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Ever since he was a kid, Oliver loved reading stories.

For Oliver, reality was lifeless and boring. Nothing exciting ever happens here, he
often told himself.

As he became more mature, Praises became common and so did the criticism. But
for Oliver, the opinions of the outside world didn’t matter. What mattered was the
voice of his imagination that knew no bounds. He continued to write with
unbridled enthusiasm for almost the next two decades until one fateful day when
tragedy befell him.

He met with an accident that damaged his spine and his ability to write. He
wondered lying in the hospital bed how the only thing that mattered to him in life
—to write and live his stories—was taken away from him. He cursed his stars and
became more resentful with each passing day.

Then one morning, a thought popped up in his mind, and for the first time in
months, he smiled. What if all this is a story, and I’m its protagonist? If this were
true, what would I do? Give up my dreams or fight for them?

His answer came in the form of speech typing that became his ally and helped him
write more stories than he had before the accident. Although he was physically
confined, Oliver felt he could fly higher and farther than others. He had learned a
secret that gave him the power to express his imagination in ways he had
previously undreamt of.

Life is a story and you are both its protagonist and author. When you hold the pen
to write your destiny, anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself.

Oliver had learned this the hard way, but he was glad he did.

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