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After swapping places with his best friend Weaver in order to see his girl again, Z goes to
war (princess Bala). Z goes out to find insectopia, and in the way, he and Princess Bala
begin to fall in love. They return to the colony after learning that the evil General
Mandible is planning to destroy them. The colony begins to flood after the instructor
ignores Z and Princess Bala and continues digging the tunnel while the colony begins to
flood. They construct a ladder and escape the flood after general Mandible dies after
falling from the colony's top.

2. The colony's government was set up with the Queen as the supreme ruler over the entire
colony. All decisions for life in the colony were made by the Queen. All ants were
required to work together for the greater good of the colony. Ants were not allowed free
thought or to be individuals and make choices for themselves.

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