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Exemplar Journals - Question 1

Why it is important to work as a member on a team and what makes the team function successfully? (Team

• STUDENT 1: it is important to work as a member in a team because it is important for sharing idea , learning new
skills , dealing with the rest persons of the team who do like or not , enabling to solve the problems like working with
the people who u don't like , working as a one person with various ideas , saving the time & finishing work fast & by
accurate way.
the team will function successfully if it work as group , dividing the work on the team’s members , make a leader or
organizer for them to control their meeting , dating it , solving the arguments with the team’s member & avoid the
personal disagreement with your colleagues in the team .the members of the team must be respectful for the other
members . BLUE: Strong evidence with effective details

• STUDENT 2: it is important for me to work as a member in a team, because co-operation fascilitate doing things and
orders we must do. understanding each other and co-operation between us makes the team function successfully.
Yellow: Student showed little evidence with weak and vague answer

• STUDENT 3: because by working as a team we save time and energy and we help each other in tasks that no one
can do alone . in my opinion what makes the team successful is the cooperation between its members , the
organizing of the team and the respect between the members of the team.
Green: student showed good evidence but not strong as the first student
Exemplar Journals - Question 2
How do you think the team should be organized? (Team Collaboration)

STUDENT 1: the group members should organize themselves as the following

1- they should organize themselves as the must have a leader and presenter etc...
2- the must divide the work between them
3- everyone must do all his best and work hard

Yellow: student gave a weak and vague answer without effective details

STUDENT 2: the team should be organized to 5 jobs:

Leader : who organize the work and divide it upon the team members
Searcher : who is a source of information as he search for information and the rest members should help him and analyse these information.
recorder : who write every thing happen and every trail or meeting to make everything documented by date and time.
presenter : who discuss ideas and information with his team to prepare it in presentations.
Timer : who make a deadline for everything and help the other members in their work.

Blue: Student showed strong evidence that is supported with effective details
Identify a specific formula, theorem, or other mathematical concept and how it is being applied to your capstone. Use the appropriate
mathematical symbols and formula to illustrate how it applied. (Learning Transfer)

STUDENT 1: In researching for the electric power system I used many equations like U=qV
U is the electrical energy used by the consumers, q is the charge transmitted for the consumer and V is the total volt that will reach for the
consumers. We can apply this equation for calculating the voltage that will go the consumers.
Also, I used other equation which is the power factor equation Power= RP/TP×100
In which RP is the real power transmitted to the consumer and TP is the total power coming out from the station. And by this equation we can
calculate the total loss in the electric power during the transmission of electricity to the consumer. Another equation is the electric power P=V×I.
As P is the power in the power system, V is the voltage and I is the current in the power system. Through this equation we can calculate the
power, the voltage and the current in the system. BLUE: Strong evidence with effective details

STUDENT 2: I think that we have to work on this aspect and I will suggest to our group to go to the meat technology institute in the Cairo
University that may provide us with some statistics about the hazards of meat contamination, and ask about the results of this contamination so
as to make predictions after applying our solutions. RED:Irrelevant answer to the question

STUDENT 3: We had used some specific mathematical equation that help in understanding the graph and analyzing all the information it
contained so that we can make a model with a proper mathematical assumption. We found specific equations that could help us in modeling.
Statistics was the proper choice as it described the graphs and the availability of applying this model in the real life.
In statistics, the standard deviation (represented by the Greek letter sigma, σ) shows how much variation of the data. A low standard deviation
indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean (also called expected value); a high standard deviation indicates that the data
points are spread out over a large range of values.
The law says: Standard deviation = square root of {(1/n *(summation from i=1 to N)for (observed valuei – average mean) ^2]}
This law helped us to understand the orientation of the data that had been put in any graph or model we found in our research process. This
was applied to our capstone final model as a plan to proof its validity. Our standard deviation value was so near to zero that mean the near of
our data among each other. BLUE: Strong evidence with effective details
Provide an example where you changed your viewpoint about your Capstone based on new information uncovered as a result of
researching the topic. (Personal Learning)

STUDENT 1: At the first, after brain storming I thought that I will search only about the history of climate change as a general topic but after the
research many topics appeared such as the factor affecting climate change and their history of change. Then these topics make me have new
point of view. then i know that I should use statistics to make a model. During the step of knowledge acquisition , the assumption I put to the
change in the temperature of the earth’s surface and ocean was that it increased by (14c) in the last one hundred years but I found that the
average change in temperature was about (0.84c) in the last one hundred years which made me very surprised but then I found an information
that stated that the little ice age happened because of a change in the average temperature by (-2c), so I changed my point of view about this
topic. Another thing, at first I thought that we will study the behavior of the temperature alone then according to this data we will make a model
for this data only but after searching I found that we must study the behavior of the temperature with all the factors in the world because these
factors are changed annually so making a model of the temperature without any other factors will result in wrong statistics so the whole work will
be wrong.
BLUE: Strong evidence with effective details

STUDENT 2: We needed to produces an energy from the sand ,but after that we know that it is very expensive and will produces little energy.
My group and I working on Nile water from all sides. While we are searching about pollution for example , we know about the percentage of
polluted substances and their effects. We changed our point of view from academic information only to make a statistical analysis for the
information from our surveys and from the competent authorities. After that, we will make a modeling about the information in the next years.
BLUE: Strong evidence with effective details, even the answer is short but yet it’s very effective and clear

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