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Name- Suhani Bansal

Class- 10 D

Essay writing

a) If you could time travel, where would you go and why.

If I could time travel, I would go to the Renaissance period following the

Middle Ages taking place between the 14th and the 17th century in Europe. It was
an incredible time of beauty, blossoming with creativity and curiosity. The
Renaissance period witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the
growth of science and inventions such as paper, the printing press, the Mariner’s
compass and gunpowder. It is the aesthetic and the scientific outlook introduced in
the minds of the people for the very first time that appeal the most to me.

Living in Europe with the revolution of sciences and literature would be an

overwhelming experience for me. It was the era when humanity was at its peak. It
was the era that saw the birth of the greatest scientists in the history of the world
like Galileo, Copernicus, Newton and many more. I have always been inclined
towards the sciences and living in a world where there are constant scientific
inventions would be like living a dream for me. Many a times when lying on my
terrace in solitary, I live a life in the Renaissance Period vicariously through the
minds of authors. I also love doing art and Leonardo da Vinci, the incomparable,
had also set foot on earth is this enigmatic and magical period. Without the
Renaissance would these names of such great men have risen to prominence? And
where would we be today without them? Had Gutenberg not invented the printing
press, we might still be writing on metal blocks or the barks of trees. Had
Copernicus not made such marvelous progress in astronomy, we might still have
thought that the earth was the center of the universe.

The Renaissance also saw within it a period known as the Age of Discovery,
where voyagers launched expeditions to travel the globe, discovering whole new
shipping routes to America, India and the Far East, influencing our ideas further.
What fun it would be to go on a voyage around the globe to discover new enigmas!
The aesthetics of the Renaissance affect me profoundly. The science involved in
what I believe to be the best architectural structures, make me teleport to this
ethereal dimension. The scientific geniuses laid the foundation of several
architectural concepts like facades, pilasters, arches, vaults, domes, windows, and
walls. If I were in that era, I would be able to observe how the discovery of almost
everything that I find alluring took place. It would be like going on an escapade.

I would be a bird unaware of the mysteries yet to unveil before me, flying
in the vast blue ocean of the sky, peering down in serenity and seeing the world
through the eyes of the greatest men to tread on earth. In the modern age of
technology and innumerous more discoveries, I’m sure if these scientists could
look at the progress that the present indigenous minds have made, they would be
proud. I would conclude with a quote by Leonardo da Vinci “Knowledge of the
past and of the places of the earth is the ornament and food of the mind of man.”

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