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Coworker 2: It is ____________ part two of the children’s show!

Coworker 1: It’s time! It’s time! I ____________ wait!

Coworker 3: Shh! I can’t ____________it!
Announcer: Last time on "The ________________________ Treehouse," Anna was lost,
____________ lost. She wants to ____________ about baseball. But her
____________, MINDY, ________________________ many wrong places.
Anna: MINDY! Help me! I am in ____________ with ____________!
MINDY: I will try ____________________________________, Anna.
Anna: Please try ____________, MINDY!
Anna: Now, where ____________? I am at a ____________ with a baseball field! Yes! I
can teach ____________ about baseball here! MINDY, MINDY,
____________________________________. But you did it!
MINDY: Thanks, Anna. ________________________________ when you find the answer.
Anna: Okay. Come with me. Let’s learn ____________ play baseball! This is a baseball
This is a pitcher's mound.
This is ____________ base!
This is ____________ base!
This is ____________base!
This is home ____________!
Anna: To play baseball, you really only need ____________, ____________ and
____________. Each team ____________ many players
Pitchers ____________ the ball.
Catchers ____________the ball.
Batters ____________ the ball.
Runners ____________ the bases.
Fielders ____________ the ball.
Anna: ____________ , the pitcher pitches the ball to the batter. The batter bats the ball.
____________, the runner runs to first base.
Anna: _______________ a batter bats, the runners run ____________ the bases.
________________ a runner runs across home ____________, they
____________ a run! There are nine ____________ in a game. The team with the
____________ runs at the end of nine ____________ wins the game!
Anna: MINDY, MINDY, we ____________ the answer! ________________________
return to the treehouse.
MINDY: Good job! ________________________.
Coworker 3: Good job Anna. You know, I still don't like children's ____________ , but I like this
children's show.
Coworker 2: I ____________ the time travel.
Coworker 1: But time travel ________________________. You’re so ____________, Anna.
Anna: Yeah, time travel is ________________________. Thanks, goodbye. Bye, thank
Anna: Hello, MINDY? Are you there?
MINDY: Hello, Anna.
Anna: MINDY, I ________________________ China! Until next time …

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