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Practical Issues of 4D Seismic Reservoir

Monitoring: What an Engineer

Needs to Know
D.E. Lumley, SPE, and R.A. Behrens, SPE, Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.

Summary Our objective in this paper is to provide an overview of the 4D

Time-lapse three-dimensional (3D) seismic, which geophysicists seismic method and illuminate the practical issues important to an
often abbreviate to four-dimensional (4D) seismic, has the ability asset team reservoir engineer. For this reason, we do not present a
to image fluid flow in the interwell volume by repeating a series of comprehensive case study of a single 4D project here, but instead
3D seismic surveys over time. Four-dimensional seismic shows draw examples from several Chevron 4D projects to illustrate each
great potential in reservoir monitoring and management for map- of our points. We have structured this paper as a series of questions
ping bypassed oil, monitoring fluid contacts and injection fronts, an engineer should ask before undertaking any 4D seismic project:
identifying pressure compartmentalization, and characterizing the What is 4D seismic? What can 4D seismic do for me? Will 4D
fluid-flow properties of faults. However, many practical issues can seismic work in my reservoir? What are the risks with 4D seismic?
complicate the simple underlying concept of a 4D project. We What does 4D seismic cost? We answer these questions, highlight
address these practical issues from the perspective of a reservoir important issues, and offer lessons learned, rules of thumb, and
engineer on an asset team by asking a series of practical questions general words of advice.
and discussing them with examples from several of Chevron’s
ongoing 4D projects. What Is 4D Seismic?
We discuss feasibility tests, technical risks, and the cost of doing
4D seismic. A 4D project must pass three critical tests to be To describe the basic concepts underlying 4D seismic, we briefly
successful in a particular reservoir: Is the reservoir rock highly review the seismic method in general6 and then consider the
compressible and porous? Is there a large compressibility contrast advantages of the time-lapse aspect of 4D seismic. In a single 3D
and sufficient saturation changes over time between the monitored seismic survey, seismic sources (dynamite, airguns, vibrators, etc.)
fluids? and Is it possible to obtain high-quality 3D seismic data in generate seismic waves at or near the earth’s surface. These source
the area with clear reservoir images and highly repeatable seismic waves reflect off subsurface seismic impedance contrasts that are
acquisition? The risks associated with a 4D seismic project include a function of rock and fluid compressibility, shear modulus, and
false anomalies caused by artifacts of time-lapse seismic acquisi- bulk density. Arrays of receivers (geophones or hydrophones)
tion and processing and the ambiguity of seismic interpretation in record the reflected seismic waves as they arrive back at the earth’s
trying to relate time-lapse changes in seismic data to changes in surface. Applying a wave-equation-imaging algorithm7 to the re-
saturation, pressure, temperature, or rock properties. The cost of 4D corded wavefield creates a 3D seismic image of the reservoir rock
seismic can be viewed as a surcharge on anticipated well work and and fluid property contrasts that are responsible for the reflections.
expressed as a cost ratio (seismic/wells), which our analysis shows Four-dimensional seismic analysis involves simply repeating the
ranges from 5 to 35% on land, 10 to 50% on marine shelf properties, 3D seismic surveys, such that the fourth dimension is calendar
and 5 to 10% in deepwater fields. Four-dimensional seismic is an time,8 to construct and compare seismic images in time-lapse mode
emerging technology that holds great promise for reservoir man- to monitor time-varying processes in the subsurface during reser-
agement applications, but the significant practical issues involved voir production. The term 4D seismic is usually reserved for
can make or break any 4D project and need to be carefully time-lapse 3D seismic, as opposed to other time-lapse seismic
considered. techniques that do not have 3D volumetric coverage [e.g., two-
dimensional (2D) surface seismic, and the borehole seismic meth-
ods of vertical seismic profiling and crosswell seismic9,10].
Four-dimensional seismic has all the traditional reservoir char-
Four-dimensional seismic reservoir monitoring is the process of acterization benefits of 3D seismic,11 plus the major additional
repeating a series of 3D seismic surveys over a producing reservoir benefit that fluid-flow features may be imaged directly. To first
in time-lapse mode. It has a potentially huge impact in reservoir order, seismic images are sensitive to spatial contrasts in two
management because it is the first technique that may allow distinct types of reservoir properties: time-invariant static geology
engineers to image dynamic reservoir processes1 such as fluid properties such as lithology, porosity, and shale content; and
movement,2 pressure build-up,3 and heat flow4,5 in a reservoir in a time-varying dynamic fluid-flow properties such as fluid saturation,
true volumetric sense. However, we demonstrate that practical pore pressure, and temperature. Fig. 1 shows how the seismic
operational issues easily can complicate the simple underlying impedance of rock samples with varying porosity changes as the
concept. These issues include requiring the right mix of business pore saturation changes from oil-full to water-swept conditions.
drivers, a favorable technical risk assessment and feasibility study, Given a single 3D seismic survey, representing a single snapshot
a highly repeatable seismic acquisition survey design, careful in time of the reservoir, the static geology and dynamic fluid-flow
high-resolution amplitude-preserved seismic data processing, and contributions to the seismic image couple nonuniquely and are,
an ultimate reconciliation of 4D seismic images with independent therefore, difficult to separate unambiguously. For example, it may
reservoir borehole data and history-matched flow simulations. The be impossible to distinguish a fluid contact from a lithologic
practical issues associated with 4D seismic suggest that it is not a boundary in a single seismic image, as shown in Frames 1 and 2
panacea. Four-dimensional seismic is an exciting new emerging of Fig. 2. Examining the difference between time-lapse 3D seismic
technology that requires careful analysis and integration with images (i.e., 4D seismic) allows the time-invariant geologic con-
traditional engineering data and workflows to be successful. tributions to cancel, resulting in a direct image of the time-varying
changes caused by reservoir fluid flow (Frame 3 of Fig. 2). In this
Copyright 1998 Society of Petroleum Engineers way, the 4D seismic technique has the potential to image reservoir-
This paper (SPE 53004) was revised for publication from paper SPE 38696, first scale changes in fluid saturation, pore pressure, and temperature
presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San during production.
Antonio, Texas, 5–8 October. Original manuscript received for review 8 October
1997. Revised manuscript received 24 September 1998. Paper peer approved 28 Four-dimensional seismic data complements but does not replace
September 1998. traditional engineering data (Table 1). Four-dimensional (and 3D)

528 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

can see clear steam injection effects (labeled S) in the 4D seismic
difference section in the form of amplitude changes within the
reservoir zone around the center injector. Amplitude changes below
the reservoir are the result of travel-time sag— caused by low-
velocity anomalies associated with steam—which distorts the im-
age in vertical-time pseudodepth (a seismic depth image would
show no changes below the reservoir, but this requires accurate
estimation of the steam velocity anomalies first). Fig. 4 shows the
same 4D seismic results in an areal view taken at the level of one
of the injected sands. After 5 months of steam injection, the steam
disk is clearly visible and centered on the injector. An annulus of
hot water condensed from steam is visible as a thin ring around the
steam disk. A temperature front of heated oil is visible as a bright
Fig. 1—The change in P-wave impedance of core samples when
anomaly to the west (left) of the injector. Seismic velocity analysis,1
displacing oil in pore space with water. Note that the high
not shown here, has demonstrated that an initial pressure front
porosity sandstones show more impedance change than low
caused by the onset of steam injection has propagated out of the
porosity rocks, indicating that 4D seismic monitoring of water-
pattern to the northwest. Fig. 5 reinforces this interpretation because
floods is likely to work well in high porosity unconsolidated sand
it shows that the steam anomaly has also propagated to the north-
west, following the pressure front, about 19 months after initial
steam injection. The Duri example demonstrates that 4D seismic,
properly interpreted with engineering knowledge of the flood, has
seismic data cover the entire reservoir volume between the wells, the ability to image and monitor injected fluids (steam), predict
whereas most engineering data are restricted to measurements at the likely forthcoming breakthrough directions (northwest producing
wells. Typical 4D (and 3D) seismic data have a spatial resolution wells), and identify bypassed oil (southwest quadrant of the pattern
in all x, y, and z dimensions on the order of 50 ft. Compared to where steam has not swept).
engineering data, 4D seismic has high lateral spatial resolution, Identification and management of fluid contacts are critical for
because it is much finer than well spacings, but low vertical avoiding oil migration into gas caps and aquifers. Significant
resolution compared to well logs. In 4D seismic data, fluid pressure amounts of oil (often one-third) that migrate out of the oil zone
and saturation effects can mix together to give a combined seismic become unrecoverable because of capillary effects even when swept.
response, whereas, in traditional engineering data, pressure and When adjacent reservoirs are in pressure communication through a
saturation effects are measured independently. For this reason, common aquifer, each reservoir must be monitored carefully for
traditional engineering data are required to decouple the mixed migration of fluid contacts caused by voidage imbalances in another.
contributions of pressure and saturation to time-varying seismic Fig. 6 shows a mirror-image example from the North Sea in which the
impedance. 1982 oil/water contact is barely visible seismically, but the increased
water saturation resulting from water injectors causes the seismic
What Can 4D Seismic Do for Me? oil/water contact to brighten in amplitude by 1991.14 Mapping of this
Four-dimensional seismic data have the potential to image fluid fluid contact between 1982 and 1991 can have obvious benefit to the
movement and pressure/temperature changes in the reservoir vol- field management strategy in terms of locating injected water and
ume between the wells to improve reservoir management and remaining bypassed oil. A second example is a 4D seismic study
development drilling. The main applications are related to locating currently under way for a Chevron West Africa oil field that unknow-
bypassed oil: monitoring injected fluids such as water, steam, and ingly was in communication with a nearby producing oil field. The 4D
CO2; identifying pressure compartments; and mapping flow paths study will help engineers to monitor the current fluid contacts to check
and barriers. However, 4D seismic data are useful only if action can for possible oil losses, map the current location of injected water,
be taken on their results. Typical field actions that can result from prevent any future oil losses, and optimize recovery of any previously
4D seismic analysis include areal or vertical realignment of wells migrated oil.
to prevent forthcoming breakthrough, tailoring well patterns and Decline in mature fields may be arrested by correctly identifying
rates to suit heterogeneity in flow, and targeting significant by- and recovering bypassed oil. Bypassed oil may be recovered by
passed oil with well workovers, sidetracks, redrills, or new wells. infill drilling or sweep efficiency improvements from existing
It is important to track injected fluids in enhanced oil recovery wells. Although any data acquisition should be reviewed and
because they control the efficiency of the flood and are, themselves, justified as an investment, there is considerable reluctance to spend
a major cost component. The Duri steamflood in Indonesia illus- more in older fields that do not have the cash flow to cover it.
trates both the capital and operating costs associated with the Four-dimensional seismic is the most direct method of identifying
injectant.12,13 Steam/oil ratios are carefully monitored to maximize significant bypassed oil so that targeted, surgical well investments
the remaining oil for sale. Approximately U.S. $1 million worth of add value to old fields. We conducted a 4D seismic study in a
oil is burned per day for steam generation. Well rates are adjusted mature North Sea field with 3D seismic surveys shot in 1982 and
to increase sweep efficiency from knowledge of the preferential 1995 to evaluate additional field potential.14 The petrophysical
flow directions provided by 4D seismic images of steam flow. environment at this field is generally unfavorable for the 4D seismic
Premature breakthrough in a steamflood can mean the loss of a method because the reservoir rocks are very incompressible. They
producer and diminished sweep efficiency. Four-dimensional seis- are highly consolidated, buried at a depth of over 10,000 ft, and,
mic monitoring may be the only practical method to anticipate therefore, do not show a strong seismic response as a function of
breakthrough and redirect steam to where it is beneficial before pore fluid saturation. Although this field is a high-risk candidate for
breakthrough occurs. 4D seismic, some encouraging information is apparent in the
Figs. 3 through 5 show 4D seismic results from the Duri time-lapse seismic images (Fig. 7). Increased seismic amplitude
steamflood pilot1 in which we have successfully imaged steam over time indicates increased water saturation and leads to an
movement. Fig. 3 is a 4D seismic cross-sectional display showing interpretation of swept regions near the well and platform locations.
images before steam injection (left), after 5 months of steam These 4D seismic anomalies highlight a set of apparent swept vs.
injection (center), and the subtracted difference (right). Steam unswept northwest-trending fault blocks that match regional fault
injection occurs in three separate sands within the reservoir zone. trends. The 4D study indicated that significant oil might remain in
The difference section clearly shows that the 4D seismic has not the unswept fault blocks; however, Chevron sold the field before
changed above the reservoir zone, where we expect no change, we completed the 4D study.
except for a thin vertical stripe (labeled B) caused by a shallow Sometimes the justification for repeat seismic surveys is inde-
steam leak behind casing at the central steam injection well. One pendent of any 4D objectives. Geophysicists may justify repeat

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998 529

Fig. 2—Four-dimensional seismic compares subtle differences of amplitude to reveal saturation changes. The top two images show
seismic amplitude along a reservoir horizon before and after water injection. The amplitude difference map shows that 4D seismic
can image the water injection front in this noise-free two-dimensional areal synthetic.


Surface Seismic Data Most Engineering Data

Measurement coverage Entire reservoir At wells only

Vertical resolution, ft 50 3
Areal resolution, ft 50 1,000 (well spacing)
Uniqueness of measurement for Combined response only Each variable
pressure, saturation and measured
temperature and others independently

surveys by the anticipated quality improvement compared to the risk assessment is a staged decision-point process with increasing
existing 3D images of structure, fault definition, and stratigraphy in degrees of technical sophistication.
the reservoir zone. This reflects the general seismic technology The first step is a quick spreadsheet evaluation of the first-order
advancements made in the past decade or more. Although image seismic and reservoir variables critical to the success of any 4D
quality improvement is not strictly a business driver for 4D seismic project.15 An engineer can expect the success of 4D seismic if a
on its own, it can certainly help move many 4D project candidates specific reservoir passes three critical tests. Is the reservoir rock
into more attractive economics when the data acquisition and highly compressible and porous? Is there a large compressibility
processing satisfy multiple exploration and development objectives. contrast and sufficient saturation changes over time between the
fluids to be monitored? Is it possible to obtain high-quality 3D
Will 4D Seismic Work in My Reservoir? seismic data in the area? The spreadsheet expands upon these three
Before undertaking a 4D seismic project, a feasibility and risk questions by focusing on the most important reservoir and seismic
assessment study should be performed to estimate the likelihood parameters. The important reservoir parameters are dry rock com-
that 4D seismic will be able to image the desired production effects pressibility, fluid compressibility contrast, fluid saturation change
and to constrain a 4D project decision analysis. The feasibility and (sweep), porosity, and predicted seismic impedance change. The

530 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

Fig. 5—Four-dimensional seismic areal time slice of Duri steam-
flood at 19 months. Steam has propagated to the northwest,
Fig. 3—Four-dimensional seismic cross sections at the Duri following the same direction as the pressure front a year and a
steamflood. The difference section reveals a shallow borehole half earlier. Breakthrough is about to occur in the north and west
steam leak behind casing (B), a steam chest centered on the producers, and the southeast quadrant is heated but has not yet
injector at the reservoir level (S), and a seismic amplitude po- been swept by steam.
larity reversal (P), indicating a thief zone to the east of the

Fig. 6 —North Sea reservoir mirrored seismic sections showing

time-lapse amplitude increase at the oil/water contact. This
image is useful to estimate the change in water saturation and
vertical oil/water contact movement in the reservoir interval
between 1982 and 1991.
Fig. 4 —A 4D seismic areal time slice of the Duri steamflood at
5 months. The bright amplitude disk centered on the injector is cemented sandstones, or rigid carbonates, are difficult candidates
the steam chest, surrounded by an annulus of hot water (con- for 4D seismic monitoring. In general, we use a rule of thumb that
densed steam). A temperature front of heated oil is slowly reservoir rocks must exhibit a minimum 4% impedance change during
propagating to the east in this image. production, including all pressure, temperature, and saturation effects,
to be considered reasonable candidates for monitoring.
The third feasibility step is modeling seismic traces from sonic
important seismic parameters are seismic image quality, seismic and density logs to calibrate seismic data at available well locations.
resolution, visibility of seismic fluid contacts, repeatability of We use the core data and in-situ log measurements as input to model
seismic acquisition, and consistency of time-lapse seismic process- what-if scenarios under a wide range of possible saturation and
ing. We score each parameter on a scale from 0 through 5 and sum pressure conditions. We find that it is important to model the
all parameters to give an overall probability of success. This quick seismic traces from log data at the finest scale to avoid misleading
screening tool gives a first-order estimate of the risk of a specific results from upscaled log data. Additionally, it is important to
4D project. model realistic seismic frequency content, full waveform effects,
Assuming that the results of the risk spreadsheet are favorable, and angle-dependent reflection amplitude effects.
the second feasibility step is to make core measurements to deter- Assuming that the core data and one-dimensional seismic mod-
mine how specific reservoir rocks will behave under anticipated eling from logs in Steps 2 and 3 are favorable, the fourth step of
production conditions in the reservoir.16 We measure rock prop- feasibility and risk assessment is to compute time-lapse 3D syn-
erties as a function of lithology, fluid saturation, pressure, and thetic seismic images. We use a detailed reservoir model and flow
temperature. Fig. 1 shows the change in seismic impedance of simulation to see what, if any, effects of production fluid flow can
sandstone core samples when swept from oil-saturated to water- be seismically imaged. These calculations are more expensive than
saturated conditions. These data show that low-porosity sandstones the first three steps, but they are the best way to test the response
are more difficult to monitor seismically because their impedance of a 3D seismic survey to realistic 3D heterogeneity in rock
changes less than 5% during water sweep, whereas the impedance properties, fluid saturations, and the 3D averaging effect of seismic
of high-porosity rocks changes as much as 20% during production. waves, before acquiring 4D seismic data in the field. It is only in
Fig. 8 shows schematically that compressible, high-porosity rocks this 3D seismic modeling step that we can evaluate the full
like unconsolidated sandstone or heavily fractured rock can be magnitude and resolution of seismic to image fluid movement and
optimal for 4D seismic monitoring, whereas highly consolidated or pressure/temperature changes. One-dimensional seismic models

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998 531

predictions have not yet been thoroughly calibrated with an exten-
sive set of field examples. Therefore, it may be necessary to acquire
some 4D data sets in project areas with marginal feasibility as-
sessments to benchmark feasibility analysis techniques. This is
especially true for projects with moderate-to-high technical risk and
high business impact (e.g., monitoring CO2 floods in carbonates).

What Are the Risks With 4D Seismic?

Once the feasibility associated with reservoir variables has been
analyzed, the major remaining risks are all seismic-related. Res-
ervoir properties, once appropriately sampled and measured, be-
come a known quantity, but the risks associated with seismic itself
are less easy to constrain. The major risks of 4D seismic are the
inability to repeat precisely successive seismic data acquisitions,
inconsistencies in processing successive time-lapse seismic data
Fig. 7—North Sea areal seismic amplitude difference along the sets, and 4D seismic interpretations that have not been reconciled
reservoir horizon after 9 years of waterflood. Swept areas are with geology and engineering production data.
highlighted in red, potential bypassed oil in blue. Note that the Four-dimensional seismic data acquisition must be designed to
seismic differences are aligned along the northwest/southeast the correct level of signal-to-noise and resolution-to-image subtle
direction, coincident with regional fault trends, indicating a fluid effects. This requires extra care in optimizing field parameters,
possible fault block control of production and waterflood flow choice of source energy, and accuracy in source and receiver
patterns. positioning. The acquisition design needs to be repeatable in terms
of grid orientation, bin spacing, offset and azimuth distribution, and
source and receiver arrays.
Duri is an example of a well-designed acquisition project in
which the acquisition method is highly repeatable such that the base
and repeat images should be ideally identical above the reservoir
zone. The seismic sources and receivers were placed in predrilled
shot and receiver holes. The shot and receiver holes were reoccu-
pied for each repeat survey. Small dynamite charges were used as
sources, in part to obtain repeatable source waveforms for each
survey (minimal shot hole damage). The shot and receiver holes
were drilled 5 to 7 m below surface to get below the weathered layer
and water table to maximize frequency content and to minimize
seismic data changes related to rainfall. Despite this nearly ideal
Fig. 8 —Seismic amplitudes are a coupled contribution of rock acquisition design, the 4D surveys showed significant seismic
and fluid properties. Soft unconsolidated sands or heavily frac- differences above the reservoir zone at later survey times, as shown
tured rocks are best for 4D seismic monitoring of fluids, whereas in the progressively noisier difference panels in Fig. 10. Fortu-
hard cemented sandstones and carbonates are difficult moni- nately, these nonrepeatable acquisition artifacts did not impact the
toring candidates. steamflood monitoring objectives of the Duri project because the
steam anomalies were of a much larger magnitude than the artifacts.
However, this example demonstrates that, even in the case of a
(Step 3) from logs and laboratory measurements on core samples highly repeatable acquisition design, significant differences in the
are a valuable prerequisite. However, these may not tell the com- seismic data can arise from survey nonrepeatability factors (e.g.,
plete 3D story because they involve uniform (at the seismic scale) noise), which could be a major obstacle to monitoring much subtler
saturation changes, possible contamination caused by drilling flu- effects than steam (e.g., waterflood or primary depletion). These
ids, formation damage, sampling bias, and represent ultrasonic nonrepeatable differences would then have to be estimated and
(high-frequency) responses at a very few localized sample points. removed, if possible, by a data-processing step called cross-equal-
In the 3D seismic simulation calculations, we create 4D seismic ization, as discussed in the next section. In the Duri case, we believe
images from flow simulation in a heterogeneous reservoir model that the cause of the acquisition nonrepeatability may be related to
with anticipated saturation distributions. Three-dimensional seis- hot plate heating of the overlying rock and fluid, shot hole damage
mic modeling requires core-scale rock physics (measuring com- causing nonrepeatable source waveforms, overburden subsidence
pressional and shear velocities on core at a range of saturations and caused by the liquefaction of, and fluid withdrawal from, the
pressures); building the traditional detailed 3D geologic model shallow viscous oil sands, and long-period groundwater fluctua-
constrained by logs, core, seismic, and other data; scale-up for flow tions. An engineer can readily assess the risk of seismic data
simulation; flow simulation and history matching; calculation of a acquisition nonrepeatability by comparing the magnitude of the
3D elastic model by using rock properties, saturations, and pres- difference data outside the reservoir zone compared to the 4D
sures from the geologic and flow simulation models; and simulation seismic anomalies within the reservoir zone.
and imaging of the seismic data. Fig. 9 shows results from a full The Duri example shows that a semipermanent acquisition
4D seismic simulation study of a CO2 injection pilot in a West installation is not a guarantee of achieving optimal repeatability and
Texas carbonate in which 4D seismic adequately can resolve CO2 signal-to-noise ratios. A permanent installation of receivers (and
injection chimneys in this case. The fourth and most sophisticated perhaps source positions) is likely to cost at least 3 to 5 times a
step of feasibility and risk analysis is a full 4D seismic simulation conventional seismic survey, and we have doubts about the long-
with the following goals: determine if there are sufficient changes term reliability of the deployed hardware. Therefore, we are hes-
in magnitude and resolution in time-lapse seismic to reasonably itant to recommend an expensive seismic monitoring installation
image 3D changes in saturation or pressure, and better understand without at least a few conventional time-lapse surveys over a given
the time-varying 3D connection between possible changes in seis- site. These conventional surveys will determine whether the res-
mic and reservoir property changes of interest. ervoir is technically favorable for 4D monitoring in field operating
It is important to bear in mind that, although feasibility modeling conditions, and whether one can, in fact, leverage the 4D seismic
and risk analysis are very useful for decision-making on whether to results to create enough extra profit to pay for a permanent seismic
proceed with field acquisition of 4D seismic data, the feasibility monitoring installation. Then, after these conventional seismic

532 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

Fig. 9 —Cross sections from migrated synthetic seismic 3D data at 0, 6, and 36 months. The center and bottom rows are differences
from time 0 for seismic and CO2 saturations, respectively. In this example the ability of the seismic to detect and resolve the CO2
injection plumes can be quantified.

surveys, perhaps spaced at multiyear intervals, one needs to con- ining how small the 4D seismic difference anomalies are outside the
sider carefully whether the remaining lifetime of the field offers a reservoir zone compared to anomalies within the reservoir zone,
valid time window and economic basis to follow up with a per- and by seeing how well anomalies within the reservoir zone
manent seismic monitoring installation. correlate with the geologic model and engineering production data.
Practical issues related to 4D seismic data processing include The third major 4D seismic risk, after data acquisition and
enhancing repeatability and maintaining processing consistency processing, is seismic interpretation. Given that we have deter-
among multiple seismic datasets, preserving true relative amplitude mined a 4D seismic anomaly to be real and not merely an artifact
information, reducing turnaround time for processing new vintages of data acquisition and processing, these anomalies need to be
of 4D seismic data, and post-stack cross-equalization of processed interpreted in terms of meaningful reservoir changes, such as oil
3D seismic image cubes before interpretation. Image consistency is saturation, pressure, temperature, rock properties, or all the above.
enhanced by a post-migration image-processing technique called To do this, the 4D seismic data must be reconciled with the
cross-equalization, which is critical when seismic surveys are not reservoir geology model and the engineering production data
acquired or processed identically. We find that no matter how through seismic simulation. This requires a revamping of the
carefully we acquire and process 4D seismic data, cross-equaliza- traditional reservoir management workflow.
tion is almost always needed to identify and enhance 4D seismic We show, in Fig. 13, a conventional reservoir management
anomalies. Fig. 11 shows that the difference image above the process workflow, including reservoir geology and production data.
reservoir zone in two West Africa time-lapse surveys is very noisy The main work in the flow focuses on building a reservoir model,
before cross-equalization. Ideally, there should be no difference obtaining a production-history-matched flow simulation, making
except in the reservoir zone in the lower left of each panel. This reservoir management decisions based on the results, acquiring new
figure shows that any differences in the reservoir zone are likely to data, updating the model, and iterating the loop. Often, seismic is
be meaningless artifacts of nonrepeatable noise. After cross-equal- used sparingly in this workflow only at the outset to define the
ization, the difference section on the right in Fig. 12 shows much initial reservoir container shape, and perhaps as a soft constraint on
more coherent differences associated with the reservoir zone and the population of the model with heterogeneous reservoir proper-
low-energy incoherent noise above the reservoir. These reservoir ties. Fig. 14 shows our proposed new model for reservoir man-
anomalies now correlate meaningfully with known pressure and agement that includes the 4D seismic data as a reservoir model
fluid movement caused by water injection on the left downdip constraint through seismic simulation. Now, seismic is an integral
flank. Engineers should be wary of false anomalies in 4D seismic part of the reservoir management process. A successful reservoir
images arising from acquisition nonrepeatability and time-lapse model not only has to match the geology and engineering produc-
processing inconsistencies. Also, engineers should be wary of the tion data at well locations, it also has to match the 4D seismic
fact that all seismic data cross-equalization algorithms may not information in the interwell volume regarding fluid contact move-
perform equally well, because cross-equalization is a relatively new ment, bypassed oil, progress of injected fluids, pressure compart-
processing technique that is still rapidly evolving in the seismic mentalization, and the hydraulic properties of faults and fracture
industry. The engineer can assess these processing risks by exam- zones. We call this new workflow process seismic history match-

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998 533

Fig. 12—Seismic cross sections after cross-equalization pro-
cessing from West Africa at initial time, late time, and difference.
Difference anomalies within the reservoir block are now much
stronger than the incoherent noise in the nonreservoir areas.
This indicates that the reservoir anomalies are more likely to be
real than the false anomalies without cross-equalization in
Fig. 11.

Fig. 10 —Seismic cross sections showing baseline seismic and

subsequent difference sections getting progressively noisier and stratigraphic depositional subenvironment maps. We modeled
with time. Careful acquisition techniques and semipermanent depositional facies, petrophysical lithotypes, porosity, and perme-
arrays are not a guarantee that 4D seismic data will be repeat- ability all on a fine scale. We upscaled the detailed geologic models
able over time periods of interest to reservoir monitoring. and history-matched them to the well production data through flow
simulation. We used the base-case flow simulations to obtain
pressure and saturation distributions through time. Next, we built
ing. This new reservoir management model places an increased the elastic models for seismic simulation by combining the rock
importance on rock physics, seismic simulation, and 4D seismic physics, porosity distribution, and time-dependent pressure and
analysis to reconcile 4D seismic anomalies with geology and saturation distributions. We simulated 3D seismic responses at
engineering data. preproduction, 1987, 1996, and beyond to compare with the seismic
An example from the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 15) shows the field data. Unfortunately, the simulated seismic data did not match
usefulness of working through the 4D seismic history-matching the field seismic in two key regions that depart from the history-
loop (Fig. 14). We performed a 4D analysis on a Gulf of Mexico matched drainage pattern. The mismatches in Fig. 15 are one region
sandstone reservoir to see if oil bypassed by the aquifer influx could
be monitored seismically and targeted for infill drilling. The res-
ervoir contains highly unconsolidated, porous sandstones. The dry
rock compressibility of the sandstone is 1.7 3 106 psi21 (com-
pressibility 5 1/bulk modulus), and the porosity range is 25 to 35%.
The brine and oil compressibilities show a strong contrast of 2.1 and
5.3 3 106 psi21, respectively. We built a 3D geologic model using
a hierarchical facies-based geostatistical technique from well data

Fig. 13—A conventional reservoir management process work-

flow. Note that seismic does not play an active role in constrain-
ing the reservoir model updating loop.

Fig. 14 —New workflow for reservoir management including

Fig. 11—Seismic cross sections before cross-equalization pro- seismic history matching. Now, seismic data are an integral part
cessing from West Africa at initial time, late time, and difference. of the reservoir model updating loop, and time-lapse seismic
Difference anomalies in the reservoir block are not reliable surveys can be a significant constraint on models that must fit
because there are false nonreservoir difference artifacts every- both the production data and 4D seismic images of fluid move-
where in the section. ment through seismic simulation.

534 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

Fig. 15—Seismic amplitude map along a reservoir horizon from the Gulf of Mexico. The original oil/water contact
follows the structural contour, the new oil/water contact was interpreted to be the yellow amplitude contour that
separates the greens and blues (water) from the reds and pinks (oil and gas). Seismic history matching shows that
the dimmed area is a false anomaly—it is not a swept area as originally interpreted. The bright area was found to
be consistent with bypassed oil as originally interpreted, by finding a geostatistical reservoir model that matched
both the production and seismic data after simulation.

that appears to be swept (dimmed seismic amplitudes), and one that

appears to be oil full (bright seismic amplitudes).
We used iterative modeling to see whether the two regions of
seismic discrepancy were within the geostatistical reservoir model
uncertainty. Data uncertainties and the need to create multiple
realizations reflecting the range of equiprobable models complicate
the reservoir model updating process. Only one geologic model
realization had been used for the original history match and seismic
simulation. Perhaps a different but equiprobable model realization
could match the field seismic anomalies.
After doing an iterative modeling study, we could not find a
history-matched reservoir model that explained the interpreted
swept (dimmed) region in the field seismic. To confirm this, we ran
pulsed neutron logs at an unperforated cased well in the vicinity and
determined that this anomalous region was indeed oil full as the Fig. 16 —Fault block water cuts (symbols) for three history-
models predicted, not swept as the dimmed field seismic anomaly matched geostatistical reservoir model realizations with actual
had been interpreted. Working through the seismic history-match field production history (solid line). Reservoir flow simulation
loop (Fig. 14) proved to be a powerful technique to identify a false cannot discriminate which of the three different models is best
seismic anomaly, probably caused by seismic data processing because they all fit the production data equally well.
amplitude artifacts. No history-matched reservoir model could
reproduce the anomaly after seismic simulation.
Considering the second region of discrepancy, which we inter- and production data and also matches the field seismic after seismic
preted to be oil full in the bright field seismic anomaly, but showed simulation. This example shows that equiprobable geostatistical
as swept in the original history match, we again did an iterative realizations that produce similar history matches after flow simu-
modeling study. We ran multiple equiprobable model realizations lation can result in very different seismic responses. The 4D seismic
to test the possibility that this region of the model might be oil full data has additional information content useful for prioritizing
as the field seismic indicated. We history-matched each of the among several equiprobable geostatistical reservoir models, com-
model realizations to an equivalent degree of accuracy, as shown pared to the flow simulation models that fit the production data
in Fig. 16. Although Fig. 16 shows water cut for the entire fault equally well. In other words, adding 4D seismic images into the
block, the history match is nearly as good on a well-by-well basis, history-match loop provides more constraint on the reservoir model
because only one or two wells produced at the same time. Even than does flow simulation alone, especially in areas of low well
though the production history match indicated no difference among density. To summarize the seismic interpretation issues, working
the three equiprobable models, there are significant seismic dif- through the seismic history-match workflow outlined in Fig. 14 is
ferences (Fig. 17). The lowermost panel in Fig. 17 matches the vital to identifying false seismic anomalies that do not fit the
interpreted oil-full region of the field seismic fairly well, and shows geology and production data. This workflow is vital to constraining
that it is possible to find a reservoir model that matches the geology which reservoir models simultaneously fit the geology, production

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998 535

Fig. 17—Oil saturations (left panels) and resulting synthetic seismic images (right panels) from three equiprobable
reservoir model realizations from a Gulf of Mexico field. Although reservoir flow simulation alone cannot
distinguish which model is best (Fig. 16), adding the extra constraint of seismic reduces the nonuniqueness
considerably. The lowermost model gives the best simultaneous match of both the production data and the bright
amplitude area in the field seismic data.

data, and seismic data, especially when a good production history We have performed a cost analysis that is summarized in Table
match alone may be ambiguous. The lesson is that 4D seismic 2. Our approach is as follows. We considered more than 15
anomalies must be reconciled with some version of the seismic Chevron-operated 4D projects around the globe, representing many
history-matching workflow in Fig. 14. If they are not, 4D seismic geographies, reservoir geology types, and production methods. We
anomalies may be misinterpreted as production effects when, in categorized these as Indonesia, West Africa (Angola and Nigeria),
fact, they could be false anomalies related to seismic noise, acqui- West Texas (with similar values for the San Joaquin basin in
sition nonrepeatability and processing inconsistencies, unexpected California), North Sea, Gulf of Mexico (shelf), and Deepwater.
rock, fluid, and pressure influences on the seismic response, and Next, we considered the typical costs of well work in each of those
could represent gross inconsistencies with the reservoir model and six production environments, including recompletion, sidetrack or
its constraining data. redrill, and a new well. We considered mainly vertical or deviated
wells, because horizontal wells can have highly variable costs and
What Does 4D Seismic Cost? are not drilled in all environments. Then, we considered what the
We now discuss cost issues related to 4D seismic monitoring. fundamental unit of seismic acquisition is in each environment and
Ideally, we should be discussing value. However, it will take the its cost. For example, on land, 1 sq mile (640 acres) of seismic data
industry some time and many case studies to gather reliable is a typical minimum amount of seismic data to acquire. However,
statistics on the value of 4D seismic for many reservoir types and offshore, 9 sq miles [one outer continental shelf (OCS) block] is the
production methods. Because cost is half of the value equation and typical minimum amount of seismic data to acquire. Then, we
the first item to hit the budget, we focus on cost issues for now, with calculated what the typical amount of well coverage is in each
the knowledge that each 4D project must pass some first-order environment for the seismic area covered. Finally, we decided
business driver and anticipated payout test before it is implemented. which type of well work was most likely to be performed in each


West Texas Gulf of

Indonesia West Africa San Jaoquin North Sea Mexico shelf Deep Water

Recompletion 50 1,500 40 600 500 —

Side Track (70) 2,500 200 4,000 500 2,500
New Well 140 4,000 250 8,000 3,000 20,000
Seismic 400 1,000 50 1,000 1,000 1,000
Seismic acres 640 640p9 640 640p9 640p9 640p9
Number of wells per 80 36 32 20 36 5
seismic area
Seismic cost/10% 35 10 5 15 55 5
well work, %

536 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

production environment, then assumed conservatively that only Kempner, Gerry Flaherty, John Connor, Ninos Benyamin, Greg
10% of the wells in the seismic area will be worked between King, Mark MacLeod, Bob Slyker, Alan Nunns, Dave Kennedy,
surveys as a function of the previous 4D monitor survey results. Guy Delorme, Michel Bee, Steve Jenkins, Matt Mikulich, Steve
Finally, we calculated the cost ratio of seismic compared to well Doherty, Ken Nelson, Zhijing Wang, David Moore, Greg Surveyer,
work in each environment. The results summarized in Table 2 show Harry Martin, and Chevron partners for permission to present this
the cost ratio of buying a new 3D seismic survey for a 4D study as data. We thank Chevron Petroleum Technology management for
a surcharge to anticipated well work, at any given point in the life permission to publish this work.
of a producing reservoir. These seismic costs typically include
processing and interpretation, which are small compared to the References
seismic acquisition costs. 1. Lumley, D.E.: “Seismic Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Fluid
Our 4D seismic cost analysis (see Appendix) shows the follow- Flow,” PhD dissertation, Stanford U., Stanford, California (1995).
ing. Typical 4D seismic costs per survey are on the order of U.S. 2. Johnstad, S.E., Uden, R.C., and Dunlop, K.N.B.: “Seismic Reservoir
$50,000 to 400,000/sq mile on land, and about U.S. $1 million per Monitoring Over the Oseberg Field,” First Break (1993) 11, No. 5, 177.
OCS block for marine streamer data. Typical well work costs on 3. Watts, G.F.T. et al.: “Reservoir Monitoring of the Magnus Field
land are U.S. $150,000 to 250,000/new well, U.S. $0.5 to 2.5 Through 4D Time-Lapse Seismic Analysis,” Petroleum Geoscience
million/sidetrack on offshore shelf properties, and U.S. $10 to 30 (1996) 2, 361.
million for a new well in a deepwater field. The relative cost of 4D 4. Greaves, R.J. and Fulp, T. J.: “3D Seismic Monitoring of an EOR
seismic can be expressed as a cost ratio of a new seismic survey Process,” Geophysics (1987) 52, No. 9, 1175.
compared to anticipated well work and viewed as a surcharge to 5. Eastwood, J. et al.: “Seismic Monitoring of Steam-Based Recovery of
planned or future well work between seismic surveys. In this case, Bitumen,” The Leading Edge (1994) 13, No. 4, 242.
the cost ratio of 4D seismic to the anticipated well work is 5 to 35% 6. Sheriff, R.E. and Geldart, L.P.: Exploration Seismology, Vol. 1 and 2,
on land, 10 to 50% on marine shelf properties, and 5 to 10% in Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge, U.K. (1982).
deepwater fields. Additional well costs related to injectants, etc., are 7. Claerbout, J.F.: Imaging the Earth’s Interior, Blackwell Scientific
not included in this analysis, but would make the seismic cost ratios Publications Inc., Palo Alto, California (1985).
even more favorable (e.g., steam, water, or CO2 floods). This 8. Nur, A.: “Four-Dimensional Seismology and (True) Direct Detection of
analysis shows that the cost of 4D seismic may be a very small Hydrocarbons: The Petrophysical Basis,” The Leading Edge (1989) 8,
percentage of the typical well work costs in land environments such No. 9, 30.
as west Texas and California, where seismic data are relatively 9. Lee, D.S. et al.: “Time-Lapse Crosswell Seismic Tomography To
cheap, and in marine environments such as West Africa and the Characterize Flow Structure in the Reservoir During the Thermal
North Sea where well costs are relatively expensive. In contrast, 4D Simulation,” Geophysics (1996) 60, No. 3, 660.
seismic may not be as economically attractive in the Gulf of Mexico 10. Lazaratos, S.K. and Marion, B.P.: “Crosswell Seismic Imaging of
shelf properties where there is a high density of existing wells and Reservoir Changes Caused by CO2 Injection,” The Leading Edge (1997)
platforms to reach infill targets with relatively cheap side-track 16, No. 9, 1300.
wells. In deepwater environments, in which well costs can be 11. Interpretation of 3D Seismic Data, Brown, A. (ed.), AAPG Memoir 42,
extremely high, 4D seismic may be an extremely economic tool for third edition (1991).
reservoir monitoring and management. 12. Bee, M.F. et al.: “A Powerful New Technology for Monitoring Steam
Movements in Duri Field, Central Sumatra,” Proc., 1994 Annual
Conclusions Convention of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, 4–6 October.
Four-dimensional seismic data analysis offers a huge potential 13. Waite, M.W. et al.: “Application of Seismic Monitoring To Manage an
impact in helping to monitor reservoir production processes in a Early-Stage Steamflood,” paper SPE 37564 presented at the 1997 SPE
volumetric sense, which is crucial for optimal reservoir manage- International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Bakers-
ment. However, although simple in concept, the 4D seismic method field, California, 10–12 February.
can be complicated easily by many operational issues. The practical 14. Moore, D.E.: “Using Multiple Time Lapse 3D Seismic Surveys for Fluid
difficulties we have discussed suggest that this new technology is Characterization in Consolidated Sandstone Reservoirs,” paper OTC
not a panacea, but rather that it is an exciting new emerging 8292 presented at the 1997 Offshore Technology Conference, 5–8 May.
technology that requires very careful analysis and integration with 15. Lumley, D.E., Behrens, R.A., and Wang, Z.: “Assessing the Technical
traditional reservoir geology and engineering data to be useful. Risk of a 4D Seismic Project,” The Leading Edge (1997) 16, No. 9,
To illuminate these operational issues, we have discussed fea- 1287.
sibility tests, technical risks, and the cost of doing 4D seismic. A 16. Wang, Z.: “Feasibility of Time-Lapse Seismic Reservoir Monitoring:
4D project must pass three critical tests to be successful in a The Physical Basis,” The Leading Edge (1997) 16, No. 9, 1327.
particular reservoir. The reservoir rock should be highly compress-
ible and porous. The fluid properties should exhibit a large com- Appendix—Cost of 4D Seismic Relative to Well Work
pressibility contrast and sufficient saturation changes over time Indonesia. In Indonesia, we consider only onshore sites. Average
between the monitor surveys. It should be feasible to obtain well costs are U.S. $50,000/recompletion or workover, U.S.
high-quality 3D seismic data in the area with clear reservoir images $70,000/sidetrack or redrill, and U.S. $140,000/new well. Because
and highly repeatable seismic acquisition. The risks associated with the cost of a new well is relatively cheap, sidetracks or redrills are
a 4D seismic project include false anomalies caused by artifacts of rarely done. The minimum area of seismic acquisition is 1 sq mile
time-lapse seismic acquisition and processing, and the ambiguity of (640 acres), at an average cost of about U.S. $400,000. The average
seismic interpretation in trying to relate time-lapse changes in well density over the seismic area is about 80 wells/640 acres, and
seismic data to changes in saturation, pressure, temperature, or rock we assume that 8 wells (10%) will be planned for work between
properties. The cost of 4D seismic can be viewed as a surcharge on seismic surveys. For this environment, we assume that all well work
anticipated well work and expressed as a cost ratio (seismic/wells). will consist of new wells, because the well density and the relatively
Our analysis shows the cost ratio of 4D seismic per well ranges cheap cost of a new well favor that strategy. This results in a seismic
from 5 to 35% on land, 10 to 50% on marine shelf properties, and surcharge cost of 35% of the expected well work cost.
5 to 10% in deepwater fields.
West Africa. In West Africa, we consider only offshore sites.
Acknowledgments Average well costs are U.S. $1.5 million/recompletion or workover,
We thank our many Chevron colleagues who contributed their U.S. $2.5 million/sidetrack or redrill, and U.S. $4.0 million/new
discussions, insights, and data points to this article, including Bob well. The minimum area of offshore seismic acquisition is 9 sq
Brown, Bill Abriel, Doug Jordan, Bill Haworth, Ken Eisenmenger, miles at an average cost of about U.S. $1 million. The average well
Charlie Keefer, Kelly Edwards, Leon Roe, Louis Klonsky, Bill density over the seismic area is about 36 wells, and we assume that

SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998 537

4 wells (10%) will be planned for work between seismic surveys. targets easily. This results in a seismic surcharge cost of 55% of the
For this environment, we assume that all well work will consist of expected well work cost, which is not particularly attractive com-
sidetracks, because the well density is not high enough to get by pared to the other production environments.
with recompletions, is high enough to allow us to reach new infill
targets with sidetracks, and because new wells are too expensive.
This results in a seismic surcharge cost of only 10% of the Deepwater. Finally, in deepwater regions around the world, we
anticipated well work cost, which is highly favorable. consider the 4D seismic cost analysis. Average well costs are U.S.
$2.5 million/sidetrack or redrill, and U.S. $10 to 30 million/new
well. Recompletions or workovers are not an issue. The minimum
West Texas. In West Texas and, similarly, in the San Joaquin area of offshore seismic acquisition is 9 sq miles at an average cost
basin of California, average well costs are U.S. $40,000/recomple- of about U.S. $1 million. The average well density over the seismic
tion or workover, U.S. $200,000/sidetrack or redrill, and U.S. area is about 5 wells, and we assume that 1 well will be planned
$250,000/new well. The minimum area of land seismic acquisition for work between seismic surveys. For this environment, we
is 1 sq mile (640 acres) at an average cost of about U.S. $50,000. assume that the well work will consist of a new well, because the
The average well density over the seismic area is about 32 wells, sparse location of expensive wells is not likely to be dense enough
and we assume that 3 wells (10%) will be planned for work between to allow us to reach new infill targets with side-tracks. This results
seismic surveys. For this environment, we assume that all well work in a seismic surcharge cost of only 5 to 10% of the expected well
will consist of new wells, because the well density is not high work cost, which is extremely favorable.
enough to get by with recompletions and new wells are not much
more expensive than side-tracks. This results in a seismic surcharge
cost of only 5% of the expected well work cost, which is extremely SI Metric Conversion Factors
favorable. acre 3 4.046 873 E103 5 m2
ft 3 3.048* E201 5 m
North Sea. In the North Sea, average well costs are U.S. $600,000/ psi 3 6.894 757 E100 5 kPa
recompletion or workover, U.S. $4.0 million/sidetrack or redrill, sq mile 3 2.589 988 E100 5 km2
and U.S. $8.0 million/new well, which includes some horizontal *Conversion factor is exact. SPEREE
well costs. The minimum area of offshore seismic acquisition is 9
sq miles at an average cost of about U.S. $1 million. The average
well density over the seismic area is about 20 wells, and we assume David E. Lumley is a senior staff research scientist and the
that 2 wells (10%) will be planned for work between seismic Technical Leader of the 4D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Team
surveys. For this environment, we assume that all well work will at Chevron Petroleum Technology Co. in La Habra, California,
consist of side-tracks or redrills, because the well density is not high and a consulting professor at Stanford U. His work experience
enough to get by with recompletions, is high enough to allow us to includes seismic crew leader on a marine seismic vessel with
reach new infill targets with side-tracks, and because new wells are Western Geophysical and geophysical research positions with
much too expensive. This results in a seismic surcharge cost of 15% Mobil, Arco, and Chevron. His research interests are primarily in
the estimation of reservoir petrophysical properties and moni-
of the expected well work cost, which is very favorable. toring of fluid flow with seismic data. He holds BS and MS
degrees from the U. of British Columbia, and a PhD degree from
Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf of Mexico (shelf), we consider only Stanford U., all in geophysics. He is a 1998 –1999 SPE Distin-
offshore shelf sites for this category (deepwater is discussed next). guished Lecturer on 4D seismic. Ronald A. Behrens is a senior
Average well costs are U.S. $500,000/recompletion or workover, staff research scientist for the 4D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring
also U.S. $500,000/sidetrack or redrill, and U.S. $3.0 million/new and Geostatistics Teams at Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.
well. The minimum area of offshore seismic acquisition is 9 sq His work experience includes production engineering, reservoir
engineering, and research with interests in flow simulation and
miles at an average cost of about U.S. $1 million. The average well reservoir characterization through geostatistics and seismic
density over the seismic area is about 36 wells, and we assume that monitoring. He holds a BS degree from the U. of Minnesota and
4 wells (10%) will be planned for work between seismic surveys. a PhD degree from the U. of Delaware, both in chemical
For this environment, we assume that all well work will consist of engineering. He is a 1998 –1999 SPE Distinguished Lecturer on 4D
sidetracks, because they are cheap and allow us to reach new infill seismic.

538 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, December 1998

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