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Unexpected Habits That Are Stopping You From Losing Weight

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Anyone who’s ever pooled time and energy to lose weight can tell you how difficult it is. Despite 48% of
people indicating weight loss as a New Year’s resolution in the U.S., a determination isn’t enough.
Neither is dedication, too— because even when you’re on top of your weight loss goals, one bad habit
can easily set back your progress. If you’ve been sticking to a combined program of diet and exercise, it
might be stressful to find yourself adding on weight instead of shedding it. This is why it’s incredibly
important to be mindful of your lifestyle choices that can threaten your fitness goals.

Read on to learn about the four unexpected habits that prevent you from losing weight.

Setting unrealistic expectations

Weight loss goals have to be approached with motivation to be achieved. However, a study states
that unrealistic weight loss expectations can result in discouragement, frustration, and disengagement
when you find that the unrealistic goal can’t be easily met. These goals include drastic weight reductions
in short periods. The study also discusses how individuals who decreased their expectations over six
months lost 15 pounds on average. Meanwhile, only five pounds were lost by those with increased
expectations and those who did not adjust their weight goals at all. Thus, it’s important to expand your
understanding of acceptability and success when it comes to weight management. Steer your goals to
focus on better health outcomes, and not simply your desired number on the scale.


In your weight loss journey, you might find yourself overcompensating to burn fat by increasing exercise.
While it's true that regular exercise can improve physical conditioning, overexercising can result in
injuries and even disordered eating. Be mindful of behaviors such as food abstinence, concerns over
physical appearance, and withdrawal syndrome. If you observe these symptoms in your physical activities
and they're impacting your daily activities, take a step back. Reassess your motives for exercising, only
then can you strike a balance between rest, fitness, and eating.

Not sleeping well

Sleep is the low-hanging fruit that helps maintain our emotional, mental and physical well-being. Sleep is
a vital part of an effective weight loss program because people who get less shut-eye are hungrier
throughout the day. When sleep is restricted, it can even disrupt fat loss. Don’t let a lack of sleep impede
you from losing weight. Establish a routine to get adequate amounts of sleep every night. Start by setting
a time to sleep and a time to wake up. By following the schedule religiously, you can form better sleeping
habits and lessen triggering your appetite.

Emotional eating due to stress

Stress can significantly impact your ability to maintain a healthy weight. When you’re stressed, your
adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol, which in turn, delivers glucose to your bloodstream. As a
result, your body holds onto fat and attempts to stop it from being released from fat stores. You may even
experience frequent bouts of hunger and overeating to compensate for the emotional stress. In fact, a
study on the intersection between emotional eating and stress reports 64% of its participants who
displayed perceived stress were emotional eaters. Food intake that responds to emotions, instead of
physiological hunger, contributes to your inability to lose weight. It’s crucial to identify your daily
stressors and be more mindful of your mental well-being— this way, you can avoid overeating.

We firmly believe that weight loss doesn’t just entail setting realistic goals; you should also reflect on
your lifestyle as well. Doing so will sharpen your focus on losing weight and prevent you from turning to
the above habits.

If you’re struggling to maintain your weight loss journey though, don’t be discouraged. Our Women’s
Sustainable Weight Loss Intensive is created to support and fulfill your weight loss goals. We’re here to
help you adopt a positive body image and a healthy relationship with food, so book a call with us to
pursue your goals today.

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