food and food odors attract flies. Keep all food where flies cannot reach them, or at least cover
them. Swat the flies or trap them. A good trap is the fly paper.

Fogging is another method of getting rid of flies. This is sometimes undertaken by the government.
large areas are fogged at a time, usually at night. 

Ants are attracted by food. The little red ants crawl through seams of tables or cupboards and
swarm over food and especially sweets. The best way to get rid of ants is to find their nest and
destroy the eggs. Pour insecticide or boiling water where they breed or stick cotton pads soaked
with petroleum in the cracks.

Keep them away from food by setting the legs of tables or cupboards in tin cans filled with a 50-50
mixture of water and kerosene. Sprinkling the ant's line of travel with salt also helps drive them

Cockroaches carry disease and dirt wherever they go. They give off an offensive odor which they
leave on food and the places they infest. They roam and look for food at night. During the day, they
hide in cracks, behind shelves and built-in cabinets that are seldom aired. They are attracted to dirty
brushes, dishcloths, and wet rags. 

Protect all food by covering them well or keeping them in insect-proof cabinets. Use food covers
made of fine mess wire. 

Mosquito bites cause annoying itchiness, besides transmitting disease germs. Mosquitoes lay their
eggs in stagnant water in tins, water tanks, bamboo fence posts, and dirty water from your kitchen
drain that collect under your house. The eggs of the mosquito are hatched into wrigglers in 24
hours. They swim under the water for food, but come up to the surface to breathe. 

To kill the wrigglers, pour kerosene on all surface and stagnant water. This will form a filmy layer
on the surface of the water and thus prevent the wrigglers from breathing. Without air they die.

Destroy all breeding places

of mosquitoes. Drain or fill up pools of stagnant water, barrels, and broken tanks where water
stands. Or fill ponds with goldfish, tilapia, minnows, and other fish of the same type. These will eat
up the wrigglers. Rid your surroundings of dead plants, weeds, and tall grass which are good hiding
places for mosquitoes.
Fleas are carried into the house by household pets, like cats and dogs. They are also carried by rats
and mice. They are carriers of germs of the bubonic plague. When a flea bites a diseased rat, the
germs are taken in with the blood. When this same flea bites a person, the germs are then
transmitted. The germs multiply rapidly until the person bitten suffers the disease. 

House cats and dogs should be bathed often and their hair brushed. The rags on which these pets
sleep should be dipped in boiling water. Naphthalene balls will help drive fleas away.

White ants or anay are pests that eat up the inside of posts, joists, and other timber of the house.
Before you know it, your house is ready to fall. These termites work underground in colonies. they
reach the wood through tunnels. Look for these tunnels and scrape them away. Scrape also the runs
through which they crawl and rub them with petroleum or black tar. The part of the house that
touches the ground is set house posts on concrete or adobe foundation. Exterminators will rid your
house of white ants for a fee.

Rats and mice are very dirty and destructive. They eat food and clothing and gnaw holes in the
wood. All holes and openings in the house should be rat-proffed. Keep food beyond their reach.
Bits of food and crumbs attract them and these should be swept away.

To get rid of rats and mice, use rat traps. These traps are baited with food. Sometimes rat poison is
mixed with some food. This kind of bait should be placed where children cannot reach it. A good
cat will help drive rats and mice away. 

Utmost cleanliness and plenty of sunshine in the house and surroundings will help in controlling
thse pests. 

Waste management is the process of treating solid wastes and offers variety of solutions for
recycling items that don’t belong to trash. It is about how garbage can be used as a valuable
resource. Waste management is something that each and every household and business owner
in the world needs. Waste management disposes of the products and substances that you have
use in a safe and efficient manner.


(a) Cover 
Waste containers should be properly covered by close fitting lids to prevent access of pests and

(b) Cleaning and Maintenance 

Waste containers should be thoroughly washed regularly with detergent and water to remove the
dirt and residues. Waste containers with cracks should immediately be replaced. Use of bamboo
baskets as waste containers and storage of waste in lanes or pavement are strictly prohibited. If
there is a waste / refuse storage room in the food premises, its walls, floors and ceilings should be
kept clean and maintained in good condition. There should be no ponding of water on the floor after

(c) Frequency of Emptying 
Waste and refuse should be removed at a frequency that will minimize the development of

objectionable odour and other risk of attracting or harbouring pests or animals, but should at least
be once daily.

          Waste is a potential source of pathogens and food contaminants. Proper disposal of waste is
important for preventing the spread of pathogens inside food premises and contamination of food.
Properly maintained waste containers can discourage the access of pests and animals. 

Various Methods of Waste Disposal

Although there are many methods available to dispose off waste. Let’s take a look at some of the
most commonly used methods that you should know about waste management.
Throwing daily waste/garbage in the landfills is the most popularly used method of waste disposal
used today. This process of waste disposal focuses attention on burying the waste in the
land. Landfills are commonly found in developing countries. There is a process used that eliminates
the odors and dangers of waste before it is placed into the ground. While it is true this is the most
popular form of waste disposal, it is certainly far from the only procedure and one that may also
bring with it an assortment of space.
This method is becoming less these days although, thanks to the lack of space available and the
strong presence of methane and other landfill gases, both of which can cause numerous
contamination problems. Landfills give rise to air and water pollution which severely affects the
environment and can prove fatal to the lives of humans and animals. Many areas are reconsidering
the use of landfills.
Incineration or combustion is a type disposal method in which municipal solid wastes are burned at
high temperatures so as as to convert them into residue and gaseous products. The biggest
advantage of this type of method is that it can reduce the volume of solid waste to 20 to 30 percent
of the original volume, decreases the space they take up and reduce the stress on landfills.
This process is also known as thermal treatment where solid waste materials are converted
by Incinerators into heat, gas, steam and ash. Incineration is something that is very in countries
where landfill space is no longer available, which includes Japan.
Recovery and Recycling
Resource recovery is the process of taking useful discarded items for a specific next use. These
discarded items are then processed to extract or recover materials and resources or convert them to
energy in the form of useable heat, electricity or fuel.
Recycling is the process of converting waste products into new products to prevent energy usage
and consumption of fresh raw materials. Recycling is the third component of Reduce, Reuse and
Recycle waste hierarchy. The idea behind recycling is to reduce energy usage, reduce volume of
landfills, reduce air and water pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve natural
resources for future use.
Plasma gasification
Plasma gasification is another form of waste management. Plasma is a primarily an electrically
charged or a highly ionized gas. Lighting is one type of plasma which produces temperatures that
exceed 12,600 °F . With this method of waste disposal, a vessel uses characteristic plasma torches
operating at +10,000 °F which is  creating a gasification zone till 3,000 °F for the conversion of
solid or liquid wastes into a syngas.

During the treatment solid waste by plasma gasification, the waste’s molecular bonds are broken
down as result of the  intense heat in the vessels and the elemental components. Thanks to this
process, destruction of waste and dangerous materials is found. This form of waste disposal
provides renewable energy and an assortment of other fantastic benefits.

Composting is a easy and natural bio-degradation process that takes organic wastes i.e. remains of
plants and garden and kitchen waste and turns into nutrient rich food for your plants. Composting,
normally used for organic farming, occurs by allowing organic materials to sit in one place for
months until microbes decompose it. Composting is one of the best method of waste disposal as it
can turn unsafe organic products into safe compost. On the other side, it is slow process and takes
lot of space.
and turns it to
Waste to Energy (Recover Energy)
Waste to energy(WtE) process involves converting of non-recyclable waste items  into useable heat,
electricity, or fuel through a variety of processes. This type of source of energy is a renewable
energy source as non-recyclable waste can be used over and over again to create energy. It can also
help to reduce carbon emissions by offsetting the need for energy from fossil sources. Waste-to-
Energy, also widely recognized by its acronym WtE is the generation of energy in the form of heat
or electricity from waste.

Avoidance/Waste Minimization
The most easier method of waste management is to reduce creation of waste materials thereby
reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. Waste reduction can be done through recycling old
materials like jar, bags, repairing broken items instead of buying new one, avoiding use of
disposable products like plastic bags, reusing second hand items, and buying items that uses less
Recycling and composting are a couple of the best methods of waste management. Composting is
so far only possible on a small scale, either by private individuals or in areas where waste can be
mixed with farming soil or used for landscaping purposes. Recycling is widely used around the
world, with plastic, paper and metal leading the list of the most recyclable items. Most material
recycled is reused for its original purpose.
The Bottom Line
There are certain waste types that are considered as hazardous and cannot be disposed of without
special handling which will prevent contamination from occurring. Biomedical waste is one

example of such. This is found in health care facilities and similar institutions. The special waste
disposal system for this unit in place to dispose of this type of waste.
As you can see there are plenty of important things that you should know about waste management
and disposal in order to ensure that you are safe, as well as that you are keeping the environment
safe. It is your choices as to how you will dispose of waste, however it is always in your best
interest to take a look at all of the options that you have available before making the choice.
Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. At the simplest level, the process of composting
requires making a heap of wet organic matter known as green waste (leaves, food waste) and
waiting for the materials to break down into humus after a period of weeks or months.How do
you make a compost pit?
1. Dig the hole for your compost pit. ...
2. Chop your composting materials finely. ...
3. Add the organic materials to the compost pit. ...
4. Place a board over the hole if you plan to add more scraps. ...
5. Cover your compost with soil. ...
6. Keep the compost pit wet while it is decomposing. ...
7. Sow plants above the compost after it has decomposed.

Compost can be used as an additive to soil, or other matrices such as coir and peat, as a tilth improver,
supplying humus and nutrients. It provides a rich growing medium, or a porous, absorbent material that
holds moisture and soluble minerals, providing the support and nutrients in which plants can flourish,
although it is rarely used alone, being primarily mixed with soil, sand, grit, bark
chips, vermiculite, perlite, or clay granules to produce loam. Compost can be tilled directly into the soil
or growing medium to boost the level of organic matter and the overall fertility of the soil. Compost that
is ready to be used as an additive is dark brown or even black with an earthy smell.[18]
Generally, direct seeding into a compost is not recommended due to the speed with which it may dry
and the possible presence of phytotoxins that may inhibit germination, and the possible tie up of
nitrogen by incompletely decomposed lignin.[7] It is very common to see blends of 20–30% compost
used for transplanting seedlings at cotyledon stage or later.

Open defecation is the practice of people defecating outside and not into a designated toilet. The
term is widely used in literature about water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) issues in developing
countries. Open defecation causes public health problems in areas where people defecate in fields,
urban parks, rivers, and open trenches in close proximity to the living space of others.
Eliminating open defecation is the main aim of improving access to sanitation worldwide and is a
proposed indicator for sustainable development goals. Even if toilets are available, people still need
to be convinced to refrain from open defecation and use toilets. Therefore, the need for behavioural
change is critical in addition to the provision of toilets. A preference for open defecation may be
due to traditional cultural practices or lack of access to toilets, or both
Disadvantages of open air defecation:
Our country’s rural areas and city slums dwellers who have no means of sanitation are forced to
defecate in the open of which the numbers of are too high. It is estimated about 60 million people or
65 percent of the population defecate in open places. The damages are countless. Open air
defecation causes serious health, personal security and privacy issues.

Health ill-effects associated with open air defecation:

Open air defecation, lack of general sanitation and hygiene leads to various diseases, especially
diarrhea and intestinal infections and also typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, polio, trachoma and other
diseases. It also leads to malnutrition and stunted growth in children. Some diseases are transmitted
through faecal pathogens via water and are known to be waterborne infections. Infected surface
water wells and hand pumps may cause serious health hazards.

Open air defecation is major cause of diarrheal deaths. WHO in 2014 found in a research that death
of children up-to 5years is approximately 2,000 per day from diarrhea, which makes it a prime
salient killer.

Children abstain from practicing hand washing and faeco-oral spread is very common occurrence.
Open air defecation puts children at great risk of disease spread by faeco-oral route. Practice of
hand washing with soap to avoid infection is of paramount importance also in adults to prevent the
spread of disease. Open defecation becomes a mammoth problem in places where the population
density very high. Provisions should be made in such areas so that Open defecation is not practiced
in the urban slums.

Security and impacts on women:

Purdah system is forced on women living in conservative cultures but double standards of sex
differentiation where women are asked to defecate in open. It also causes a big issue of safety of
women as sexual crimes in such places is not unheard of. It also causes barrier in girls education as
the events of aggravation and eve-teasings impose ban on academic credentials and seeps down
banning studies and ceasing women liberalization.

To setup an Indian style research cum action latrine or RCA latrine costs around ₹5000-7500.
Public toilets are usually a failure as the maintenance is a tough job and sparsely practiced. Key
drivers that may help eradicate open defecation are:

* The awareness drives focus on behavior change and broadening the thought process of the rural
India. It gives a better outlook to people and is a necessity.
* Research of better Sanitation solutions that offer a better value than current modalities.
* Strengthening the panchayats NGO’s and private sector participations to give better and an
accurate local service delivery system.
* Political will is an important determinant for checking dedication of government towards
prevention of open defecation and implementation of its strategies to provide better sanitation
* Creating a right incentive structures which may be linked to AADHAR cards for people who
volunteer for making latrine in their households.

Drawing of a simple pit latrine with a squatting pan and shelter[

A pit latrine or pit toilet is a type of toilet that collects human feces in a hole in the ground. They
use either no water or one to three liters per flush with pour-flush pit latrines.[2] When properly built
and maintained they can decrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human feces in
the environment from open defecation.[3][4] This decreases the transfer of pathogensbetween feces
and food by flies.[3] These pathogens are major causes of infectious diarrhea and intestinal worm
infections.[4]Infectious diarrhea resulted in about 700,000 deaths in children under five years old in
2011 and 250 million lost school days.[4][5] Pit latrines are the lowest cost method of separating feces
from people.[3] A pit latrine generally consists of three major parts: a hole in the ground, a slab or
floor with a small hole, and a shelter.[2] The shelter is often known as an outhouse. The pit is
typically at least 3 meters (10 feet) deep and 1 m (3.2 feet) across.[2] The World Health
Organization recommends they be built a reasonable distance from the house balancing issues of
easy access versus that of smell.[3] The distance from groundwater and surface water should be as
large as possible to decrease the risk of groundwater pollution. The hole in the slab should not be
larger than 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) to prevent children falling in. Light should be prevented
from entering the pit to reduce access by flies. This may require the use of a lid to cover the hole in
the floor when not in use.[3] When the pit fills to within 0.5 meters (1.6 feet) of the top, it should be
either emptied or a new pit constructed and the shelter moved or re-built at the new location.[6] Fecal
sludge management involves emptying pits as well as transporting, treating and using the collected
fecal sludge. If this is not carried out properly, water pollution and public healthrisks can occur.
A basic pit latrine can be improved in a number of ways. One includes adding a ventilation pipe
from the pit to above the structure. This improves airflow and decreases the smell of the toilet. It
also can reduce flies when the top of the pipe is covered with mesh (usually made out of fiberglass).
In these types of toilets a lid need not be used to cover the hole in the floor.[6] Other possible
improvements include a floor constructed so fluid drains into the hole and a reinforcement of the
upper part of the pit with bricks, blocks, or cement rings to improve stability.[2][6]
Pit latrines are often built in developing countries even in situations where they are not
recommended. These include (adapted from [22]):

 Frequent flooding, resulting in inoperable toilet systems and the contamination of water
 Unfavourable soil conditions, such as unstable or rocky soil and high water table, making pit-
based sanitation difficult and expensive;
 When groundwater is the primary source of drinking water and is likely to be contaminated by
pit-based sanitation (for example in denser settlements or with unfavourable hydrogeological
 Limited land space restricts the excavation of new pits if full pit latrines are usually not
 Indoor installations are preferred as they provide greater comfort and security at night thus
making them more accessible for all
In conditions where pit latrines are not suitable for the above-mentioned reasons, the installations of
other types of toilets should be considered, e.g. the urine-diverting dry toilet

Pit latrines collects human feces in a hole in the ground. The principle of a pit latrine is that all
liquids that enter the pit‍—‌in particular urine and water used for anal cleansing‍—‌seep into the
ground (the only exception are fully lined pit latrines, see below).
Ventilated improved pit
The ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) is a pit latrine with a black pipe (vent pipe) fitted to the pit
and a screen (flyscreen) at the top outlet of the pipe. VIP latrines are an improvement to overcome
the disadvantages of simple pit latrines, e.g. fly and mosquito nuisance and unpleasant odours. The
smell is carried upwards by the chimney effect and flies are prevented from leaving the pit and
spreading disease.[2]
The principal mechanism of ventilation in VIP latrines is the action of wind blowing across the top
of the vent pipe. The wind creates a strong circulation of air through the superstructure, down
through the squat hole, across the pit and up and out of the vent pipe. Unpleasant faecal odours
from the pit contents are thus sucked up and exhausted out of vent pipe, leaving the superstructure
odour-free. In some cases solar-powered fans are added giving a constant outwards flow from the
vent pipe.
Flies searching for an egg-laying site are attracted by faecal odours coming from the vent pipe, but
they are prevented from entering by the flyscreen at the outlet of the vent pipe. Some flies may
enter into the pit via the squat hole and lay their eggs there. When new adult flies emerge, they
instinctively fly towards light. However, if the latrine is dark inside, the only light they can see is at
the top of the vent pipe. Since the vent pipe is covered by a fly screen at the top, flies will not be
able to escape and eventually will die and fall back into the pit.
To ensure that there is a flow of air through the latrine, there must be adequate ventilation of the
superstructure. This is usually achieved by leaving openings above and below the door, or by
constructing a spiral wall without a door.[23]
Covering the feces with an absorbent decreases smell and discourages flies. These may include soil,
sawdust, ash, or lime, among others.[6] In developing countries, the use of absorbents in pit toilets is
not commonly practiced.
Twin pit designs
A further possible improvement is the use of a second pit which is used in alternation with the first
pit. It means that the first pit can rest for the duration of time it takes to fill up the second pit. When
the second pit is also full, then the first pit is emptied. The faecal sludge collected in that first pit
has in the meantime undergone some degree of pathogen reduction although this is unlikely to be
complete. This is a common design for so-called twin-pit pour flush toilets and increases the safety
for those having to enter the pit.[2] Also VIPs are sometimes built with two pits, although for VIP
toilets one problem can be that the users may not stick to this alternation method and fill up both
pits at the same time.
Pour-flush pit latrine

Pour–flush pit latrine schematic showing squatting pan with water seal
In a pour–flush pit latrine, a squatting toilet with a water seal (U-trap or siphon) is used over one or
two offset pits instead of a plain hole or seat. Therefore, these types of toilets do require water for
flushing but otherwise have many of the same characteristics as simple pit latrines and are for this
reason subsumed under the term "pit latrine". The faecal sludge that is removed from the full pits of
twin-pit pour-pour flush pit latrines is somewhat safer to handle and reuse than the faecal sludge
from single pit pour-flush latrines, although significant health risks remain in either case and are a
cause for concern.

A counterweight slab (called SaTo pan) installed in a pit latrine in Rwanda, converting it to a pour
flush pit latrine
An alternative to U-trap or siphon designs is to incorporate a counter-weighted trap door
mechanism that provides an air-tight water seal in the closed position.[24] Addition of a small
amount of water (generally less than 500 ml) overcomes the counterweight and allows the faecal
matter to enter the pit.[25] The devices are sold under the name of "SaTo pan" for as little as $1.85
USD and more than 800,000 of them have been installed worldwide since introduction in 2013.[26]
Cat hole
A cat hole is a one-time use pit toilet often utilized by campers, hikers and
other outdoor recreationalists. It is also called the "cat method" and simply means digging a
little hole just large enough for the feces of one defecation event which is afterwards covered
with soil.


Chulha' is a Hindi word meaning 'Cookstove' or 'fire place.' Cook stoves that burn biomass such as
firewood, agricultural waste and dried animal dung are called biomass stoves. The biomass stoves
cater to the cooking needs of 75 per cent of India's 850 million population. The fixed chulha with
smoke removal facility is referred to as Smokeless Chulha. They are adaptations of traditional
chulhas designed to save fuel by better combustion through better shielding of the fire and
provision for air supply and removal of smoke. The smokeless chuiha claim a thermal efficiency of
20 per cent or more.Performance of a chuiha as a collective term for the power output of the fire,
the range of power output, efficiency, the ease of starting, reduction in tar formation, ease of
maintenance and life expectancy. Performance testing of biomass stoves is done to determine their
thermal efficiency and emission levels.

Improved Thermal Efficiency- Replacement of the traditional chulhas by smokeless chulhas having
double or higher thermal efficiency is thus an economic investment.
Reduction in Cooking Time- Less time is needed to cook the same amount of food with a thermally
efficient improved chulhas. Hence, the family may save on cooking time. The time saved in such
cases can be allocated to other productive activities.
Reduced Smoke Emission-Absence of smoke in the kitchen as the main reason for switching over
to smokeless chulha. Removal of smoke, cleanliness, convenience and safety were often perceived
as more important than stove efficiency.
Reduced Risk of Injuries- Open fire cooking has been called "one of world's largest occupational
hazards" and is the cause of a million of moderate to severe burns each year. Children and women
are protected from fire burns when an improved chulha is used for cooking because combustion
occurs in a closed fire box.
Reduction in Health Hazards- Biomass fuels can lead to a number of potential health problems.
Found in biomass smoke, are respirabie particulates carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides,
formaldehyde and hundreds of other simple and complex organic compounds, including
polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Human exposures to these pollutants often exceed the permissible
levels recommended by the World Health Organization by factors of ten, twenty or more. Acute
Respiratory Infections in Children (ARl) : Pneumonia is one of the chief killers of children in
developing countries.


Common salt, also known as sodium chloride, is an omnipresent ingredient used for seasoning
purposes in our everyday foods. It is available in a range of diverse forms and particle sizes,
depending on the proposed use. Along with its culinary usage, it is also used as a food preservative.

The salt/water ratio is critical for the metabolic rate of our body. Salt facilitates sending signals in
our nerves and muscles and helps sustain the fluid content inside and outside the blood cells. 

Dietary salt exists in various forms: unrefined, refined (also known as table salt) and iodine-
fortified salt. It offers a variety of health benefits

Health Benefits Of Salt
Iodine Deficiency: Iodized salt is one of the most common sources of dietary Iodine.
Iodine deficiency refers to the insufficiency of iodine mineral in the body, which is vital for the
manufacturing of the thyroid hormone. It is a very important part of our diet, as the body does not
naturally produce iodine.

Without adequate amounts of iodine, the thyroid enlarges in an attempt to keep up with the body’s
demand for thyroid hormone. This may result in serious conditions like the development of goiter
or hypothyroidism. The body also requires thyroid hormones for the appropriate development of
brain and bone structure during pregnancy and the early development years of young children. If
the expectant or the lactating mothers are iodine deficient, the children can suffer from mental

Oral Rehydration Treatment: Salt is essential for sustaining the hydration levels of the body. It is
extremely vital to maintain the electrolyte balance for the smooth functioning of the human organ
systems. These electrolytes primarily entail magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium.  For
people who work outside and especially those who regularly workout, it is crucial to recover both
salt and water shortages that occur through perspiration. When the body is dehydrated and diseases
like cholera and diarrheaweakens the system, doctors advise using a blend of water, sugar, and salt
to compensate for the lost fluids. This solution is as effective as Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health: It has been proven that dietary salt determines the
blood pressure of the body and has an impact on cardiovascular health, which is primarily related to
strokes and  heart attacks. High blood pressure or hypertension is a major cause for such events.
Inadequate intake of salts like calcium, magnesium, and sodium can cause health issues.
Controlling the intensity of your salt intake often affects the blood pressure Low Blood Pressure
(reading below 90/60) can be treated by consuming more salt and hydrating fluids. This will help
boost the volume of blood in the arteries, resulting in a rise in blood pressure. Eating excess salt
means that you end up retaining too much water in the body, which can aggravate the fluid upsurge
related to heart failure.

Diabetes: Healthy levels of insulin are required to maintain a fit body. Diets with low levels of salt
can weaken the body’s sensitivity towards insulin. This reduces the body’s ability to metabolize
glucose, providing poor levels of energy to the liver, muscles, and nervous system, possibly
leading to Type 2 diabetes.

Intravenous Saline IV Solution: Patients suffering from serious conditions like heart failure or
acute diarrhea are given medication intravenously. When it is not possible to consume anything
orally, saline IV solution is administered in the hospitals to bring back optimum hydration levels of
the body’s cells.

Pregnancy: Pregnant mothers are required to ensure a healthy diet in order to keep their own body
and the developing baby healthy. Along with other dietary needs, adequate salt intake is
recommended by doctors to maintain good health.

Hyponatremia: Hyponatremia is a condition in which the body suffers from a shortage of sodium
(salt) in the fluids present outside the cells. This can be caused by over-hydration with water,
perspiration, or diarrhea, and is also known as water intoxication.

To maintain a healthy blood pressure and smooth functioning of your nerves and muscles, the body
needs an adequate amount of salt (sodium). When this optimum level of sodium falls, water enters
into the cells to compensate. This results in an imbalance of water to salt ratio in the body, causing
swelling in the cells because of excess wate

Heat Stroke or Sun Stroke: Heat Stroke is a condition that occurs when the body’s heat regulating
system falls short. This can occur both by being out in the hot sun for a long duration as well as
overheating in the surrounding environment, such as work areas. The body fails to release heat
properly in order to attain its normal temperature. As a result, the body temperature becomes too
high, which poses a threat to the major organs. In an attempt to cool itself down, the body produces
more sweat through the sweat glands, thereby losing essential salt (sodium) and water.

Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is caused by a malformed protein that prevents the optimum

movement of salt and water in and out of the body’s cells, resulting in very sticky, salty sweat. In
cystic fibrosis, the body loses more salt than normal. Infants suffering from cystic fibrosis need
extra salt as both infant milk and breast milk is low in salt content.

Dental Hygiene:  Painful bacterial infections like trench mouth can cause ulcers in the gums, which
can be soothed using a salt water rinse. The rinse can be prepared by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of salt
mixed with 1 cup of warm water. It helps to reduce swelling and soothes sore gums. As
a preventive oral hygiene measure, cleaning the teeth with a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon each of salt
and baking soda in 1 qt. of warm water helps to clean plaque, whitens the teeth, and keep the gums

Sore Throat: Pharyngitis, commonly known as a sore throat, can be alleviated by repeated gargling

with a cup of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon of salt.

Muscle Cramps: Muscle cramps can occur due to various reasons such as alcoholism, exercise, or

medications. The intake of fluids and drinks that contain salt can be helpful in providing relief.

Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Some of the health benefits of salt include the treatment of symptoms of
chronic rhinosinusitis. Research studies indicate that the use of nasal irrigation using saline or salt
water helps in treating nasal and sinus problems.

Other: Soaking your tired feet in warm water mixed with salt helps in relieving pain. It is good
for skin exfoliation as well, because it removes dead skin particles.

How much daily salt intake is healthy?

Doctors recommend no more than 6 grams of dietary salt (i.e. 2.5 grams of sodium) on a daily
basis. This makes it approx. 1 teaspoon of salt per day. A good amount of that (about 75%) is
already present in processed meals, breakfast cereals, and breads. Babies less than one year should
not consume more than 1 gram of salt, whereas the recommended intake for young children
changes as they grow bigger.

Some food labels only display the sodium content present in the food item. However, you can
calculate the salt content by using an easy formula to find out how much actual salt you are eating
in the disguise of sodium. Salt content in the food item = 2.5 * (sodium content)

It is always advised to check nutritional information on the food labels of pre-packaged food to find
the exact salt content.

If the amount of salt per 100 gram serving is more than 1.5 grams i.e. 0.6 gram sodium, then it is
considered to have a high salt content.

If the amount of salt per 100 gram serving is less than 0.3 grams i.e. 0.1 gram sodium, then it is
considered to have a low salt content.

Some foods with a high salt content are tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles, and anchovies.

It can either benefit or harm an individual, depending on their age and

condition. Recent study suggests that intake of high-salt diet increases the risk of cardiovascular
diseases in diabetics so it is advisable to opt for low salt diet in case of diabetics. One needs to be
very cautious about its use in order to maintain a healthy body, since both the excess and shortage
of salt have their respective consequences.


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