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Reasons for sending benefits:

Emperor's Club 15th Anniversary Celebration
Since 2008, the Emperor's Club has been helping its members live a
better lives, thereby transforming the quality of life for every member.
As 2023 marks the 15th year of the Emperor's Club, the leaders of the
Emperor's Club
invite everyone to join MTFE for a life-changing opportunity.
The opportunity to change your life. Many members of the Emperor's
Club family
are not aware of the benefits of MTFE Level 2 and Level 3 accounts, so
the Emperor Club has decided to sponsor this 8th anniversary event.
Emperor's Club has decided to sponsor this 15th Anniversary
Celebration to
Therefore, the Emperor's Club has decided to sponsor this 15th
Anniversary Celebration to encourage more people to enjoy the benefits
of the MTFE Premium Account!

2. Account level comparison

The higher the level, the higher the profit
Level -1 Profit Margin 2-5
Level -2 Profit Margin 2.5-6
Level -3 Profit Margin 3-7
You invest $10,000 if there is no asset limit at the MTFE trading level.
Level 1 profit $200-500
Level 2 profit $250-600
Level 3 profit $300-700
The profit difference is noticeable. You can earn $50-100 more per day if
you are at a higher level every day.
1 month $1100-2200; 1 year $13200-26400; 10 years $132000-264000. Le
vel 2 = Level 1 require 15 people; personal assets require $3550; Level 1
team assets need $9000;
Level 3 = Level 1 require 25 people ; personal assets need to be $20,20
0; the first level of the team assets need to be $35,000.

The higher the level, the higher the commission (for example, 3 teams w
ith 3 levels, and each person pays a transaction service fee of USD 100
per day)
First-level commission: First-level team 15%=$15; Second-level team 10
%=$10; Third-level team 5%=$5, for a total of $30
Second level commission: First level team 18%=$18; Second level team
12%=$12; Third level team 6% = $6, for a total of $36
Three-level commission: first-level team 21%=$21; second-level team 14
%=$14; third-level team 7%=7, for a total of $42
The difference in commissions is noticeable. You can earn $6-12 more p
er day if you are at a higher level
Commission per day = 1 month $132-264; 1 year $1584-3168; 10 years
My family! The club has been trading on MTFE for over 3 years and you c
an see that from the facts
It's a very stable platform.
Daily commission, I suggest you to reach a better level!
3. Rewards
Reach level 2 within the event time, get Re
dmi 11 pro for free
Reach level 3 within the event time and get
Iphone 14 Promax for free!

4. Reward requirements
Must meet the requirements of Level 2
account or above
Must apply in person (in person and photo
Must provide a detailed courier address

Finally, on behalf of the Emperor Club, please allow me to wish every fa

mily member have a better life at the Emperor Club and MTFE

Emperor Club and MTFE!

MTFE: Make life better!

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