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Lateral Trunk Flexors and Low Back Pain:

Endurance and Bilateral Asymmetry
Eric Wiatt, BS, CSCS, CES and Sean P. Flanagan, PhD, ATC, CSCS • California State
University, Northridge

LOW BACK PAIN (LBP) is a major limiting literature is sparse concerning the association
factor among athletes.1 LBP impedes sports of lateral trunk muscle endurance with LBP.
performance by disrupting normal move- Because a destabilizing force can come from
ment patterns during activity and can cause any direction, endurance of the lateral trunk
prolonged absence from practice and compe- flexors on both sides is important. Bilateral
tition. Although the etiology of LBP remains asymmetry of fatigue resistance of the right
quite ambiguous, spinal instability has been and left lateral trunk flexors may present an
identified as a possible cause.2 Spinal instabil- elevated susceptibility to low back injury.
ity involves decreased Testing and training the lateral trunk flexors
spinal stiffness and for overall endurance and bilateral asymme-
Key Points excessive motion try may be important for spinal stabilization
between loaded ver- and prevention of LBP.11
A lack of endurance in the spinal stabilizers
is a major cause of low back pain. tebrae, which usually
results in pain. 3 For-
Lateral Trunk Flexors
The lateral trunk flexors are often over- tunately, a minimal
looked in testing and training. degree of trunk mus- The lateral trunk flexors (Table 1) act unilat-
culature tension is erally in the frontal plane to side-bend the
Lateral trunk flexor overall endurance and needed to maintain trunk by pulling the rib cage toward the hip,
degree of symmetry play an important role spinal stability and and they act bilaterally to stabilize the spine.
in low back pain. decrease pain;4 how- A large number of muscles act to laterally
ever, muscle contrac- flex the trunk and thus play a significant role
The side bridge is an excellent choice to tion must be continu- in spinal stability. McGill11 has shown that
test and train the lateral trunk flexors. ously maintained. An muscle activation is most pronounced in
inability of the stabiliz- the lateral trunk flexors when an axial load
ing muscles to contract for a long period of is placed on the spine.
time can increase the risk of injury to the low
back,5 which suggests that fatigue resistance Lateral Trunk Flexor Endurance
is more important than strength. Lack of muscle activation in any plane can
There is abundant literature pertaining to result in movement between two adjacent
the association between muscle endurance of vertebrae, which may result in overloading
the anterior and posterior trunk and its asso- of static stabilizers and LBP.4 Because the
ciation with LBP.5-10 Even though the spine combination of instability of a spine segment
requires stabilization in all directions, the and poor endurance of the trunk musculature

© 2009 Human Kinetics - ATT 14(3), pp. 10-12

10  may 2009 Athletic Therapy Today

of the injury and subsequent surgery is not known, its
Table 1. Muscles and Their Cor-
existence suggests that bilateral asymmetry needs to
responding Functions of the
be evaluated and corrected.
If a lateral guy-wire is loosened on the opposite
Flexors Extensors Lateral Flexors Rotators side of a tight lateral guy-wire, the supported struc-
Rectus Iliocostalis Quadratus External ture would fail at a lower load than that which could
abdominus lumborum oblique be withstood with both lateral guy-wires having the
External Longissimus External Internal same level of tension. If muscles on one side of the
oblique oblique oblique trunk fail to produce the same amount of tension as
Internal Spinalis Internal Iliocostalis
those on the opposite side, the side that is weak and/
oblique oblique or lacks endurance will lack dynamic support. If the
static support system of the spine (i.e., ligaments and
Psoas Multifidus Iliocostalis Longissimus
discs) is required to resist a greater proportion of the
load imposed on the weaker side, structural damage
Longissimus Semispinalis may result.
Intertrans- Multifidus
versarii Testing and Training the Lateral Trunk Flexors
Rotatores A program for prevention or treatment of LBP should
include testing and training of all trunk muscles.
Exercises that are commonly used to test and train
the lateral flexors include (a) lateral flexion on a back
is a significant contributor to LBP,3 fatigue resistance hyperextension machine, (b) standing side bends, (c)
in all planes of motion is essential.1 hanging hip hikes, and (d) side bridges. Only the side
Cocontraction of numerous muscles is required bridge and standing lateral flexion have been tested for
to maintain spinal stability.13 The muscles surround- effectiveness and safety. When examined through elec-
ing the spine act like antenna guy-wires to increase tromyography, the side bridge exercise had 3-4 times
the spine’s ability to withstand both compressive and greater activation of the lateral flexors than standing
tensile forces. If any one of the guy-wires is loosened, side bends.6 Also, the side bridge exercise produced a
the structure will fail at a lower load level. McGill14 has relatively low spinal load of 2,585 N.14 The side bridge
suggested that the numerous spinal stabilizers act in is a simple exercise to perform and no equipment is
synchrony to support the lumbar spine and that the needed (Figure 1).
performance capabilities of a given muscle must be When conducting the side-bridge test the athlete
in balance with those of the other dynamic stabilizers lies on an exercise mat on his or her side with the
to achieve optimal spinal stability. legs extended.18 The elbow is placed directly under
the shoulder and one foot is on top of the other foot.
Bilateral Asymmetry
The contralateral arm should be positioned across the
Bilateral asymmetry develops from single-sided repeti- chest with the hand placed on the opposite shoulder.
tive loading that produces difference in endurance The hips are lifted off of the mat to maintain a straight
between the muscles on the right and left sides of alignment of the spine and lower extremities. The test
the trunk. Any athlete in a sport involving single-side should begin when the straight-alignment position is
repetitive loading of the trunk (e.g., pitchers, quarter- attained and should be terminated when a deviation
backs, golfers, hockey forwards, soccer forwards, and from the position occurs. When testing fatigue resis-
bowlers) is at risk for development of LBP.15 Because tance of the lateral trunk flexors, the side-bridge should
these athletic positions require repetitive, single-side be held until fatigue occurs. When training the lateral
mechanical loading, adaptive changes occur on the trunk flexors, the side-bridge position should be held
dominant side that ultimate result in bilateral asym- for a shorter period of time, with repetitive perfor-
metry.16 Postsurgical microdiscectomy patients also mance of the exercise. The test should be terminated
exhibit a high incidence of paraspinal muscle asymme- if pain is experienced, if the athlete cannot achieve the
try.17 Whether the asymmetry is a cause or is a result straight-alignment position, or a fatigued state has been

Athletic Therapy Today may 2009  11

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