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The CNS system is an Autonomic system has 2 parts that include the
Sympathetic and parasympathetic system.

Sympathetic system increases energy, has low levels of dopamine and

high levels of ACH, causing the body to fail to relax.

This is similar and common in Parkinson's patients and there is no cure

for it. Parkinson’s patients are usually 65 and up and can have 2 types
of symptoms when it comes to Parkinson’s (motor and non motor)

Non motor= high ACH and low dopamine/causing anticholinergic


Motor= High norepinephrine and low dopamine/causing tremors at

rest in hands or legs, pill rolling, stiffness, Bradykinesia, (hard to stop
slow movements) Shuffling gait is common. Drooling is common.

There are 5 stages of parkinsons

Stage1- Symptoms begin mildly Stage 2- Daily symptoms


Stage4-hard to mobilize you may need a walker.

Stage5- hallucinations can occur and you may need a wheelchair.

Not all patients will progress to stage four or five there is a quality-of-
life issue with Parkinson's, the goal is to maintain the patients,
independence best as possible.
Parkinson drugs are meant to work to regulate neurotransmitter levels.
Whether they are increasing dopamine or decreasing acetylcholine.

They are only meant to control Parkinson's syndrome not cure it.
Common ADVR’S are dysrhythmias, twitching, GI issues and
anticholinergic symptoms.

1st line drugs are carbidopa and levodopa…

Carbidopa opens the path for dopamine to be accepted and

Levodopa is dopamine.

The drug classes for the CNS systems are going to be Dopamine
agonists which increase dopamine levels. COMT Inhibitors, which
reduce muscle tremors and rigidity to improve mobility. Levodopa and
Carbidopa our first line Parkinson meds, MAOI’S Type B &
Cholinesterase Inhibitors. are usually given to patients 70 and up.
Pramipexole ropinirole. Are usually used. For ages 50 to 70. A DVR's.
Are hypotension. Make. GI issues. Insomnia. Play. Dream abnormalities.
Severe reactions can be hallucinations. Implementation. For these
patients should be assessing their orientation. What? His name's
birthday? Situation. Where are they? I. Interactions. Are hypertensive
drugs. Severe hypotension can occur. Tardive dyskinesia. Akinesia. Do
not give these drugs with MAOI's. Hypertensive crisis is at risk. Do not
get with iron. The effect of the drug is lowered. Do not give with
vitamin B6. It increases metabolism. Do not give with sedatives. It
increases drowsiness and risk for confusion, hallucination and
delusions. Do not give with patients. Who? Or had Melanoma or
glaucoma. Do not give with dairy because it metabolizes faster.
Assessment. Vital signs. Blood pressure. Documentation of motor skills.
Such as walking and eating. Teach the family and patient. Best
absorbed? Um, that the medication is best absorbed on an empty
stomach. Monitor patients, renal BUN. And creatinine. Always taper off
this medication. And the route is going to be patches. Tabs. Serums.
Any lexers?

COMT inhibitors. Good. Are enzymes that breakdown dopamine. The

Med name is integrated into cappone. Take care, pal. Adverse reactions
are dyskinesia. Hypertension. GI issues. Discoloration of urine. Whether
brown or orange. Of her failure. Signs equal blood desgracia. Jaundice.
Work, pain and abdomen. Right Upper quadrant pain. Hardness.
Interactions for these drugs are Maois. Always teach the patient to rise
slowly as hypotension as a risk. Compton will give with every dose. Of
enter Capone of Lepidoptera. I believe a doper. Aliva dopa. Tell Capone
is given with first dose of levodopa. Then every 6 to 12 hours after.

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