8th August 2023

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1st August 2023

1. Beleaguered: In a very difficult situation

2. Fact: Food Exports made up 2/5th of total export of Ukraine in 2021. $68bn
3. Mendacity: Untruthfulness; lying
4. Conduit: A channel for conveying water or other fluid
5. Traction: The action of drawing or pulling something over a surface e
6. Feverish: Characterized by or displaying a frenetic excitement or energy
7. Anoint: Smear or rub with oil; typically as a part of religious ceremony
8. Antics: Foolish, Outrageous
9. Blitz: An intensive or sudden military attack
10. Spree: A spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind
11. Fact: World lung cancer day is observed on August 1 every year.
12. Fact: 19.1% Adult use Tobacco in Pakistan.
13. Hooliganism: Violent or rowdy behavior by Young troublemakers; Typically in a gang
14. Idiopathic:When you are not sure about the origin of a disease
15. Fact: In 2021, 5200 Rapes were reported in Pakistan (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan)
16. Squalls: A sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one brining rain
17. Fact: Pakistan is ranked 99 out of 121 countries on the global hunger index.
2nd August 2023
1) Perpetual: Never Ending or changing
3rd August 2023
1) Inter Alia: Among other things
2) Conglomerate: A large cooperation or unity of different things
3) Post Partum: Following child birth or the birth of the Young
4) Heralded: Be a sign that (something) is about to happen
5) Riddle: Speak or pose riddles
6) Partake: Eat or Drink
7) Fact: The first atomic bomb Trinity was exploded in 1945.
8) Maimed: Wound or injured
9) Feted: Honor or entertain
10) Indignity : Circumstances that cause one to leave his dignity
11) Nemesis: A long standing rival; An arch enemy
12) Capitulate: Yield
13) Frog marched: Forced someone to walk forward by holding or pinning their arms
from behind.
14) Carte Blanche: Complete freedom to act as one wishes
15) Jettison: Throwing something from the air
16) Slew: Turn or slide violently
1) Inter Alia: Among other things, the conference will discuss environmental issues and
economic challenges.

2) Conglomerate: The conglomerate acquired several smaller companies to expand its market

3) Post Partum: The new mother was exhausted but overjoyed with her postpartum baby.

4) Heralded: The dark clouds heralded the coming of a storm.

5) Riddle: The mischievous Sphinx would often riddle travelers who attempted to pass by.

6) Partake: During the celebration, everyone was invited to partake in the delicious feast.

7) Fact: The first atomic bomb Trinity was exploded in 1945, marking a pivotal moment in

8) Maimed: The accident maimed his leg, leaving him with a permanent disability.

9) Feted: The renowned author was feted with a grand ceremony for his literary achievements.

10) Indignity: Losing his job was an indignity that deeply affected his sense of self-worth.

11) Nemesis: The superhero's nemesis was a supervillain with a diabolical plan to conquer the

12) Capitulate: After a long negotiation, they decided to capitulate and accept the terms.

13) Frogmarched: The troublemaker was caught and frogmarched out of the party by the
security guards.

14) Carte Blanche: The talented artist was given carte blanche to create whatever they desired
for the exhibition.

15) Jettison: The spaceship had to jettison some cargo to lighten the load and ensure a safe

16) Slew: The car skidded on the icy road and slew across the highway.
4th August 2023
1) Lacerations: Injury
2) Caveat: A warning or proviso of specific stipulations conditions or limitations
3) Hazardous: Risky and dangerous
4) Fact: 20 Million children are out of School in Pakistan (Age 5-16).
5) Fact: 12 Million children work in factories and they are getting poor or no education at
6) Horrendous: Extremely Unpleasant
7) Exoteric: Meant for general public
8) Hallow: Holy
9) Roost: A place where birds regularly settle or congregate to rest at night
10) Tatters: Irregular torn pieces of cloth, paper or other material
11) Pillage: Rob a place using violence especially in wartime
12) Choreographers: A person who composes the sequences of steps and moves of a
13) Bourgeoisie: The middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic
values or conventional attitudes
14) Coalesce: Combine (elements) in a mass or whole
15) Insular: Ignorant or uninterested in cultures
16) Burnish: Polished
17) Fact: Pakistan’s current debt has soared up to 23.3% i.e. 59 PKR Trillion in total.(INT)
18) Fact: Domestic debt has soared up again 19.2% that means 37 Trillion Rupees.
1) Lacerations: The deep lacerations on his arm required stitches.

2) Caveat: The contract had a caveat stating that the offer was valid for a limited time only.

3) Hazardous: The workers were equipped with protective gear to handle hazardous materials.

4) Horrendous: The crime scene was a horrendous sight that shocked even the seasoned

5) Exoteric: The exoteric teachings of the philosophy were easily accessible to beginners.

6) Hallow: The ancient ruins were believed to be a hallowed place by the local community.

7) Roost: Hundreds of birds would roost in the old oak tree every evening.

8) Tatters: The old flag was torn to tatters after years of being exposed to the elements.

9) Pillage: The invading army would pillage villages and towns, leaving destruction in their

10) Choreographers: The talented choreographers designed a mesmerizing dance performance.

11) Bourgeoisie: The bourgeoisie enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle with their wealth and social

12) Coalesce: The various ideas began to coalesce into a coherent and comprehensive plan.

13) Insular: His insular mindset prevented him from appreciating the richness of global cultures.

14) Burnish: She used a soft cloth to burnish the metal until it gleamed like gold.
6TH August 2023
1) Ignite: Arouse or inflame someone
2) FACT: Since Afghanistan Take Over , TTP has attacked Pakistan 368 times
resulting the deaths of 652 Pakistani personnel.
3) FACT: Military has suffered the loss of 101 lives.
4) Infiltrate: Enter or gain access to (an organization, place etc)
5) Propel: Drive or push something forwards
6) Whilst: At the same time; Whereas
7) Guillotine: Head cutting machine used in the old age
8) Contentious: Causing or likely to cause an arguments; conterversial \
9) Aye: An affirmative Answer, especially in voting
10) Beleaguered: In a very difficult situation
11) Fact: Pakistan has been ranked 161/192 in UN’s HDI Index 2022.
12) FACT: 37% School going children are wasting their time in the streets.
13) FACT: Pakistan’s rank in Global Hunger Index is 99/121 in 2022.
14) Fact: Chinese lifted 800 Million of its citizen out of poverty.
15) Perpetuate: Make (Something) Continue indefinitely
16) Saga: A long story of heroic achievements
17) Frivolity: Seriousness of the charge ; light-heartedness
18) Reprieve: Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone
19) Edict: An official order
20) Farce: An event or situation that is absurd or disorganized
21) Fray: Unravel or become worn at the edge, typically through constant rubbing
8th August 2023
1. Ramshackle: In a state of severe disrepair
2. Malleable: A metal that may be pressed or hammered
3. Weary: Feeling or showing extreme tiredness
4. FACT: SIFC: Strategic Investment Facilitation Center (SIFC)
5. Lumpy: Full or covered with lumps (Nautical Meter)
6. Stall: Stop Running
7. Beseech: Ask (Someone) urgently and fervently to do something
8. Prognosis: An opinion , based on medical experience
9. Fact: China’s GDP is $20 Trillion whereas the GDP of Gulf states is merely $2tr.
10. Pillage: Rob a place using violence especially in wartime

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