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Digital Marketing during COVID 19: Consumer’s Perspective

The pandemic allows companies to have good marketing strategies. In the same way, ways
of how the pandemic can affect the ethical decision-making of the consumer are explored. It
addresses how digital marketing benefits consumers, for example, it was known that
consumers during the pandemic have been attracted by offers, anti-crisis agreements,
personalized digital communication and empathy offered by companies.

People have found a way to adapt to the reality and way of working thanks to new
technologies that offer services to connect online. The covid-19 pandemic has altered the
environment, the economic, psychological and social effects will also be framed in history.
The effects of covid are unprecedented in the global economy after the great depression in
the 1930s. The impact this issue has on the history of marketing is very significant, as it will
affect corporate social responsibility CSR. As the death rate from the pandemic rises, locked-
in professionals and academics have plenty of time to think about what's most relevant to
their lives and businesses. Most clients have focused on limited options, asset exposure, and
immediate demand. People after pandemics will potentially face a very different world of
marketing and customers. Before the pandemic, marketers are driven to maximize their
customers' interest effectively and efficiently through consumer loyalty, market / customer
share, and customer equity.

The natural catastrophes and other tragedies that have marked history appear to have been
minor concerns compared to regional blockades or broad-based state interventionism, not
millennium. A new transition has entered the small marketing environments of organizations
that go beyond volatility. Restaurants have become receptionists for excellent restaurants,
fast food providers have expanded their role to supermarket buyers and suppliers. The sense
of business has also changed. In the aftermath of this pandemic, consumers, the public, and
the government required and at times forced to collaborate to help everyone. Some sectors,
such as construction and the automotive industry, have been seriously affected and the waves
and returns of supply and demand can fluctuate for many years.

Integrating digital media into the operation of an organization includes digitization and the
incorporation of telecommunications, Internet and mobile technology to transform the
contact between consumers, suppliers and channel partners. This is a dilemma from which it
is necessary to know how to make good strategies, since most clients are not normalized with
the use of technologies; an environment must be created in which all areas of the company
interact, from suppliers to customers in the same place.

Digital revenues for 2020 exceeded those of 2019 as both customers and companies have had
to resort to these platforms immediately.

A survey was created to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the consumer, which was
applied to 500 people from Amman Jordan. The technique used was snowballing, the results
are shown in pie charts, we can analyze that they surveyed more women than men, most of
the respondents were between 20 and 30 years of age, a conclusion was drawn and that is
that women they were more attracted to visiting digital platforms than men. Anti-crisis items
such as food promotions that help save consumers and in turn contribute to ending the crisis.
These items are used by women more than men and by unemployed consumers.

Consumers who are working are more attracted to personalized digital communications.

It is concluded that despite the changes generated by the pandemic, it is important to improve
communication for both consumers and employees. New digital customers develop specific
standards and new opportunities for trust and relevance.

A large number of companies have equipped their clients with crisis-related facilities that
show real empathy for the problems many face. This is a great opportunity for small
businesses because it is easier to know what products their consumers are looking for.

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