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Tip: MP & Time Management

Try to balance out what you buy with your MP initially as all of them are equally
important. When your food count reaches about level 16, you might want to consider
saving up for the remaining food and adventures. "Towards the light" is an
adventure you certainly want to make use of due to its weight. Try not to play for
too long at a time as the Golden Turtle takes a while to appear; you have better
things to do, don't you? Normal mode is fairly easy and you should be able to
manage it without much help.

Tip: Probability
It might be wise to observe the success and failures of your adventures as well as
the food deaths as they are generated by the random number generator (RNG). You
might be able to exploit certain patterns if you do so. For example, if you die a
lot in a row, you can be pretty confident that the RNG will be 'tilted' in favour
of success the next time (don't tell your mathematics teacher I said that!).
Despite this, do remember that all probabilities in the game are independent and do
not affect the outcome of future events. See the extras section for more details on

Tip: High Returns

Only the food types you own appear on the screen, meaning that you can purchase a
higher weight food type and those with lower weights that you do not own will not
appear. With this mechanic, it may be wise to save up MP in the initial parts of
the game to invest in the Oyster and Lobster first. Though this would require a
longer grind at the start, it would be more profitable in the long run as only
Plankton, Oysters and Lobsters will appear on your screen. You would still have to
buy the other food types eventually to obtain their sudden deaths, but you should
be able to accumulate a considerable sum of MP beforehand. Contributed by anonymous

Exploit: Food Reset

The term "Food Reset" is coined by me personally. This is a game mechanic which you
can exploit, but I am not fully aware of the extent. The mechanic itself is simple:
when you view an adventure and either go and succeed or stop, the food types on
your screen resets. Imagine that your screen is filled with a whole lot of
plankton. When you stop or go on an adventure, they will become other types of
food, such as lobster, if you have unlocked it. This means that you should leave
low-weight food types alone on your screen instead of emptying it before embarking
on an adventure.

Exploit: System Clock

If you set your device's system clock to 2 minutes later and re-enter the game, the
screen will be filled with food. You can eat everything and set the system clock
back to its normal time. When you set it back and start the game, the screen will
be filled with food again. This exploit works for adventures too if you set it 3
hours forward. After you set it back, you have to open the "Adventure" window and
close it before you can reuse the exploit. Alternatively, you can continuously set
your time forward and adventuring until you've had enough. You can then repeat this
indefinitely. This exploit is useful if you're not playing this game as a time-
waster. Credits to Thomas Xin & Jorge Voshintung for contributing this exploit.

If you have noticed, the heading of this part mentions that this is a prelude. I'm
sure you know what prelude it is for ^_^

When you have been playing for a long time and you have reached Living Legend or
Voyager, you could probably afford hard mode and you might be dying to know what it
is like. First of all, DO NOT GET IT YET! I will tell you straight up now that you
have 2 options here:
1. Save up for all the food types and adventures and get all possible deaths first!
There are 23 of them, so when you've gotten all the deaths on normal mode, your
food bonus should be 345%.
2. Get it without first discovering all deaths and lose the opportunity to attain
the highest food bonus possible in the game.

Getting hard mode yields the following:

1. You can get food bonuses for already-discovered deaths once more. This is why
you should get all normal mode deaths first.
2. All your survival rates are reset to their default rates: adventure 50%, food
92%, others 0%. They will increase in the same manner as before.
3. You unlock 5 new evolutions, 2 new adventures and 3 new food types, although not
immediately. Maximum food count is still level 24.
4. All your previously-purchased items (food, adventure and food count) will remain
with you.
5. The interface will have various changes to reflect hard mode.

If you buy hard mode too early, the reset survival rates will make it difficult for
you to evolve past Voyager initially. If you're confident that you want to get hard
mode, you might want to consider getting your Voyager past 10000 kg so that getting
hard mode will evolve it immediately!

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