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Airborne Contamination and Internal Dosimetry

Presented by
Renjith K.S, DXT, DCT, BMRT, PGDHHM, MRP (Rad Phy)
Airborne Contamination of Radioactive substance

After the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster occurred in 1986, at

Ukraine, scientist say at least 3000 years is needed to wipe out all
traces of radiation from the air, water and soil of Chernobyl. Till today
a thirty square kilometer of land remain un inhabited in Chernobyl

If the radioactive id inhaled, it can result in internal irradiation of the

human body
Fukushima Disaster

• On march 2011 the Fukushima nuclear reactor exploded following the


• Airborne radiation clouds crossed continents around the globe4

• Fukushima power plant is owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company

Airborne Contamination
External contamination occurs when radioactive materials, in
the form of dust, powder or liquid comes into contact with a
persons skin, hair or clothing
Sudbury Basin – Ontario, Canada

• The Nickel capital, the second largest crater in the world which blackened
the world with airborne contamination

• The Sudbury basin is the source of more than 60% of worlds nickel and a
huge producer of copper, cobalt and iron.

• Studies conducted on 1970 proved that the vegetation has been highly
contaminated with traces of radiation

• Radon is one of the top airborne radio active element

Effects of Airborne Radiation

• Airborne radiation contaminates the plant surface on a wide area and

thus enters the food chain.

• Agriculture areas are badly affected by the airborne radiation

• Animals who eat the contaminated plans react to radiation and will be

excreted by means of sweat, urine, feces and even milk

Monitoring of Airborne contamination

• Swipe test

• Sample collection

• TLD cards

• TLD ribbons

• Electronic Dosimeters
Internal Dosimetry

Internal Dosimetry is the process of Internal dose assessment due to

Radionuclides inside the human body
Usually Radionuclides goes into the body as mishaps or by natural
Paths of Internal Radiation

• Ingestion

• Inhalation

• Open wounds

• Mishaps
Phantom Calculations for Internal Dosimetry

• Phantoms re used to calculate the dose delivered inside the human


• Phantom valued are transferred to mire body based algorithms and

dissymmetric values are derived
Radionuclide Dosimetry

• Iodine – 124

• Yttrium – 86

• Iodine 131
Cleaning of Airborne Radioactivity
Cleaning of Airborne Radioactivity
Effects of Radiation contamination
Effects of Radiation contamination
Effects of Radiation contamination
Area survey meters for Radiation
Area survey meters for Radiation
Stay away from ………
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