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Chapter 3

Numerical simulation and analysis of the shear performance

of newly cantilevered concrete members
The interface between an old concrete and the newly added repair material has been the
subject of many researches in the last few decades. Although the interface is the weak point in
a composite concrete that was shown by existing studies, adding new concrete to old existing
concrete for the purpose of repair, strengthening or for structural extension is and will be the
common situations. Therefore, research on the interface between the old and new concrete is
always relevant.
In this study, we look to investigate the effect of some parameters on the shear behaviour
of the interface between a reinforced concrete beam and the reinforced cantilevered concrete
slab extension. In order to obtain the fundamental understanding, the wholly-cast beam-slab
connection was compared to a post-cast beam-slab connection.
In this chapter, two 3D finite element (FE) models were developed to numerically
investigate the shear performance of the beam-slab connection in a composite concrete
system. A wholly-cast specimen and a post-cast specimen were designated as the test
specimens. Parameters such as the effect of the shear span, influence of interface roughness,
and the strength of the newly added cantilevered concrete slab were investigated. For each of
the wholly-cast specimens and the post-cast specimens, three (3) loading positions were
considered to gain adequate understanding of the failure mode and cracking patterns and the
stress distribution in the models. The general structural behaviour of the specimens such as
the load-displacement relationships, failure modes and cracking patterns, stress and strain
distributions, maximum shear capacity were investigated and conclusions presented. The
obtained results from the numerical simulation show the significant effect of the shear span,
interface roughness, and the strength of the newly added cantilevered concrete slab on the
shear capacity of the interfaces. Relating equations were observed and the trend presented.

3.1 Study specimen

3.1.1 Prototype of the specimen

Fig. 3.1a presents the study specimens used in the study. For the wholly-cast specimen, a
typical specimen is a 500mm high, 250mm wide reinforced concrete beam with a cantilevered
slab 150mm thick protruding from one side, it simulates the balcony structure. Fig. 3.1b
shows the reinforcement detailing of the study specimen, the steel reinforcements in the beam
are 20mm diameter upper and lower bending reinforcement, and 12mm diameter middle
bending reinforcement, and 8mm diameter stirrups. For the slab, the steel reinforcements
include 10mm diameter bending reinforcements in the longitudinal direction and 8mm
diameter in the transverse directions. In addition, concrete cover of 25mm and 15mm were
specified for the beam and the slab, respectively. Seven (7) steel connectors of diameter
20mm were used to connect the old reinforced concrete member with the new cantilevered
reinforced concrete slab member. In this study, we chose 100mm width as the object of study
(Fig. 3.1a).
For the post-cast specimen, the dimensions of the post-cast specimen and the wholly-cast
member are the same, and yet there is new-old concrete interface between the beam and the
cantilever slab, that showing the situation of new-added cantilevered balcony to an existing
building. Seven (7) bars of diameter 20mm were planted to connect the old reinforced
concrete member with the new cantilevered reinforced concrete slab member.


RC Beam
RC Slab



(a) 3D view of specimen

160 10@200

2 12

3 20

(b) Section view of specimen

Fig. 3.1 Schematics of test specimen

3.2 Finite Element model Geometry and mesh
3.2.1 General

The Finite element models of the study specimens are presented in Fig. 3.2. For the
wholly-cast specimens, the model consists of three components which are the whole-cast
concrete, embedded steel reinforcement bars, and steel connectors. The components were
modeled separately as appropriate. The concrete part was modelled as three-dimensional solid
deformable part and meshed with solid element C3D8R. This element type is an 8-node brick
element with reduced-integration stiffness. Each node has three translational degrees of
freedom (DOF). This element can be used for nonlinear analysis including of contact, large
deformation, plasticity and failure. The steel reinforcement members were however modelled
as truss elements and meshed as T3D2 (2-node, three-dimensional truss element). In addition,
the steel connectors were modelled as 3-dimensional deformable element and meshed with
solid element C3D8R, similar to that of the concrete member and in accordance with
observed method in similar research. The overall mesh size was 25mm, with mesh sensitivity
conducted to ensure appropriate meshing and no effect of meshing on the obtained results.
The finite element mesh of the specimen is presented in Fig.3.2b
For the post-cast specimens, the model consists of four components which are the old
concrete beam, the newly added concrete slab, the embedded steel reinforcement bars, and
steel connectors. The components were modelled separately as appropriate. Similar meshing
and element type were considered for the post-cast specimens as for the wholly-cast
(a) Concrete model (b) Mesh of concrete model

(c) Embedded reinforcement (d) Mesh of embedded reinforcement

(e) Steel connector model (f) Mesh of steel connector

Fig. 3.2. Model and finite element mesh of test specimen

3.2.2 Interaction and Constrains

The different components of the model were modelled separately as appropriate and
assembled as in the test specimens. Appropriate constrains were used to describe the
interaction between the different components. The steel reinforcements and the steel
connectors were located inside the old and the cantilevered extension concrete, as appropriate
using the embedded region constraint available in Abaqus. In this constrain, the translational
DOF of the nodes on the rebar elements were constrained to the interpolated values of the
corresponding degree of freedom (DOF) of the concrete elements.
In order to model the interface behaviour, adequate representation of the interface is
essential. Abaqus provides a number of ways to model the interface behavior. However, a
more popular often used method is the surface-to-surface interaction method. In this method,
a surface is assigned the master surface while the other is assigned as the slave surface. In
addition, a contact interaction property is defined.
In this study and in order to adequately represent the interface, a friction model
interaction was used, with an assigned friction coefficient utilized. According to the Eurocode
specification for the repair of concrete to concrete interfaces, varying values of the friction
coefficient is assigned for differently treated and rough concrete interfaces. In this study and
in order to adequately represent the interface, a friction model interaction was used, with an
assigned friction coefficient utilized. According to the Eurocode specification for the repair of
concrete to concrete interfaces, varying values of the friction coefficient is assigned for
differently treated and rough concrete interfaces. The roughness is classified as Brush ruough
(Steel brush swept surface with about 1mm average depth of groove), Mechanical chisel
rough (The point-pit type hair cutting machine covers an area of not less than 50% and the
average depth is not less than 6mm), Fully chiseled rough (The whole contact surface is
chipped, the average chipping depth is not less than 6mm). For the Brush rough, a friction
coefficient of 0.5 is assigned, while Mechanical chisel rough surfaces are assigned a friction
coefficient of 0.6. Friction coefficient of 0.7 is assigned for Fully chiseled rough interfaces
(obtained by raking, grinding, exposing of aggregates, etc.) and 0.9 for indented interfaces.
The friction coefficient of 0.7 was selected in this research, categorizing the interface as
rough and obtained after initial treatment.

3.2.3 Loading and Boundary conditions

For the numerical specimens, the reference points at the loading points were pinned to
the upper surface of the extension slab and applied a displacement/rotation boundary
condition (Fig. 3.3a). This indicates that the force/load is applied gradually on the assigned
reference point. Similarly, the bottom surface of the old concrete beam was pinned to the
assigned reference point and a fixed boundary condition was applied to the bottom. The fixed
boundary condition ensures that the there is no displacement nor rotation in any of the 6
degrees of freedom (DOF) at the point. Loading was applied as a downward enforced
displacement to the reference point on the upper surface area. The applied displacement was
linearly increased using the default ‘Ramp’ amplitude available in Abaqus. A displacement
magnitude of 10mm was applied at the reference point.

Fig. 3.3. Boundary condition of test specimen

3.2.4 Analysis Method

The general static analysis method was employed to solve the numerical model. In the
analysis step, Abaqus/CAE creates only one initial step for the model, and it cannot be
renamed, edited, replaced, copied, or deleted. The initial step allows you to define boundary
conditions, predefined fields, and interactions that are applicable at the very beginning of the
analysis. This analysis carried for step-1 as static, general with time period equal 1.0 and the
nonlinear geometrical behavior (NLGEOM) was set at “ON” to activate the large-
displacement formulation, and ensure a smooth and proper analysis. To help with
convergence of the analysis, the simulation used an Automatic Stabilization with specified
damping factor equal to 0.0002.
The default automatic increment with maximum number of increments specified as
1000000 was used in the analysis with increment size of 0.001, 1E-010 and 0.1 for the initial,
minimum and maximum time values respectively. The default increment was used as it
selects increment sizes based on computational efficiency.

3.2.5 Concrete Materials

The nonlinear behaviour of the old and new concrete materials are presented by the
uniaxial stress-strain curve of concrete. For concrete under compression, experimentally
obtained concrete compressive strength, fcm, was used to determine values for the curve,
following procedures provided by Eurocode 2. Experimentally obtained concrete compressive
strength, fcm, was used to determine values for the curve, following procedures provided by
Eurocode 2. In this study, the concrete grade for the concrete beam and the new cantilevered
concrete slab parts was selected as C30 and C35.
Under compression, the complete stress-strain curve of concrete is obtained using Eqns.






where: Ecm is the elastic modulus of concrete (GPa), εc1 is the strain at peak stress, εcu1 is
the ultimate strain taken as 0.0035 from Eurocode 2, and fcm is the ultimate compressive
strength of concrete (MPa).
For concrete under tension, the code shows that tensile stress increases linearly with
respect to strain until concrete cracks at cracking strain (εcr). After cracking, tensile stress
decreases to zero following a tension stiffening path. The left part of the figure represents the
uncracked concrete behaviour while the right shows the concrete softening part after reaching
its tensile strength. The crack opening, w (which is related to the fracture energy, GF, of the
concrete) can be obtained after the crack opening increases to w1 and w2. To obtain the
points, Eqns. 3.6 – 3.9 were used and the values were obtained by interpolation. Fig. 3.4
shows the complete compressive stress-strain curve for concrete material in compression and




Fig. 3.4. Schematic stress-strain curve of concrete material Concrete material modelling

To model concrete, ABAQUS provides three (3) models which are the concrete smeared
cracking model, concrete damaged plasticity model (CDP) and the Brittle cracking model.
The CDP has gained wide acceptance in concrete joint modelling due to its superior ability in
handling convergence problems and reasonable agreement with most experimental results.
The model uses a combination of isotropic damaged plasticity and isotropic tensile and
compressive plasticity to define concrete’s non-linear behavior. According to the Abaqus
documentation, the model is a continuum, plasticity-based, damage model, best suited for
concrete structures subjected to monotonic, cyclic and dynamic loading conditions, with a
major assumption that tensile cracking and compressive crushing constitute the two main
failure mechanisms. The assumptions of the model for the uniaxial compressive and tensile
response of concrete is defined by the damage plasticity represented in Figs. 3.5 & 3.6, as
obtained from Abaqus documentation.

Fig. 3.5 CDP model in compression

Fig. 3.6. CDP model in tension Concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) parameters

A complete description of the CDP model requires the compressive and tensile
behaviour of the concrete alongside five additional parameters which are: the dilation angle in
degrees (ψ); flow potential eccentricity (ε); ratio of the initial equibiaxial compressive yield
stress to the initial uniaxial compressive yield stress (σb0/σc0); ratio of the second stress
invariant on the tensile meridian to that on the compressive meridian, (Kc), for a negative
maximum principal stress; and viscosity parameter (µ). Abaqus documentation recommended
default values for the ordinary concrete material were used as presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) parameters

Parameter Value

Dilation angle 35
Eccentricity 0.1

fbo/fco 1.16

K 0.67

Viscosity parameter 0.0

To obtain the CDP compressive stress data, inelastic strains were used. The inelastic
strains were obtained sing Eqns. 3.10 and 3.11. In addition, corresponding compressive
damage parameter, dc for each inelastic strain level was obtained using Eqns. 3.12 and 3.13.
The compressive damage parameters are however, non-negative and non-decreasing values,
corresponding to stiffness reduction in the concrete, without which the concrete specimen
behaves as completely plastic. The value of dc ranges from 0, for an undamaged material to 1,
for a completely damaged material, with zero bearing capacity.




Similar to the compressive stress, CDP tensile stress data were obtained as cracking

strains . The cracking strains were obtained using Eqns. 3.14 and 3.15. In addition,
corresponding tensile damage parameter, dt for each cracking strain level was obtained using
Eqns. 3.16 and 3.17. The value of dt ranges from 0, for an undamaged material to 1, for a
fully damaged material. Tensile damage values are also non-negative and non-decreasing.




3.2.6 Steel Reinforcement

The constitutive relation for the steel reinforcement in tension and compression uses a
simple elastic and fully plastic bilinear stress-strain model expressed as Eqn. 3.19 and 3.20
and Fig. 3.7. The properties of the steel reinforcements used in this research are however
presented in Table 3.2.


Fig. 3.7 Stress-strain relationship of the steel reinforcement and steel connectors
Table 3.2: Material properties of steel reinforcement
Property Value

Density (Tonne/mm2) 7.850×10-9

Elastic modulus Es (GPa) 199

Poisson’s ratio 0.3

Yield stress fy (MPa) 400

3.3 Numerical Results and Analysis
In the section, the numerical simulation results and corresponding analysis of the shear
performance of the new cantilevered reinforced concrete specimen is presented, including the
failure modes and cracking pattern for each specimen; analysis and discussion of the load-
displacement curves; analysis and discussion of the stress distribution in all the specimens;
analysis of influencing factors of the shear performance of the interface such as loading point.
The accuracy of the numerical model in capturing joint shear performance is monitored
through four main output parameters which effectively define overall joint shear performance
including concrete tensile and compressive damage, reinforcement output stress and joint
cracking pattern. The CDP model simulates the nonlinear behavior of concrete both in tension
and compression appropriately. A significant and challenging aspect of damage plasticity
model application is the appropriate definition of damage in the constitutive model. The value
of maximum principal plastic strain (PE) is the main indicator of cracking initiation in
concrete damage plasticity model. Cracks initiate when maximum principal plastic strain is
positive and the orientation of cracks is considered to be perpendicular to the maximum
principal plastic strains. Therefore, in order to visualize the direction of cracking, the
maximum principal plastic strains output is investigated.

3.3.1 Wholly cast RC beam-slab model and post cast RC beam-slab model

In this section, the wholly-cast test specimen is compared to the post-cast test specimens.
Three groups of test specimens, each group with different shear span is utilized. Table 3.3
presents the details of the test specimen, while the results and analysis is presented thereafter.
Table 3.3 Details of test specimen
Grade of Grade of
Group Shear span
Specimen old new
name (mm)
concrete concrete
A C30 C35 300
B C30 C35 750
C C30 C35 1500

WC refers to specimens with the beam and the slab wholly cast. PC represents the test
specimens where the beam and the slab are cast at different times. Failure mode of numerical specimens

In order to avoid excessive repetitions, the failure mode of one specimen for each of the
wholly-cast specimens and the post-cast specimens was presented to show the representative
failure mode of all the specimens in the group. This is acceptable because the main difference
between the specimens in the group is the variation of the shear span, which showed no effect
on the failure mode of the test specimens

1. Failure mode and cracking pattern of specimen WC1

Specimen WC1 refers to a wholly cast specimen, with unit concrete grade and shear span
of 300mm from the load point to the support point.
Fig. 3.8(a-e) shows the maximum principal plastic strains (PE) output at five different
loads of the simulation of specimen WC1. The cracking outputs were obtained at the inflexion
points of the load-slip curves, which represents a significant cracking point in the numerical
simulation and helps to better understand the cracking pattern in the simulated test specimen.
As earlier stated, the maximum principal plastic strain (PE) output in Abaqus provides a
better representation of the cracks in the model. Therefore, the strain output is used to show
the cracking patterns for all the following analyses.
The presented figures show the formation and the propagation of cracks in the
numerically simulated specimen WC1. At early stage of loading, about 90kN, and at a
displacement of about 0.15mm, the formation of cracking in the specimen is hardly noticeable
in the model as the specimen is still in its elastic phase. With increased loading to about
281kN, and at an interface displacement of 0.76mm, the formation and propagation of cracks
is noticeable at the interface area between the reinforced concrete beam part and the
cantilevered slab part, as shown in Fig. 3.8(a). This load value corresponds to the elastic limit
as observed from the specimen’s load-slip curve. As the loading continues to about 336kN
and at a displacement of about 1.7mm, the crack width increases continuously at the interface
area, and further develops in the old concrete beam with an increase in the maximum tensile
principal strain value. When the vertical load reaches 355kN, at a displacement of about
3.54mm, the maximum shear strength of the test specimen WC1 was attained. For the
observed cracking pattern at the maximum shear capacity, more visible cracking is noticeable
at the interface area between the beam and the slab. After the maximum shear strength of the
specimen was attained, continuous loading only produced reduced shear strength of the
wholly cast beam-slab connection. However, the failure diagram of the specimen shows that
the failure and cracking of the specimen increased continuously mainly at the interface area
between the beam and the slab, especially after the maximum shear strength was attained.
With continuous loading, the recorded load value reduced continuously to about 284kN and
260kN for displacements of 10.23mm and 18.90mm, respectively. The numerical simulation
was completed at the applied displacement of 50mm and a corresponding loading of 263kN.
These load magnitudes caused greater cracking of the specimen and large presence of cracks
at the interface area between the beam and the slab cantilevered part, as shown in Fig. 3.8(e).

(a) Load 281.305kN (b) Load 354.845kN(Max. Load)

(c) Load 284.045kN (d) Load 260.165kN

(e) Load 263.072kN

Fig. 3.8. Failure modes and cracking patterns of specimen WC1 at different load values

2. Failure mode and cracking pattern of specimen PC1.

Specimen PC1 refers to a post-cast specimen, where the reinforced concrete beam and
the cantilevered slab are cast at different times, and loaded at a shear span of 300m from the
load point to the support point. The interface between the beam and the slab is categorized as
‘rough’ but has no steel connectors between the reinforced beam and the cantilevered slab.
The only reinforcements present at the interface are the normal bending reinforcements which
extends from the reinforced beam into the cantilever slab.
Fig. 3.9(a-e) presents the maximum principal plastic strain (PE) output at five different
loads of the simulation of specimen PC1, following the cracking outputs at the inflexion
points of the load-slip curve of the specimen. The presented figures show the formation and
the propagation of cracks in the numerically simulated specimen PC1. At early stage of
loading, about 27kN, and at a displacement of about 0.25mm, the formation of cracking in the
specimen is hardly noticeable in the model and the damage diagram indicates no obvious
damage in the model, as the specimen is still in its elastic phase. With increased loading to
about 50.68kN, and at an interface displacement of 0.75mm, the formation and propagation of
cracks is slightly noticeable at the interface area between the reinforced concrete beam part
and the cantilevered slab part, as shown in Fig. 3.9(a). This load value corresponds to the
elastic limit as observed from the specimen’s load-slip curve. As the loading continues to
about 62.79kN and at a displacement of about5.90mm, the damage width slightly increases at
the interface area, especially in the reinforced concrete beam with an increase in the
maximum tensile principal strain value. When the vertical load reaches 69.29kN, at a
displacement of about 16.21mm, the maximum shear strength of the test specimen PC1 was
attained. For the observed cracking pattern at the maximum shear capacity, more visible
cracking is noticeable at the interface area between the beam and the slab. After the maximum
shear strength of the specimen was attained, continuous loading only produced reduced shear
strength of the post-cast beam-slab connection. However, the failure diagram of the specimen
shows that the failure and cracking of the specimen increased continuously mainly at the
interface area between the beam and the slab. With continuous loading, the recorded load
value reduced continuously to about 61.02kN and 51.64kN for displacements of 26.16mm
and 50.00mm, respectively. Typically, in the post-cast specimen, the failure of the specimen
is localized at the interface area between the beam and the cantilevered slab, with only small
damage shown by the damage diagram. This indicates that the failure is mainly at the
interface. Increasing the applied loading produced the damage shown as seen in Fig. 3.9(a-e).

(f) Load 50.68kN (g) Load 62.79kN

(h) Load 69.29kN (Max. Load) (i) Load 61.02kN

(j) Load 51.64kN

Fig. 3.9. Failure modes and cracking patterns of specimen PC1 at different load values Stress distribution of numerical specimens

In this section, the stress distribution in the reinforced concrete beam-slab members and
the embedded steel reinforcements are presented and analyzed. Typically, these results are
needed for a comprehensive understanding of the shear performance of the connected beam-
slab composite test specimen.

1. Stress distribution of specimen WC1

Fig. 3.10 presents the Von-Mises stress outputs at five different stages of the simulation,
and typically show the stress distribution in the composite reinforced concrete beam-slab
members. The Von Mises stress is used to determine if a given material will yield or fracture,
and it is mostly used for ductile materials, such as metals. The Von Mises yield criterion
states that if the Von Mises stress of a material under load is equal or greater than the yield
limit of the same material under simple tension then the material will yield.
From the figures presented, there is greater stress at the interface area between the beam
part and the slab part of the wholly cast specimen (specimen WC1). The stress diagram of the
embedded steel reinforcements also show that the stress is mainly at the connection interface
area and extends into the respective concrete beam and slab members. This indicates that the
interface area is a major area of stress localization and potential cracking will initiate from the
area. Typically, from the figures, the Von-Mises stress values increase with the increase in the
applied loading (see Figs. 3.10(a-e)). A major observation is that with increased loading, the
area of concentration of the stress in the concrete members increased. For the steel
reinforcement members, the stress concentration area increases into the anchorage end and
into the slab part, as the loading increases. The steel reinforcements provided sufficient
reinforcement at the interface area of the reinforced concrete beam and the cantilevered slab
part, and therefore ensured increased interface shear transfer between the connected concrete
parts. From the figures shown, the applied loading of 281.3, 354.8, 284.0, 260.2 and 263.1kN
produced stress values of 201.0, 271.5, 313.4, 357.3, and 378.7MPa for the steel
reinforcements and stress values of 13.2, 18.1, 16.7, 15.9, and 14.8MPa for the wholly-cast
concrete member. Noticeably, the stress value for the steel reinforcement increased
continuously, while the stress values for the concrete members initially increased but then
reduced continuously at the maximum interface load.
(a) Load 281.31kN

(b) Load 354.85kN (Max. Load)

(c) Load 284.05kN

(d) Load 260.17kN

2. Stress distribution of specimen PC1

Fig. 3.11 presents the Von-Mises stress outputs for specimen PC1 at five different stages
of the simulation. At all stages of loading of the specimen, the stress distribution majorly
occurred at the interface between the beam and the slab members. From the figures, the
applied loading of 50.7, 62.8, 69.3, 61.0, and 51.6kN produced stress values of 261.9, 339.9,
409.5, 390.1, and 365.1MPa for the steel reinforcements and stress values of 2.92, 3.29, 3.55,
3.14, and 2.68MPa for the concrete members. Noticeably, at the load peak value of 115.5kN,
the bending reinforcement has exceeded its yield strength of 400MPa. In addition, the stress
value in the reinforced concrete members increased firstly increased up till the maximum
interface load, but reduced afterward. This indicates that the shear capacity of the interface is
significantly controlled by the steel reinforcements.
(f) Load 50.68kN

(g) Load 62.79kN

(h) Load 69.29kN (Max. Load)

(i) Load 61.02kN

(j) Load 51.64kN

Fig. 3.11. Failure modes and cracking patterns of specimen PC1 at different load values Load-displacement relationship

The load-displacement curves of the simulated test specimens with different shear spans
are presented in Fig. 3.12. For the wholly cast specimens, the load-displacement curve shows
that the interface displacement increases gradually with the increase of the applied load at the
initial stage, but the magnitude of the increase of the displacement is small. Noticeable is the
rapid increase in the load value of the interface due to the increased interface strength and
also because of the combined strength of the wholly-cast concrete. For example, in specimen
WC1, with continuous increase in loading, there is a change in the stiffness of the curve of the
specimen at a displacement of about 0.76mm and at a load value of about 281kN. With this
change, the load value increased until the specimen reached the maximum shear strength of
the interface at a load of about 355kN and displacement of about 3.54mm. This load increase
is due to enhanced interface shear strength. After the maximum point was attained, the curve
gradually dropped to a load of about 284kN and displacement of about 10.2mm, at which an
inflexion point was observed on the curve. At a load value of about 260kN and displacement
of about 18.9mm, the curve showed a nearly constant load value with further increase in the
interface displacement. Similar behaviour was observed for all the simulated wholly cast
For the post-cast specimens, after the initial increase in the load with increase in the
interface displacement, a change in the slope of the load-displacement curve was observed
showing slight increase in the load value with increase in the interface displacement. After,
further increase in the displacement only resulted in a near constant load value. For example,
in specimen PC1, the curve showed a rapid increase in the load to a value of about 51kN at a
displacement of 0.75mm, indicating the elastic stage of the curve. After, a change in slope of
the curve was observed where the curve increased to a value of 63kN at a displacement of
about 5.9mm. The curve however increases up to the interface maximum capacity of 69kN at
a displacement of about 16.2mm. After the interface maximum capacity was attained, the load
value dropped to a load value of about 61kN at a displacement of about 26.2mm where
further increase in the displacement only showed minimal effect on the interface failure load.
(a) Shear span = 300mm (b) Shear span = 750mm

(c) Shear span = 1500mm

Fig. 3.12 Load-displacement curves of wholly cast and post-cast concrete under varying shear

By comparing the load-displacement curves of all the specimens in a type of specimen

(say wholly-cast), the following observations can be presented:
1. The stiffness of the curves reduces with the increase in the shear span. Typically, the
stiffness reduced in the order specimen WC1 to specimen WC2 and then to specimen
2. Also, the maximum shear capacity of the specimens reduced following the aforementioned
order. For the wholly-cast test specimens, the highest maximum shear capacity was
recorded for specimen WC1, which is 354.8kN, and the lowest shear capacity was
recorded for specimen WC3, which is 50.6kN. For the post-cast specimens with a rough
interface between the reinforced concrete beam and the cantilevered slab member, the
highest maximum shear capacity was recorded for specimen PC1, which is 69.3kN, and
the lowest shear capacity recorded for specimen PC3, which is 13.34kN.
3. The ultimate shear capacity of specimen WC1 occurred at displacements of about
3.54mm, while that of specimen WC2 occurred at displacements of about 7.93mm, and
that of specimen WC3 occurred at displacements of about 15.04mm. For the post-cast
specimens, the ultimate shear capacity of specimen PC1 occurred at displacements of
about 16.21mm, while that of specimen PC2 occurred at displacements of about 38.95mm,
and that of specimen PC3 occurred at displacements of about 50mm. These results show
that the interface displacement increases with an increase in the distant between the
loading point and the beam-slab interface (shear span). Shear capacity

Table 3.4 presents the results obtained from the specimen analysis, including the yield
displacement, yield capacity, maximum displacement and the maximum shear capacity for all
the specimens in this test category. In addition, the ductility of the test specimens was
obtained. Generally, the displacement at failure indicates the ductility of concrete beams
reinforced with various reinforcing systems. The ductility of the test specimens was
calculated as the ratio between ultimate displacement and yield displacement. The yield
displacement is the displacement at the yield point as indicated by the load-displacement
curve, while the ultimate displacement is the displacement at the ultimate shear strength of the
tested specimen.
Table 3.4 Results from the simulation and analysis of tested specimens
Yield Yield Maximum Maximum
shear Failure
Specimen displacement capacity displacement Ductility bar
capacity mode
(mm) (kN) (mm) stresses
WC1 0.76 281.30 3.54 354.85 4.66 Shear 378.70
WC2 1.0 81.61 7.93 111.85 7.93 Flexural 363.92
WC3 0.76 22.96 15.04 50.60 19.79 Flexural 315.37
PC1 0.75 50.68 16.21 69.29 21.61 409.54
shear slip
PC2 0.84 18.51 38.95 28.01 46.37 Flexural 409.36
PC3 1.14 7.73 50 13.34 43.86 Flexural 369.80

1. Influence of shear span on shear capacity

In this section, the effect of the varying shear span on the shear capacity of wholly-cast
and the post-cast specimen is studied and presented. Fig. 3.13a presents the plot of the shear
capacity on the y-axis and the shear span on the x-axis. From the curve, it can be seen that the
shear span has an indirect relationship with the shear capacity of the interface. For the
simulated wholly-cast test specimens (WC), when the shear span increased from 300 to 750,
the shear capacity reduced from 354.8kN to 111.9kN, indicating a significant reduction of
about 217% in shear capacity. Also, when the shear span increased from 750 to 1500, the
shear capacity reduced from 111.9kN to 50.6kN, indicating a reduction of about 121% in
shear capacity. For the post-cast test specimens, similar to the wholly-cast test specimens, the
post-cast specimens also produced an indirect relationship between the shear span and the
interface shear capacity (Fig. 3.13b). When the shear span increased from 300 to 750, the
shear capacity reduced from 69.3kN to 28.02kN, indicating a significant reduction of about
147% in shear capacity. Also, when the shear span increased from 750 to 1500, the shear
capacity reduced from 28.02kN to 13.34kN, indicating a reduction of about 111% in shear
The relationship between the shear span and the interface shear capacity for the wholly-
cast and post-cast specimen is expressed as an exponential function and presented in Eqn.
3.21 and Eqn. 3.22. These presented results highlight the vital effect of the shear span on the
shear capacity of the interface.

Wholly-cast specimen (WC)
Exponential fit of WC specimens
Shear capacity (kN)

( a )
S  S0  A.e t




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Shear span (mm)

(a) Wholly-cast specimens (WC)

120 Post-cast specimens (PC)

Exponential fit of PC

Shear capacity (kN)

80 (a )
S  S 0  2 A.e t




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Shear span (mm)

(b) Post-cast specimens (PC)

Fig. 3.13. Effect of shear span on the shear capacity of beam-slab specimens

For the wholly-cast test specimens (WC)


Where S is the interface shear capacity, A is coefficient and is equal to 1334.4, a is the
shear span (mm), t has a constant value of 317.6, and S0 is the initial shear capacity value of
For the post-cast test specimens (PC)


Where S is the interface shear capacity, A is coefficient and is equal to -105.8, a is the
shear span (mm), t has a constant value of 388.4, and S0 is the initial shear capacity value of

2. Influence of casting sequence on shear capacity

In this section, the effect of the casting sequence (wholly-cast and post-cast) on the shear
behaviour of the old and new concrete is investigated. Fig. 3.14 presents the plot of the shear
capacity on the y-axis and the shear span on the x-axis. By comparing the results of the
wholly-cast test specimens to that of the post-cast test specimens, the obtained results in this
study shows that the shear capacity of the wholly-cast test is significantly greater than that
those cast at different times. As shown in the figure, the shear capacity of the test specimens
reduced by a wholesome 412%, 299% and 279% when the wholly-cast specimens were
compared with the post-cast ones and loaded at shear spans 300, 750 and 1500mm,
respectively. The result presented highlights the significant effect of the interface between the
connected concrete parts and informs of the importance of the interface capacity improvement
parameters such as roughness, use of steel connectors, etc.
600 591.41
Wholly-cast specimens (WC)
500 Post-cast specimens (PC)

Shear span (kN)



200 186.42

115.49 299%
100 84.34
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
Shear span (mm)
Fig. 3.14. Influence of casting sequence on the shear capacity of wholly-cast and post-cast

3.3.2 Reinforced concrete beam-slab models with different chisel depth at the
interface (DPC)

In this section, the post-cast concrete (concrete cast at different times) is used to study
the effect of different depths of chisel depth at the interface. In the test, chisel depths of 0, 5,
10 and 20mm were used for the study. Following similar earlier used procedure, the
simulation was conducted with the loading applied at different shear spans. Table 3.5 presents
the details of the test specimen, while the results and analysis are presented thereafter.
Table 3.5 Details of test specimen
Group Grade of old Grade of new Shear span
Specimen Chisel depth
name concrete concrete (mm)
DPC1 0
DPC2 10
A C30 C35 300
DPC3 15
DPC4 20
DPC5 0
DPC6 10
B C30 C35 750
DPC7 15
DPC8 20
C DPC9 C30 C35 1500 0
DPC10 10
DPC11 15
DPC12 20 Failure mode of numerical specimens

In order to avoid excessive repetitions, the failure mode of one specimen was presented
to show the representative failure mode of all the specimens in this group, with varying chisel
depth at the beam-slab interface. This is because the variation of the chisel depth does not
appear to provide a significant difference in the failure mode at the interfaces of all the
simulated specimens. In addition, for all the test groups, the main difference between the
specimens in the group is the variation of the shear span, which showed no effect on the
failure mode of the test specimens.

1. Failure mode and cracking pattern of specimen DPC3

Specimen DPC3 refers to a post-cast concrete specimen, with chisel depth of 15mm,
loaded at a shear span of 300mm from the load point to the support point.
Fig. 3.15(a-e) shows the maximum principal plastic strains (PE) output at seven different
loads of the simulation of specimen DPC3, and presents the formation and the propagation of
cracks in the numerically simulated specimen. At early stage of loading, about 54kN, and at a
displacement of about 0.35mm, the formation of cracking in the specimen is hardly noticeable
in the model as the specimen is still in its elastic phase. With increased loading to about
111kN, and at an interface displacement of 4.6mm, some cracks can be noticed at the
interface area between the reinforced concrete beam part and the cantilevered slab part, as
shown in Fig.3.15(b). As the loading continues to about 127kN and at a displacement of about
10.98mm, the crack width increased at the interface area, with an increase in the maximum
tensile principal strain value. When the vertical load reaches 134kN, at a displacement of
about 14.45mm, the maximum shear strength of the test specimen DPC3 was attained. For the
observed cracking pattern at the maximum shear capacity, more visible cracking is noticeable
at the interface area between the beam and the slab. After the maximum shear strength of the
specimen was attained, continuous loading only produced reduced shear strength of the
specimen. However, the failure diagram of the specimen shows that the failure and cracking
of the specimen increased continuously mainly at the interface area between the beam and the
slab, especially after the maximum shear strength was attained. With continuous loading, the
recorded load value reduced continuously to about 77.69kN and 65.2kN for displacements of
16.5mm and 32.6mm, respectively. These load magnitudes caused greater cracking of the
specimen and large presence of cracks at the interface area between the beam and the slab
cantilevered part, as shown in Fig. 3.15(d-g).
(a) Load 53.56kN (b) Load 111.29kN

(c) Load 126.94kN (d) Load 134.28kN (Max. Load)

(e) Load 77.69kN (f) Load 70.82kN

(g) Load 57.43kN

Fig. 3.15. Failure modes and cracking patterns of specimen DPC3 at different load values Stress distribution of numerical specimens

In this section, the stress distribution in the reinforced concrete beam-slab members and
the embedded steel reinforcements are presented and analyzed. Typically, these results are
needed for a comprehensive understanding of the shear performance of the connected beam-
slab composite test specimen.
Fig.3.16 presents the Von-Mises stress outputs at seven different stages of the simulation
of test specimen DPC3, showing the stress distribution in the composite reinforced concrete
beam-slab specimen. From the figures presented, there is greater stress at the interface area
between the beam part and the slab part of the test specimen, especially at the lower interface
area. The stress diagram of the embedded steel reinforcements also show that the stress is
mainly at the connection interface area and extends into the respective concrete beam and slab
members. This indicates that the interface area is a major area of stress localization and
potential cracking will initiate from the area. Typically, from the figures, the Von-Mises
stress values increase with the increase in the applied loading (see Figs. 3.16(a-g)). A major
observation is that with increased loading, the area of concentration of the stress in the
concrete members increased, similar to earlier observed trend. For the steel reinforcement
members, the stress concentration area increases into the anchorage end and into the slab part,
as the loading increases. The steel reinforcements provided sufficient reinforcement at the
interface area of the reinforced concrete beam and the cantilevered slab part, and therefore
ensured increased interface shear transfer between the connected concrete parts. From the
figures shown, the applied loading of 53.6, 111.3, 127.0, 134.3,77.7, and 65.2kN produced
stress values of 247.9, 324.7, 376.0, 401.2, 408.1 and 390.1MPa for the steel reinforcements
and stress values of 2.9, 8.5, 10.2, 11.5, 5.0 and 4.2MPa for the concrete member of specimen
DPC3. Noticeably, the stress value for the steel reinforcement and the concrete members
initially increased and then reduced continuously after the maximum interface load.
(a) Load 53.56kN

(b) Load 111.29kN

(c) Load 126.94kN

(d) Load 134.28kN (Max. Load)

(e) Load 77.69kN

(f) Load 70.82kN Load-displacement relationship

The load-displacement curves of the simulated test specimens with different chisel
depths at the interface are presented in Fig. 3.17. The curves show that the interface
displacement increases gradually with the increase of the applied load at the initial stage, but
the magnitude of the increase of the displacement is small. From the curves, the increase in
the chisel depth has no significant effect on the stiffness of the interface, as the stiffness of the
different curves are very close. However, the shear capacity of the interfaces increased with
increase in the chisel depth as shown by all the curves, loaded at varying shear spans. For the
specimens loaded at a shear span of 300mm, the behaviour of the load-displacement curves
indicate a gradual increase in the interface strength value up till the maximum point followed
by a large drop in the strength value, then an obvious constant behaviour of the interface
regarded as the residual shear strength of the interface. With increase in the shear span to
750mm, the sharp drop observed at the maximum interface capacity dropped significantly in
all the tested specimens, as shown in Fig. 3.17(b). However, for the specimens loaded at a
shear span of 1500mm, the load-displacement curves show that the curve transitioned directly
from the linear stage into the plastic stage without any drop at the maximum interface strength
(Fig.3.17c). Generally, from the results, increase in the chisel depth at the interface produces
increased shear strength at the interface. This agrees with existing research which indicates
that increasing the depth of the roughness tooth can significantly improve the interface shear

(a) Shear span = 300mm (b) Shear span = 750mm

(c) Shear span = 1500mm
Fig. 3.17 Load-displacement curves of specimens with different chisel depth at the interface,
at varying shear spans

By comparing the load-displacement curves of all the specimens in this test category, the
following observations can be presented:
1. The stiffness of the interface is unaffected by the chisel depth, but decreases with increase
in the shear span at the interface.
2. The maximum shear capacity of the specimens increases with increase in the chisel depth.
Also, by reducing the shear span, the interface shear capacity is increased. Among all the
simulated specimens, the highest interface shear capacity was recorded for specimen DPC4,
which is 143.7kN, and the lowest shear capacity was recorded for specimen DPC5, which is
13.34kN. Shear capacity

Table 3.6 presents the results obtained from the specimen analysis in this section,
including the yield displacement, yield capacity, maximum displacement and the maximum
shear capacity for all the simulated specimens. In addition, the ductility of the test specimens
was obtained. The ductility of the test specimens was calculated as the ratio between ultimate
displacement and yield displacement. The yield displacement is the displacement at the yield
point as indicated by the load-displacement curve, while the ultimate displacement is the
displacement at the ultimate shear strength of the tested specimen.
Table 3.6 Results from the simulation and analysis of tested specimens
Yield Yield Maximum Maximum
shear Failure
Specimen displacemen capacity displacement Ductility bar
capacity mode
t (mm) (kN) (mm) stresses
DPC1 0.75 50.68 16.21 69.29 21.71 409.54
shear slip
DPC2 0.41 49.77 9.82 105.38 23.68 Flexural 342.55
DPC3 0.35 53.56 14.45 134.28 41.85 Flexural 408.15
DPC4 0.27 51.46 16.29 143.68 61.34 Flexural 409.24
DPC5 0.84 18.51 38.95 28.01 46.37 409.38
shear slip
DPC6 1.09 20.05 24.94 41.87 22.90 Flexural 320.50
DPC7 0.66 20.91 38.36 52.39 58.39 Flexural 409.29
DPC8 0.80 22.54 43.20 55.47 53.89 Flexural 408.16
DPC9 1.14 7.73 50 13.34 43.86 369.80
shear slip
DPC10 1.66 8.83 50 20.93 30.15 Flexural 319.10
DPC11 1.09 8.94 50 24.18 45.91 Flexural 369.42
DPC12 1.45 10.98 50 26.05 34.37 Flexural 369.18

1. Influence of chisel depth on interface shear capacity

In this section, the effect of the varying chisel depths on the shear capacity of the post-
cast specimens is studied and presented. Fig. 3.20 presents the plot of the shear capacity on
the y-axis and the chisel depths on the x-axis. From the curve, it can be seen that the chisel
depth has a direct relationship with the shear capacity of the interface. As the chisel depth
increased, the shear capacity of the interface also increased. The increase of the chisel depth
from 10mm to 15mm and then to 20mm facilitated 27.4% and 4.0%, respective increase in
the interface shear capacity. This shows that by increasing the depth of cut, improved shear
capacity can be ensured. This is in agreement with existing research that increasing the depth
of interface roughness can improve the interface capacity.

240 Shear capacity

Linear fit of trend curve
Shear capacity, S (kN)



S  6.47 d  115.78


0 5 10 15 20
Chisel depth, d (mm)

Fig. 3.18. Effect of chisel depth on the shear capacity of beam-slab specimens
Equation 3.23 is used to represent the trend of the relationship between the chisel depth
and the interface shear capacity. The plot produced an adjusted r-squared value of 0.98,
indicating a high reliability of the plot.


3.3.3 Reinforced concrete beam-slab models with different roughness factor ( μ)

at the interface (FPC)

In this section, the post-cast concrete (concrete cast at different times) is used to study
the effect of different roughness factor at the interface. In the test, roughness coefficient of
0.6, 0.7, and 0.9 were used for the study. All other parameters were kept constant. Following
similar earlier used procedure, the simulation was conducted with the load applied at different
shear spans. Table 3.7 presents the details of the test specimen, while the results and analysis
are presented thereafter.

Table 3.7 Details of test specimen

Grade of Grade of
Group Specime Shear span Chisel depth Roughness
old new
name n (mm) (mm) factor ( μ)
concrete concrete
FPC1 0.5
A FPC2 C30 C35 300 10 0.6
FPC3 0.7
FPC4 0.5
B FPC5 C30 C35 750 10 0.6
FPC6 0.7
FPC7 0.5
C FPC8 C30 C35 1500 10 0.6
FPC9 0.7 Failure mode and stress distribution of the numerical specimens

The failure mode and the stress distribution of the numerical specimens under varying
roughness factor is similar to those earlier presented. The variation in the roughness factor at
the interface does not in any way affect the failure mode at the interface. Therefore, the earlier
presented failure modes and stress distribution diagrams can be effectively used to represent
the behaviour of the interface. Load-displacement relationship

The load-displacement curves of the simulated test specimens with different roughness
factors at the interface are presented in Fig. 3.19. The curves show that the interface
displacement increases gradually with the increase of the applied load at the initial stage,
similar to other observed curves. From the curves, the increase in the roughness factor has no
significant effect on the stiffness of the interface, as the stiffness of the different curves
remain close. However, the shear capacity of the interfaces slightly increased with increase in
the roughness factor as shown by all the curves presented in Fig. 3.19(a-c). For the specimens
loaded at a shear span of 300mm, the behaviour of the load-displacement curves indicate a
gradual increase in the interface strength value up till the maximum point followed by a large
drop in the strength value. However, another increase in the load was observed similar to the
earlier increase up to the interface maximum strength. This indicates that the interface has two
peak values. This behaviour was noticed for the different roughness factor values at a shar
span of 300mm. After the drop from the second peak, a near constant load value was
maintained as shown by the curves in Fig.3.19(a).
For the specimens loaded at shear span of 750mm, after the elastic limit of the interface,
the curves increased at reduced slope until the maximum capacity of the interface and
produced a clear drop in load value, followed by an approximately constant load value with
increase in the displacement at the interface (Fig.3.19b). However, for the specimens loaded
at a shear span of 1500mm, the load-displacement curves show that the curve transitioned
directly from the linear stage into the plastic stage without any drop at the maximum interface
strength (Fig.3.19c). Generally from the results, increase in the roughness factor at the
interface produces increased shear strength at the interface. The magnitude of the increase
however varies and is very small.
(c) Shear span = 300mm (d) Shear span = 750mm

(c) Shear span = 1500mm

Fig. 3.19 Load-displacement curves of specimens with different roughness factors, at varying
shear spans Shear capacity

Table 3.8 details the yield displacement, yield capacity, maximum displacement and the
maximum shear capacity for all the simulated specimens with varying interface roughness
factor. In addition, the ductility of the test specimens was obtained.
Table 3.8 Results from the simulation and analysis of tested specimens
Yield Yield Maximum Maximum
Specime shear Ductilit Failure
displacement capacity displacement bar
n capacity y mode
(mm) (kN) (mm) stresses
FPC1 0.41 49.74 9.82 101.66 23.68 408.88
shear slip
FPC2 0.41 49.77 9.82 105.38 23.68 Flexural 342.55
FPC3 0.41 49.83 9.82 111.64 23.68 Flexural 332.23
FPC4 1.09 19.97 23.02 40.15 21.13 Interface 337.89
shear slip
FPC5 1.09 20.05 24.94 41.87 22.90 Flexural 320.50
FPC6 1.09 20.19 24.94 44.48 22.90 Flexural 308.88
FPC7 1.66 8.81 50 20.18 30.15 336.51
shear slip
FPC8 1.66 8.83 50 20.93 30.15 Flexural 319.10
FPC9 1.66 8.86 50 22.35 30.15 Flexural 310.07

1. Influence of roughness factor ( μ) on interface shear capacity

The effect of the varying roughness factors on the shear capacity of the post-cast
specimens is investigated and presented. Fig. 3.20 presents the plot of the shear capacity on
the y-axis and the roughness factor on the x-axis. From the curve, it can be seen that the
roughness factor has a linear relationship with the shear capacity of the interface. As the
factor increased, the shear capacity of the interface also increased. The increase of the
roughness factor from 0.5 to 0.6 and then to 0.7 facilitated 3.7% and 5.9%, respective increase
in the interface shear capacity. This shows that by increasing the roughness of the interface,
improved shear capacity can be ensured. This agrees with existing research that increasing the
roughness of the substrate concrete can improve the interface capacity and ensure improved
shear transfer at concrete-to-concrete interfaces.
Roughness factor
Linear trend of roughness factor
Shear capacity, S (kN)



S  55 μ  136.7

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Roughness factor, 

Fig. 3.20. Effect of roughness factor on the shear capacity of the beam-slab specimens

Equation 3.24 is used to represent the trend of the relationship between the roughness
factor and the interface shear capacity. The plot produced an adjusted r-squared value of 0.99,
indicating a high reliability of the plot.

3.3.4 Reinforced concrete beam-slab models with different number of dowels at

the interface (NPC)

In this section, the post-cast concrete (concrete cast at different times) is used to study
the effect of different number of dowels at the interface between the beam and the slab. In the
test, interfaces without dowels and those with 6, 7 and 8 dowels were used for the study. All
other parameters were kept constant. Following similar earlier used procedure, the simulation
was conducted with the specimens loaded at different shear spans. Table 3.9 presents the
details of the test specimen, while the results and analysis are presented thereafter.

Table 3.9 Details of test specimen

Group Grade of old Grade of new Shear span Number of
name concrete concrete (mm) dowels
NPC1 -
NPC2 6
A C30 C35 300
NPC3 7
NPC4 8
NPC5 -
NPC6 6
B C30 C35 750
NPC7 7
NPC8 8
NPC9 -
NPC10 6
C C30 C35 1500
NPC11 7
NPC12 8 Failure mode of numerical specimens

The failure mode of specimen NPC3 is used to represent the typical failure mode of all
the test specimens in this test category. Specimen NPC3 refers to a post-cast beam-slab
concrete member, with different concrete grades of the beam and the slab members, having
seven (7) dowels at the interface and loaded at a shear span of 300mm.
Fig. 3.21(a-e) shows the maximum principal plastic strains (PE) output at four different
loads of the simulation of specimen NPC3, and presents the failure mode in the test specimen.
At early stage of loading, about 51kN, and at a displacement of about 0.3mm, the formation
of cracking in the specimen is hardly noticeable in the model as the specimen is still in its
elastic phase. With increased loading to about 104.28kN, and at an interface displacement of
0.71mm, the formation and propagation of cracks is slightly noticeable at the interface area
and in the upper part of the slab interface, as shown in Fig. 3.21(a). This load value
corresponds to the elastic limit as observed from the specimen’s load-slip curve. As the
loading continues to about 213.54kN and at a displacement of about 7.06mm, the crack width
increases continuously at the interface area, and further develops at the upper interface part of
the concrete slab, with an increase in the maximum tensile principal strain value. The cracks
increased continuously at the interface and in the upper slab area till the maxim shear strength
of the specimen was attained. The failure diagram shown in Fig. 3.21(c-d) corresponds to the
load 261.162kN and 310.32kN at displacements of 20.6mm and 50mm, respectively.
Noticeably, the load value increased continuously which can be attributed to the effect of the
interface shear strength contributed by the steel connectors at the interface.

(j) Load 104.29kN (k) Load 213.52kN

(l) Load 261.16kN (m) Load 310.31kN (Max. Load)

Fig. 3.21. Failure modes and cracking patterns of specimen NPC3 at different load values Stress distribution of numerical specimens

In this section, the stress distribution in the reinforced concrete beam-slab members, the
embedded steel reinforcements and the steel connectors are presented and analyzed.
Typically, these results are needed for a comprehensive understanding of the shear
performance of the connected beam-slab composite test specimen.
Similar to earlier procedures, Fig. 3.22 presents the Von-Mises stress outputs at four
different stages of the simulation of specimen NPC3,and typically show the stress distribution
in the composite reinforced concrete beam-slab members. The figures show that there is
greater stress at the interface area between the beam part and the slab part of the composite
model. The stress diagram of the embedded steel connectors also indicate that the stress is
mainly at the connection interface area and extends into the anchorage ends of the steel
connectors located in the respective concrete beam and slab members. This indicates that the
interface area is a major area of stress localization and potential cracking will initiate from the
area. Typically, from the figures, the Von-Mises stress values increase with the increase in the
applied loading (see Figs. 3.22(a-d)). For the steel reinforcement members, the stress
concentration area increases into the anchorage ends, as the loading increases. The steel
connectors provided sufficient and additional reinforcement at the interface area of the
reinforced concrete beam and the cantilevered slab part, and therefore ensured increased
interface shear transfer between the connected concrete parts. From the figures shown, the
applied loading of 104.3,213.5,261.2 and 310.3 produced stress values of 219.3, 279.7, 316.4
and 358.8MPa for the steel connectors and stress values of 8.13, 18.1, 19.9, and 29.8MPa for
the concrete members. Noticeably, the stress value for the steel connectors and the concrete
members increased continuously. This result shows that the steel connectors significantly
influenced the stress distribution at the interface of the beam and the slab.
(n) Load 104.29kN

(o) Load 213.52kN

(p) Load 261.16kN

(q) Load 310.31kN (Max. Load)

Fig. 3.22. Stress distribution of specimen NPC3 at different load values Load-displacement relationship

The load-displacement curves of the simulated test specimens with different number of
dowels at the interface between the beam and the slab are presented in Fig. 3.23. Similar to
other observed curves, the interface displacement increases gradually with the increase of the
applied load at the initial stage of loading. From the curves, the increase in the number of
steel connectors slightly affect the stiffness of the interface, as the stiffness of the different
curves slightly vary. In addition, the shear capacity of the interfaces also increased with
increase in the number of steel connectors as shown by all the curves presented in Fig. 3.23(a-
c). For the specimens loaded at a shear span of 300mm, the behaviour of the load-
displacement curves indicate a gradual increase in the interface strength value up till the
maximum point, with significant change in the slope of the curve at various inflexion points.
However, contrary to other obtained load-slip curves in other sections of this research, the
load-slip curves obtained for the interface with dowels increased steadily, without any drop at
the maximum interface capacity. This indicates that the steel connectors continued to
significantly influence the interface strength and played a major role in the interface shear
By comparing the load-displacement curves of all the specimens in this test category, the
following observations can be presented:
1. The stiffness of the interface is slightly affected by the number of steel connectors present
at the interface, and also decreases with increase in the shear span at the interface.
2. The maximum shear capacity of the specimens increases with increase in the number of
steel connectors at the interface. Also, by reducing the shear span, the interface shear capacity
is increased.

(e) Shear span = 300mm (f) Shear span = 750mm

(c) Shear span = 1500mm
Fig. 3.23 Load-displacement curves of specimens with different number of dowels at the
interface, at varying shear spans Shear capacity

Table 3.10 details the yield displacement, yield capacity, maximum displacement and the
maximum shear capacity for all the simulated specimens with different number of dowels at
the beam-slab interface. In addition, the ductility of the test specimens was calculated.
Table 3.10 Results from the simulation and analysis of tested specimens
Yield Yield Maximum Maximum
shear Failure
Specimen displacement capacity displacement Ductility bar
capacity mode
(mm) (kN) (mm) stresses
NPC1 0.75 50.68 16.21 69.29 21.71 shear 409.54
NPC2 0.71 99.92 50 305.51 70.48 Flexural 361.67
NPC3 0.71 104.29 50 310.31 70.48 Flexural 358.80
NPC4 0.71 113.48 50 375.41 70.48 Flexural 358.25
NPC5 0.84 18.51 38.95 28.01 46.37 shear 409.38
NPC6 0.71 25.77 50 95.17 70.48 Flexural 310.62
NPC7 0.71 26.34 50 98.76 70.48 Flexural 312.13
NPC8 0.71 28.01 50 112.83 70.48 Flexural 312.11
NPC9 1.14 7.73 50 13.34 43.86 shear 369.80
NPC10 1.66 14.50 50 39.12 30.15 Flexural 285.78
NPC11 1.66 14.83 50 41.76 30.15 Flexural 286.27
NPC12 1.66 15.91 50 45.90 30.15 Flexural 286.09
1. Influence of number of dowels at the interface on the shear capacity

The effect of the number of dowels on the shear capacity of the post-cast specimens is
investigated and presented. Fig. 3.24 presents the plot of the shear capacity on the y-axis and
the number of dowels on the x-axis. From the curve, it can be seen that the number of dowels
has an indirect relationship with the shear capacity of the interface. As the number of dowels
increased, the shear capacity of the interface also increased. For the specimens loaded at a
shear span of 750mm, when the number of dowels was increased from 6 to 7, the interface
shear capacity increased from 95.16kN to 98.76kN, indicating an increase of about 3.8% in
shear capacity. Similarly, when the number of dowels was increased from 7 to 8, the interface
shear capacity increased from 98.76kN to 112.86kN, indicating an increase of about 14.25%
in shear capacity. These results show that by increasing the number of the steel connectors at
the interface, the shear capacity of the post-cast beam-slab interface can be enhanced.

Effect of the number of dowels
Trend of number of dowels
Shear capacity, S (kN)


(n )
175 S  S0  A.e t




6 7 8
Number of dowels, n

Fig. 3.24. Effect of the number of dowels on the shear capacity of the beam-slab specimens

Equation 3.25 is used to represent the trend of the relationship between the number of
dowels and the interface shear capacity.


Where S is the interface shear capacity, A is coefficient and is equal to 5.6, n is the
number of dowels at the interface area, t has a constant value of -0.73, and S0 is the initial
shear capacity value of 156.6.
3.6 Summary of this chapter

The finite element simulation and analysis of the shear behaviour of several reinforced
concrete beam-slab specimen subjected to shear loading at different shear spans were carried
out. The effect of different parameters such as the casting sequence, depth of chisel cut,
interface roughness factor, and the number of dowels (steel connectors) at the interface were
investigated. The concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) material was used for the concrete while
an elastic and fully plastic model was used to represent the bending steel reinforcements and
the steel connectors at the interface. The work and conclusions are as follows:
1. The failure mode and cracking pattern of the wholly cast specimens and post-cast
specimen is similar, with most cracking occurring at the interface area. The variation of
the loading shear span did not alter the failure mode, but increased the magnitude of the
failure and cracking in the test specimens.
2. The stress distribution diagram showed that stress began from the interface area and
expanded to the anchorage ends of the reinforced old concrete beam and the newly added
cantilevered slab parts. The presence of steel connectors at the interface however slightly
changed the stress distribution in the post-cast concrete beam.
3. The shear span has a significant effect on the shear capacity of the interface between the
old and new concrete parts. By reducing the shear span, the shear capacity of the interface
is increased. .
4. The roughness factor has a linear relationship with the interface shear capacity. By
increasing the roughness factor, the interface shear capacity is increased. Increasing the
roughness factor from 0.6 to 0.9 increased the interface shear capacity by about 10%.
5. Having different depths of chisel cut can also positively influence the shear capacity and
influence the stress distribution at the interface. The greater the depth of cut, the greater
the interface shear capacity. Increasing the depth of chisel cut from 10mm to 20mm
increased the interface shear capacity by about 36%.
6. The presence of steel dowels at the interface between the beam and the slab and the
increase in the number of the dowels also positively influence the interface shear
capacity. By increasing the number of the dowels from six to eight, the interface shear
capacity increased by about 19%.

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