Main Meds Info Pharm Final

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Niacin- Causes flushing that can be prevented by giving aspirins and

NSAIDS 30-45 min prior to niacin. Monitor for light grey stools,
Jaundice, Hyperuricemia & Hyperglycemia. (Low ldl’s/High hdl’s.)
Antihistamines(are meant for allergies and relieving symptoms these
meds are drying, can be sedative, cause confusion, hypertension,
dysrhythmias, IOP Urinary retention, insomnia & tachy Take W Food)
Diphenhydramine/ Brompheniramine are 1st gen antihistamines and
can treat motion sickness monitor sedation.
Fexofenadine, Loratadine, Levocetirizine are barely sedative and help
w anaphylaxis, allergies, and rhinitis. Monitor BP, R, Pulse on
Promethazine R/T respiratory depression.[ NO OPIOIDS,
Fexofenadine – never w antacids & Loratadine dissolves on tongue.
Loratadine Dissolves on the tongue

LEUKATRINES Inhibitors (meant to reduce inflammation by blocking

leukotriene’s they end in LUKAST and are meant to manage asthma and
bronchoconstriction. Liver enzymes will usually increase with these
meds and patients may have headaches, nausea, and dyspepsia.
Educate family to watch for changes in mood
Montelukast- should be given @ night or 2 hrs before exercise induced
Zafirlukast- should be taken on an empty stomach.

Decongestants are meant to relieve congestion they breakup mucus

by vasoconstricting and rebound effect can occur with these meds as
well these usually end in PHRINE or PHEDRINE only give these meds on
a short-term basis because hypertension can occur. Other ADVRS are
insomnia, headache, anxiety & palpitations. No Prego’s, thyroid
patients, diabetes, PVD, heart disease, hypertension, or glaucoma
Phenylephrine- Can cause rebound congestion.
Pseudoephedrine- Causes nervousness & palpitations
EXPECTORANTS/MUCOLYTICS are meant to Produce cough and should
be taken w a full glass of water. Do Not give these to COPD patients or
mix with dextromethorphan they can suppress cough.
Guaifenesin (expectorant) may cause dizziness rash, urinary retention
and pharyngeal irritation.
Acetylcysteine (mucolytic) may cause GI issues such as diarrhea, it has a
rotten smell and can also make you drowsy.
MAST CELL CROMOLYNS block histamine to lower swelling these are
inhaled meds that speed recovery and patients’ mouth should be rinsed
after. Monitor for hypersensitivity and check liver function.
nasty taste……Cough, Sneeze, Nasal Sting and Bronchospasms : taper
off. 30 min AC.
Cromlyn- may be mild sting/burning in nasal its expected.
ANTITUSSIVES Suppress coughs, drink lots of fluids, head of the bed up,
monitor dependency, these can cause dry mouth constipation, nausea
also dizziness, drowsiness, sedation & respiratory depression.
Call doc if cough last more than a week @fever/Rash is present
XANTHINES Open up bronchi Theophylline has a range of 10-20mcg/dl
ADVR’S are fight or flight signs and Toxicity = Tonic clonic seizures Tachy,
and Dysrhythmias
IPRATROPIUM is a LABA anticholinergic that blocks muscarinic
These are drying with a bitter taste drink plenty of fluids for dry mouth
and take fiber for constipation…throat& nasal irritation can lead to
Hoarseness duoneb w albuterol and no peanuts

Fluoxetine= for post-traumatic stress and causes low libido

Venlaxafine= monitor mydriasis (pupil dilated)
Seratonin syndrome presents w a fever
Steven Johnson’s syndrome presents with a rash.

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