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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.


MY Life Truths
Volume VIII / FB Public Post

My Face Book Public Posts

Miscellaneous Topics
09.05.2012 – 03.07.2021

By Eng Suraj Singh

Recovered from FB daily Past Memories

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public- World-COVID-19
Clear Message to Humanity
1 Lead Simple Life
2 Conduct safe in society
3 No superfluous luxury
4 Use nature for health
5 Eat simple, but healthy food
6 Do not get fat
7 Walk a lot in Sun & drink hot water

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

8 Avoid hard drinks

9 Use Masks
10 Do not act artificial, but natural
11 Stop dishonesty
12 Money cannot save you from death

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public- Bharat India
Public & Nation
1 All those, who support Modi can never be called Deshbhakts or Patriots
2 Because, Modi does not think for poor & for Bharat India
3 Modi thinks only for himself / his image & for his richest friends
4 Thank you Modiji for ruining Bharat India
5 Worst ever leader you are

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
1 Bangladeshi workers rush for home before sweeping COVID lockdown
2 Lockdown announcement sparks huge exodus of migrant workers from capital Dhaka to
home villages.

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 June 2022  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India- Quality
Quality Must be Achieved!
1 What should be role of customer or consumer or end user in this relation? Should end
user or customer not be awakened to know quality requirements?
2 We have to establish quality system & quality procedural approach, while conducting
design, planning & prosecution of execution of works
3 Who shall do it? Shall we keep silent & allow, as it has been ongoing or do some
concrete acts to encounter bad quality?
4 Answer should be that it is pragmatism of engineers that would handle it
5 Not only, civil engineering, but also, all other engineering operations must be oriented
towards achieving quality objectives
6 It is never too late, for development has to go on continuously by which, satisfaction
must be obtained, while performing engineering activities in organizations
7 Management that only talks of results, without heavily or intensively weighing quality
approach & sequential results cannot be relied upon
8 Should we apply only management principles or we should rely upon real organization
methods, where set goals, pertinent quality requirements are defined

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9 Without achieving set quality requirements, no development can be called sustainable &
durable in long run
10 As, it is often said that civil construction matters a lot all over during total development
scenario, where civil engineer works as ab initio / first principle starter, that professional
must be strong enough with determination & commitment to give quality, as intended to
be delivered with product, so that other entrants my for sure, follow suits, respecting
other disciplines or branches
11 Engineers have to decide to determine for ever that quality requirement cannot be taken
for granted & that have to work, per engineering demands & requirements

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat World- COVID-19 & Marriages!!!
1 Stop thinking that COVID-19 shall diminish soon
2 I experienced currently that literate people have become crazy to celebrate marriages in
COVID-19 tenure, just in same style, as if no COVID-19 exists
3 No precautions are being conducted, during marriage celebrations
4 No controls on dancing, just enjoying time, without masks
5 No controls on eating, just eating, as if, no COVID-19 exists
6 All people enjoying life like as said shall not help nation fight with COVID-19, but they
support COVID-19 thrive
7 During marriage celebrations, evidently, 90% people or guests do not use masks & there
exists no such administration to check violations
8 Regretful, that we people have been instrumental in promoting & thriving COVID-19, by
non seriously conduct such irresponsible acts
9 Let us understand facts & we should not act like bad citizens & foolish humans

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 13, 2021
1 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
2 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
3 We had more than 15 months period or 471days till yesterday
4 Which means 117.750 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
5 But, number of tests conducted till 13.06.2021= 37.962 Crores!!!
6 Total Tests Conducted up to 13.06.2021= 379624626,
7 Tests Conducted on 13.06.2021 = 1492152 Too Low!!!
8 Population remaining without test = 70.798 %
9 Total Corona Infections till 13.06.2021= 29510410
10 Vaccinations started, but only 254849301 = 19.604% combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 13.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!
11 Deaths update till 13.06.2021 = 374305, On 13.06.2021 = 3921

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1 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 6.849 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being 482304,
3 Infection Updates being 202112984,
4 Daily Deaths being 26854,
5 Deaths Updates being 2563567,

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 12, 2021
1 Testing Failure of GOI for 470 Days - Explained
2 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
3 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
4 We had more than 15 months period or 470 days till yesterday
5 Which means 117.500 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
6 But, number of tests conducted till 12.06.2021= 37.623 Crores!!!
7 Total Tests Conducted up to 12.06.2021= 376232162,
8 Tests Conducted on 12.06.2021 = 1920477
9 Population remaining without test = 71.059 %
10 Vaccinations started, but only 253195048 = 19.477% combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 12.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!
11 Positive infected cases declared on 12.06.2021 = 80834 Part Test based Manipulated data
by GOI (GOI Trying play with numbers now)
12 Conclusion: Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths,
using multiplication factor 6.911 on GOI reported data,
13 Daily Infections being 558614,
14 Infection Updates being 203448772,
15 Daily Deaths being 22826,
16 Deaths Updates being 2559586,
17 GOI trying to skip factual data & depending on its design & fabricated data

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 09, 2021
1 Bharat India-Daily Cases 94052-Based on 264Days, Status For June 09,2021, Reported
on June 10, 2021
2 Update on Reported Daily Deaths 6148
1 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
2 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
3 We had more than 15 months period or 466 days till yesterday
4 Which means 116.750 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
5 But, number of tests conducted till 09.06.2021= 37.220 Crores!!!
6 Total Tests Conducted up to 09.06.2021= 372198253

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7 Tests Conducted on 09.06.2021 = 2004690

8 Population remaining without test = 71.369 %
1 Vaccinations started, but only 242726693 = 18.671 % combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 09.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!
2 Total Corona Infections till 09.06.2021= 29183121
1 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 6.986 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being 657003,
3 Infection Updates being 203859406,
4 Daily Deaths being 42947,
5 Deaths Updates being 2512525,

P Eng Suraj Singh

5 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Data Published by GOI!!!
1 Modi is an excellent PM to mislead whole nation by publishing organized data
2 Modi must remember that by hiding data cannot lead to COVID-19 solution to get people
3 Since 73% people have not been tested, probably 30% among them could be infected &
they shall be reported after some time, post GOI declared Pandemic gone!!!
4 COVID-19 cannot be played with falsification by GOI!!!
5 Bharat India has lost almost 25 Lakh subjects for ever
6 Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 04, 2021
7 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
8 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
9 We had more than 15 months period or 462 days till yesterday
10 Which means 115.500 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
11 But, number of tests conducted till 04.06.2021= 36.117 Crores!!!
12 Population remaining without test = 72.217 %
13 Total Tests Conducted up to 04.06.2021= 361174142
14 Tests Conducted on 04.06.2021 = 2084421, Unable even to test 25 Lakhs persons a
15 Vaccinations started, but only 227860317 = 17.528 % combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 04.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!
16 Total Corona Infections till 04.06.2021= 28694879
17 Positive infected cases declared on 04.06.2021 = 120529 Part Test based Manipulated
data by GOI (GOI Trying play with numbers now)
18 Conclusion:
19 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.199 on GOI reported data,
20 Daily Infections being 867657,
21 Infection Updates 206567073,

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22 Daily Deaths being 24332,

23 Deaths Updates being 2476958,

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Cost of Vaccines
1 GOI must force all Vaccine manufacturing companies to give complete details of
production costs & it must be declared in public
2 It is smelt that a big commercial robbery game has been underway in connivance with
Modi GOI
3 How could it be possible that such vaccine is costing many hundreds, which is
impossible, when demand be in billions!!!
4 Or, if GOI & Modi are honest, let these companies be nationalized for time being
5 All citizens should be inoculated free of cost or at least poor must be allowed free vaccine
6 Charge from riches & higher middle class people, entire cost, if GOI is bankrupt!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 02, 2021
1 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
2 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
3 We had more than 14 months period or 460 days till yesterday
4 Which means 115. 000 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
5 But, number of tests conducted till 02.06.2021= 35.378 Crores!!!
6 Population remaining without test = 72.786 %
7 More than assessed 2 Million/s deaths could have been avoided
8 Vaccinations
9 Vaccinations started, but only 221043693 = 17.003 % combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 02.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!

1 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.349 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being 985917,
3 Infection Updates being 209024281,
4 Daily Deaths being 21217,
5 Deaths Updates being 2483930,

P Eng Suraj Singh

2 June 2021  · 
Shared with Public

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Bharat India-COVID-19, Report June 01, 2021

Testing Failure!!
1 We had more than 14 months period or 459 days till yesterday
2 Which means 114. 75 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
3 But, number of tests conducted till 01.06.2021= 35.005 Crores!!!
4 Population remaining without test = 73.073%
5 Total Tests Conducted up to 01.06.2021= 350057330
6 Tests Conducted on 01.06.2021 = 2019773 Too small number

1 Vaccinations started, but only 218546667 = 16.811 % combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 01.06.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!
2 Status-GOI is trying to drop data just to please people happy
3 Reality is different!!!

1 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.427 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being
3 Infection Updates being
4 Daily Deaths being
5 Deaths Updates being

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India - COVID-19-Vaccination
1 Minister says that by end of 2021, all shall be inoculated!!!
2 Requirement 260 Crores vaccines
3 Done 20 Crores Balance 240Crores
4 7 Months available
5 Per month required 240/7=35 Crores !!!
6 Can we????

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report May 30, 2021
1 Population tested till 30.05.2021= 26.528% only, since March 2020
2 Population remaining, without test = 73.472%
3 Which means 114.25 Crores tests could be conducted successfully
4 But, number of tests conducted till 30.05.2021= 34.486 Crores!!!

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5 Vaccinations started, but only 213154129 = 16.396 % combined for both doses, of
population, Inoculated till 30.05.2021 from 16.01.2021, which is certainly too low value!

1 Nationwide Current Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.539 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being 1151483,
3 Infection Updates 211454309,
4 Daily Deaths being 23582,
5 Deaths Updates being 2481131,

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19 & Ayurveda Versus Allopathy
1 It has been noticed that some ill informed nationals have started arguing that Ayurveda
never ever stole Kidneys & sold, but Allopathy has done it
2 Let them have good knowledge first that Ayurveda doctor or Vaidya is not qualified for
surgery. Had they been so, they too do not belong to Satyavadi family & therefore, would
have done same
3 And, also, those Allopathy doctors do this crime, they must be punished
4 But this contemplation, does not permit any top idiot to say that Doctors of Allopathic
sciences have killed COVID-19 patients
5 Rather, it is failure of GOI that is responsible for such havoc & not Medicos
6 Medicos have done wonderful salutable job, which Vedic sciences could never do
7 More than 1200 doctors & how many nurses, number of deaths not clear, have lost their
lives, during serving COVID-19 patients
8 Shame on to septic thinking of certain low mind thinkers
9 Political stupidity of support must stop & clear picture must be considered in national
10 No Modi or No Congress shall save deaths!!
11 Forget non sense of Politics
12 Modi is responsible for 24 Lakh deaths, which could be minimized to maximum extent!

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report May 29, 2021
1 Population remaining, without test = 73.601%
2 114 Crores tests could be conducted successfully, but done only 34.3 Crores
3 Vaccinations started, but only 212066614 done= 16.313 % combined 1 & 2, with no clear

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1 Nationwide Current Assessment, based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.576 on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections, being 1254249,
3 Infection Updates, being 211334250,
4 Daily Deaths being 26213,
5 Deaths Updates being 2469602,
6 People have been living in total darkness!GOI got no plans!

P Eng Suraj Singh

29 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19- Who is responsible for all such deaths??
1 Following data has been generated, based on total population & 50% truth, GOI report
2 Daily Infections yesterday being 1324619,
3 Infection Updates 211351024
4 Daily Deaths yesterday being 27569,
5 Deaths Updates being 2458171,
6 Shall we people of Bharat India not fix responsibility of so many deaths & infections?
7 Modi GOI failed to test whole population in 14 -15 months
8 Modi failed to utilize our testing capacity! It was ignored!
9 Modi least bothered about public loss due to COVID-19
10 What for does GOI led by Modi exist?
11 Is this GOI & Modi meant just for elections?
12 They allowed 24 Lakhs people to die
13 They allowed more than 22 crores people have infection
14 Whose loss is it? Shall Modi respond to people of Bharat India?
15 Modi lost nothing, but people have lost national health & sacrificed national millions
16 Modi has got no regret also!
17 Why should Modi not be held accountable?
18 If Modi is not responsible, shall we hold Nehru Responsible???!!!
19 Why should we not raise this issue

P Eng Suraj Singh

29 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Infections cases Report by GOI
Dear all,
1 Do not trust GOI provided reports, regarding COVID-19 Cases
2 There is no improvement on current situation
3 GOI has just been trying to show reduction in cases, just to show its performance, but this
reported data is all fake & fabricated

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4 There is no way that, without testing remaining 75% people, we may not know factual
5 Report is based only on 34 Crores testing done in 455 days & out of which, many %
could be repeat tests
6 There is no indication of 75% public health status!
7 GOI failed to test people & missed its testing capacity
8 Keep in mind that COVID-19 is still very active & all Chief Ministers & PM have been
playing with lives of people
9 Already, we have lost around 24 Lakhs lives, while GOI claims only 3.22 Lakhs
10 COVID-19 has been dancing on our heads & it has defeated nation!

P Eng Suraj Singh

29 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19, Report May 28, 2021-Daily Tests Conducted 2020-2021!!!
1 Nation’s Capacity of Testing till Yesterday = 113 Crores!!! But did only 34 Crores
2 Population tested till 28.05.2021= 26.240% only, since March 2020
3 Population remaining without test = 73.760%
4 Conclusion:
5 GOI Published considered 50% True only!
6 Nationwide Current Assessment, based actual figures for infections & deaths, using
multiplication factor 7.622 on GOI reported data,
7 Daily Infections being 1324619,
8 Infection Updates 211351024
9 Daily Deaths being 27569,
10 Deaths Updates being 2458171,

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-GOI - Testing Since March 2020
1 Strange to note that GOI had been sleeping since March 2020
2 Capacity of Testing per day 25 Lakhs persons all over Bharat India
3 This means per month 7.5 to 8 crores tests could be conducted
4 We had 14 months period up to April 2021
5 Which means 14*8= 112 Crores could be successfully conducted
6 But, number of tests conducted till 27.05.2021= 33.7 Crores
7 Why had GOI been sleeping, ignoring testing requirements?
8 Had seriousness been shown to testing activities, nation would have been feeling
comfortable & in controls, for positives would have been isolated, avoiding spread of
infections into all directions
9 Millions deaths could have been avoided
10 There was no need of fake news publication by GOI everyday
11 Still GOI has been busy in manipulating news everyday to keep its image shining!!

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P Eng Suraj Singh

27 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Testing ???
1 It is very disappointing that testing of public are not being conducted to meet
2 Bharat India must test everyday 1 crore / 10 Millions persons
3 Capacity per GOI statement is only 2.5 Millions per day
4 Why does GOI not enhance capacities of testing?
5 Millions of persons are available in Bharat India, who can be trained temporarily & be
utilized for testing purpose!
6 Till 27.05.2021, only around 26% people have been tested, which may include repeat test
individuals also
7 Why has GOI been sleeping & viewing to contain COVID-19 in dreams?
8 People must think & let GOI be forced to help nation

P Eng Suraj Singh

27 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19, Report May 26, 2021
1 Population tested till 26.05.2021= 25.921% only, since March 2020
2 Population remaining without test = 74.079%
3 Total Tests Conducted up to 26.05.2021= 336969353 out of 130 Crores
4 Conclusion:
5 Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using multiplication factor 7.716
on GOI reported data,
6 Daily Infections being 1630341,
7 Infection Updates 211175412
8 Daily Deaths being 29683,
9 Deaths Updates being 2432301,

P Eng Suraj Singh

26 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Mr. Khattar, CM of Haryana-COVID-19, Lala Ram Dev
Mr. Chief Minister, State of Haryana
1 News has come that you are going to promote Patanjali produced Fake Coronil
2 What legal authority have you got to help people of Haryana die, due to fake Patanjali &
Fake medicine
3 This bloody fool Lala has caused total embarrassment of medical faculty & you are
promoting that antisocial hell Ram Dev
4 Have you lost your mind Minister?

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A concerned citizen

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Daily Data Published by GOI
1 We understand that this data is not real one, but controlled one
2 GOI intends to publish data according to its interests, so that it does not earn dirty /
tarnishing image of PM
3 I contemplate that this data is just 33 % to 50% probably correct
4 A factor of 2 to 3 can be applied to this data to filter out manipulations
5 On top of this, this data is based on limited populations tests conducted, for example till
now, only around 25 % tests have been conducted
6 On previous factor, additional multiplying factor can also, be applied on previous figures
7 This data changes every day, depending on daily testing conducted, which varies,
between 15 Lakh to 20.5 Lakhs currently, which means a factor around 4 is adequate on
8 Therefore, total factor becomes reported data multiplied by around 6 would suffice our
assumptions to reach unpublished hidden figures

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Facts Till 23.05.2021
1 Population tested = 25.426% only, since March 2020???
2 Remaining Population remaining without test = 74.574%???
3 Time required for remaining population testing = 909 days
4 Conclusion: Extremely Serious & Critical State, while considering whole population!!!
5 Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using multiplication factor 3.933
on GOI reported data,
6 Daily Infections being 874366,
7 Infection Updates 105217508
8 Daily Deaths being 17518,
9 Deaths Updates being 1194532,

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-22.05.2021-Analytical Assessment
Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using multiplication factor 3.956 on
GOI reported data,
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1 Daily Infections being 1017896,

2 Daily Deaths being 16592,
3 Deaths Updates being 1169121,
4 Infection Updates 104002591
5 Villages have now been being impacted by COVID-19, but there exists no one from GOI
to care about.
6 No testing is being done.
7 People are not being hospitalized.
8 Unrecorded COVID-19 related deaths are piling up to mountain size.
9 GOI has been publishing all manipulated data to keep its image shining.
P Eng Suraj Singh
23 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Some Modi's supporters write a lot appreciating Modi, for which no one has any
problem, because this is a democratic & COI right enjoyed by all
2 But, to an extent in particular COVID-19 handling is concerned, there is no opposer to
Modi, except Modi himself, because he remained sleeping with eyes open for 14 months
3 Modi thinks that he knows everything, but facts remain that he does not respect experts &
never thinks for people good
4 Modi has caused genocide in Bharat India, because due to his inactions, more than
million people are calculated to have lost their lives for good journey
5 Modi could not even conduct test for 130 crores citizens, even in 14 months period. Only
25% people have been tested, which is a shameful result on Modi' performance
6 For vaccinations, we have to keep dreaming!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

22 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Expertise in Fabrication of Data
1 Bharat India is first nation in world that has got excellent expertise in fabrication of
COVID-19 data
2 Every day, Ministry publishes data, but this data only tells reduction in number of
3 No report comes / is published that tell about testing in all villages
4 Till now, only around 25% reported data is available, as a result of 445 days of COVID-
19 entry in Bharat India
5 Modi GOI is beating its drums that cases are falling, while fact remains that no testing is
being done & without conducting that complete exercise, GOI has started dancing to
6 I think that this is first shameless stupid GOI since 1947
7 GOI thinks that people of Bharat India are fools, because they trust Crying Modi like a
kid cries.
8 Why should he cry, just to sale emotions???

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9 People need solutions & not emotions & crocodile tears!!!

10 People trusted Modi, because they thought that he was genuine & not a culprit to kill
11 Well, no tests means Modi allows people to be killed!!!
12 If remaining population is not tested within 3 months, this failure would indicate that
Modi is pleased to see people be killed!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Israel-Palestine-Bharat India
Dear Modi Supporters
1 I am asking a question to all those, who are supporting Israel & opposing Palestine
2 What is reason behind this support to Israel & also, oppose Palestine?
3 Shall some supporter explain?
4 Do you understand anything about these countries?
5 If you can logically explain, I shall be happy
6 If you cannot explain, better keep off!

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India - COVID-19
1 Data based on Assessment Considering Whole population!
2 Numbers Tested = 320301177, Population 1300000000
3 Multiplying Factor=Population 1300000000/Numbers Tested = 320301177= 4.058 shall
vary daily
4 Data Update on 18.05.2021
5 4.058-Multiplying Factor Based on tested population
6 1085023-Assessed daily cases
7 1149613-Assessed Death Cases Update
8 18381-Assessed Daily Deaths
9 103481446-Assessed Infection Update

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-COVID-19-mail sent to Indian Express
suraj singh <>
To: Mon, 17 May at 12:47
Indian Express
1 I am upset with your news, pertinent COVID-19, when you mislead nation with
fabricated headlines
2 There appears to be no expert in IE to analyse data & present to people correct report
3 There is no indication of percentage of individuals tested so far & why remaining
population has not been tested?

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4 There seems to be raised no question, why no plans exist for testing & for inoculation
5 What is purpose of national news paper? Just to please PM!!
6 In health matters, if media does it as such, it is anti national reporting
7 You can read attached file to learn about, how to analyse data
Thanks & Warm Regards
IntPE(India): Suraj Singh FIE-F0183543/Civil
Attached-BharatIndiaCOVID.docx 72.7kB COVID-19-Bharat-01.05.2021.xlsx 325.6kB

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19- Number of Infections / Cases- Just Image Making of Modi for Modi's image has
been tarnished too badly
1 It has become a design for GOI to show least number of infection cases, just to keep
image of PM & CM
2 There is no way, that cases be lesser at this stage, when patients are not getting admitted
& facilities are not available to meet requirements
3 Now, villages are also, not free of COVID-19
4 GOI is least bothered about testing individuals
5 Testing percentage is still remaining same
6 15 lakhs to 19 lakhs individual a day, while it should be 1 crore a day, why not 1 crore???
7 It is anticipated that cases in villages shall not be that intensified, as in urban areas, which
could give marginal drop, but continuity has to remain
8 Delhi shows drastic drop, which is not possible in current scenario, but it looks as a
strong design only
9 Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, have been on rise in infections
10 UP has been very critical, but reduction in cases being shown!!!
11 All over ours, GOI game has been on move & they just want to show drop in number of
cases, while facts remain that cases are rising
12 No method to record cases & deaths - No system
13 Unreported cases do not exist anywhere
14 People think before trusting GOI reports
15 Till yesterday, only 24 % population has been tested, which includes repititive testing
also. This means only 20 to 22% tests have been conducted
16 What is reason that GOI is not interested in testing people?
17 Why all population or at least 75 to 80 % have not been tested since March 2020?
18 It is all only a Game Plan by GOI!!!
19 Due to this reason, a multiplier has to be used against GOI report which could be 3 to 5

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2021  · 
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Bharat India
COVID-19-Dead Bodies dumped on River Banks Ground, without doing cremations

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1 Reported that 2000 dead bodies were dumped in UP Varansai area & Prayagraj
2 Administration did nothing for this issue
3 Poor got no monies, such as 25000 for cremations & they left bodies at night just party
buried. These bodies would float during flood & spread infections
4 Very unbecoming state of governance in Bharat India

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
NetanYahu-DOB 21-10-1949
1 Your time is over, because your age years 71-72 are troubling periods & you are unable
to continue war for 2 years
2 Whole Arab world turned against you
3 Your support can come only from USA, UK & Germany & they cannot help you in this
instance, because they have to do business with others such as Arabs & China
4 Give back Palestine land & enjoy
5 Better leave & let Israel people stay in peace Or, else you shall not win
Ruling Table
Date Month Year Digits
80 21 10 49 482
482 128 62 296
effects effects effects effects effects effects
Digit Time I Time II Time III Result Super Average
1 160 240 81 482 482 481
2 159 161 160 482 964 480
3 158 162 159 482 1446 479
4 157 163 158 482 1928 478
5 156 164 157 482 2410 477
6 155 165 156 482 2892 476
7 154 166 155 482 3374 475
8 153 167 154 482 3856 474
9 152 168 153 482 4338 473
10 151 169 152 482 4820 472
11 150 170 151 482 5302 471
12 149 171 150 482 5784 470
13 148 172 149 482 6266 469
14 147 173 148 482 6748 468
15 146 174 147 482 7230 467
16 145 175 146 482 7712 466
17 144 176 145 482 8194 465
18 143 177 144 482 8676 464
19 142 178 143 482 9158 463
20 141 179 142 482 9640 462
21 140 180 141 482 10122 461

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22 139 181 140 482 10604 460

23 138 182 139 482 11086 459
24 137 183 138 482 11568 458
25 136 184 137 482 12050 457
26 135 185 136 482 12532 456
27 134 186 135 482 13014 455
28 133 187 134 482 13496 454
29 132 188 133 482 13978 453
30 131 189 132 482 14460 452
31 130 190 131 482 14942 451
32 129 191 130 482 15424 450
33 128 192 129 482 15906 449
34 127 193 128 482 16388 448
35 126 194 127 482 16870 447
36 125 195 126 482 17352 446
37 124 196 125 482 17834 445
38 123 197 124 482 18316 444
39 122 198 123 482 18798 443
40 121 199 122 482 19280 442
41 120 200 121 482 19762 441
42 119 201 120 482 20244 440
43 118 202 119 482 20726 439
44 117 203 118 482 21208 438
45 116 204 117 482 21690 437
46 115 205 116 482 22172 436
47 114 206 115 482 22654 435
48 113 207 114 482 23136 434
49 112 208 113 482 23618 433
50 111 209 112 482 24100 432
51 110 210 111 482 24582 431
52 109 211 110 482 25064 430
53 108 212 109 482 25546 429
54 107 213 108 482 26028 428
55 106 214 107 482 26510 427
56 105 215 106 482 26992 426
57 104 216 105 482 27474 425
58 103 217 104 482 27956 424
59 102 218 103 482 28438 423
60 101 219 102 482 28920 422
61 100 220 101 482 29402 421
62 99 221 100 482 29884 420
63 98 222 99 482 30366 419
64 97 223 98 482 30848 418
65 96 224 97 482 31330 417
66 95 225 96 482 31812 416
67 94 226 95 482 32294 415

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68 93 227 94 482 32776 414

69 92 228 93 482 33258 413
70 91 229 92 482 33740 412
71 90 230 91 482 34222 411
72 89 231 90 482 34704 410
73 88 232 89 482 35186 409
74 87 233 88 482 35668 408
75 86 234 87 482 36150 407
76 85 235 86 482 36632 406
77 84 236 85 482 37114 405
78 83 237 84 482 37596 404
79 82 238 83 482 38078 403
80 81 239 82 482 38560 402
81 80 240 81 482 39042 401
82 79 241 80 482 39524 400
83 78 242 79 482 40006 399
84 77 243 78 482 40488 398
85 76 244 77 482 40970 397
86 75 245 76 482 41452 396
87 74 246 75 482 41934 395
88 73 247 74 482 42416 394
89 72 248 73 482 42898 393
90 71 249 72 482 43380 392
91 70 250 71 482 43862 391
92 69 251 70 482 44344 390
93 68 252 69 482 44826 389
94 67 253 68 482 45308 388
95 66 254 67 482 45790 387
96 65 255 66 482 46272 386
97 64 256 65 482 46754 385
98 63 257 64 482 47236 384
99 62 258 63 482 47718 383
100 61 259 62 482 48200 382

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India - J & K-Palestine
1 Nothing wrong in supporting Palestine
2 Israel is a demon, that has eaten Palestine lands & killing Palestinians for none of their
3 India police jail 21 Kashmiris amid pro-Palestinian rallies

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2021  · 

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

Shared with Public

Bharat India
COVID-19-Data Published by Ministry
1 It is adviced that do not trust GOI provided date 100%, because GOI has been publishing
this data, keeping abreast its own image & in particular, to inprove tarnished image of
failed PM
2 This data is somewhere nearing only one third of real one, but we do not have any
3 It is also, true that facts cannot be concealed for long duration
4 Had Modi conducted reliable work during 14 months since March 2020, state of COVID
would have been different & tolerable
5 Data from all states is misleading
6 Every day, data is being adjusted, so that calculations done by world experts do go wrong
7 I am applying a coefficient 3 to GOI published data, which you may also, apply to know
near certainty
8 What do you expect from a PM, who failed even to test 23% population during 14
9 Hint works adequately for an intelligent person!

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
1 COVID-19-bad Time Ahead up to 2024 & then receeding
2 Stop relaxing & do not be careless, because of just Vaccinations
3 Do not repent later, care is a must
4 World date is January, 01, 01
Date Month Year Digits
3 1 1 1 20
4 effects effects effects effects effects effects
Digit Time I Time II Time III Result Super Average
1 6 9 4 20 20 19
2 5 7 6 20 40 18
3 4 8 5 20 60 17
4 3 9 4 20 80 16
5 2 10 3 20 100 15
6 1 11 2 20 120 14
7 0 12 1 20 140 13
8 -1 13 0 20 160 12
9 -2 14 -1 20 180 11
10 -3 15 -2 20 200 10
11 -4 16 -3 20 220 9
12 -5 17 -4 20 240 8
13 -6 18 -5 20 260 7
14 -7 19 -6 20 280 6

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15 -8 20 -7 20 300 5
16 -9 21 -8 20 320 4
17 -10 22 -9 20 340 3
18 -11 23 -10 20 360 2
19 -12 24 -11 20 380 1
20 -13 25 -12 20 400 0
21 -14 26 -13 20 420 -1
22 -15 27 -14 20 440 -2
23 -16 28 -15 20 460 -3
24 -17 29 -16 20 480 -4
25 -18 30 -17 20 500 -5
26 -19 31 -18 20 520 -6
27 -20 32 -19 20 540 -7
28 -21 33 -20 20 560 -8
29 -22 34 -21 20 580 -9
30 -23 35 -22 20 600 -10
31 -24 36 -23 20 620 -11
32 -25 37 -24 20 640 -12
33 -26 38 -25 20 660 -13
34 -27 39 -26 20 680 -14
35 -28 40 -27 20 700 -15
36 -29 41 -28 20 720 -16
37 -30 42 -29 20 740 -17
38 -31 43 -30 20 760 -18
39 -32 44 -31 20 780 -19
40 -33 45 -32 20 800 -20
41 -34 46 -33 20 820 -21
42 -35 47 -34 20 840 -22
43 -36 48 -35 20 860 -23
44 -37 49 -36 20 880 -24
45 -38 50 -37 20 900 -25
46 -39 51 -38 20 920 -26
47 -40 52 -39 20 940 -27
48 -41 53 -40 20 960 -28
49 -42 54 -41 20 980 -29
50 -43 55 -42 20 1000 -30

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Certain Precautionary Measures in addition to use of PPEs
1 Yes, COVID-19 is air borne through available in suspension state of aerosol. When
people sneeze or cough & thousands such particles of size lesser than 0.0002 mm are
released in air. If wind breezes, these can be transported to various location & those, who

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

come in contact to inhale, can contract COVID-19. These are not automatically, created,
but though discharge of nose & cough.
2 When people stay indoors & consume food, as such in celebration, this can lead to
transfer of aerosol. Better do not eat collective food in gatherings.
3 Less risk lies outside home. Do distance even in home.
4 Chances do happen in multistory sanitary stacks in ducts or shafts. This particle can pass
through sanitary pipes. This particle can be sucked by compressor of both air
conditioning system like wall mounted & also, centralized or even split.
5 Avoid air conditioning use. Let fans work to throw distant available aerosol. Walk in sun.
Drink hot water Eat hot. Walk. Sweat out. Avoid marriages for time being & do not drink
& dance if you attend such celebration. Do not embrace at all

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19 - Langar by Sikh Community to COVID Patients
1 I was walking on I T I road NIT 5 this morning 15.05.2021 Faridabad NCR 121001
2 One Gurudwara is situated on way
3 I saw a big banner on gate of Gurudwara
4 Really impressed to see that Sikhs have arranged free food for all those COVID-19
patients, who are unable to cook food themselves
5 I am happy to see such service by Sikh community
6 Thanks to all such organizers
7 This is really national & human service in this time of jeopardy

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
1 Israel designed to play with Arabs so that to divide & Rule over them
2 But, KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sudan, Algeria etc. all failed to comprehend
3 These nations failed to understand crooked designs of Israel
4 Israel had a plan to win over these nations in terms of commerce, but to eat Palestine
5 Actually, Arabs new generations or millenniums could not about know what Israel is &
6 Israel made a blunder & now shall never ever be promoted if Arabs do understand.
7 Arabs have been played with by Israel & these innocent Palestine thereby have been
continuously been killed for non of their mistakes
8 Israel has proved that it is a criminal nation & Bharat India must distance itself from
supporting such a criminal nation

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2021  · 

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

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Bharat India
COVID-19-Report 13.05.2021
1 India records 3.62 lakh fresh Covid-19 infections, 4,120 deaths in 24 hours
PUBLISHED ON MAY 13, 2021 09:18 AM IST
1 After two days of falls, active Covid-19 cases again increased on Thursday, as number of
daily infections surpassed number of daily recoveries.

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
1 I tried to do my best 4 times for live video, but there appears to be a problem with FB
2 I failed on my efforts
3 Shall try later

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Bharat India
1 COVID-19-Testing of citizens never ever worked successfully, Since March 1, 2020 &
we had plenty of time, till now
2 People of Bharat India thought that they shall be tested to detect, whether or not, they are
negative of COVID-19
3 But, there has been no testing plans initiated by any Government in India & and, no body
actually knows at this stage, how many citizens have been contracting COVID-19
4 In 438 days since then, we have tested only 23.660% population!
5 Do you think that it is justified?
6 Why did our SC remain silent?
7 Why did our GOI remain silent?
8 Why did our people remain silent?
9 Why did oll opposition remain silent?
10 76.340% people have been left without any test conducted
11 In fact 80% people have gone without any test, because many % have repeated their tests
12 Poor have not been tested, because it is not affordable for them
13 If a nation cannot test its subjects, how can we claim that GOI has been working to fight
against COVID?
14 GOI has been a shear failure & got no interest in welfare of its people againstCOVID-19
15 Vaccinations plan is not available & capacity of vaccination productions & inoculation is
not available
16 GOI can spend 20000 crores on useless structures, but live public is no objective for GOI
17 Shame on Whole Nation!!!

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18 PM & People of Bharat India have been responsible for this human created T Sunami!!!
19 Blind support to every regime results in futility, because we are not a serious awakened
20 We have acted, as if, we are slave to self appointed international PM!!!Modi must answer
his failure!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Certain Facts-12.05.2021
1 Assessment based actual figures for infections & deaths, using multiplication factor 3.0
on GOI reported data,
2 Daily Infections being 1045263,
3 Daily Deaths being 12615,
4 Deaths Updates being 762591,
5 Infection Updates 70022814
6 I used only 3# multiplication factor, but it varies up to 5 to 10

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India World
1 How can people of Bharat India think that a person, who used to sell tea & kill some
community people, may stay in an ordinary home, where past PMs used to stay during
respective terms?
2 It is not within standard of such watchman or tea vendor to stay in that 1927 constructed
house, but a King must stay in centrally devised Vista, though that king does not know
meaning of Vista
3 That king always prefers all items procured new, though it may be it 8000 crore taiyara or
aeroplane or house for Parliament 20000 crores or for King
4 Bharat India is very rich & that King has certain status which, status cannot be defined by
ordinary voters
5 That king does not care for corps or dead bodies floating in waters, but his status cannot
be compromised
6 20000 crores is too small an amount for that king, because he owns whole Bharat, which
was purchased by King's Father long back
7 This king has done obligation on part of public that he is King & public is nothing, but
8 It does not make any difference on prosperity of this king, even if 5 crores to 50 crores
people die!!!
9 Think on what way to handle this King???!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

Bharat India
COVID-19-Central Vista & Bhakts of Mad Modi
1 Modi is responsible for whatever havoc, created in Bharat India by that fool PM
2 Modi failed in testing even 25% people in more than 425 days
3 Modi bhakts could no understand even in 7 years meaning of active performance, for
they think delivering sweet speeches mean performance
4 Modi has proved that he is not a capable PM & really he sleeps mentally, keeping
physical eyes open
5 But, Bhakts cannot understand anything in reality
6 I therefore, have every right to call them mindless creatures & Modi a Mad creature
7 I cannot allow Mad creature to continue lead nation
8 Get Bhakts lost & Get Mad Creature Lost
9 He has proved that he is a killer of humanity in Bharat India & also, to spread that around

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Testing of citizens never ever started
1 Since March 1, 2020, People of Bharat India thought that they shall be tested to detect,
whether or not, they are negative of COVID-19
2 But, there has been no testing plans initiated by any Government in India & and, no body
actually knows at this stage about, how many citizens have been contracting COVID-19
3 In 436 days since then, we have tested only 23.5% population!
4 Do you think that it is justified?
5 Our SC remained silent
6 Our GOI remained silent
7 Our people remained silent
8 All opposition remained silent
9 76.5% people have been left without any test conducted
10 In fact 80% people have gone without any test, because many % have repeated their tests
11 Poor have not been tested, because it is not affordable for them
12 If a nation cannot test its subjects, how can we claim that GOI has been working to fight
against COVID?
13 GOI has been a shear failure & got no interest in welfare of its people againstCOVID-19
14 Vaccinations plan is not available & capacity of vaccination productions & inoculation is
not available
15 GOI can spend 20000 crores on useless structures, but live public is no objective for GOI
16 Shame on Whole Nation!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

11 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 COVID-19-Hiding Infection & Death Data

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2 GOI must stop manipulating COVID-19 data

3 They are trying to reduce factual data to please people
4 Hiding data is very dangerous, because it impacts controls
5 No place for cremations
6 No place for patients to be admitted
7 And, GOI claiming cases are being reduced
8 Experts are saying that more than 1 Million individuals have died of COVID-19 &
more than 1 Million are expected to die soon
9 By publishing fabricated information, COVID-19 cannot be controlled
10 Public of world know facts & we too!

P Eng Suraj Singh

11 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Fabricationof Infections & Dead Bodies
1 Modi you can befool Press & TV channels by inducements for they can publish your
desired data of infections & deaths
2 But, you cannot hide facts from minds & eyes of people of Bharat India
3 You have failed nation even tests all citizens, even after 14 months lapse.
4 Only 22% people have been tested, because you never sought to pose realities
5 Result reached to a stage, wherein, COVID-19 has become Community Spread
6 You may try to reduce number of infections, daily, but do not forget that 78% citizens
still require testing
7 Do you not understand any level of Mathematics?
8 Intellectuals from around world have commented that you are publishing only 20 %
9 This means more than 1 Million people have lost their lives till now
10 Why cannot you test 5 crores persons daily???
11 Because, you have provided no infrastructure in ours
12 This also, means that more than 1 Million people are getting infected daily, that by
fabrication, you have been concealing / hiding
13 People are concerned not to go to hospitals, because no facilities are available
14 You cannot count deaths & infections
15 You have become Yam Raj for people of Bharat India
16 People have stopped trusting you, but you like shameless stupid PM still are occupying
this position like Dhristrasta
17 Dead bodies are floating in waters, shame on to you Mad PM
18 Who shall trust Devil???

P Eng Suraj Singh

11 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
1 Israel Is A Killer Nation
2 Israel is Killing Palestine

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3 Arabs must Condemn Israel

4 World Must Condemn Israel
5 Bharat India Is Shameful Nation
6 Arab League Must Be effective
7 KSA, UAE & Bahrain Must Learn Lessons
8 Sudan Must Learn Lesson
9 Algeria Must learn Nation
10 Africa Must Condemn Israel
11 USA Must Condemn Israel
12 No One Has Got Any Right To Kill Humans

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Report 10.05.2021 Comments
1 Newspapers & Channels published reduced number of daily infection cases, without
conducting any analysis
2 How GOI fabricate numbers to show reduction in cases!
3 09.05.2021 Tests 1865428 Positives 403738 % 21.64 Deaths 4092
4 10.05.2021 Tests 1474606 Positives 366161 % 24.83 Deaths 3754
5 Assessment for Actual Data-Multiply data by 2.5
6 Infections Total Deaths Daily Deaths #"
7 2.5 915402.5 615290 9385

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19-Testing of Individuals
1 Since March 2020 to 07.05.2021, testing has marked to 300410043 =23.108 % of 130
crores population
2 This is an only reason that now COVID-19 is moving too rapidly
3 Had GOI tested by now all people, those possibly positive, would have been isolated &
clusters could have been avoided
4 A nation that cannot test its subjects, could not be called a nation, but a Banana
5 Shall people wait for 989 more days for testing!! Shame on to ours!!!
6 We boost about vaccinations, but no testing!!!
7 People are responsible, because they blindly trusted some senseless GOI

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
COVID-19- How many persons to leave Bharat India - Deaths

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

1 Considering @ 10000 deaths daily due to COVID-19 in Bharat India, one month shall
take away 300000 persons from ours
2 In 3 months 900000 persons from ours shall leave
3 In 6 months 1800000 persons from ours shall leave

1 Considering 1 Million infection cases daily, one month shall infect 30 Millions
2 3 months shall infect 90 Millions
3 months shall infect 180 Millions
4 Therefore, stop carelessness & be serious to use PPEs & resort to all possible ways to
have protection
5 World is still not clear of COVID-19 Identification

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India - Facts about Mad Bhakts!!!
1 Those, who never ever contributed or sacrificed any drop of blood for national freedom
till 1947 think that they are only Bharat Patriots & all others are anti nationals
2 Height of foolishness of such characters
3 Their forefathers & their fake national leaders claim that they are only patriots, because
they cheated all freedom struggles
4 Their pre 1947 religion based leaders put nation's respects & honours on fire, when they
signed apologies many times to have release from imprisonment under Britons
5 They claim that they are patriots
6 They always, divided society, based on caste,
7 Bhramins & Rajputs on higher profile & others on lower, they call themselves patriots
8 Shame on all such patriots, because they are anti nationals & they have been anti
9 By highest degree of foolishness, they have started considering themselves as proprietor
of this nation
10 They must remember that there are 85% citizens, who really & originally own this nation,
whilst they had been all immigrants, when history be investigated
11 They sold this nation to British & now, only barking, as if they are only patriots
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
Comparison of PMs - Disease with Bhakts!!!
1 Bhakts abuse Gandhi but, believe in Patel
2 Bhakts compare & abuse Nehru & Indira
3 Bhakts abuse Nehru family
4 Bhakts abuse Dr MMS, but they even cannot understand shoe of Dr MMS

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5 Even Merchant PM knows well power of Dr MMS, but his nose shall not allow policy
less PM to accept this fact
6 Bhakts call Rahul a Pappu, but they forget that pappu never lies & always tells facts
7 Bhakts do not define quality of Merchant PM are angered, if someone writes or speaks
against him, because Bhakts think that Merchant PM is certainly incapable
8 Bhakt title has become too interesting for conducting an analysis
9 Bhakts are never responsive to questions, but only abuse language to answer, so that
recipient of abusive terms should stop writing back
10 But, Bhakts have forgotten that meaning of Bhakts itself is a person, who is unable to
think using mind
11 One may be brilliant for every issue, but when one immerses in Bhakti, mind stops
12 While Bhakts are permanently closed minds & unfortunately, none exists to unlock them
13 Such persons are called Dummy!!!
14 Usually, Bhakts ask those, who oppose Merchant PM GOI, that they should go to
15 I asked one such Bhakt to go to that nation, which was liberated by RSS, resulting that
Bhakt got top angry & asked me about, who I am to state that?
16 I told him regarding, who are Bhakts to say go to Pakistan?
17 Modi is really a Merchant, because he has bought crores Bhakts to work for him to
generate & disseminate fake news & just encounter those, who oppose GOI
18 Even, many judicial officers have turned Bhakts
19 More than 50% police & intellectuals have become Bhakts, because they belong to upper
castes & think that Merchant
20 PM shall remove reservations
21 Merchant PM has been successful in dismantling an integrated society of Bharat
22 10 to 20 % upper class citizens are too hungry to rule this nation at cost of oppressing all
others, but they have forgotten that this is public of Bharat India that threw British out
one time
23 These RSS were only a tool with British to torture Bharat citizens that time, because this
cream comes from that blood of British followers till 1947
24 Dirty Plasma remains dirty so are Bhakts offsprings of British / RSS kin of British
25 Beware of mindless Bhakts, who can go to all extents to spoil Bharat India nation,
because, howsoever educated one be, but use of no mind creates problems for all others
& who are capable can resolve issues, even if problem be caused by their past persons!!!
26 Save Bharat India from Merchant PM GOI & Bhakts
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
Some people in Bharat India have gotten very high degree mind damaging disease, by name of
Modi Bhakti
1 These so called mindless Bhakts do not even conduct research about, what they post on
social media, but just design to post what they think is right & all others are fools

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2 Such people are more dangerous than COVID-19

3 COVID-19 can be handled, but that Merchant Bhakti not
4 These so called Bhakts do not respect Bharat as a nation, but Merchant PM above Bharat
India, which is nothing, but straight insult to Bharat people
5 Every day, such Bhakts spoil social media environment & spread their dirty mind
generated fake news, often, which got no meaning at all
6 Only, agenda these Bhakts got is to defame our past PMs & in particular Nehru, Indira &
Rajiv etc. & usually criticize Gandhi's work & in lieu of that, try to balance with Subhash
& Bhagat, but they forget that their supporting organization by name of RSS did not
contribute anything positive for Bharat & its freedom struggle
7 All these Bhakts are just a crying lot, who know nothing, but only defy those, who did a
lot for Bharat
8 Their other agenda is just to defame Muslim community & defame Congress & defame
some family
9 These people do not have any knowledge about humanity, but only their minds are filled
with offensive gases
10 They act only like crows & parrots
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
1 Virus is marching rapidly throughout on all radial directions from Delhi
2 Delhi Government prediction states that by July end, 5.5 Lakhs infections are expected
3 If that is an assessment, what about other cities like Mumbai, Chennai etc.?
4 Versioned that Bharat India shall reach # 1 soon overtaking USA in infection numbers
5 Probably, considering 5% infections to say 60crores, a minimum 3 crores cases are
expected & if we double, it would be 6 crores
6 But, for Merchant PM, public should be self reliant & GOI must be busy in
7 No concrete preparations seems to be ready & general poor have been left to their own
self reliant care
8 First, GOI since 1947, who ignored its total responsibility
9 Riches are admitted to Vedanta & other 5 to 7 starts hospitals, but no rooms for poor
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

5 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
Environment Day on June 5th 2020
World Environment Day- 2020, June 5th
Biodiversity & Environment/SARS-2-COVID-19 & World Economics
Year 2020 brought unexpected problem to whole world, which is full of secrets

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

1 Though, it is known as Virus by name SARS-2-COVID-19, yet it has not been confirmed
by scientific sources, regarding whereabouts of its origin & how it could be projected by
nature for it is not artificial
2 No conclusion has been drawn, but all nations around globe competitively, locked down
& now competitively, opening lock downs, as lockdown was considered a precautionary
measure to stop it move further, but all in vain
3 Factual figures of infections & deaths are all unknown, and, when shall this Pandemic
end is also, unknown
4 No scientist in world is yet able to respond positively to foregoing issues
5 In Bharat India, 2000 or more health workers have been adversely, impacted
6 Hundreds of doctors & nurses have lost their lives
7 World had been converted to Ghost Planet, for 8 billion citizens have been in panic &
billions have been psychologically impacted upon by COVID-19
1 Just in few months, Economy has collapsed all over globe, so weak world economy it is
2 Fact remains that Value of economy has not changed, which can never be changed in
terms of quantity of materials that Earth contains
Exploitation of Natural Resources
1 Biodiversity has never been considered a principle requirement, but all nations exploited
that to their greed for development
2 Excessive fossil fuel extracted only in 85 years for certain countries benefits
3 Expensive minerals & metals have been extracted in very short period
4 Human does not respect any biodiversity & is only interested in making wealth
5 God provided all power of wealth to human use, but human tried to loot that wealth
immediately in too short a period, to raise GDP level
1 In some parts in African continents, millions of citizens are waiting for starvations &
thereby, continuous never ending Africa to Europe migration
2 Millions of birds & animals have been slaughtered for sake of 50mm long tongue, when
adequate farming can be accomplished to survive, for Human got no control on taste &
3 COVID-19 may stay for a decade probably, but human is not concerned, as it appears
now from expression of highest degree of interest in economy, rather than fighting with
such unknown God imposed Virus
4 No change is visible in habits of citizens to avoid driving cars & avoid use of ACs
5 No change is visible in habits of citizens to augment immunity levels
6 People only speak about pollution of aerosphere & water bodies, but no action is visible,
despite expressing concerns in Europe, but only token talks
7 Europe has destined to reduce non vegetarian consumption to 50% by 2030-2050, which
means, a long wait on cards & also, reduction on farming/dairy products
8 Birds & animals got no space to protect from heat
9 Surprisingly, wild animals were seen on roads, during lockdown, probably, due to
persistent confusion among such animals
International Actions +/-
1 Europe has also, tried to reduce use of plastic equipment & gadgets in coming decades,
by adopting a lawful policy to force use of repair service

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2 A law is being enacted for increasing life of mobiles phone, machines, such as washing &
fridges, so that no need throw them, when such machines stop working
3 Repair plan shall be a must, which means, all such appliances must be adequately
manufactured & be durable for at least double existing life
4 Use of fossil fuels driven cars is being reduced to a maximum extent
5 Bi Cycles use is being promoted & such tracks are being placed in Europe
6 India Bharat has at least 20 crore/s AC machines & lakh/s of generators, in addition to
hundreds such AC trains, which all aid to pollution levels, but no action
7 No attempt is being made to combat such abuses against pollution
8 People in Bharat are least seriously interested to reduce pollution & protect natural living
9 Crores vehicle including 12 crore/s bikes run daily in ours
10 Cars manufacturing effects our GDP
11 Mining effects our GDP
12 We can never think seriously to overcome pollution
13 EU is only talking for purpose of seminars
14 COVID-19 has broken spines of all major economies
15 China, US, UK, EU France, Germany, Italy all have been beaten in economy
16 GCC also, has been beaten seriously
17 Unemployment has been created in multiple crore/s all over
18 Our construction sector has reached death limit, with no concrete hope left
19 Who shall be ready to en-risk Biodiversity, for Economy weighs more than Biodiversity,
in terms of politicians contemplation.
20 Until, whole world is immersed in economical development with rapid speed, forget
biodiversity & also, wait for more Pandemics
21 Many more God’s actions are awaited in future, while COVID-19 continues
22 We must change our habits drastically to adopt to nature, or else, nature would remain
distant from us
23 We must consume natural products for food & consume milk & decide to avoid
consumption of meat, flesh & chicken etc.
24 We must make our physique resistant to heat & cold & must adopt to nature’s agencies
working around such as Sun, Air, Waters & Lands
25 We have to digest Sun, UV rays & also, have protection against adverse affects from
26 We have to make sure that seas are protected from plastic pollution, industrial pollution
& that water living beings lives are protected
27 We have to avoid excessive use of plastics in cities &try to bury all such wastes

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
2020 June
Dear Citizens of Bharat India
1 Time has come, when Bharatwasis/Indians have to stop fearing Merchant PM

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

2 Learn from USA, about what level of treatment is being extended to Trump, mindlesss
3 Even, one state chief commented about him to shut up, if he could not do good for people
4 Time must change & public must change its mindset that Merchant PM is not a reliable
leader of this nation
5 This PM least cares about Industrial workers & poor part of population, but he cares PM
Cares to a level, where he instructs HC to dismiss related petition
6 This clearly indicates that Guilty Conscious is always suspicious
7 We must learn lessons that we have gotten completely inefficient & incompetent PM
8 I ask opposition political parties also, to come openly & encounter Merchant PM
9 Such a coward PM, under name of Lockdown arresting thousand innocent citizens
10 Harassed willingly 14 crore Industrial workers, without any fault of those & forced them
to walk on roads for thousands KMs, for what only Merchant PM can answer
11 Hundreds lost their lives while walking, for which Merchant PM in person is responsible
12 Public has been misled by this evil competency PM & therefore, public must think for
future of nation & not future of Merchant PM
13 We are first democracy in world & therefore, must respect ourselves & not Merchant PM
14 Why do we fear such a coward PM??? Our honour is by our Industrial workers & not
15 Our honour is by Industrialist workers & not by Engineers
16 Our honour is by ourselves for ourselves & not by politicians for politicians
17 Our honour is not by Merchant PM Bhakts, but by rule of Law
18 Not even a single BJP MP or BJP MLA was seen on roads to help workers
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

1 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
1 Merchant PM declared that Bharat has treated 1 crore COVID patients
2 I think that he has given clear figure of facts, though by slip of his tongue
3 WHO should make a note of this information!!!
4 Total number of infections around globe is 1.6 crores to 2 crores
5 Truth comes out for sure
6 This also, means that Bharat shall lead world in SARS-2-COVID-19
Jai World

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
1 Industrial workers on platform & quality of food & water
2 Merchant PM Jindabad, for his contribution to kill people

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P Eng Suraj Singh

30 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India -Bharat India is led by Merchant PM
1 Bharat India is no more having any real PM
2 Bharat India is an Industrial Business home for Merchant PM, because Merchant PM got
no meaning for poor in country
3 If someone is poor, one has to become self sufficient/Atam Nirbhar
4 If someone is rich, one has to be supported by Merchant PM
5 Bharat India never ever thought that by Fraud of EVMs, we shall have a Merchant PM
6 Public of Bharat has been cheated by EVMs that unfairly supported to replace lakhs of
EVMs by fraud in 2019 elections
7 Merchant PM has been busy in advertising its failure of 6 years work, when poor are
struggling & hundreds have lost their lives
8 Just like Merchants got no conscience & heart, only money is meant heart for it, even if
public die, Merchant never bothers
9 Merchant PM can file false affidavit in SC
10 Merchant PM can allow Ventilators fraud in Bharat India
11 Why do we have such a commercial PM, who least bothers about poor section of society?
12 All ration aid is being abused by Bhakts & not reaching to real needy
13 These helps are being shared by all Bhakts among themselves
14 Our Industrial workers shall never think of such Merchant to lead Bharat India
15 Shame on to Merchant PM & his Bhakts
16 Bharat India has been being destroyed from every aspect
17 Education has already been spoiled
18 Economy has reached to sea bottom
19 Unemployment is on top apex/azimuth
20 SARS-2-COVID-19 is showing its colours
21 But, Merchant PM is celebrating his achievements
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

20 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
SARS-2-COVID-19- Industrial workers
1 Our PM & CM got themselves to be named criminals & animals
2 They are criminals & animals, because they are ready to kill & eat crores of Industrial
3 These political robbers do not have any sympathy towards such poor class of citizenry
4 Everything becomes an event for them
5 These leaders have become a burden on Bharat India
6 They have forgotten that these workers pulled them to their current powerful seats &
now, in return, these stupid leaders have left no stone unturned to kill them, rather than
saving their lives
7 Shame on to all such BJP idiots!!!

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8 They are modern devils Modi & Yogi

Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Police should take action against ZEE News, who tried to hide Corona +Ve infections
2 They did not inform since Friday
3 They acted against public policy
4 They played a lot game against Muslim & now, they must be brought to books
5 No leniency required
6 Subhash Chandra & Puroshtam Veshnao & Sudhir Chowdhri must be held in criminal
7 Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

18 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India World
Industrial Engineering Workers & PM -Red & Black Talk!!!
1 PM - Please, have patience - Dherya Banaye Rakhiye
2 Workers- Till, when-Kab Tak?
3 PM- Stop walking at border & wait-Intzaar kiziye
4 Workers Kab Tak, Till When?
5 PM- Till you die!!!Jab tak aap mar nahin jayen
6 Workers-Why do you want us to die? Aap hamare marne ka kyon intzaar kar rahe hein?
7 PM- Because, you are no more my voters-Kyonki ab aap mere voter nahi rahe
8 Workers-But, we shall vote to you. Hum aap ko hi vote denge
9 PM- You are no more trust worthy-Aaap ab vishvasniye nahi rahe-If you are saved,
Congress shall win, which I do not want
10 Workers-But we shall not vote Congress
11 PM-Dead bodies never vote
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram,

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 COVID-19, Daily Cases on 07.05.2021= 401,078 , Deaths 4,187
2 Bharat India on Saturday recorded 401,078 new corona virus disease (Covid-19) cases
and 4,187 deaths in last 24 hours, taking caseload and death toll to 21,892,676 and
238,270 respectively, according to Union health ministry's dashboard.

P Eng Suraj Singh

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

13 June 2020  · 
Shared with Public
World- SARS-2-COVID-19
1 It is now being known that COVID-19 is not dependent only on person to person contact
for transmission
2 Come out of this misunderstanding
3 Do not take any chance for COVID-19 to reach you
4 This virus can infect you, based on person to person contact
5 This virus can infect you, through nose & mouth
6 This virus can infect you, through eyes
7 This virus can infect you, through air flow
8 This virus can infect you, through air-conditioning machine
9 This virus can infect you, through car air-conditioning system
10 This virus can infect you, through animals
11 Do not go to visit public worship places, where is every possibility for presence of virus
12 Do not accept any prashad from public places of worship
13 If vendors / street hawkers, do not use preventive masks, glasses, do not buy any on spot
14 Do not drink chilled water to keep throat warm
15 Drink hot tea before its gets cold
16 Do not involve in sexual activities with others, which is an excessive source of virus
17 If you do not care, you may be inviting virus
18 Raise immunity levels, by walking in Sun, eating hot food, eating vegetables, better if
boiled only.
Jai World

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
1 Banking FD Interest Rates
2 Modi GOI has slashed interest rates to ever minimum
3 Modi does not think for seniors, whose livelihood is dependent on FD interest rates
4 When, Dr MMS was PM, FD rates were around 9.75% per annum to 10%
5 Now, FD rates are much below 6 %, Savings around 2.5 to 2.75%
6 What a great achievement by Modi in Bharat
7 Only bloody Talks Talks & Talks
8 Modi cannot think for people of Bharat India
9 Worst ever PM of Bharat India
10 He has brought to hell/ road all poor industrial workers, due to his stupid decisions,
which he got no capacity & competency about to decide

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

1 Industrial Wokers And GOI+Modi ???????
2 Bharat Middle Class & Upper sections along with GOI least bother about welfare &
survival of lowest class of society
3 We all boost about development & development of all classes
4 Where is Modi, who won General election in 2014, but forgot most poor hardworking
5 Engineers, who often use these workers all over nation, have maintained silence, as if
they are unable to understand real relation among engineers & these workers
6 We Bharat India are an Unique nation in world, who left these many crores workers in
open to sky residence, which floor is road surface & footpath pavement
7 Modi never ever cared for them. SC never cared for them. Riches & Bhakts never ever
cared for them. They have been treated as road dust!!!
8 Nothing to eat & drink & GOI knows nothing about it, for they file affidavit that no one
walks on road. Public voted to stones in 2014 & 2019
9 Shame on to heartless public & drama GOI
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India World
1 It is known that our current leadership, by name Modi had been too poor since childhood
2 It is also, confirmed that he has come to this level from Tea selling past
3 It is surprising that such person cannot conceive problems of most economical backward
section of society, who are credited for development of nation
4 He is more concerned with those, who use these poor to become rich
5 Modi is not interested in roots of trees, but in fruits only
6 He cannot understand about, when roots are removed, fruits shall automatically be
7 This natural formula, probably he does not understand
8 Unfortunately, Bharat India engineers too, do not understand this formula
9 Engineers of a nation are supposed to know all such relations, but in Bharat India
engineers have turned Bhakts
10 People shall be held responsible for debacle of economy in Bharat India
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India World
1 I am by birth, neither Hindu, nor Muslim, nor Christian, nor else.
2 I am by birth a human being & shall live human being, till I leave from this planet for
3 I respect all those, who respect humanity & do not destroy rights of poor & those, who
work for rights of those who deserve

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

4 I do not respect those, who are not interested in poor, but treat them, as animals
5 I understand that God has adopted no faith or religion
6 I understand that God accepts only Right act as religion
7 I understand that God accepts sinners as devils
8 I do not know about your inner feelings
Jai Bhramand/Jai earth that belongs to all

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
1 Next decade 2020 to 2029-Gregorian Calendar 01.01.01
2 Year 19 started in number 380
3 Year 20 to 29 in number 400/420/440/460/480/500/520/540/560/580
4 World is liquidifed from 400 to 480 & then controlled in 500 to 580-We have to wait for
10 years have freedom from COVID
5 Wait for 5 years attack
SPIRITUAL Ruling Table
NUMBER (Total)=Chart # Date Month Year Digits
D+M+Y=(Total) 3 1 1 1 20 7
Check #
Basics to supports 20 8 8 8 14 10
5 6 Ruling 8,5,2
2 5 effects effects effects effects effects effects
Digit Time I Time II Time III Result Super Average
Date of birth 1 6 9 4 20 20 19
Personal, private 2 5 7 6 20 40 18
Month of birth 3 4 8 5 20 60 17
General, deal others 4 3 9 4 20 80 16
Year of birth 5 2 10 3 20 100 15
Mind, Destiny, Stability 6 1 11 2 20 120 14
Total is chart # 7 0 12 1 20 140 13
Spiritual effect 8 -1 13 0 20 160 12
9 -2 14 -1 20 180 11
10 -3 15 -2 20 200 10
11 -4 16 -3 20 220 9
12 -5 17 -4 20 240 8
13 -6 18 -5 20 260 7
14 -7 19 -6 20 280 6
15 -8 20 -7 20 300 5
16 -9 21 -8 20 320 4
17 -10 22 -9 20 340 3
18 -11 23 -10 20 360 2
19 -12 24 -11 20 380 1

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20 -13 25 -12 20 400 0

21 -14 26 -13 20 420 -1
22 -15 27 -14 20 440 -2
23 -16 28 -15 20 460 -3
24 -17 29 -16 20 480 -4
25 -18 30 -17 20 500 -5
26 -19 31 -18 20 520 -6
27 -20 32 -19 20 540 -7
28 -21 33 -20 20 560 -8
29 -22 34 -21 20 580 -9
30 -23 35 -22 20 600 -10
31 -24 36 -23 20 620 -11
32 -25 37 -24 20 640 -12
33 -26 38 -25 20 660 -13
34 -27 39 -26 20 680 -14
35 -28 40 -27 20 700 -15
36 -29 41 -28 20 720 -16
37 -30 42 -29 20 740 -17
38 -31 43 -30 20 760 -18
39 -32 44 -31 20 780 -19
40 -33 45 -32 20 800 -20

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
1 In 2014, Bharat India public facilitated some unknown person to power of GOI
2 In 2019, it was retrusted though through EVM unfair means
3 This leadership proved non vibrant & failed to understand realistic issues of public & just
tried to speak & leave forum
4 Now, this leadership ignored all those, who actually voted to him & they are 50% poor
industrial workers, including family members
5 This leadership proved hollow vessel for poor
6 This leadership never proved that this worked for poor
7 This leadership always tried to help its friendship, who are riches
8 People shall stop trusting this ailment
9 Poor cannot trust this leadership anymore
10 Only higher middle class & riches trust this leadership
11 Leadership that ignores industrial & poor workers, cannot lead nation
12 Leadership that does not care for seniors, can never succeed
13 This leadership is going to devastate nation macro economy, in absence of Industrial
14 Bharat India is an unfortunate nation that has not only insulted industrial workers, but
also, pushed them to hell
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India - SARS-2-COVID-19
1 Voter should not vote by machines now, whenever elections are conducted
2 Machines can be home for Virus for sure
3 Why should voter risk life on EVM???
4 Only ballot paper is solution
5 Many hands on EVMs can transfer Virus
6 Speak in high volume
7 Condemn EVMs
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
20 Lakh Crores Announcement???
1 Budget this financial year is 30 Lakh crores
2 RBI had extracted from reserves 9 Lakh crores
3 Is this 20 Lakhs liquidity or provision?
4 This 20 Lakhs includes 9 Lakhs RBI+1.07 Lakhs crores
5 This means provision & not package of 20-9=11 Lakh Crores
6 No indication about, what has reached accounts of poor???
7 No funds in liquidity form
8 How to compensate those crores, who have lost jobs during Lock Down
9 Public is being misled
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
SARS-2-COVID-19/FM Announcement
16:23 (IST)
13 MAY 2020
1 FM Nirmala Sitharaman lists measures taken during Covid lockdown
2 #Within hours of first lockdown, Rs 1.7 lakh crore were issued under PM Garib Kalyan
3 #80 crore poor given ration [Fake]
4 #Front loaded Rs 2,000 paid to farmers under existing PM Kisan scheme [Not Clear]

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2020  · 

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

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SSSDR Bharat India
1 PM says that we should be self reliant / Atam Nirbhar!!!
2 PM forgot that more than 50% population, who work in industries have already become
self reliant / Atam Nirbhar
3 These potent population does not depend on Modi's railway, Modi's buses & Modi's
flights to reach their homes, located many hundreds miles
4 Self reliance is required by Modi Bhakts & all Upper class Brahmins & others, who do
not work anytime & depend on temple Donations / Charawas, whole life
5 Self reliance is required by all those, who aspire jobs, done in AC rooms & never ever
work hard in Sun
6 Self reliance is required by all political crooks in all parties, who have left no stone
unturned, while robbing nation & included are Modi's friends
7 Gujarat is self reliant in business robbing
8 Riches are self reliant in NPA creation
9 Modi is self reliant in wrtiting off loans to all, including his friends & Lala Ram Dev
10 GOI is self reliant in befooling people of Bharat India
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SARS-2-COVID-19-Spike D614G
"I am too busy" says God "
1 "Almost 98% public of Earth location is dishonest & generally, they are liars too"
2 "I am not free & my system is not free for them to record all their lies & dishonest
3 I have changed my mind to record such fake activities, but then what to do?
4 I have deployed my Soul Army in name of SARS-2-COVID-19-Spike S614G
5 Secrets of this army cannot be decoded at & by whatever attempt
6 It shall keep medicos & scientists, misguided for many years to come
7 My armed souls shall visit every Earth citizen, punish on spot & leave those, who are
living per God's rules
8 Dishonests public, robbers, liars & those, who want to rule innocent shall all be taught
very learning lessons
9 Those, infected shall lead to state of absence of progeny
10 Those, who do not respect my nature, shall be severely punished
11 Those, who spoiled my oil shall be severely punished
12 Those, who used heavy earth & heavy water to explore nuclear weapons shall be thrown
into earth basket
13 No politicians shall be spared from world"
14 God of Universes

P Eng Suraj Singh

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My Life Truths Volume VIII - FB Public Posts Recovered from FB 09.05.2012–03.07.2021+Further

12 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
Our Engineering Industrial Workers-SARS-2-COVID-19
1 Request to all citizens in Bharat India to stop calling our Engineering Industrial Workers,
2 They are not Majdoors, but assets for Bharat India
3 I am calling them with dignity, because it is they, who are responsible for total
development of nation & without their efforts, no one can develop Bharat India
4 Without their contribution, GDP got no meaning
5 Of course, they may not be academically literate, but they are technically literate
6 These artisans can do, what highest literate, even, at doctorate level cannot do
7 Tell me about, what is IAS contribution to develop nation?
8 Tell me what about political leaders' in general contribution to develop nation?
9 Tell me about, what is contribution by bank robbers to develop nation?
10 Current GOI has treated these Industrial artisans workers, as if, they are not even, animals
11 This GOI is fundamentally, illiterate, unable to understand about due value of this section
of nation
12 This GOI has no guts, even to support financially this class, with a sum good for food,
clothing & residence for a couple of months
13 This failure of GOI has led to current supercritical situation in Bharat India, which shall
in short & long run impact adversely on macro & micro economy
14 On top of that these nation dears have been hammered of their rights, granted to them
through statutes
15 What sort of society & GOI we are, who cannot respect their rights?
16 Why do we support all riches, who all looted banks & make their fortunes?
17 My advice to all such workers is to ignore their owners / GOI & demand their
outstanding dues & new contract, in case, they require to be back to their jobs
18 Forget statutory suspensions
19 You are not born for these richers to whom, this GOI unduly support
20 Join only, when there is no unjustice done to you
21 Without your help, Bharat India cannot move
22 We are with you. Society shall stand with you
23 We do not need development at your dead bodies & atrocities caused to you by current
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
Building Workers, Industry Workers
SARS-2-COVID-19/Governments/Statutory Cruelty/Voiding Workers Rights
1 Modi's shameful governments & CMs have destructed virtual workers rights, that were
given to them by parliament in 1996

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2 Many BJP's state CMs have suspended reliable workers rights, which were allowed to
them by statutory force
3 Modi & CMs are not interested in workers welfare, but they are more interested in
industrialists & promoters / builders welfare
4 Just in name of economic state of reinstatement, these political criminals have started
befooling whole nation / public & planned to support foreign companies & robbing
owners companies
5 Our workers are innocent & they may not understand about, what injustice is being
caused to them
6 Economy reinstatement has gotten nothing to do with suppressing workers
7 No one can explain on about, what basis these decisions have been taken through
ordinance means.
8 Workers work & get wages & relevant facilities
9 I do not understand about, by suspension of their rights, how shall nation benefit,
whereas, it is true that these workers shall certainly be treated like slaves
10 Mads are our CMs & PM - Complete illiterate, but just always interested to deceive
public & poor workers
11 Modi should have forced his friends & promoters to care about all workers in lock down,
but he did not even think of this issue & he claims / says that this GOI serves poor
12 Modi's serving poor means pushing poor into death!!!
13 Modi is first useless & against poor public PM!!!
14 All past PMs were humane, but he is inhumane
15 He does not deserve any degree of respect & sympathy
16 He is PM only for his supporting foolish Bhakts
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
1 Building Workers
2 The Building and other Construction Workers‘(Regulation of Employment
3 and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
Sec (27 OF 1996) [19th August, 1996]
An Act to regulate employment and conditions of service of building and other construction
workers and to provide for their safety, health and welfare measures and for other matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by Parliament in the Forty-seventh year of Republic of India as follows:


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1. Short title, extent, commencement and application:-(1) This Act may be called the Building
and Other Construction Workers‘ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,
(2) It extends to the whole of India.
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of March, 1996.
(4) It applies to every establishment which employs, or had employed on any day of preceding
twelve months, ten or more building workers in any building or other construction work.
Explanation: For purposes of this sub-section, the building workers employed in different relays
in a day either by the employer or the contractor shall be taken into account in computing the
number of building workers employed in the establishment.
2. Definitions:-(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
(a) ―appropriate Government‖ means:
(i) in relation to an establishment (which employs building workers, either directly or through a
contractor) in respect of which appropriate Government under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14
of 1947), is Central Government, Central Government;
(ii) in relation to any such establishment, being a public sector undertaking, as Central
Government may, by notification, specify which employs building workers, either directly or
through a contractor, Central Government;
Explanation: For purposes of this sub-clause (ii), ―public sector undertaking‖ means any
corporation established by or under any Central, State or Provincial Act or a Government
company as defined in section 617 of Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), which is owned,
controlled or managed by the Central Government;
(iii) in relation to any other establishment which employs building workers either directly or
through a contractor, the Government of State in which t

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
Go Modi Go- Go Modi Go-Go Modi Go!!!
1 You are not required to work on title PM in this country
2 You have failed to understand about, what PM should do for citizens, particularly for
those, who are poor
3 You cannot understand stomach fire & conscience of these poor
4 Modi You are not even, a human at all
5 You & your associates CMs, treat poor like slaves & treated them as such commodities /
6 You are working for builders, promoters, top business people, top industrialists & not at
all for poor
7 You do not know about, what does poor mean
8 You have cheated all poor
9 Because, of your inactions, you have led them to deaths
10 You are good for nothing
11 You have destroyed all institutions, even SC!!
12 SC has stopped working for poor, because of you
13 What do you say people of Bharat?

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14 Do you intend to see Bharat India fired by Modi?

Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India World
1 Whole world should pray COVID-19, which has become stronger than Devtas to leave
Earth for sake of Humanity
2 If this SARS-2-COVID-19 does not go now, you have to face it for 5 years severely & 5
years down curve
3 Crores world citizens shall be infected, probably say 28 Crores
Jai World

P Eng Suraj Singh

26 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Master Fraud is EC in 2019, who acted as BJP EC
2 How long shall you survive like this based on false election?
3 People know facts!!!
4 This election 2019 is a scam on nation & it is a killer of democracy by Hon EVM PM
5 Quote
6 PM Modi hails Election Commission for successfully conducting LS elections

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India -EVMs
1 Scientist Lalit Kumar
2 Speak & conduct seminar
3 Technologies are manageable
4 People are not knowledgeable, but technology can do wonders
5 People just make baseless arguments, even those, who have gotten higher professional
6 Technology is never fool proof
7 Even, incoming 5G valid for Equipment talks & not to satellites, can be hacked
8 Why to argue for EVMs & not to resort to fool proof ballots?
9 Life should be clean & not EVM managed
10 There was no reason that 20 Lakhs EVMs stolen by powers of GOI, but have been used
11 These were exclusively done to abuse whole voting scheme & they did it successfully,
where they could do it effectively
12 This is a long term issue & cannot stop

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13 This is same party, which blamed Congress in 1971 elections that ink of votes
disappeared from ballots & pre vote ink appeared
14 These are same people, who often blame others & for themselves, they become Harish

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Bharat Elections 2019 Lok Sabha MPs
1 More than 250 candidates should sue Election Petition against respective candidates &
2 70% EVMs that were not included on formal inventories included in counting, which is
3 Internal identification numbers were also, not matched
4 This is a big manipulation that amounts to unfair election practice
5 Even, Indira lost election due to involving unfair election practices
6 EC is an absolutely responsible for this lapse
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
गरीब मारा गया वोट यन्त्र जीत गया
1 An Opposition less Lok Sabha!!!
2 Great Democracy
3 Victory is of EVMs - Poor died in this election
4 Money power & EVM robbers won
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 90% EVMs were included, which did not belong to Inventories
2 These EVMs had been swapped
3 Is it feasible that out of 700 votes 690 go to candidate of BJP against AAP candidate
भारत की जनता गु लाम रहना ही पसं द करती हे डरपोक भारत जनता
डरपोक विपक्ष डरपोक चु नाव आयोग डरपोक कां गर् े स डरपोक राष्ट् रपति
1 Dr Modi has been successful in defeating democracy & EVMs have won in
Constitutional democracy
2 Opposition parties remained sleeping & Dr Modi robbed votes
3 Shame on to opposition, to silent public & to servant EC
4 Bharat pubic has been sick of mind / non serious & can never ever improve

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5 Public shall remain slave forever!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
भारत चु नाव २०१९ वोट यन्त्र का खे ल सच हे
ट् रेंड्स बता रहें है की वोटिं ग यन्त्र जीत रहें हे तथा जनता हार रही है
जय भारत
1 Results are telling that EVMs are winning & public being defeated
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

18 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat भारत
इं जीनियर सत्य पॉल स्ट् रक्चरल एक्सपर्ट ले फ्ट फॉर हिज परमानें ट होम
Great Civil & Structural Engineer left for his heavenly abode
Long Experience in Engineering he had. Shall support God in profession
Rest in Peace

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Muzaffarpur rape case: 11 girls were allegedly murdered by key suspect and his aides,
CBI tells SC
2 Agency rejected a petitioner’s accusation that it is shielding perpetrators and not
conducting a fair inquiry.

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 BJP hungry for power for 70 years!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Election in 2019 is being robbed
2 Right to suffrage / franchise is being looted
3 No one exists to care about public rights
4 Even Apex Court has closed its eyes
5 Election Commission has become a tool for GOI / Hon PM Dr Modi
6 Public has been thrown into waste basket
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7 Vote has been left meaningless

8 Who shall help Bharat voters?

P Eng Suraj Singh

3 July 2018  · 
Shared with Public -Bharat 2019
Possible Electoral Analysis - Social Strata wise
Merit does not work in electoral politics in ours
Public Strength Composition
1 SC=15%
2 ST=12%+5%
3 OBC= 35%
4 Muslims+Other minorities=17%
5 Brahmins=6%
6 Non Brahmins=10%
7 Public Strength Expected poll
8 SC=15% Non BJP possibly 15%
9 ST=12%+5% Non BJP possibly 17%
10 OBC= 35% Non BJP 20% BJP 15%
11 Muslims+Other minorities=17% Non BJP 10% BJP 7%
12 Brahmins=6% BJP all 6%
13 Non Brahmins=10% BJP all 10%
14 BJP= 38%
15 Non BJP=62%
16 Note= Non BJP may get more share from minorities & OBCs
17 A large section of SC/STs/OBCs & Muslims had voted to BJP in 2014, valued to change
of regime & 15Lakhs greed pull
18 But 2019 is Fire for BJP!!!
19 Whose GOI????
20 Please, guess yourself

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 June 2018  · 
Shared with Public
World-Arab-Middle East-Bharat-Pakistan & all others
1 Id Ul Fittar Mubarak to all
2 Id ki sabhi ko
3 badhai
4 Wish you all best on occasion of Id Ul Fittar
5 Peace should be a destination to achieve, in fact to celebrate Id
6 Avoid all kinds of meats & slaughtering of animals
7 All creatures do have a right to live, just like Human has a right to live
Jai Bharat/India

P Eng Suraj Singh

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1 June 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
BJP current status of performance
1 Keep going as it is ongoing, dear BJPians & Hon PM
2 Combination of Modi & Yogi shall certainly help nation, remove both from centre of
power & help nation
3 Dalits, part OBC & Muslims collective efforts shall not allow Hon PM cross 100 LS MPs
4 75% to 85% population cannot be taken for granted!!!
5 Keep crying on reservation & de-reserve your positions
6 Modi era has been over
7 Yogi era never happened-Virtual internal dalits atrocities terrorism era
8 BJP era has no basis
9 Real people shall be helped by themselves!!!
10 Good for Bharat!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India 2018/2019
1 Political parties should not accept EVMs involvement in 2019!!!
2 BJP did not care for bye elections, but General elections are different
3 They shall leave nothing untouched to win that election at every hook & crook cost
4 EC is also, playing in their arms!!!
5 Be aware of LS General elections
6 Do not accept EVMs & Boycott elections, if EC fails to accept
7 Only nation, where EVMs are used, despite fact that this equipment is manipulative

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Modi & Godse Bhakton
1 Jyada bhakto aise logon ki achi nahin hoti hae
2 Modi ne jo kaha nahi kiya, paranti Bhakt logon ke dimaag ki aankhen nahin hoti hen
3 Godse ne Gandhi ko mara puruntu Jinnah ko nahin mara
4 Yadi itne hi shakti shali the Godse jese log, to kyun nahin British ja kar British ke
emperor ko mara
5 Khali henkri hi dikhani aati he
6 Kuch karna dhrna to tha nahin, pur jo kar rahe thee unhe rokna tha, kyon ki ise he log
deshbhakti kehte hen
7 ve log jo angrezon ke gulam the chamche thei unki bari bhakti kar rahe ho karte raho kya
farak parega desh me croro pagal base hen
8 PM to aate jatte rahenge, aaye bhi or gaye bhi pur desh sahi chalna chahiye
9 desh kisi ke personal sampati nahin he
10 jo jesa karega vesa hi kehlayega

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11 pur Bhakton ko bhagwaan ne dimag nahin diya!!!!

12 Desh ke liye kuch kiya pur value chahiye
13 Aap se to ache vo muslman tha afriti jisne vice roy ko mara tha jiska kahin koi nam nahin

P Eng Suraj Singh

26 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
SMART city Definition in Faridabad NCR
1 Electric supply at least shut down, more than 5 to 8 hours a day
2 If fault occurs, there is no surety for even more than 30 hours
3 Bad weather conditions put supply immediately off
4 These days, every hour, power shut down is being done
5 Voltage fluctuation is too common
6 Gobar/Dung piling up in various areas, dumped by animal owners
7 Complaint centre/s not responding often
8 If complaint about long failures of supply, they say buy generators
9 Untreated water is supplied
10 Keep writing various departments for whatever issue, no response
11 I have written issues to HUDA using tens mails, but they shall action would be taken &
never ever taken
12 Municipality never sends House Tax bills, go yourself, fill form & deposit consuming
many hours
13 Plastic bags are piling up every here & there
14 All government staff are charging salaries for sake of being paid & nothing else
15 Sweeping workers are rarely seen
16 Yes, it is great Haryana & great Faridabad

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Lessons learned from Bharat Hon PM 2014-2018....
1 Never be emotional to dispose public duty, for people evaluate you at different scale at
later stage, though they may be with you at that time of making emotions
2 Never talk bad for others for you drop your own value
3 Never criticise even your opponent to a ditch level, for you may not be knowing other
person thoroughly
4 Never think that you are master leader, for you cannot be one
5 Never talk extensive, for that is a degree of stupidity
6 Talk to required explanation only
7 Do not talk irrelevant, for you cannot remember all talks that made to public
8 You may abuse public in tandem for time being, but not for ever
9 Public that garlanded you can get you shoe garlands as well

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10 Public that put you on head can smash you below sole
11 Public that loved you as father can crush you as a dog
12 Never promise anything that you cannot do for your self
13 Never make any false promises to avoid your personality be a laughing stock
14 Never try to prove that you are having all qualities to handle whole world, which you do
not have
15 Respect seniors & veterans to have augment your own respect or else, you cannot get any
level of respect
16 Do not befool youth for youth are never clear of results & all consequences, whether
good or adverse
17 All youth do not understand law & COI therefore, try to be limited in talks
18 Explain all your plans looking ahead & no secrecy maintenance
19 Do not break what in past others had made, for you may not be knowing what were rights
20 Those, who believe in breaking are themselves broken
21 Do not take public for granted
22 Do not take seat as you master right
23 Do not consider public stupid & memory loosers
24 Do not think that all previous governments had been fool
25 Do not think that all previous leaders had been cheats & looters, until you have potential
to prosecute them
26 Remember that who know their job well do not find time to talk bad for others
27 A good & respected leader is that who do remedy past mistakes & not consider them as
faults, inserted by others
28 No one is perfect & you too as well are not
29 If you have caused some error, with respect, accept that to enhance your value of
30 Do not try to hide mistake & create a scene that you cannot make mistakes
31 Keep yourself open to criticism for that is a good guidance for your good work in future
32 Do not lambast you opponents for they are your best working friends
33 Do not trust your too close associates, for they could be first opponents to your all acts
34 Do not create an image that you are owner to lead world, which is nothing, but a defined
35 Do not advertise your personality
36 Make yourself so strong that people talk about your good works & achievements
37 There should be no need tell people, what you have achieved for achievements are open
to all eyes
38 If you have to tell others that you have done it & that, you are not having any standard to
designate yourself a good leader, for when Sun shines all see
39 Do not work too hard yourself, but make use of all your ministers to let them have lead of
40 If your supports are afraid of you, you cannot be a good leader
41 Better use mind to let others dance & do not dance yourself alone
42 You are representing public, which trusted you, but it is not easy to make them satisfy,
for they have expectations
43 Expectations are based on your foolishness only & not by default
44 One should have pure vanity in mind to self cleanse soul & not allow any impurity within

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45 Do not forget that you are one in billions, whom God allowed this power, but do not go
oppose this power yourself
46 Do not tell lies
47 Do not keep silent, when you should act
48 Do not favour any community
49 Do not interfere in sects issues
50 Check yourself first in your mind for what you are doing, whether or not, should be done
51 Remember that nothing is permanent
52 Public never owns any cheat leader for long
53 History is clear!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Bihar, Manipur & Goa
1 Sincere Advice to Respective Governors & Hon PM
2 To establish credit to your COI working, allow these governments to resign
3 Let house select new leaders, based on largest party
4 It shall input a degree of credential, just to remedy error caused in past
In Public & Political Interest

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Observing that Pundits & Rajpoots in general feel ignited, if some person writes against Hon PM
or BJP
1 Why do they like it?
2 If someone writes in favour of Dalits & Muslims, they ignite as well, why do they ignite?
3 It is only these communities, who are responsible for plight of Dalits for centuries
4 These communities think that they have copy / design & patents for higher level, while
Dalits & downtrodden must remain their servants
5 Moreover, these classes have a pride in themselves that they are always in merit!!!
6 Do remember that Bharat belongs to each citizen & it is fundamental duty of each of us
to bring up all those, who have been deprived of status & opportunities
7 It is not alone employment reservations, but social status & pride
8 Dalits are getting united gradually & one day, certainly they being 70% & with 15%
support of Muslims shall enter whole power to govern this nation
9 All higher classes must be ready to face that scenario should they prefer to keep Bharat
united or else, they have to share their 15% Bharat part & enjoy that small portion
10 By blaming & fighting with others, they are doing job of Pakistan, who need not worry
now, for internal fighting could result into civil struggle, in case acts like Yogi & Modi
continue to divide society & applying atrocities on Dalits
11 Just remember that they are quiet high in population & may turn violent, if high up
classes do not accept their status

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12 If they turn violent, high up may not find place to live anywhere.

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Karnataka speech
1 Hon PM Mr. Modi had said that Congress walon kaan khol kar sun lo!!!
1 Congress walon kaan khol kar sun lo!!!
2 Tum sub ko sabak sikhaya jayega- price, pay karna hoga
3 Aap apni okat me reh kar baat karo Congress walon
Use of words & phrases of Bharat PM!!!
1 Status of Bharat
2 Hon PM lost all standards, when considering foregoing type statements verbatim
3 As a citizen I feel ashamed by aforesaid statement

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-Karnataka Election-Mistake by opposition
Percentages won by parties
1 Congress 38. BJP 36. JD 18 & remaining others. Congress JD combine=38+18=56%
2 This means that more than 60% did not vote for BJP
3 Mistake by these oppositions for they again failed to float a common candidate on all
seats. Had they done common candidate formula, they would have won more than 70%
seats. These opposition must learn a lesson now for floating a common candidate
4 Moreover, EVM is still a ????
5 BJP was overconfident, which failed to overuse EVM manipulation
6 They applied manipulation only on difficult seats
7 Opposition parties must force GOI & EC to stop EVM use in election
8 Bharat is an only nation, currently too much advanced in its use.
9 No other nation makes its use
10 Opposition, if you want to throw Modi out of power, be united & make a forceful act to
oppose BJP & EVM
11 Prospects are good in future elections for opposition to come to power
12 Hon PM has lost his reputation gradually all over nation
13 If you act stupid, you shall earn stupid
14 You must use your mind to throw away current GOI to strong opposition
15 Time is ripe for opposition to combine
16 Congress must also, understand that it does not enjoy thorough support from all Bharat
areas. Congress need compromise to allow seats to non Congress
17 85% society comprising Dalits, OBC & Muslims are not in favour of present GOI. Make
use of this scenario to come to level of national governance

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P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Foreign Policy???
1 We do not understand, about what Foreign policy is being adopted & applied by present
GOI? Bharat stands nowhere in current various situations around globe
2 No one has cared for about, what Bharat thinks about various issues

Our PM does not involve Bharat anywhere

1 Palestine is burning for Israel is burning it
2 Except US, all others oppose Israel
3 Even Pakistan has spoken against Israel, but Bharat is a missing unseen spectator
4 Is it right status maintained by Bharat?
5 Syria is not bothered by Bharat
6 Yemen is not bothered by Bharat
7 Has Bharat lost its senses to be a part of all such situations?
8 Our Hon PM has gotten no time off elections & off world tours!!!
9 Bharat, it seems got no position in any world affair
10 Even GCC nations that used to consider Bharat as a part of Arab World, least care for it
& do not value its international status

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Holy Month of Ramadan
1 Ramadan Month Mubarak to all
2 Hope it shall bring peace & prosperity to all

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 Shame on BJP, to claim its government formation, when it has failed to achieve required
2 BJP got no moral standards at all
3 Sit in opposition, where is problem?
4 You did your best to play with EVMs, but could not do that fully under overconfidence
5 You did that just 10 to 20% seats & therefore, missed target
6 Or else, you would not have won more than 70 seats
7 Why are you so inclined to contravene COI practices?
8 Remember Rajiv had clearly said not to form GOI, because he did not have numbers, but
it was largest party in LS

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9 Demonstrate at least certain standards!!!

10 Party with a difference!!!!
11 And, Congress too has missed its game by allowing triangular contests
12 Had it allied with JD & BSP, it would have crossed 2/3 majority

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
1 BJP is going to form government, could by hook & crook!!!
2 Congress failed to succeed
3 Politics!!!
4 BJP as claimed may touch 130 mark
5 Something appears to be manipulated behind scene
6 How could a political party claim exact number of seats & attain that?
7 All political parties have compromised with EVMs & that is bad for nation
8 Fight with EVMs use to get real democracy
9 EVMs must be out of election polls
10 In bye elections, EVMs are not used
11 But, in general elections, these are manipulated for sure!!!
INC-Highest share of votes
INC {37.9%,13620164}
BJP {36.2%,129843…
JD(S) {18.5%,66256…
IND {4.0%,1429254}
BSP {0.3%, 108589} AIMEP {0.3%, 97292}
BPJP {0.2%, 83071}
CPM {0.2%, 80610}
SWARAJ {0.2%, 794…
KPJP {0.2%, 74165}
NOTA {0.9%, 306515}

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India- Faridabad
1 Since yesterday 13.5.2018, 4.30pm, no power supply in my sectors & other sectors
2 This is called Faridabad Smart city
3 There is no indication, when power shall be restored
4 Thanks Haryana Government

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India-BJP IT Cell
Dear Bharatwasis
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1 Beware of various Fake News, being released by BJP IT Cells daily admiring PM &
condemning others non BJPians
2 BJP IT Cell is a fake news industry
3 They want to destruct Dalits & Muslim existence, using such news
4 Dissemination of false messages is their designs & goals
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
भारत का लोकतंत्र २०१८
1 प्यारे मतदाता
2 दे दे मत राम के नाम पे
3 नहीं तो दे दे मत सिया के नाम पे
4 बहुत समय से हम भक
ू ें हे सरकार में रहने के लिए
5 २०१४ हमको सरकार में लाया मर्ख
ू बना के मतदाता को
6 पर मतदाता जाग चक
ू ा हे अब ओर मर्ख
ू नहीं बनना चाहता
7 बहुत चिल्लाया में घंटो भाषणों में
8 पर अब असर नहीं होता मेरे भाषणों में
9 काला धन पे में झट
ू बोला
10 १५ लाख दं ग
ू ा एक एक खाते में झट
ू बोला
11 नेहरू के बारे में झूट बोला
12 सविधान के बारे में झूट बोला
13 मंदिर के बारे में झूट बोलै
14 राम मुझसे खुश नहीं हे सोचा सिया को ही निवेदन करूँ
15 पर सिया तो रावण की नहीं सुनती
16 रामायण सर्कि ट मेने चलाया परन्तु विश्वास नहीं होता
17 कुछ तो करो माता सिया गद्दी मेरी रहने दो
18 कहो तो में हनुमान को बुलाऊँ सिफारिश के लिए
19 कहो तो में लक्छ्मं को बल
ु ाऊँ
20 कहो तो में लब कुश को बल
ु ाऊँ पर मुझे सीट पर रहने दो नहीं तो में कहाँ रहूँगा
21 कृष्ण से भी बात कर लीजिये
22 राधा से भी बात कर लीजिये
23 नहीं तो मेरे जॉब का क्या होगा

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24 दलित जाग चूका हे

25 मस्
ु लमान रूठ चक
ू ा हे
26 कुछ करो सिया माता
27 राम तो परु
ु षोत्तम हैं मेरी नहीं सन
ु ेंगे
28 आप से ही मझ
ु े आशा है
29 कुछ करो ना जानकी माता
30 एक राजनीतिज्ञे भक्त आपकी आपके मायके में आरती उतारे

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
In Parliament
1 Past PM Speech telling that he could not condemn achievements of 50 years

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Hon PM
1 You are in last phase of your 5 years tenure
2 People expect you tell about, how many Menifested promises you have worked upon &
made deliveries
3 Criticizing others would not serve any purpose
4 Voters are not fools. Religious divisive politics shall not work
5 Stop your agenda this time to defame Congress, for it is not valid now
6 Start your speeches including about, what progress you have made for people of Bharat
7 Tell about education. Tell about employment. Tell about economic augmentation?
8 Tell about your involvement into international affairs, where wars & threats are on move?
9 You claim yourself as a top International Leader
10 Tell about, what is your involvement to help solve Palestine Israel issue?
11 Tell about, what is your involvement to help Syria issue?
12 Tell about, what about your involvement regarding Yemen?
13 Tell about, about, what have you done, regarding bringing peace to South Asia?
14 Tell about, why you have not helped in your tenure Senior citizens, who have been
slashed with FD Interest rates, impacting them with undue struggle?
15 Tell about, what you have done to Education uplift?
16 Tell about, what is your five your plan for employment ?
17 Tell about, what is your five year plan for agriculture augmentation?
18 There are many more tells!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 May 2018  · 

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1 Palestinian Embassy Denies Involvement in Scholar’s Assassination

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public
1 Farmers are being abused by all governments
2 Crops MSP are crashed, when bumper crops are delivered
3 Farmers do not get back their investment even
4 Why have they committed suicides?
5 For years farmers have been under loan, which cannot be repaid
6 Farmers have no other options
7 Farmers have a due amount of 12.8 Lakhs crores toward nation per year, which has been
ignored by government to be paid to them for crops purchase
8 This is a right of farmers, but they are denied their rights
9 We people in so called cities, enjoy their products at low costs & ministries save money
by not purchasing products
10 Ministries are so crooked that they intend to reduce number of farmers per IMF
11 Industrialist require workers for their industries & real estate at cheaper wages
12 When farmers have got no job, they have to come to cities to work at labour wages
13 Both Congress & BJP have been crooked governments & Modi government is super
14 FM says that states have to manage funds for loan waivers
15 Naidu says that loam waiver is a fashion
16 When you are in power you can speak like this
17 Minister, remember that because of these farmers you are in power
18 They shall pour you in dirty drain one day & then only fashion shall be understood by
you & FM

P Eng Suraj Singh

23 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public
RERA Cost Certification
1 A mail has been sent to certain banks, regarding RERA provisions
2 File related to calculations constituting cost attached with that
3 More mail Ids from other better banks is also, requested
To and 2 more...
CC Satya Pal Ashok Manhar and Associates2 Sushil Bajaj Altaf Batliwala ND Arora and 10
Today at 13:50
State Bank of India
Central Bank of India

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Canara Bank

Punjab National Bank
Yes Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
The Managements
Respective Banks
State Bank of India / Central Bank of India / Canara Bank / Punjab National Bank / Yes Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Subject- RERA Cost Certification Respecting Statutory 70% Funds Received from Buyers
Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act 2016 [RERA] – Apartments / Flats Issue
70% Buyers Paid Funds to Bank in Escrow Account

Dear Sirs,
RERA is in force now, all over India / Bharat except state of J & K
1 Issue of 70% received payment from prospective buyers that requires to be held in a
separate account maintained by one of Schedule banks, under no control of Promoter per
RERA provisions
2 Each payment requires to be released at demand by Promoter, made to bank, but must be
supported by a Cost of work carried out by Promoter on work site
3 Foregoing provision mandates in implication that respective bank involved on project
should control parked fund flow from bank to promoter, from time to time or month to
4 This fund flow value must be in proportion to whatever percentages of works affected by
Promoter on project site
5 In this instance, it has been thought by us to just work out certain format to make life of
bank, promoters & others easy to work out cost factor that has been completed on site,
regarding to whatever prosecuted works
6 Pleased to submit that we have successfully produced one simple application to work out
cost to be made to promoter in line to monthly works done, while only 70% payment
shall be made to Promoter, whereas 30% remains in promoter’s own account
7 We thought it supportive to advise related banks, pertinent our designed format, so that
cost is worked out on professional basis
8 An example comprising 20 stories RCC based building has been worked out with
assumed items budget prices
9 These budget prices shall be reached finally, depending on, either promoter’s own budget
or else, to be worked out separately, if Promoter so desires
10 Preference shall be given to Engineer’s worked out quantification, rather than promoter’s
worked out quantities
11 Promoter’s quantities may be accepted, provided all details are available to reach that
12 Items analysis shall be demanded from promoter’s quantity survey section, if available
13 Market rates may be inquired for all major & prime items
14 Work done percentages shall be assessed from site progress & recorded regularly in
presence of Promoter’s representative
15 Earned value in decimal forms shall be entered into respective excel sheet cells

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16 If earned value is lower than scheduled / planned value, recovery plan respecting item
under ‘lag behind’ shall be required
17 List of activities gives almost all items, including building services & finishes
18 External works have also, been included
19 Professionals’ fees & service tax charges have also, been included indicatively
20 This sheet as detailed shall be submitted to Promoter & to Bank in certification form for
purpose of releasing promoter’s due procedural payment
21 Intention is that neither promoter be extended undue benefit, nor bank should hold
payment of Promoter for none of its undue reason
22 It is also, taken into consideration that no assessment would be permitted to reach thumb
rule percentages, related to work executed
23 Quality of designs & executions shall be taken under responsibility of Promoter’s
24 This certification shall be limited to work done cost criteria only & nothing else than this
for statutory control mandates, under this provision only cost factor certification
25 Separate surveillance services could be provided, if so desired by bank as well as, by
buyers associations
26 This format is adjustable, so that it can be customized to contain, either higher or lower
number of stories
27 You are requested to approve & instruct all your subordinate banks or branches to
probably use it on all projects, if being undertake or would be undertaken
28 We are in your support & professionally ready to support you, if our services are required
per RERA provisions
29 Thanks a lot for your time
30 An Excel file attached for guidance
31 We reserve our right to modify this application all times to make it better & more
Thanks & Warm Regards
RERA Work Percentage Cost Format .xlsx

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat India
Yog Guru
1 Tell us something new, that we do not know
2 Many Arab scholars know all this
3 Mohammad & Mahadeva are similar terms
4 Moha=Maha=Great, Mad= Great Concentration,
5 Mahadeva performs exactly that kind

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat India

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1 Valuation for Withdrawal of 70% Funds collected from Buyers
2 This message is meant for all those Civil Engineers, who are interested to work on RERA
certification of 70% parked funds withdrawal
3 A work has been ongoing to devise & design a work done template to be used for such
4 Presently, 20 level building is being worked out
5 If you are interested to suggest your views, please send idea
6 Intention is not to allow promoter & promoter's appointed engineer & architect &
scheduled banks to scam out this parked fund as well in connivance with all
7 This template shall be sent to lead banks, just to strict to that form & use services
provided by freelancing engineers only, to an extent this part of Act is related

P Eng Suraj Singh

17 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat India
1 GST Makes Flats Costlier
2 Service Tax @ 12% Now
3 Buyer has to pay more to complete purchase transaction
4 For example 9 Lakh crores cost flats have been pending to be sold, now additional
payment say 1Lakhcrore would be required to be paid to GoI
Jai Ho Good Days!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public
IEI Enrolled PE & IntPE
Dear All Engineers,
1 IEI has stopped conducting examination & VC Interviews for candidates aspiring
Professional Engineer (India) status
2 Experience requirement has also, been reduced from 7 to 5 years
3 For more information, log onto IEI website
4 Procedure for IntPE(India) remains same
5 Examination & VC Interviews
6 7 years experience
7 For more information, log onto IEI website

P Eng Suraj Singh

1 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat India
1 Civil Engineers in Bharat doing justice, neither with profession nor with nation
2 No development can happen, without first most contribution by civil engineers in whole
3 Even if a toilet is required, first work goes to civil engineer

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4 I am not talking of government employed engineers, whom I do not consider civil

engineers in practicality, excepting a few
5 In corporate & private sector, civil engineers require to contribute a lot for development
6 I am not saying that civil engineers are not working
7 They are working merely on quantity production & delivery
8 They are not bothered about quality of work they are carrying out
9 Fact remains that majority engineers do not care much for demanded quality of works
10 Structures fail, structures collapse, structure distress, structure cannot resist earthquake
11 Majority civil engineers prefer only designs works, related to structures
12 These engineers use well lit, conditioned office & with dedication work on designs &
think that is end of job
13 They think that site man would take further all cares
14 They often do not care about quality that should be inducted into all activities, so that
buildings stay whole life safely, working its intended land use
15 These designer do not prefer any site work
16 Who would then ensure quality of construction on site?
17 On sites, contractors do not employ pragmatic engineers, but low profile persons
18 These so called site engineers do not care for quality, for they do not have complete
knowledge, related to required quality specifications
19 These engineers handle site workers, who are experienced of course, but layman
20 No country can survive, if civil structures are not built per requirements, meeting all
21 If quality on structures is not achieved, money goes waste
22 Nation directly losses & public suffers
23 Therefore, it is national duty in addition to professional duty that all engineers must opt
for quality first & not last
24 They should control sits working as well
25 Just design has got no meaning, if it is not achieved
26 Skill building got no meaning, if there is no intention to deliver material with quality
27 If civil engineers change, nation shall change
28 If civil engineers act corrupt, nation is corrupted as well

P Eng Suraj Singh

1 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat India
My country leaders
1 Handle this nation properly
2 Time has been running out
3 First stop buying TV Channels, just to show your false progress
4 People have started crying
5 Your victory in election does not mean things are fine
6 This victory shall fell you at end
7 People crying for jobs, while jobs are not evolving
8 All sector fetching jobs have, either started dying or altering
9 Job seekers population has been increasing

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10 Millions of job seekers have been waiting to find jobs

11 Situations shall deteriorate further, due to many applicable reasons
12 Better stop opening further education centres, so that no further job seekers generate
13 No jobs means, either entering into committing suicide or entering into criminal world!!!
14 Do you prefer that state of this nation?
15 Let people have training in technical trades, rather than IT or real engineering
16 Graduate must do work using hands on art
17 All like to sit in ergonomically organized offices, avoiding sun & bad weather
18 Ministers should chart out long terms plans & not just to earn votes, but to earn
19 You have not even controlled seniors interest rates on fixed deposits
20 These seniors cannot hunt jobs & have to survive on deposits
21 Do protect this nation from adverse impact of cow issue, Ram Mandir issue, Kashmir
issue, Hindu Rastra Issue
22 Do not waste time on Man Ki baat
23 Talk of Mind & do by mind!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

1 June 2017  · 
Shared with Public
School Education in Bharat India
1 No Maths-No Science- No Essays-No Precis-No Translation-No Grammar-No Analytical
work-No writing work-Only Objective questions-No speech lessons-No interactions -
Great 99.6%/99%/98% marks
2 Great Bharat/Great Education/Great Students/High Fees/Excellent Buildings/Excellent
dresses/All go to schools by cars or chartered buses
3 Bharat is changing-Desh Badal raha hen
4 Ghatia doctor aa rahe hen-Ghatia engineers aa rahe hen-Ghatia teachers aa rahe hen
5 Pur marks ke ache din aa rahe hen-Desh ko kon samjahe ki ye accha nahin he
6 Abhi bhi time he, nahi to ur jayegi chiriya chug kar khet
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Dear All
1 I am talking very significant part of Quality Requirement applicable to all organisation/s
2 I am sure that people in Bharat/India have been unaware about revised system that has
already started its action for implementation
3 ISO9001-2008 is doing its countdown
4 ISO9001-2015 AnnexSL is going to replace it
5 Invalidity month & year is September 2018
6 Those, who do not transform their Quality Systems, prior to invalidity of ISO9001-2008
shall suffer

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7 This old system would no more be application for Quality Registration Certification by
8 It is right time that reform this system to avoid problems
9 Treat it very urgent

P Eng Suraj Singh

30 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
RERA Engineer/Architect/Chartered Accountant
1 State of Maharastra government published its state RERA
2 Refer to Section 3 within this state Act
3 It has stated that Project Engineer & Project Architect to submit cost release issues
formats / certificates
4 This is not acceptable for these professionals are hired by Promoter & therefore partisans
5 There should be an independent Engineer for this purpose, who got no project relations
with promote
6 Respecting CA, it has been mentioned that it shall be other than statutory auditor
7 Engineer should also, be other than Project Engineer as appointed by Promoter
1 A mail has been sent to information officer State of Maharastra on 30.5.2017
2 Answer is awaited

P Eng Suraj Singh

29 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
A Sharp Question To Hon PM Mr Modi
1 Congress/Sonia etc. effected all scams amounting to 30 Lakhs Crores, per your
allegations alleged upon in 2014
2 Why did you fail to get them justice by not sending them to their good home prison?
3 Who has stopped you to carrying out your legal duty?
4 Or, you had manipulated all such stories of scams, just to defame Congress
5 It is already 3 years, neither they are at small nor you have brought back scam funds
parked overseas
6 Domestic black money hunting has resulted in negative gains
7 When shall we hear good news of your non propaganda performance? 2024 or further???

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
1 Bharat India Constitutional Reforms - Required For Top Posts
2 Qualifications For Bharat/India MP, MLA, Municipality Member, Minister & President
Should Be Reviewed To Following Concept: Presentation Of Certain Criteria
MP Qualification?
An Incumbent For Membership of Parliament should have one of following qualifications &
fulfill requirements for acceptance of nomination.
1 Post graduation degree or diploma in Science, Arts, Commerce, Humanities etc.

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2 Post graduation degree or diploma in Management

3 Bachelor’s degree in Engineering
4 Bachelor’s degree in Architecture
5 Bachelor degree in Medical Science or Pharmacy
6 Any other equivalent Master’s degree
7 Age above 40 years on date of filing nomination
8 Should have no FIR registered against candidate
9 Should have no Inquiry pending for clearance against candidate
10 All Incumbent’s & close relatives’ property valuation reports should be filed with
application/nomination. Close relatives to be defined.
11 Income Tax clearance certificates should be filed
12 All services payment bills clearance should be filed
13 Details of all relatives living abroad should be filed
14 Should sign a legal binding undertaking to stay within constituency for full term of house &
be present for a fixed number of hours every day, including holidays, but excluding festivals.
15 Should sign an undertaking to attend all sessions of parliament without any valid reason.
Valid reason to be defined.
16 Shall accept to vacate membership in case 25 % participated voters present a memorandum in
writing to Lok Sabha Secretariat or to member himself.
17 In case after election, MP resigns, cost of his election should be recovered form MP.
18 Shall tour every assembly area at least twice, during term to resolve constituency issues.
19 Shall be accessible to all members of constituency conveniently, so that any voter could
present grievances & member to receive questions for parliament.
20 Those who come for reserved constituencies, should be allowed a concession for one level for
example, in place of Post Graduation, a graduation shall suffice.
21 In place of Professional degree, a diploma shall suffice.
22 In place of medical degree, a diploma or nurse course shall suffice.
23 All other requirements have to be fulfilled in letter & spirit.
MLA Qualification?
An Incumbent For Membership of Legislative Assembly or Council should have one of
following qualifications & fulfill requirements for acceptance of nomination.
1 Graduation degree or diploma in Science, Arts, Commerce, Humanities etc
2 Graduation degree or diploma in Management
3 Diploma in Engineering
4 Diploma in Architecture
5 Diploma in Para Medical Science or Pharmacy
6 Any other equivalent Bachelor degree
7 Age above 35 years on date of filing nomination
8 Should have no FIR registered against candidate
9 Should have no Inquiry pending for clearance against candidate
10 All Incumbent’s & close relatives’ property valuation reports should be filed with
application/nomination. Close relatives to be defined.
11 Income Tax clearance certificates should be filed
12 All services payment bills clearance should be filed
13 Details of all relatives living abroad should be filed

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14 Should sign a legal binding undertaking to stay within constituency for full term of house &
be present for a fixed number of hours every day, including holidays, but excluding festivals.
15 Should sign an undertaking to attend all sessions of parliament, without any valid reason.
Valid reason to be defined.
16 Shall accept to vacate membership in case 25 % participated voters present a memorandum in
writing to Assembly Secretariat or to member himself.
17 In case after election, MLA resigns, cost of his election should be recovered form MLA.
18 Shall tour every assembly area at least twice, during term to resolve constituency issues.
19 Shall be accessible to all members of constituency conveniently, so that any voter could
present grievances & member to receive questions for parliament.
20 Those who come for reserved constituencies, should be allowed a concession for one level for
example, in place of Graduation, a Secondary education level shall suffice.
In place of diploma, a certificate course shall suffice.
21 All other requirements have to be fulfilled in letter & spirit.
Municipal Councillor Qualification?
An Incumbent For Membership of Municipality House or Local Self Government should have
one of following qualifications & fulfill requirements for acceptance of nomination.
1 At least Secondary certificate
2 Age above 30 years on date of filing nomination
3 Should have no FIR registered against candidate
4 Should have no Inquiry pending for clearance against candidate
5 All Incumbent’s & close relatives’ property valuation reports should be filed with
application/nomination. Close relatives to be defined.
6 Income Tax clearance certificates should be filed
7 All services payment bills clearance should be filed
8 Details of all relatives living abroad should be filed
9 Should sign a legal binding undertaking to stay within constituency for full term of house & be
present for a fixed number of hours every day, including holidays, but excluding festivals.
10 Should sign an undertaking to attend all sessions of house, without any valid reason. Valid
reason to be defined.
11 Shall accept to vacate membership in case 25 % participated voters present a memorandum in
writing to House Secretariat or to member himself.
12 In case after election, MLA resigns, cost of his election should be recovered form MLA.
13 Shall tour every assembly area at least twice, during term to resolve constituency issues.
14 Shall be accessible to all members of constituency conveniently, so that any voter could
present grievances & member to receive questions for House.
15 Those who come for reserved constituencies, should be allowed a concession for one level for
example, in place of a Secondary education level, eighth standard shall suffice.
16 All other requirements have to be fulfilled in letter & spirit.
Qualifications for Union Minister
Must be an expert for profession of relevant ministry.
In case of non availability of such MP, minister should be nominated.
Qualification for other Ministers
Same criteria should be applied for low level ministers all over country.
Qualification for the President

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Must be a person of high standing in any profession & should not come from a political party.
Direct application should be invited from general public & then Electoral College should elect
All other requirement should remain same.
Please add your ideas to make it a public opinion,
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

27 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
Hypothetical Speech by PM Modi
1 I have done so much for my New India/Naya Bharat
2 That I have discarded Old India/Purana Bharat
3 That I have Changed name of Bharat to Hindustan/Hindu Rastra
4 That I report to Rastriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, who in fact liberated this nation from
Mughals & from English
5 That all problems, which were created by all previous regimes have been, either solved or
6 That all people in this new Bharat are well up to date & there is no poverty left anywhere
7 That all names, which were credited by previous regimes for those involved with freedom
struggle would be deleted & real names be inserted, including my name as leader
8 That I have redesigned this nation from Manual Bharat to Digital Bharat in each walk of
life, even for eating
9 That people need no hard work to eat, as Digital hands shall assist all to take food &
digital tongue would masticate all food
10 That all smart cities have been created providing employment to millions workers
11 That all IT professionals have been promoted to get higher salaries & millions have been
added in demand for further improvement of Digital Hindu Rastra
12 That from now onwards, all soldiers shall be provided robots to assit them
13 That all students shall be provided all opportunities to enter into whatever career they
wish to enter
14 That all children shall be provided municipal schools with most advanced standards to
study, much more than overseas schools
15 That there is left no hunger in Hindu Rastra
16 That there is left no epidemics in Hindu Rastra
17 That GITA, Ramayana & Mahabharat are our Constitution in place of COI, which is an
obsolete now
18 That all monies from overseas banks have been received & further credited to all
accounts, no one has any legal right to draw even a single rupee from that
19 That all are owners of that money, but only Hindu Rastra shall use it for you
20 That all you are fortunate that I have been your PM for 3 years & expect that I shall
continue for another 20 years, provided EVMs work as designed, manipulated & desired
21 That I assure you 50 crores jobs!!!

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22 I assure all you to get at least 1000 sqm built house during my tenure
23 I assure you that few smart cities shall be built on Moon & Mars
24 Shubh Subha- How were Sweet Dreams?
Jai Hindu Rastra

P Eng Suraj Singh

26 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
India/Bharat Union Legal System-
1 For information to all young engineers
2 India that is Bharat is a union of states
3 Constitution of India/Bharat is ruled per concept of Preambles
4 Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic, Republic SSSDR
5 Sovereign= Swaraj
6 Republic= All people of this nation are collectively called Ruler of this nation
7 Democratic = mean use of Franchise
8 Socialist= All materials belong to state, all people belong to state
9 Constitution of India/Bharat is Prime Law of this nation
10 Constitution mandates Judiciary, Legislative, Executive
11 All these pillars have their own constitutional arrangements through various positions
12 Head of Nation is President
13 Head of Executive is President
14 Head of Defense forces is President
15 Head of Parliament is President
16 Head of Judiciary is Chief Justice of India/Bharat
17 Parliament= Rajya Sabha+Lok Sabha+President
18 Prime Minister = Minister at Head of Council of Ministers
19 All national Acts are legislated by Parliament per Union List included within COI
20 All national Acts per priority are legislated by Parliament per Concurrent List included
within COI
21 All state Acts per state list are enacted by each state
22 Parliament enacts legislations
23 Executive enforces those provisions through various ministries & secretaries of ministries
are operators of all these provisions
24 All parliament Acts are prime Laws & in status of Statute & all provisions within such
laws are called statutory provisions
25 Various statutory regulations are also, enacted under these Acts
26 Similarly states conduct
27 In certain situations related to certain special provisions, delegated authority is given to
certain statutory bodies to draw & enact laws called Bye Laws & further rules under
those bye laws called regulations
28 Hierarchy of Laws
29 Constitution of India/Bharat- Constitutional
30 All Parliament Acts-Statutory
31 All Regulations under these Acts-Regular under Statute
32 All delegated Laws & Regulations- Statutory/Delegated

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33 Judiciary is an independent Institution reporting to NONE

34 Executive is an Institution Reporting to Parliament of India/Bharat
35 Legislature/Parliament reports to people of India/Bharat
36 People of India/Bharat are collectively called King/Republic/Replacement of King
37 All policies, schemes & laws are required to comply with provisions within COI
38 If it does not, it is then called Unconstitutional
39 Unconstitutional is not legal & Judiciary can eliminate it from enforcement
40 Every person in this nation has to abide by COI & COI protects every citizen
41 All rights are protected under COI
42 All designations included under laws are called statutory functionaries
43 All offices are included under laws are statutory offices & all such appointments are
notified to public through national notification/gazette of India/Bharat as well as, gazette
of state if so applies
44 IEI Charter 1935 is also, a statute under COI
45 Chartered Engineer (India) & Corporate Membership & IEI Council etc are all statutory

P Eng Suraj Singh

24 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
IEI/AICTE-Haryana Punjab Court Judgment-2012
1 This judgment orders that IEI is not required to apply to AICTE for recognition, since IEI
is not a Technical Institute, but Statutory Professional body- Posted for General
2 Extract from Judgment Punjab High court
4 Date of decision: 06.11.2012 CWP No.1640 of 2008
5 Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE)
6 192. The common question in CWP No.13808 of 2009; CWP No.14485 of 2009; CWP
No.16369 of 2009 CWP No.2181 of 2011; CWP No.11051 of 2011 and CWP No.14226
of 2011 is as to whether, an Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE)
can be treated to be possessing a Degree in engineering, making the holder of such
member eligible for promotion and/or direct recruitment to public employment, where the
qualification prescribed is Degree in Engineering. 193. The facts are taken from CWP
No.13808 of 2009 for facility of reference. The petitioner herein while working as Junior
Engineer (JE) has acquired Degree in B.Tech (Civil) through lateral entry having done
Diploma in Civil Engineering earlier. The petitioner alleges that the CWP No.1640 of
2008 (O&M) (141) respondents in the writ petition are Associates Members of Institute
of Engineers (AMIE), but they are being treated at par with the degree holder in the
seniority list, which is not tenable. The challenge is based on the ground that the
notification dated 1st March 1995, issued by Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Government of India provides that the qualifications awarded through Distance
Education by the Universities stand automatically recognized for the purpose of the
employment under Central Government. It is thus sought to be submitted that the
certificates being granted by Respondent No 8, is not approved by AICTE or DEC,

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therefore, the said certificates cannot be treated equivalent to a Degree for the purpose of
7 194. In reply, filed on behalf of respondent No.8 – Institution of Engineers, it is averred
that the Certificate for passing Sections ‘A’ & ‘B’ examinations is considered as
equivalent to a Degree in Engineering of recognized Indian Universities by the Ministry
of Human Resource Development as well as Department of Education, Government of
India. The holders of such Certificates are eligible for consideration of promotion in their
respective services as per the Rules & Regulations of the employer. Reference is made to
communication dated 16.08.1978 and Notification dated 16.01.2006 issued by the
Ministry of Education & Social Welfare (Department of Education) and the Ministry of
Human Resource Development (Department of Secondary & Higher Education)
respectively. It is also pointed out that the Distance Education Council constituted under
the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985 vide communication dated
07.08.2007 has confirmed that the Institution of Engineers does not come under the
purview of Distance Education Council, as it is not offering courses through distance
mode. It is also stated that the guidelines formed CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (142) by
the University Grants Commission and Distance Education Council are not applicable to
non-formal education mode imparted by respondent No.8.
8 195. In additional affidavit, it has been stated that the Institution of Engineers (India) was
registered on 13.09.1920 under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and the Institution
started its Non-Formal Engineering education in the year 1928. The Institution of
Engineers (India) was thereafter incorporated as a statutory body by a Royal Charter
dated 13.08.1935 issued by the George the Fifth, of Great Britain, Ireland and then the
Emperor of India. The said Institution was established to promote the general
advancement of engineering and engineering science and to facilitate the exchange of
information and ideas on those subjects amongst the Members of and persons attached to
the Institution. Clause 11 of the Royal Charter provides that there shall be five classes of
members of the Institution termed respectively Honorary Life Members, Honorary
Members, Members, Associate Members and Companions.
9 196. Mr. Bains, learned counsel representing respondent No.8, has pointed out that
Institution of Engineers is a statutory body incorporated by a Royal Charter and that the
institution admits members, who are required to pay yearly or life membership and that a
member such as an Associate Member of Institute of Engineers i.e. AMIE on qualifying
Section ‘A’ & ‘B’ examinations conducted by the Institution makes a person eligible for
certain privileges. The equivalent treatment of such qualification to the Degree in
Engineering is one of them. Therefore, since the Institution of Engineers has a unique
identity under a Royal Charter, the examinations conducted by the Institute do not require
any approval from All India Council for Technical Education or from Distance Education
Council, it CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (143) being an independent statutory entity.
The Central Government and the State Government have recognized such qualification as
equivalent to degrees granted by the Universities; therefore, an Associate Member of
Institute of Engineers has been rightly treated as equivalent to a degree holder.
10 197. In CWP No.2181 of 2011, the petitioner has sought a direction in public interest
against all those employees/officers employed on the basis of Certificate/Degrees of
AMIE, whereas in CWP No.14226 and 11051 of 2011, challenge is to Punjab Service of
Engineers (Civil Wing), Department of Public Works (B&R Branch) Group-A Service

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Rules, 2005, wherein the qualification of Section ‘A’ & ‘B’ examinations of Institution of
Engineers has been excluded to be eligible for appointment.
11 198. In a reply filed on behalf of respondent Nos.1 & 2, it is pleaded that in the absence
of equivalence accepted by the State, AMIE qualification cannot be accepted as a degree
in Engineering for the purpose of direct recruitment. Reference is made to a Single Bench
12 rendered in CWP No.18830 of 2009 titled ‘Jagtar Singh Vs. State of Punjab & others’
decided on 08.12.2009, wherein it was held that the Government of India has notified that
15 courses of Section ‘A’ & ‘B’ conducted by the Institution of Engineers (India) as
equivalent to Degree but such equivalence cannot be made basis to seek equivalence in
the State. Letters Patent Appeal No.1378 of 2009 against the said judgment has been
dismissed on 25.3.2010 and it has been held that AMIE can be obtained only by diploma
holders while in service, therefore, the same is considered equivalent to a degree for the
purposes of promotion, but is not a qualification for direct recruitment. It was held to the
following effect:
13 CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (144)
14 “6. We find some force in the argument advanced by the learned counsel for the
respondents that AMIE is not shown as one of the essential qualifications for the direct
recruits because AMIE can be obtained only by diploma holders while in service and
AMIE is prescribed as one of the
15 qualifications for the promotees keeping in view the fact that Junior Engineers, who
possess AMIE while in service, shall have better promotion chances to the higher post.
However, matter remains, if AMIE is not considered as essential qualification either in
the notification or publication, this Court cannot issue any mandamus directing the
respondents to accept the candidature of the appellant simply because he has AMIE
degree. It is for the authorities to prescribe essential qualifications for a particular post.”
16 199. We have heard learned counsel for the parties and find that the Institution of
Engineers is a body incorporated by a Royal Charter, which has the force of a Statute.
The relevant clauses from the Royal Charter, read as under:
17 “2. The objects and purposes for which the Institution of Engineers (India) (hereinafter
called ‘the Institution’) is hereby constituted are to promote the general advancement of
engineering and engineering science and their application in India and to facilitate the
exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the Members of an persons
attached to the Institution and otherwise and for that purpose –
(a) To promote and advance the science, practice and business of Engineering in all
its branches (hereinafter referred to as “Engineering”) in India.
(b) To establish, subsidize, promote, form and maintain local Associations of
members belonging to the Institution and other engaged or interested in
Engineering so as to assure to each individual member as far as may be possible
equal opportunity to enjoy the rights and privileges of the Institution.
(c) To diffuse among its members information on all matters affecting Engineering
and to encourage, assist and extend knowledge and information connected
therewith by establishment and promotion of lectures, discussions or
correspondence; by the holding of conferences; by the
18 CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (145) publication of papers, periodicals of journals,
books, circulars and maps or other literary undertaking; by encouraging research work; or

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by the formation of a library or libraries and collection of models, designs, drawings, and
other articles of interest in connection with Engineering or otherwise howsoever.
19 (d) To promote the study of Engineering with a view to disseminate the information
obtained for facilitating the scientific and economic development of Engineering in India.
xxx xxx xxx
20 11. Unless and until the Bye-laws of the Institution shall otherwise provide there shall be
five classes of members of the Institution termed respectively Honorary Life Members,
Honorary Members, Members, Associate Members and Companions, of whom the
Members and Associate Members shall be known as Corporate Members and the
Honorary Life Members, Honorary Members and Companions shall be known as Non-
corporate Members.
21 xx xx xx
22 12. Unless and until the Bye-laws of the Institution shall otherwise provide the Institution
may attach to itself students, associates and subscribers, which expressions shall have the
meanings respectively assigned to them by the Articles of Association and Bye-laws of
the existing Association or Institution known as the Institution of Engineers (India). The
students, associates and subscribers attached to the said existing Association or Institution
shall be deemed to be attached similarly to the Institution.
23 13. The qualifications, method and terms of admission, privileges and obligations,
including liability to expulsion or suspension of Members of each of the said five classes
respectively shall be such as the Bye-laws for the time being of the Institution shall
24 xx xx xx
25 22. And We do hereby, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors Grant and Declare that these
Our Letters Patent, or the enrolment or exemplification thereof, shall be in all things
good, firm, valid and effectual, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and
shall be taken, construed and adjudged in all Our Courts or elsewhere in the most
favourable and beneficial sense and for the best advantage of the said Institution, any
CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (146) mis-recital, non-recital, omission, defect,
imperfection, matter or thing whatsoever notwithstanding.
26 200. Bye-law 44 of the Bye-laws of Institute of Engineering framed by Corporate
Members in terms of Clause 19 of the Royal Charter describes different classes of
members whereas Bye-law 49 prescribes the qualifications required for an associate
member. The membership is open to those with minimum five years post qualification
experience, the qualification being degree in science from a recognized institution. Such
candidate should have engaged as a teacher in a recognized technical institute or engaged
in engineering or allied profession and should not have
27 attained the age of twenty six years on the date of his application for election or transfer.
The relevant extract from the Bye-laws reads as under:
28 “44. The Institution shall consist of members in the following orders:
29 Honorary, Corporate and Non-Corporate. The Honorary member shall comprise the
classes of Honorary Fellows and Honorary Life Fellows. Corporate Members shall
comprise the classes of Fellows, Members, Associate members and Non-Corporate
Members shall comprise the classes of Associates, Affiliate Members, Member
Technologists, Associate Member Technologists, Senior Technician Members,

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Technician Members, Institutional Members and Donor Members. The names and
addresses of all members shall be entered on the Roll of the Institution.
30 xxx xxx xxx
31 49. Every candidate for election as an Associate Member or for transfer to the class of
Associate Members shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following
32 Age: He shall have attained the age of twenty-six years on the date of his application for
election or transfer.
33 (ii) Occupation: He shall have been engaged in a position of responsibility in the design
and execution or operation of engineering works. For the purpose of this Bye-Law,
employment as a teacher of engineering or in a likewise capacity in an engineering
college or institute which has regular courses of study leading to an educational
qualification CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (147) recognized by the Council or
employment in an engineering research may be accepted by the Council in place of
employment in the design and execution or operation of engineering works.
34 At the discretion of the Council, occupation may also include teaching an engineering
subject in an institute/college which does not confer/award degree in engineering.
35 (iii) Examination: He shall have passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations
prescribed by the Council or possesses an educational qualification recognized by the
Council as exempting therefrom.
36 (iv) Training: He shall have received engineering training in a regular course of study in
an engineering college or institute leading to an educational qualification recognized by
the Council as exempting from Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations, or as a
pupil or apprentice or assistant in an engineering office or works as would provide him
with engineering training to the satisfaction of the Council.
37 (v) Experience: He shall have had further at least five years professional engineering
experience in a position of responsibility. In the case of a candidate who has passed
Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations the Council may, at its discretion, take
into account periods of responsible employment prior to his passing Section B. The
Council may, at its discretion, arrange for candidates for election as Associate Members
to be examined by a written or an oral test or both in order that they may be satisfied that
such candidates have acquired during their
38 practical training and professional engineering experience adequate engineering
39 201. The Regulations framed by the Corporate Members of Institution of Engineers
provides for annual subscription payable by the various classes of members. For Indian
Associate Member, the yearly subscription is Rs.300/-, whereas One Time Membership
fee is Rs.1900/- as
40 per Table IV.
41 202. In terms of such Charter, Bye-Laws and Regulations, the Institution of Engineers
conduct examinations for in-service diploma holders, as such institution has been
established to promote the general CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (148) advancement of
engineering and engineering sciences. The All India Council for Technical Education
Act, 1987, does not act to repeal, abrogate or vary the earlier statute, the statute
incorporating Institution of Engineers.

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42 Therefore, the certificates granted by such Institution have been rightly declared to be
equivalent by the Central and the State Governments to the degree course. The AMIE has
been declared equivalent to degree course for the purposes of promotion and not for the
purposes of direct
43 recruitment. Such classification cannot be said to be illegal or unwarranted in any
manner. It is for the State to consider the equivalence of Section ‘A’ & ‘B’ examinations
conducted by the Institution of Engineers. Therefore, we do not find that there is any
justification in seeking equivalence to the degree for the purposes of direct recruitment or
that the said examination and the membership cannot be rated as equivalent to the degree
course for the purpose of promotion.
44 203. In view of the above provisions of the statute, we respectfully endorse the view
taken by the Division Bench in Jagtar Singh’s case (supra) that qualification of AMIE is
relevant for the purposes of promotion and not for direct recruitment, as an Associate
Member becomes eligible for Membership only if he is engaged in engineering
45 204. The writ petitions, as mentioned above, are disposed of accordingly.
46 The Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai
47 205. In CWP No.12909 of 2009, the issue is in respect of Certificate of Membership
obtained from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai (respondent No.4),
as a degree for promotion to the post of Sub Divisional Engineer in terms of the Punjab
Water Supply CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (149) and Sanitation (Engineering Wing),
Group ‘A’ Service Rules, 2007. In CWP No. 9200 of 2012, the petitioners claim
promotion on the basis of similar membership from the same Institute.
48 206. The petitioner in CWP No.12909 of 2009 is a degree-holder from Punjab University,
whereas respondent No.5 is said to have obtained a Certificate of Membership from
respondent No.4 i.e. the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai alleging the
same without attending any regular classes, undertaking practicals and without taking any
study leave from the Department. It is the contention of the petitioner that the certificate
issued by the said respondent is not a degree in terms of Section 22 of the UGC Act, as
respondent No.4 is not authorized to confer any right of degrees.
49 207. A Division Bench of this Court in CWP No.12502 of 2004
50 titled “Tejinder Singh Vs. Punjab State Electricity Board & others” decided on
02.04.2007, has considered the question of recognition of AMIE degree granted by the
Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai.
51 It was found that the degree from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai
is recognized by the Government of India vide letter dated 06.10.1981, which was
accepted by the Government of Punjab. In view of such finding, the writ petition was
allowed, as the petitioner has obtained degree prior to its de-recognition in the year 2003.
52 208. A perusal of the Certificate relied upon by the petitioner in Tejinder Singh’s case
(supra) as also the present case (Annexure A-2) shows that the Institute of Mechanical
Engineers (India), Mumbai is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act,
1860. It appears that such Institute is taking advantage of its similarity in name with the
CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (150)
53 Institution of Engineers established under Royal Charter, as discussed above. The
Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai is a registered Society and is thus a

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Technical Institution and is required to obtain approval from AICTE in respect of its
courses in technical subjects.
54 The membership of such Institute cannot be treated as equivalent to a degree, as the
candidate qualified from such Institute cannot be said to be at par with the members of
Institution of Engineers established under the Statute.
55 209. The distinction between Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai and that
of an Associate Members of Institution of Engineers, was not brought to the notice of the
Court in Tejinder Singh’s case (supra). The scope of Institution of Engineers established
under the Royal Charter has been examined above.
56 210. Learned counsel for the respondent has referred to a notification dated 24.11.2006,
wherein the request of Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai for recognition
of its Diploma/
57 Degree courses was examined by the Government of India only after the removal of all
the deficiencies pointed out by AICTE. The notification is to the effect that AICTE has
re-examined both the courses and submitted its recommendation with revision of syllabus
for both the courses. The Government of India decided that IME (India), Mumbai will
run the courses based on new syllabus approved by AICTE w.e.f. 16.10.2006. As per
another communication produced in Court on 18.10.2012, the Government of India has
communicated to respondent No.4 to the following effect:
58 “Please refer to this Ministry’s notification No.23-2/2001-TS.III dated 24.11.2006
regarding Section A & B of Association Membership course, equivalent to Degree in
Mechanical Engineering and Part I & II of Technician Engineers(T), equivalent to
Diploma in Mechanical
59 CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (151)
60 Engineering from a State Polytechnic. It has been decided that a review of the
curriculum, mode of delivery of the program, its duration, etc. would be carried out by
the concerned Regulator and until such a review is complete, the Institutions with
permanent recognition will not make fresh admissions. Alternatively, the institution has
the option of realigning its curriculum with the National Vocation Education
Qualification Framework (NVEQF) and proceed further.
61 This issue with the approval of competent authority.”
62 211. In terms of such communication, till the review is completed by the Regulator,
which in the case of Respondent No 4 would be AICTE, the Institutions with permanent
recognition have been prohibited from making admission. There is no document
produced or alleged that Respondent No 4 has permanent recognition from any Council
or Board in respect of its courses. Therefore, the degrees or the membership granted by
respondent No.4 cannot be treated as equivalent to Degree in Engineering.
63 212. Even in terms of the notification dated 26.11.2006, the students such as respondent
No.5 registered prior to 10.06.2002 have been allowed to complete the course with pre-
revised syllabus till the next scheduled examination to be held in December, 2006 and
those, who do not complete their courses by that time will have to follow the revised
syllabus. Since respondent No.5 is not said to have completed course in terms of
notification dated 24.11.2006, he cannot claimed to be a degree-holder entitled to be
promoted. We may state that such notification can be treated as a qualification recognized
by Government of India for the purpose of employment. Thus, we find that respondent
No.5 is not qualified to claim that such certificate is equivalent to a degree.

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64 213. In view of the above, CWP No.12909 of 2009 is allowed and CWP No.9200 of 2012
claiming the qualification from Institution of CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (152)
65 Mechanical Engineers (India), Mumbai as equivalent to degree is dismissed.
66 Institute of Surveyors
67 214. CWP No.9643 of 2008 is a petition in public interest for directing the respondents
not to make public appointments/grant promotion and other financial benefits on the basis
of technical degree/certificates in the field of civil engineering obtained through the
distance education/study
68 centre of respondent No.11 – Institution of Surveyors.
69 215. The arguments raised by the learned counsel for the petitioners are common with the
other cases, however, on behalf of respondent No.11 –
70 Institute of Surveyors, it is averred that the Institution of Surveyors was formed as a
Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1950 to be begin with two courses i.e. (i)
Land Surveying; and (ii) Building and Quantity Surveying. Respondent No.11 – Institute
of Surveyor, in course of time, developed other courses such as (i) Land Surveying (ii)
Hydrographic Surveying (iii) Building and Quantity Surveying; & (iv) Valuation
Surveying. It is pointed out that Ministry of Education & Social Welfare vide letter dated
09.01.1975 and the Ministry of Human Resources Development vide notification dated
11.07.1988 have recognized the four courses for recruitment to superior posts and
services. It is also pointed out that in terms of letter of the Ministry of Human Resource
Development dated 02.04.2008, no separate approval of AICTE is required. Such letter
reads as under:
71 “Subject: Recognition of Final/Director Final Examination of the Institute of Surveyors
in Building and Quantity Surveying
– reg.
72 Sir,
73 CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (153)
74 With reference to your letter dated 20.03.2008, seeking clarification regarding
recognition of the Final/Direct Final Examination of the Institution of Surveyors in
Building and Quantity Surveying.
75 In this regard, this is to clarify that as per Notification No.F.18-20/83/T.12/T.7/T.13 dated
11.07.1988, Government of India has recognized the Pass in Final/Director Final
Examination of the Institute of Surveyors in (i) Building and Quantity Surveying and &
(ii0 Valuation Surveying as two separate courses (equivalent to Degree in Engineering)
for the purpose of employment to superior posts and services under the Central
Government in the appropriate field. No separate approval of All India Council for
Technical Education/UGC is required for this purpose.”
76 Before this Court, the stand of the Government of India in its short reply is as under:
77 “1. That the Government of India has the Constitutional responsibility of determining,
maintaining and coordinating the standards in higher education including technical and
professional education. This responsibility is discharged through the Statutory Bodies
like University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education
(AICTE), Indira Gandhi National Open University – Distance Education Council
(IGNOU - DEC) in their respective fields and as per the provision under their respective
Act. UGC is responsible for the

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78 standards in general higher education, AICTE is technical and professional education and
DEC, an authority of IGNOU, in education through distance mode.
79 2. That employers have the prerogative of prescribing the qualifications and recognizing
the degrees/diplomas/certificates for appointment to various posts as well as for
promotion to various positions n their organizations. Central Government, as an employer
had issued Gazette Notification No.44 dated 01.03.1995, which is annexed as Annexure
R-1, inter alia clarifying that only such degrees/diplomas and certificates earned through
distance mode of education are recognized for the purpose of employment under Central
Government, which are approved by the Distance Education Council (a statutory
authority of IGNOU) and AICTE, wherever necessary. It may be clarified here that the
degrees earned through distance mode in technical disciplines, which are covered under
AICTE Act, can only be considered recognized for the purpose of employment under
Central Government, if they are recognized/approved by AICTE. It is further clarified
that the CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (154) recognition of DEC means the recognition
by the Council of DEC and recognition by AICTE means recognition by the Council of
80 216. Even the AICTE has also averred in its written statement dated 24.10.2008 that no
Technical Institute can impart technical education without its approval and Institute of
Surveyors is not a recognized Institution.
81 217. We do not find any merit in the stand of respondent No.11 that such Institute does
not require any approval from AICTE. The education of Surveyor is a technical education
within the meaning of Section 2 (g) of the All India Council for Technical Education Act,
1987 and such technical education after the commencement of the Act could be imparted
only by an Institution after obtaining approval from the AICTE. The said respondent has
not even sought approval from the AICTE.
82 218. We find that the recognition by Government of India vide letter and notification
dated 09.01.1975 and 11.07.1988 respectively is for the purposes of recognizing the
qualification for the purposes of employment, but such recognition does not mean that
respondent No.11 is competent to impart technical education. Imparting of technical
education by an Institution after the commencement of AICTE Act is not permissible.
83 Therefore, the present petition is disposed of with liberty to respondent No.11 to seek
approval from the AICTE in accordance with law.
84 Multi Purpose Health Worker(Female and Male)
85 219. LPA Nos.773, 775, 776, 810 & 811 of 2011 are directed against an order passed by
the learned Single Judge on 28.01.2011, wherein the writ petitions were allowed by the
learned Single Judge relying upon the earlier
86 CWP No.1640 of 2008 (O&M) (155)
87 judgment of this Court rendered in CWP No.12161 of 2006 titled “Manoj Kumar &
others Vs. State of Haryana & others” decided on 01.11.2006.
88 220. The Multipurpose Health Workers are appointed in the State in terms of Haryana
Health Department Multi Purpose Health Supervisor and Multipurpose Health Workers
Group-C Service Rules, 1984. The essential qualification for the appointment to the post
of Multipurpose Health Worker
P Eng Suraj Singh
23 May 2017  · 
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Dear PM forget what shall happen in 2019 general elections
1 It is public who decides, but public decides on achievements that government does
2 Ignore Ram Mandir, Uniform Civil Code, Cow Issue, Article 370 COI
3 Three years of your term have elapsed, but ground situation looks lost in comparison to
what it was during previous regime
4 GOI may boost, surveys may boost, manufacturing news TV Channels may boost
anything / whatever in your favour, but public knows everything for it has eyes
5 Fact remains that Ram Mandir cannot be constructed, Uniform Civil Code cannot be
initiated due to your own fault by taking issue of 3 times talak to court to make to a part
of SC case law in form of Nikahv New Agreement, Cow issue is no issue & you have no
capacity to resolve Kashmir issue in 2 years
6 Nation has been waiting for development & employment
7 So far GOI has proved to be imposing taxes only in all walks of life
8 You have 2 solid years, do something for employment
9 Do something to improve lower & higher education
10 Do something to provide health facility to poor & seniors
11 Do at least fulfill half of promises you made
12 You promised to pay 15L rupees to each one, but this shall never happen
13 You think again to amend your policies to avoid expected unrest in this land
14 Youth has helped you more than they helped JP
15 But, they can turn their back, if you fail everywhere
16 All your schemes could not fly
17 You always fly, but all attempts you made to improve international relations remained
18 We need real development & not only in man ki baat or in propaganda
19 You think again on your polices & deliver about, what you planned for
20 Or, else, 2019 is going to show you exit sign!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

22 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Civil Engineers in India / Bharat
1 Civil Engineers, who also, work as buildings structural engineers in practice, not in
government or in employment are a lot of erratic thinking persons to an extent,
professional registration & regulation issue is concerned
2 Civil engineer is an only professional, who begs for assignment from another equal
indifferent professional called by designation Architect
3 Architect is not legally qualified to do job of an engineer on structural engineering, yet
Architect rules over Civil engineer, who works as structural engineer & without civil
engineer, building can neither be designed nor constructed, yet architect arbitrarily
commands over engineer on structures
4 Architect considers self as master of building & civil engineer its subordinate in each &
every respect, even if design issue is related, which structural designs Architect is not
qualified competently

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5 Architect does it under a false conception of Architect Act 1972, which mandates
registering Architect & control of architecture activities
6 Architect takes it for self as final & that according to it, Engineer is like an employee to
assist it.
7 Civil Engineer working as a professional practitioner is top fool in this nation, forgot no
professional standard to work as professional & therefore, does not command
professional respect
8 Engineers were accorded a Royal Charter in 1935 in title of The Institution of Engineers
(India) which allows regulation of Engineering & Regulation of Engineers in India
9 This part of Indian Law allows Engineer to be designated Chartered Engineer (India), if
Engineer is a Corporate Member
10 India is an only country in world, where Engineers do not like to be described as
Chartered Engineer (India) & use that exclusively
11 Engineer got adequate stamina to talk & debate over issues of stresses in structure, but
they do not like to debate with those powers & authorities, who without any legal rights,
attempt to license these highly educated persons
12 These Engineers submit to normal officers like IAS rank, who register engineers to allow
them engineering practice, in spite of fact that there is no constitutional mandate with
these municipalities & local bodies to register them
13 Yet, it is unfortunate that Engineers have no determination & Will to fight with all such
arbitrary / illegal provisions, which are absolutely illegal & unconstitutional
14 They are engineers of high caliber & no one can teach them
15 They work on unlimited computations & of course, are brilliant, but it is not necessary
that brilliant should be sensible & powerful
16 They cannot think for their own legal rights & fall prey to lower profile Architects
17 They take work from architects & not from owners of buildings
18 A case petition was prepared regarding all such issues to be filed as PIL in SCI, but there
are no engineers to contribute filing of such case. There had been certain exception of
course, but not adequate to cater for
19 They have no stamina to fight for themselves
20 How shall they fight with construction contractors?
21 How shall they fight with people, who do not want to do a good quality job?
22 How shall they deliver quality & value added product?
23 They have to help self by fighting or else, nobody would care for themselves
24 God help those, who help themselves

P Eng Suraj Singh

20 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
RERA – Promoters - Buyers
1 A big question is raised, why delivery is too delayed by promoters
2 Promoters may reply that materials are not available
3 Court has caused obstruction
4 Bank has not released money in time
5 Dear buyers, do not accept any such rude & outdated explanations
6 If there is no material available, why promoter decided for such project

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7 If court caused obstruction, buyer must know / be given evidences & reliability of all
such evidences
8 There can be mischief behind such explanations
9 Bank cannot stop releasing money based on realistic earned progress
10 Promoter has to arrange all activities professionally & not just to befool project & public
11 Government sanctions can never be made an issue, when all submissions are consistent
12 Promoter must employ professionals & not exclusively architects for all such preparation
& communication activity
13 Promoters project means professional project for all activities involved are from whatever
14 Promoter must be qualified self, so that an understanding is not made an issue
15 A tea vendor or a milk seller cannot be made a promoter, though it has happened so far
16 Promoter must have state of art technologies for working in structures
17 For example, all slabs can be precast duly pre-stressed & all columns & beams can be
cast in situ
18 All precast slabs panels can be pre-stressed in yard duly autoclaved
19 Such activity shall save time on site for working on whole lot of cast in situ slab
20 Diaphragm to laid panels can be made by a thin RCC concrete plate on panels
21 This practice of construction has advanced a lot in various countries including Gulf
22 All levels of construction time schedules / plans must be prepared & duly approved by
association of buyers
23 Association representative engineer should be involved on all such activities, who would
work as Engineer in-charge over complete project, on account of fee paid by buyers
24 Since all such activities are very engineering based, buyers are in no state to examine
themselves, but they should procure services provided by professional engineers
25 Without doctor, there can be no treatment, just remember buyers
26 Engineer shall superintend all works carried out by promoter appointed professionals &
all physical works conducted on works site
27 Engineer shall investigate all errors & demand promoters apply remedial measures
28 Buyers would pay not very much on an average, but benefit a lot
29 For example, Act says 5 years warrantee on structure!!!
30 Why 5 years only? This is ridiculous provision!!!
31 We all know that structure does not collapse in 5 years or even in 10 years, when
professionally designed & executed
32 Such provision is against buyers, as it allows promoters necessary protection
33 Release of 70% payment shall be done by bank based on valuation certificates submitted
by bank appointed professionals
34 Why bank should appoint such professionals?
35 These must be appointed by buyers themselves, so that professional propriety be
36 Engineer shall quantify all details of proposed work & prepare relevant schedules, from
level 1 to level 5 allowing on site measurement of percentages of work, conducted from
time to time
37 Engineer shall argue with promoter regarding each & every item disputed by promoter or
promoters residents professionals

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38 Do not think that this post is to promote engineer assignments, but an attempt to
streamline quality requirement on project
39 At all stages, information regarding work done quantity & balance of work would be
known, which shall allow release of payment by bank to promoter & by buyers to
40 All foregoing defined activities are time consuming, but rewarding to all parties
41 No state shall be left in doubt related to anything
42 Therefore, suggest that buyers in their own interest professionalize required product &
keep promoter under check
43 You shall be your own regulator in addition to statutory regulator

P Eng Suraj Singh

20 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Professional Services Tax @ 18%-Thanks FM
Dear Engineers,
1 Be happy that your services tax has been increased to 18% under GST
2 In case you client does not agree to pay you this part of service tax, you shall have to
share from your professional service fee
3 You may not have courage to disregard your client for sake of your practice
4 May be you have to increase your professional fee, so that service tax @ 18% is merged
within that sum
5 Do remember that market is competitive
6 No other go has been left at all
7 You have to reduce your income either
8 Keep struggling!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

20 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Engineer Defined-
1 Stop registering with Municipalities / Local Bodies
2 Stay respectful professional
3 Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act 2016 now in effect from May1, 2016 within India /
Bharat Jurisdiction, except state of Jammu & Kashmir
4 Certain Professional Engineering Observations from quality point of view

Section 2(u)
1 (Definition of Engineer) - (Herein Engineer means Civil Engineer)
2 ‘Engineer’ means a person, who possesses a Bachelor degree or equivalent from an
institution, recognized by All India Council of Technical Education or any University or
any Institution recognized, under a law or is registered, as an ‘engineer’ under any law
for time being in force

Comments / Interpretation

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1 All engineers working on buildings, please stop taking licenses from municipalities or
authorities for Engineer has been defined within RERA though it is not scoped, yet
registration with every authority can be defied with
2 Fight with all to gain power & respect
3 You can use reference to your engineering degree certificate & also, whatever
registration you have got from IEI or otherwise, but duly recognized
4 Authorities are now bound not to force engineer to apply for departmental; licensing
5 Rest up to you, whether you are lion or a cat!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public Bharat India
RERA- Engineer Involved On Building Activities
1 Prime professional to produce structural framing based buildings is designated by
educational qualification / experience & expertise is 'Civil Engineer' Working On
2 Buildings involves mainly 2 components or levels
3 One is called substructure or foundations
4 Other is called superstructure or usable coverage/s
5 Foundations is a specialized discipline involving followings
6 Site plot selection based on various criteria
7 Soil exploration or investigation that provides strength possessed by soil
8 This strength is dominating part for whole building, for all loads & stresses from building
would be borne & transferred to subsoil strata, based on indicated or decided strength
9 Many soil & Civil engineers expert on structural designs & structural executions are
required to do this work
10 This part of building is too complicated for future & life of buildings relies on this
11 Foundation is considered up to ground / plinth level or level on ground that can be
12 Superstructure is upper portion carried by foundations or substructures
13 Upper portion superstructure is exposed to weather & is considered in designs for all
those factors like foundations
14 Whole structure is considered for seismic, wind & loads in all respects
15 Water penetration through structural members into elements is very dangerous
16 These structures in all must be executed, supervised & surveillance by experienced civil
engineers or else, structural shall be defective in both structural limit states stresses
17 Other than structural components, wall cladding, ceiling & all other fit outs should be
decided & executed in line to structure or else, fit outs shall be defective
18 There are various types of services induced into building to serve occupants
19 Fire services & seismic resistances are very significant
20 It is not practical to write all specified items, pertinent all specialties on this page for
these would not make a sound understanding to buyers

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21 An only suggestion induced herein that buyers should use services by employing
experienced civil engineers to work for them as client representatives, so that promoter,
contractor & promoter's designers & supervisors remain at bay

P Eng Suraj Singh

19 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public- Bharat India
Is Prime Minster Responsible for All Affairs in All Ministries?
1 It is saddening to think as title speaks
2 But in ours, this has been happening for last three years
3 On an exclusivity, there appears in virtues only one minister having circles of all cabinet
4 There is factually no working minister in this GOI run by BJP allowing @ head of
council Mr. N Modi
5 A small building site cannot be controlled by an engineer in all respects, but PM has
controlled all sites / portfolios self
6 Is it acceptable to public of India / Bharat?
7 We are paying taxes & PM per constitutional power, appointed through President, all
8 But, are they functioning per requirements?
9 A citizen shall certainly say that they are function less & speechless
10 When all expenses are being made by tax payer for containing all required expenses
putting burden on ex chequer, why our PM in not using these ministers as front elevation
performing ministers?
11 Why these ministers are being used as hidden persons, without coming to any exposures
12 Are they appointed clerks???
13 How can public expect PM to carry out all task self?
14 We do not want any errors & delays on decision making
15 We want real performance in this nation & capabilities, possessed by all ministers must
be proven
16 There has been a grave example regarding MHRD, when previous minister reached point
of disaster to eliminate many professional institutions that had been running to facilitate
lakhs of graduate engineers in all branches of engineering
17 Her Excellency madam Irani failed to understand problem & was just at point of rupture
pertinent these professional bodies to die for ever, so that future career of millions,
coming from lowest section of society, being brilliant students, forget become engineers
in world
18 That problem still exists & it has been in process to be resolved sooner or later, either
directly or through High Court Delhi judgment
19 What reply GOI has got in this regard?
20 What right GOI has got to enrisk lives of professional students, as such, not to allow them
study engineering?
21 Why Hon PM does not understand fact that MHRD requires a competent minister, who
knows & understands all plus & minus of education
22 This applies to all portfolios as well
23 Jobs have been falling & companies have been closed

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24 Business from smooth market that existed, during previous regime has completely
25 Employment sector has suffered huge setback
26 There is no control in law & order state
27 There is no prosperous future visible to us
28 We do not force for good days, but common & real days must be there
29 Education even at primary level has been too expensive
30 Medical support has been too expensive & out of imagination
31 Poor & middle class have been crushed
32 Hon PM it is your responsibility, accountability & obligation
33 Use good & educated ministers to control portfolios

P Eng Suraj Singh

18 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Informal Engineering Degree Qualifying Bodies in Bharat/India-AICTE/NBA
1 IEI/IETE etc. are qualifying organisations for informal education relevant to engineering
2 These bodies do not qualify for status of Distance Mode
3 These bodies are exclusive examiners to grant engineering qualifications through GOI
approvals & not otherwise
4 Post independence, IEI used to grant approvals to all engineering degrees from
everywhere, equivalent to a pass in Section ‘A’ & ‘B’
5 Later, it got IEI Charter, means that it was a part of England Kingdom
6 Post independence, IEI used to grant approvals to all engineering degrees from
everywhere, equivalent to a pass in Section ‘A’ & ‘B’
7 Post independence, IEI used to grant approvals to all engineering degrees from
everywhere, equivalent to a pass in Section ‘A’ & ‘B’
8 here was no AICTE at that time
9 IEI was a virtual approving body on behalf of GOI for all degrees
10 IEI was also, a body approving Indian standards
11 Per IEI Charter, IEI itself is a government organ, but autonomous
12 GOI does not support it financially
13 There are certain kinds of approvals in Bharat
14 Approval of degree course granted by UGC
15 Approval of courses conducted by institutions accorded by MRHD, now supervisor /
regulator is MHRD & MHRD is its controller
16 On international level, AICTE had applied for WA initially
17 At that time NBA was reporting to AICTE
18 WA did not allow an involved body to grant accreditation
19 Later NBA was constituted by GOI, as a government statutory society to be listed under
20 NBA was approved provisionally & later permanently
21 Now at International level, there are 2 bodies representing Bharat / India
22 NBA for purpose of all engineering degrees & PGs per WA
23 IEI for purpose of approving practicing professional engineers

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24 AICTE is a statutory procedures regulator & now cannot accredit course, but Institution
NBA is Indian statutory regulator for defined degree valid for 5 years or for 2 years
depending upon qualifying marks obtained by institution or university relevant to course
750 marks means 5 years validity, each point 60 marks minimum
600 marks means 2 years validity, each point marks not defined
25 Possibly AICTE is also, confused
26 NBA has no experience till now, but they formally require experience, or else they shall
be disqualified from list
27 They should approve accreditation for their own sake or else, AICTE & NBA would
loosen credibility at international level
28 It is in their own interest to rapidly further accreditation process, without involving in
29 Constitution of NBA mandates same officer as Chairman of both bodies

P Eng Suraj Singh

18 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
RERA - An Act in force in Bharat / India
1 But it cannot be understood by common public & buyers
2 It is again suggested that Buyers should utilise professional engineers engineering
services to deal with promoters & builders in terms to resolve engineering & technical
3 Engineering is complicated, which promoters can misuse to mislead buyers through
agents & officers
4 Allowance of 4 years to promoters to do balance of works in NOIDA is a current
example of abusing this Act by officers & promoters
5 Public is advised to be careful or else, they would suffer further time wise as well as,
6 Definition of Engineer exists in RERA, but role not defined clearly
7 People should know about, this role in every respect
8 It is Engineer, who is responsible for structure & all items to be constructed on site or
9 Promoter employs engineer for his works
10 Contractor employs engineer for work on contract of construction, between promoter &
11 There should be engineer on behalf of buyers to further supervise & superintendent all
works done by promoter & contractor
12 Buyers engineer shall coordinate & ask all questions to be required be clarified from
contractor & promoter
13 Buyers are designated clientage, who have every right to utilise professional services,
employing Chartered Engineer (India) & Professional Engineer (India) so that they get all
deliveries in time, for which buyers make payments.
14 It is not an easy task to check all parties working on project
15 Regulator may not be well qualified from building engineering field
16 Therefore, buyers require to protect themselves through use of professionals or else,
problems shall never go away

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P Eng Suraj Singh

18 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
18 Hours a day work done by PM!!! Our Hon PM visited whole world nearly
1 Results are seen clearly. Achieved what you all know
2 All visas from reliability banned
3 All exports failed
4 Jobs not available
5 Educated youth in fray & fire
What shall they do?
1 Of course, such state of economy leads to generation of crimes
2 GOI is busy in Triple Talk, Ram Mandir, Cow slaughter etc. which are more significant
than creating jobs for youth
3 Shall Hon PM respond to, where are 2 crores jobs per annum?
4 Where are sources of Black Money?
5 I do not understand about, how PM is so insulated in skin that nothing impacts him?
6 All his ministers are useless.

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Triple Talaq- Hindu Marriage Act
1 Public is behind dissolution of Triple Talak or declaring it unconstitutional
2 I have written in past as well that GOI is befooling public
3 One error was effected in 1950, regarding Hindu marriage Act
4 All have been crying about triple talak, but none is talking about Hindu Marriage Act
5 Just like Application of Shariat Act 1937 applies to Muslims, why not Dharma following
Hindus demand Application of Vedas / Gita to this Dharma community?
6 Let Hindu Marriage Act be dissolved for ever
7 All have been crying about triple talak, but none is talking about Hindu Marriage Any
times unlimited for there is no restriction for both genders to do all such additional
marriages, without even thinking for divorce
8 Such act shall force converted Muslims come back to Vedas
9 Politicians shall keep playing games in these issues all times to come
10 Marriages used to be conducted, prior to Hindu Marriage Act came into being
11 Bhagwan Krishna has 3 wives-Raja Dashrath had 3 wives- Devi Dropdi had 5 husbands
12 Ravan had 2 wives- In general all had more than one wife
13 Let all be free in future to decide their responsibilities, without legal binding
14 Howsoever, Living relations have already been being practiced
15 These shall lead to similar scenario
16 Society shall not remain, as it is today homogeneous nearly, but have started deteriorating
17 Bharat is going to be a super power of Living couples

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18 Then what shall be use of all these Acts & talaks

19 Should it not be contemplated?

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Quality Requirement-ISO-9001- 2015
1 This revised system has been adopted by all except ours
2 Because it is against Bharat's respect if some work could be carried out in time per
3 We are leaders respecting delays in each walk of life, which is our wealth & reputation
4 Until, we are declared out, we do not do exercise & start practice
5 Economy is already down & we shall be thrown out of international business soon, if we
continue to miss this revised system
6 How could this nation & professionals be helped in this scenario?

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Objectives of NBA- Engineering Education
1 To assess & accredit colleges / institutions of technical & professional education or one
or more of their units i.e. departments, institutions, programmes etc.
2 Main objectives of assessment & accreditation
3 Assess & grade colleges / institutions of technical & professional education, courses &
programmes offered by them, their various units, faculty, departments etc.
4 Stimulate academic environment / quality of teaching & research in these institutions
5 Contribution to sphere of knowledge in its discipline
6 Motivate colleges / institutions of technical & professional & education for research &
adopt teaching preaches that groom their students for innovation & development of
leadership qualities
7 Encourage innovations, self evaluations, accountability in higher education
8 Promote necessary changes, innovations & reforms in all aspects of working of colleges /
institutions of technical & professional education for above purpose
9 Help institutions realize their academic objectives

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Senior Citizens Maintenance???
1 Hon'ble PM of Bharat India
2 I am also, a senior citizen of Bharat with current age 63 years
3 I worked whole life to save funds for my livelihood in old age
4 I was successful to save certain % of my income, so that I could rely upon to meet my
maintenance expenses from bank deposits earnings
5 During previous MMS GOI, I used to get up to 10% interest per year on whatever FD
sum more than 10000

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6 Now, under your patronage, I am getting only 6.9% interest with 0.5 % senior point, as it
was till 3 days back for 455 days deposits
7 I have lost lot sum that I thought would keep coming to me to stay well in my senior age
8 Certainly, I am not going to hunt any job in this age for I worked all my career overseas,
which are now having remote chances for job hunt
9 To speak truth, I depend on bank FD interest rates only
10 Your PM ship has already slashed it to 30% around
11 I also, expect further slashing in coming months
12 This situation applies to all seniors, who have no business at all
13 PM Sahib, shall you advise me about, how to make living peacefully, when I am not able
to get correct interest rate
14 I do not intend to take any risk by investing in stock market
15 You tell me, what has been my fault that I have been deprived of living peacefully
without tensions?

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Hon'ble PM Bharat India
1 Your GOI is completing 3 years in office
2 It is expected that you shall boost of so many achievements that you made during all
these years
3 You have a long list that you reiterate, as presentation everywhere
4 Kindly, tell us three issues that you have resolved that would take this nation to peak of
future progress & provide job to youth
5 ‘Ache din’ have already come according to your dictionary
6 Our dictionary failed to announce about, what these ache din are!!!
7 Tell us what status of Industries & Construction sector is?
8 Tell us when shall poor have regular appointment in Real Estate Sector & when this
sector would come up again from dark clouds / thunder storms, for so far this sector has
been in Mortuary
9 Tell us when shall agriculture Industry shall rejuvenate
10 Tell us when all 8 factors used to calculate GDP shall be smoothly & progressively
working & benefit common people
11 We are not concerned about, how many nations you have visited in these 3 years for that
is a right vested with head of council GOI
12 We are concerned with achievement, kindly elaborate these achievements made so far
13 We understand that 3 years period is not very long to evaluate total performance from a
government, which has taken over from a so called failed government, but such period is
good & consistent upon to speak that about, whereto, this nation is moving
14 We are not concerned with issue of Hindu Rastra, Uniform civil code & article 370, but
we are concerned with, about what level of gross income of a common citizen has
15 We are concerned about, what future this nation holds for all professionals in all

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16 We are concerned about, level of export that can be augmented to add to national
17 When shall you help public to come out of tyranny of medical expenses in general?
18 Why GOI cannot open hospitals & health care centres?
19 You think that is it easy for a poor to pay many thousands for health insurance
20 Kindly, apprise us about, what have you achieved for general public so that they progress

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Dear Chief Election Commissioner,
India / Bharat
Shall you make effort for following described proposal in interest of majority voters in this
1 Elections Reforms For Representations In a Right to Maximum Percentages of Votes
2 Bharat / India Elections need a different kind of Reform in virtual Principle to bring in
Value to Public Politics
3 Every time elections are conducted & have been effected since 1950, per COI mandate
4 COI mandate Democracy is value, while Democracy says that Majority is value, while
Majority says that it is 50%+1 is required number to occupy right to govern
5 But, COI just stopped on its mandate on number of seats
6 Seats make governments, based on 50%+1 criteria to constitute all governments under
7 Foregoing practicality has been affected since COI came into being for adult franchise
8 Evidently, rarely, contesting candidates poll more than 50 to 70% of all electorates vote
9 Then, one serious question comes to mind, whether or not, majority voters really send
representatives from related constituencies
10 Thousands instances indicate that candidates winning just 35% of votes polled are
declared elected
11 And, parties that win just 35 % of votes polled, constitute governments
12 And consider % votes are polled generally varying 50 to 65% of all electorates
13 Which means that party, which gets 35% of 60% votes constitute government, means
22% votes constitute government
14 Then, question is automatically raised, whether it is majority representation?
15 Answer speak itself that it is not
16 What should be solution to avoid this low level of representation to some extent?
17 I think that COI election provisions should be redefined
18 Election is mandated for 5 years term for each winner
19 Proposition should be made that winner must poll 70% of all votes cast, if full term
representation is required
20 If winner gets around 50%, candidate's term should be curtailed to 2.5 years
21 Remaining term should be allowed on certificate of return to second lead candidate
22 When first elected retires from house term, second returnee should replace seat of retiree

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23 This shall at east add enthusiasm to second lead, due to opportunity to add to people's
24 More representation shall lead automatically to whatever house of politics & government
25 This arrangement shall keep on heels all CMs & even PM, & indirectly keep a check &
balance on all government / leads & raise value of opposition leaders all time for all shall
have to share responsibilities
26 This formula shall also, inculcate a sense of responsibility in all politicians & they shall
not be able to sleep sound for all shall be held accountable
27 It may also, lead at some point of time to impact PM & CM seat, which is what
democracy has been intended for
28 To some extent, real majority representation, though in fractions would work
29 Leaders shall have to think for all masses & not just for certain groups of vote banks for
all would move in same boat from time to time
30 Contemplate please
Jai Bharat-Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

12 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Qualified Engineers in Bharat/India
1 Professional Bodies delivering qualified engineers in Bharat/India
2 A Fresh Look
3 Coming from economically weaker sections
4 Certainly have struggled in life from beginning of education
5 Could not enjoy life like children of rich & affluent
6 Could not manage to get tuition post school classes
7 Mind remains boiling for it gets energy, after being stirred
8 Heart remains burning for one wants & aims to prove potential
9 With difficulties earned in schooling, gets a pass off schooling graduation & hardly
thinks to join college
10 Fortunate are those, who can join diploma engineering classes, full time or even part time
11 May be one gets merit cum means scholarship or otherwise, earns self & studies
12 After having struggled a lot, succeeds diploma examination & gets trough
13 Another struggle to work in profession
14 Gets a small category job & works hard
15 Rejoins degree study by registering professional bodies
16 Double duty commences with
17 First does work assignment daily
18 Then night goes into further studies
19 There is no reservation of any type in professional bodies
20 This means all students are capability based, without SC/ST/OBC consideration
21 Even all such categories too join normal status
22 Only these institutions do not accept any reservations
23 All universities, Institutions like IITs & all others permit reservations
24 Public must know that all these scholastic students are in merit

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25 They attend classes according to availability in privately run centres & work by self
teaching as well many subjects
26 Then public should decide, who are better students & better engineers, who compete
without any struggle & with reservations or these, who struggle, study, work smart &
work hard & make engineers to serve Bharat
27 All engineers, who qualify from professional bodies, such as IEI or IETE etc are very
competitive, dynamic, intelligent & advancing in profession
28 They keep in touch with all state of arts engineering & work accordingly at national &
international levels
29 We can say that these engineers are first in line or row to be proudly called first cadre of
Bharat Indian Engineers
30 But AICTE & NBA should understand!!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

11 May 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Informal Engineering Degrees Approval issue
1 These logistics based submissions whatsoever by say IEI & all others would be
shortlisted first per AICTE authority
2 Then after such preliminary approvals, one by one relevant presentations shall be
demanded by regulators from each professional body
3 Regulator shall ensure that professional bodies have been operating about, what has been
submitted by them
4 Regulator intends to see, whether or not students studying these courses are cheated
5 Regulator states that they do not intend to see night operators only in form of institutions
6 Regulator intends to see real institutions & real students study there & come out as best
7 These regulators intend to see about, how & where practicals are done
8 These regulators rely only on practical in engineering & not on field working in
9 It is also, surprising that Regulator has not established a system in this nation so far,
wherefrom it can be established that students, who have been studying, do have a
platform to work practically in engineering
10 When engineering students are not taught practicalities, qualified person cannot be called
an engineer, but lawmakers in Bharat can call every degree holder an Engineer for Bharat
is a self appointed superpower in engineering
11 Regulator I suppose is clueless about, how to ascertain that engineering students know
practicalities, while they are depending only on practicals conducted by colleges in
laboratories from view point of theory & not application of engineering
12 Skill development has been commenced with by this nation, but skill inducting misses &
without reaching skills to students, how skill can be developed is a question mark
13 Plane cannot fly directly from ground.
14 It is first to conduct taxing to run way, then gain machine momentum to certain level,
then to accelerate to achieve gradual speed to say 180 Km/hours on runway & then has
got a capacity to leave runway & further gain acceleration in air to be air borne

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15 This approach nether Regulator nor educators in this Nation understands

16 They are really bureaucratic & shall remain so
17 Person shall learn only in field & that opportunity comes only, once one gets job!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

11 May 2017  · 
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RERA+ Structural Cost
1 That 70% of amount released for real estate project from allottees from time to time shall
be deposited in a separate account to be maintained in a scheduled bank to cover cost of
construction & land cost & shall be used only that purpose
2 Provided that promoter shall withdraw amount from separate account to cover cost of
project in proportion to percentage of completion of project
3 Provided further that amount from separate account shall be withdrawn by promoter,
after it is certified by an ‘engineer’, by an ‘architect’ & a chartered accountant in practice,
that withdrawal is in proportion to percentage of completion of project

1 70% cost includes cost of land also
2 In many cases, cost of land is very high, which shall leave real cost of construction too
low, which shall mean that valuation of work done by promoter to be certified by
Engineer & Architect would be too low from time to time or at fixed interval
3 Cost shall be fixed element wise & level wise in form of work done & cost related to one
time calculated rates, based on material & labour cost information
4 Each element shall be weighed accordingly say RCC structure, which constitutes of
excavation, soil improvements, foundations, work of all floors separately & individually
up to level of final structural completion
5 Relevant cost of each element shall be worked out to be included with proposed list of all
structural components
6 Then just, engineer requires to tick element & assign percentage of cost achieved,
depending on work carried out percentage

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2017  · 
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By practice in profession
1 Architect designs spaces in buildings & creates a feeling that occupants must sense
2 Architect visualizes decorative senses that internal & external surfaces should wear
3 Engineer designs structures that carry all loads & stresses that building produces during
4 Engineer is responsible to ensure that all structures correspond to serve building loads to
minimum stresses & keep building fully stable in all respects
5 Engineer has to coordinate all services that pass through all members of buildings both
load bearing & non load bearing
6 Both professions are specialized, whereas Engineers takes responsibilities of all risks,
Architect does not take at all any as such risk

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7 Engineer supervises all constructions in all respects

8 Engineer conducts all site tests
9 Engineer stays in concrete pours dedicatedly
10 Public should understand major differences, between two building professions

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 May 2017  · 
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RERA-Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act
1 Definition of Engineer-(Definition of Engineer)-(Herein Engineer means Civil Engineer)
2 ‘Engineer’ means a person, who possesses a Bachelor degree or equivalent from an
institution, recognized by All India Council of Technical Education or any University or
any Institution recognized, under a law or is registered, as an ‘engineer’ under any law
for time being in force
3 Foregoing definition mandated within RERA is completely speakingless
4 It does not describe, who an engineer is to practice Real Estate discipline?
5 It mandates that person possessing a degree in engineering can be called an engineer
6 This means today, one gets pass of engineering degree w.e.f next day, person is entitled
7 How can this definition be accepted for an engineer to practice Real estate?
8 But lawmakers have approved it for this purpose!
9 This is a caused risk of life endowed on public safety by RERA
10 Now, there is no alternative to deplete this definition from this published Act
11 This shall support promoters, who would employ fresh engineers
12 This means that there is no guarantee to deliver quality residences
13 No registration of engineer is required by any authority say The Institution of Engineers
14 It also, means that no one from ministry / GOI / even thought to consult any Institution
15 No role of Engineer is defined, except that percentage of work shall be submitted in
addition to submission by an Architect
16 Is this way about, how laws are enacted in 2017?
17 There exists no explanation within this Act about, who shall supervise design &
construction of projects?
18 Promoter shall certainly benefit from this incomplete Act
19 It is now up to prospective buyers to look after their interests

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 May 2017  · 
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Engineering Education Regulations
Copy of E Mail sent to AICTE / NBA with suggestions
Re: IEI Section A & B Approval Issue-Public Notice & Engineering Educational Value in Field
suraj singh <>
CC Satya Pal Secretary & Director General
Today at 8:49

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Chairman AICTE / NBA

Issue Related to IEI courses Accreditation Complying Washington Accord
1 In continuation to my previous mail, I intend to submit certain further clarifications
2 It is a fact that these days, issue, related to ‘informal engineering courses, examinations of
which, being conducted by various professional bodies, which courses successful completion
lead to grant of certainly, an equivalent engineering first degree’ have been a burning issue,
which could impact professional careers of Lakhs of students, studying now& also, may be doing
from future generation
3 Education is a fundamental right of everyone, irrespective of fiscal standards one is having
4 One does not learn, because one has money, but for one has mind & certainly potential to learn
5 Engineering education is backbone of every nation, whereas we have been fortunate that our
leaders post 1947, established great systems in education & in particular, engineering in general
standards, which were affordable to enter with by lower class of students, who had certain aim to
achieve set goals
6 I am a person 1955 born & really, I find a difference, between establishments that existed in
70s/80s & now
7 Those were days, when people had been ambitious to do something for society & for nation
8 Now all are interested to make crorepatis over night!!! But, it is not virtually possible, with
whatever education learnt for education does not mean making money
9 I was not at all considered a good student during my schooling, as well as, during my 3 years
diploma course that I studied from Delhi Board of Technical Education polytechnic
10 It was as such, for I was not having dedicated time to study alone, but to incorporate myself
with many other activities that used to fetch my father’s responsibilities to feed us
11 I could get only 47% marks in higher secondary & 75.5% marks in three years engineering
12 I never thought to do study further, but getting one challenge from my friend, I did it by
qualifying IEI Section A & B in 1978 & 1980 respectively with 60% marks
13 I had become an Engineer by qualification & later got title Chartered Engineer (India)
(For your reference, a writing from a poor student, a file attached should you have a heart to read
struggling storey)
14 Why I have written all in foregoing?
15 This is just to advice that everything is not normal in any society & thereby a country
16 I have worked with many nationalities during my overseas Middle East & GCC career, which
nationalities being from UK, Ireland, US, GCC, Palestinian, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebnan, Libyan,
Iraqis, Iranis, Philipines, Thailand, Chinese, Sudanese, Mortanis, Pakistanis, Bangla Desh etc.
17 Whomever I worked, nobody knew from where I qualified engineering, but when they
required to recruit further, my name was referred to as an example of resource, that they wanted
engineers from where I qualified
18 Many Indians misled these foreigners by stating that I was from a private institute or that my
engineering education is not from government bodies.
Thanks our Bharatwasis!!
19 Purpose to write all foregoing is to suggest that in those days, no computer existed & even no
calculators were so common
20 Calculations were done using log tables & previous to that by slide rule
21 I used to attend regular classes all three years during polytechnic diploma & also, during IEI
section A & B in privately run institutes through IEI used to run guide classes

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22 But, these classes in private institutes were run in evening for three hours a day & therefore,
all courses could not be covered up
23 Self study was conducted by all students like me. I had seen many students coming from 50 to
80 km to attend these classes
a. Self study has got varying meanings, depending on student as well as, evolving circumstances
b. It means an exclusive study conducted by person in person
c. It means that it is up to candidate to find teaching source, from where to have classes
d. It means that it is up to student to have tuition from subject specific specialist professor, but it
is not too common
e. World has changed drastically, whereas systems have been constituted & formulated by
various institutions & organizations
f. Nowadays, online lectures videos are available all over
g. CDs are available for complete studies
h. Books are available on line say at scribd or slide share websites
i. Keeping all these educational indirect facilities in consistent form, there is left no compulsion
that student should be made by mandate, to attend physically, all classes to learn subject &
24 It is futile to make a law that one must attend all classes in person, oriented face to face with
professional teacher/professor to learn engineering, when one has passed engineering diploma in
regular mode
25 I suggest that rather than insisting on face to face mode of classes, engineering student in all
universities & institutions must be forced to experience work in field, ensuring that student
learns practicality of engineering theory & well understands work
26 Recently it has been reported by surveys that more than85% engineers are not suitable for
qualifying jobs in market
27 Significance requirement is to make students learn practical engineering by going to
engineering field & interact with field engineers about works
28 Theoretical studies conducted in classes shall be better understood, once field applications are
known to student
29 It is unfortunate to state that learned professors, despite having highest academic degree in
engineering do not have any professional engineering experience
30 In this situation, it is commonly understood about what degree of inculcating value
engineering student shall derive from all such professors, who themselves are not well versed
with knowledge as engineers do have despite having global reputation
31 Theory is backbone of engineering for purpose of research, production & building
32 But, until, its application & working criteria is understood, there is no meaning to learn
imaginary engineering in classroom from where, no destination is visible
33 I have personally experienced that a fresh engineer, who joins engineering job is seen with
suspicious eyes from lowest executives, such as foreman & supervisors
34 All engineers are indirectly tested by all such field supervisors & even by technicians
35 Every fresh civil engineer, who joins construction field has got certainly to learn from
foreman & artisans, for such engineer do not posses skills to carry out job assignment
36 It is up to budding engineer to use art to learn from others, without others knowing that
budding engineer is learning in field

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37 Therefore, an arrangement must be made by institutions to produce through universities as

well as, from all reputed institutes to promote production of lectures through online net or
through CDs
38 This provision shall eliminate need of online learning
39 I do not think this is a gigantic task for hundreds of such detailed lectures are available
40 There are also, many internet websites & portals that can teach students
41 It is therefore, requested that students should be allowed to conduct studies from resource of
their choice & not to force on to them to regularly attend class on a mandate
42 It is also, a responsibility of a regulator of education that its products are well noted up to
standards of acceptance
43 Regulator has a best option to interview at random, certain fresh qualified engineers from all
institutions & universities in addition to examinations qualified, about how students perform
over all such interviews
44 Such random testing of qualified candidates shall equip regulator, about what practical
standards have been achieved by new engineers all over
45 Regulator should insist on all universities & institutions that experts in various disciplines
must visit to teach students about issues involved with
46 Engineering programme should be extended from 4 to 5 years to cover all practical training,
which shall make new engineers more useful to industry & disciplinary fields at national & at
international levels
47 Engineers are supposed to have good communication skills in speech & in writing, but there
exists a scarcity in writing communications, which deficiency must be covered now
48 Professional practice requires knowledge from inter discipline subjects namely contract,
arbitration, quality, society & many others relevant
49 All engineers must be made study for all such subject, prior to be awarded a pass certificate
50 Engineering is a branch that applies to person for whole life, until one dies
51 Student as such should be forced to understand all relevant topics
52 We should not just keep confined by Washington Accord, but educate our engineers to be fit
for job worldwide
53 Engineering theory is used in particular on designs, but availability of thousands of software/s
have impacted designers in such a way that they all have been slaves to these applications
54 Intellectual designs have been left very little, with no opportunity to innovate for all engineers
with high profile degrees, intend to sit in design office, without having any exposure to work in
sun, storm, rain & all weathers
55 There can be made no engineer, without having any exposures as aforesaid
56 Even all professors to be appointed or having been appointed must experience practical field
or else, they are considered just ordinary teachers, repetitively teaching students every year
57 Engineering promotion does not mean writing one book out of available 10
58 Innovative books are required that direct engineers about what to do in field
59 I had written many books to cover my professional experience, but international publishers
did not prefer to publish these for there had been no demand of professional engineering books in
this country
60 Students learn only what is taught by professors & students cannot think beyond that level of
61 Just by guessing, learning questions, appearing in examination & then getting a pass or
distinction does not make a graduate suitable for job

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62 A quality must be created & inculcated in to engineering students to screen self what is
required to study self apart from, what is covered significant to write examinations
63 Engineering diploma holders have been discovered to be better in practice than all others
because they work & study
64 All those diploma holders, who by time they pass IEI examinations do have an earned
experience of say 3 to 6 years & well versed in solving problems posed during work
65 But, first degree holder is unable to solve such problems for having lacking in experience on
job handling
66 It is therefore, suggested to NBA/AICTE to apply innovative thinking to comply with
Washington Accord as well as, help nation to produce reliable engineers, who value action & not
just air conditioned office sitters
67 Same applies to professional teachers to upgrade by experiencing in disciplines, so that they
can transmit their knowledge & conduct field visits with all students
68 Employer shall pay for work & not for certificate earned!!!
69 It is not government of India at international level that fetches jobs!!!
70 Engineers deal with projects costing billions USD that cannot be allowed to be impacted &
wasted even to an extent of 0.5% cost by ill educated & non practical highly educated engineers.
71 I expect AICTE & NBA to chart out to think in professional deliveries of engineers products
from Bharat / India
Thanks for your kind patience in reading this note
Thanks & Warm Regards
On Sunday, 30 April 2017, 11:14, suraj singh <> wrote:

Dear Sirs,
1 Issue of Professional bodies conducted examinations & approved equivalent engineering
2 Just for purpose of logistics information, I am pleased to write to you my information,
pertinent attending educational classes for purpose to appear in IEI examinations in
1978/1980, when I was a student of IEI for passing Section A & Section B examinations

Section A classes
1 Mathematics 1 & 2 attended classes conducted by professor I B Prashad in Connaught
Place Delhi
2 Applied Thermodynamics & Modern Physics classes, conducted by Professor B L
Thareja in Connaught Place Delhi
3 Electrical Engineering classes also, attended in Connaught Place Delhi
4 Attended drawing classes as well on Sundays
5 All these classes were conducted during evening, after doing formal job work
6 These classes were attended for 6 months
7 I did not attend any class for Social Science

Section B classes
1 Theory of Structures
2 Designs of Structures- RCC-PSC-Structural Steel
3 Fluid Mechanics
4 Soil Mechanics

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5 Construction & Foundation Engineering

6 All foregoing classes were attended for 6 months under authority of Prof Rama Murtham
@ Patel Nagar
7 All foregoing classes amount to many hundred hours, based on 3 hours per evening
Studied Self
8 Water resources studied self. RRB studied self. Water Supply & Sewerage studied self
9 There appears to be some degree of mixing up among authorities that students do not
attend classes for all such studies
10 If these classes were not attended, in 10 years Section A & B could not be qualified
11 I qualified in 2.5 years in addition to 3 years Civil Engineering diploma in 1974 with
76% marks
Thanks & Warm Regards
On Saturday, 29 April 2017, 8:41, suraj singh <> wrote:

AICTE P & AP Bureau

Dear Sirs,
IEI Section A & B Approval Issue
1 Ref to attached copy of AICTE Public Notification for various information to be received
from engineering professional bodies
2 Kindly refer to item 'q' on list of requirement, which states that
3 'Information about graduates placed in industries/higher studies, after graduating from
professional body'

Observation based Comment

1 Is it possible for institution to provide such type of information?
2 There is no statute that makes it mandatory for, either Institution or for person to register
post graduation professional status or location of engagement on any register, provided
by body or otherwise, by government
3 This is only a general information, that can be provided by institution that professional
bodies produced engineers work in various industries in and around India & overseas or
can go for further studies
4 Registers that are maintained by bodies are only for those engineers from all sector
including professional bodies, but enrolled on voluntary basis
5 Sought information is meaningless
Thanks & Warm Regards

P Eng Suraj Singh

5 May 2017  · 
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Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act 2016 now in effect from May1, 2016 within India / Bharat
Jurisdiction, except state of Jammu & Kashmir

Certain Professional Engineering Observations from quality point of view

Section 2(u)

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(Definition of Engineer) - (Herein Engineer means Civil Engineer)

1 ‘Engineer’ means a person, who possesses a Bachelor degree or equivalent from an
institution, recognized by All India Council of Technical Education or any University or
any Institution recognized, under a law or is registered, as an ‘engineer’ under any law
for time being in force

Section 4(1) L(D)

(Escrow Account Provision)
1 That 70% of amount released for real estate project from allottees from time to time shall
be deposited in a separate account to be maintained in a scheduled bank to cover cost of
construction / land cost & shall be used only that purpose
2 Provided that promoter shall withdraw amount from separate account to cover cost of
project in proportion to percentage of completion of project
3 Provided further that amount from separate account shall be withdrawn by promoter,
after it is certified by an ‘engineer’, by an ‘architect’ & a chartered accountant in practice,
that withdrawal is in proportion to percentage of completion of project

Section 19(1) Rights & duties of allottees

1 Though it is not specifically included as a mandate within RERA, yet customer as
allottees have got a right to get independent advice & information through a self
certification, an alternative authority
2 This advice & functional information includes a third party scrutiny over all works
conducted & prosecuted by promoter directly or through employing certain contractor,
whether or not main
3 Allottees Association so constituted or to be constituted may appoint an ‘engineer’ Civil
to supervise all project activities on behalf of said association, who would review all
submissions through report
4 This report shall be copied to promoter as well for appraisal & action if applicable
5 This engineer shall enjoy surveillance rights overall project & over project management
staff / engineering personnel
6 This engineer shall be authorized by association for purpose of submission of report to
RERA body corporate / tribunal, during process of disputes resolutions
7 This engineer shall be paid by association for all activities
8 In no case, promoter hired engineer & architect can be entrusted by allottees for
reliability, for they would not be working independently
9 It shall be in an interest of buyers / allottees to expend a little sum on this protective
arrangement, which would stand in a way to eliminate substandard works
10 Chartered Engineer (India) & Professional Engineer (India) would constitute best choice
for quality protective activity, including operations under RERA provisions
11 All schedule banks should keep in their respective considerations, when deciding to
recommend Engineers for statutory purpose of certifying percentage of work achieved
that Chartered Engineer (India) & Professional Engineer (India) be invited for such a
significant function.
P Eng Suraj Singh
16 May 2016  · 

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IntPE(India) Renewal-VC Interview Conducted
1 My VC interview for renewal respecting PE/IntPE was conducted by Civil Engineering
National committee on 12.5.2016 @ 1600 hours
2 I appreciate efforts made by IEI to induct very serious & difficult interviews with
PE/IntPE candidates
3 I had previously appeared in 2 interviews, one in 2010 & other in 2012
4 This is my 3rd interview in 2016
5 Duration of interview 30 minutes
6 National Committee 3 or 4 peers conduct interview
7 I was put in many Euro codes related design questions, safety, quality & practical
questions in line to my details of experience & my professional development
8 I was also, asked about arbitration management & about my writing works
9 It is not an easy task to judge a candidate having 3 decades of experience in 30minutes,
yet I am pleased with whatever questions shot out on to me, which were responded
Thanks & Warm Regards
IntPE(India)Suraj Singh (Civil)
Engineering & Arbitration

25.11.2015 on Face book

Bharat India
Is PM Modi doing what a common citizen expected him to do?
1 I supported Mr. Modi, keeping in view Gujarat development, certainly, presumed to be
done by him
2 It was contemplated that he would resolve all national issues, encountered by common
Bharatwasis in Bharat India
3 I did not consider it better to write, either in favour or against him, until a probation
period is allowed, which has now been over, since about 25% period of his term /
assignment has been completed
4 I was of course, dead against UPA, since they all failed to deliver public requirements &
contributed to highest level corruption
There had been no opposition during 2014 election excepting BJP, which party, by
default got into majority, due to UPA’s incumbency & trust in Mr. Modi
5 Now, it is right time, when we should start evaluating incumbent’s performance grossly
6 My first observation is that Modi talks a lot, which is not expected of a PM
7 Rather, he should invest that time on issues solutions, but it is felt that he likes undue
8 Every word uttered by PM means a lot & it is construed accordingly, since PM is an
9 Modi might have been a successful CM of Gujrat, but he has so far been unable to
establish a competent PM
10 People may praise his performance their way, but analysis should be conducted rationally
11 He might have done sailing on foreign lands, but factual evaluation should be effected by
his voters
12 To my observation, Modi has to control himself & his colleagues, who have spread

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political virus all over, which at certain time, would lead to civil unrest
13 PM Modi is a matured person, who should understand that PM post is not permanent &
saying that he works 24 hours a day does not mean anything, until results are witnessed,
which in effect are unseen.
14 I sometime feel that MM was much / far better than this PM
Jai Bharat 430/21B Faridabad NCR, Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2015  · 
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1 Shall Bharat develop by long speeches?

P Eng Suraj Singh

16 May 2015  · 
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1 Shall Bharat develop by long speeches?

P Eng Suraj Singh

15 May 2015  · 
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1 I had been over busy since 2013 for my Arbitration Management Consultancy
assignment, Now, feeling relaxed a little bit, but outstanding to update on IS & Euro
codes as well as ISO 9001-2015
2 All IS Codes are still old without adopting Eurocodes.
3 Euro codes are giving head ache to go through being voluminous to grasp, while ISO
9001 2015 is under final revision by ISO, yet these should be sea change over QA

P Eng Suraj Singh

14 May 2015  · 
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1 I shall never ever get another birth

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 May 2012  · Navbharat Times  · 
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Dr Kalam is my first choice

Updated effective 04.07.2023

P Eng Suraj Singh
22 July 2022  · 
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Quality Disappeared From Institutions and Systems
1 Facts remain that we as a nation have got very much quality Law document, given to it
by 'we people' of this nation & known as Constitution of Bharat India

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2 This document is crystal clear, in spite of facts of its being voluminous, but very well
structured, though everyone has not understood it
3 This document is an example of written quality of national organs & national public
4 Though this document was composed by extremely well educated advocates & thinkers,
which class of professionals, it seems must have disappeared from country
5 Even Judges & Advocates have not analysed it in its totality, yet it has proven top &
6 Engineers must learn about this & about, how documentation should be done
7 Political so called leaders, but I call them nation's destroyers, currently have not left any
area, whereat, fire has not been set out on page of people's rights, because no self vested /
interested political leader is interested to be under command & mandate of this brilliant
documented work of 1949
8 Engineers must understand quality of production of documents as said
9 Our documents must be self speaking & must not cause any misconstruction of contents
& works, so that quality specification can be implemented qualitatively

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 July 2022  · 
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World - Id Ul Adha
1 Express my best wishes to all those, who celebrate this festival, but please avoid
sacrificing innocents creatures for sake of innocence & humanity
2 All have a right to live till natural death

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 July 2022  · 
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Bharat India - Smart City- Faridabad!!
1 Being a resident of Faridabad Smart city, I have learnt a new definition of smart city, that
has devastated my schedule, which I had never expected
2 Smart city means no water supply schedule, no care of that by administration, intensive
heavy electric shut down, rubbish construction of smart city activities by a contractor like
L & T under owner Faridabad Smart City Limited
3 No one to care about anything serious or otherwise
4 Residents have to wait throughout nights for water supplies that has impacted on sleeping
conditions adversely
5 Nobody knows about water supplies schedule that can be changed all hours, without
telling users
6 And, when it starts supplies, water pressure is not available to raise it to roof located
tanks, for all users start pumping
7 I have been suffering from this created public plight by governments that is beyond
8 L & T can break every existing live services for that company does not know about
scanning of services, before excavation is started.
9 Quality lies on Jupiter for them & therefore, it cannot be transported from Jupiter to Earth
10 Concrete is poured, as if it is nothing, but rubbish

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11 Blinding is done only for sake of doing & concrete means waste
12 But, one point is too strong that no one from public speaks against administration &
government, for I think slavery has been promoted in ours

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 July 2021  · 
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Field Engineering Talks on FB and Others-Manufacturers & Quality+Resources
1 It is observed based on facts certainly, whether it may be international or national
manufacturers of whatever goods, manufacturers, often outsource good to locals & then
affix their logos on such locally produced items
2 Outsourcing is not illegal & not even bad, if Quality Systems & Quality Controls
contained within that System are complied with
3 No Controls are complied with, which results in non performing goods, which
circumstances force customer or end user to suffer
4 Manufacturers just pick up goods from such sub vendors & widen profit range, because
quality organization is reduced in all such cases
5 If international organizations, do it themselves internally, they have to spend more &
their expected profit margins are curtailed
6 These management doctors least bother about Quality Criteria, because they do not know
about, what meaning of Quality & durability is
7 In such a situation, even if locally produced good is purchased, it has same meaning as of
international good, because both got no quality & durability
8 All such orgaisations must be condemned & their goods, if bad must be published, so that
others come to know about status of such bad companies
9 I have been in problems for many engineering goods, because of quality lapse. These
goods were purchased from high profile companies like Microtek & HP
10 There is no meaning to talk about Construction activities, because these have got no
quality at all, but lipstick powder & facial only
11 Think to improve national quality & raise your voice to set quality right & forget that
leaders in politics shall do something
12 Public spend money & they have to do it

P Eng Suraj Singh

25 July 2021  · 
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Quality In World
Engineering-Sales, Products & Quality
1 I have been concerned with Quality Issues, not because I treat myself an expert of that
discipline, but I consider that Quality is a Must, because seller charges for quality also,
within sale price
2 It is a fundamental right of a customer to be provided with required quality
3 Manufacturer or industrialist does not do any obligation on respective part in favour of
customer. Simple equation is that Customer pays & Manufacturer sells
4 Why should then bad quality products be accepted or be manufactured
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5 This is a top burning question & also, this relates to all fields of engineering
6 I have very bad experience of purchases simple products from internationally reputed
7 Recent examples, when I bought online on Microtech UPS for my computer, I paid
demanded sale price & got delivery
8 Having installed it, it failed in just 7 days of installation
9 I complained & one part was replaced, blaming on voltage fluctuations
10 Till, order is delivered, many SMSs are received, which is a good informative issue, but
my requirement is not SMS, but Quality product
11 That UPS again broke during warranty period of 2 years.
12 I placed an order of 2# HP wired mouses online & got delivery
13 When started using, one mouse did not work at all.
14 I sent a mail to agent of HP, but no reliable response was received, which made me angry
& to write scolding language to them
15 Then, after being helpless, I wrote to HP & they could not understand.
16 Then one mail was received that you have to write to someone else.
17 I got a call after that directed writing & disputed with them, because they again asked me
what problem was
18 Means there exists no one in that section, even to read mails clearly
19 Again, I with high pitch language, explained to them & they asked me to contact agent,
which raised my temperature & I shouted on them that it is your responsibility & solve it
20 After, I received a mail, through, through which they tried to teach me to talk politely &
again I responded that you deserve such treatment
21 I wrote back & forced them that you have to do it
22 They asked me to go to their service centre, which further irritated me
23 Then I did it, but my visit failed to get me any result
24 Then I wrote to them a bombarding mail & asked them to get their Quality Certification
25 Really, I was too upset with functioning of quality system on products sales
26 I told them that you are not functioning, per quality certification, because you failed to
check functioning of product, prior to packing
27 I told them that I shall impact your certificate & I was serious
28 Later, I got a mail that management is thinking to replace it & it would take 2 weeks
29 Then they tried to refer to another wireless mouse & not wired mouse
30 I replied to them that I required wired mouse
31 No solution reached till now
32 I am informing this to you guys, because I do not find any degree of seriousness of
quality anywhere, whether it be construction of manufacturing or industry
33 Current generation is mobile born, air conditioned born & they do not know about impact
of Sun & Thunderstorm
34 If there is no meaning of checking products, before delivery, where does quality exist?
35 It exists only in papers & customer is least bothered about papers
36 Quality Product is demanded & not SMS or packing
37 Swift service is demanded to replace bad products
38 It is not fault of customer, but seller or manufacturer

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39 There are so many other instances that we face every day & you too may be facing, but
seriousness nowhere exists
40 Construction in Civil engineering is number 1 dominating world, where no quality exists
& people just talk a lot & do very little
41 Engineering Institutions failed everywhere to organise quality on products
42 Engineers have failed drastically, as far as, quality organisation is concerned
43 Whole team depends only on engineers!
44 It is only engineers that can change scenario or else!!!!!
45 I shall provide all details, when resolution is reached

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
World-COVID-19-Recoveries are Illusions
Future impacts post discharge possible
1 New evidence suggests corona virus has lasting impacts on heart, raising alarm for
cardiologists, who have been concerned about potential long term heart injury from
2 Two German studies, published Tuesday in peer reviewed journal JAMA Cardiology,
found heart abnormalities in COVID-19 patients months after they had already recovered
from disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.
3 First study included 100 patients from University of Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19
Registry, who were relatively healthy adults in their 40s and 50s. About one third of
patients required hospitalization, while rest recovered from home.
4 Researchers looked at cardiac magnetic resonance imaging taken nearly two and a half
months, after they were diagnosed and compared them with images from people, who
never had COVID-19. Study found heart abnormalities in 78 patients, with 60 of those
patients showing signs of inflammation in heart muscle from virus.
5 “When this came to our attention, we were struck,” said Dr. Clyde Yancy, chief
cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and an editor at JAMA Cardiology.
6 Findings would have been virtually impossible to pinpoint without this study, as majority
of patients didn't exhibit any symptoms and these specific abnormalities detected by MRI
wouldn't have been seen on an echocardiogram, which is more commonly used in
standard clinical setting.

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India -COVID-19
Update July 31, 2020
1 Infections 16.38 Lakhs, World 172 Lakhs
2 Cases on July 30, 2020 More than 55000
3 Nation moves to very critical state of COVID-19
4 GOI has been doing nothing for public protection

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5 Public be ready to face it self

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat –France-Rafale Hidden Details of Purchase Rates???
1 Alliance of Merchant with Anil Ambani, who is a bankrupt!!!
2 No one in GOI cared
3 SC avoided this issue
4 But, public is not sleeping
5 People cannot trust Merchant PM
6 How could, without permission of Merchant, Bankrupt Ambani got deal under Rafale
from France?
7 How could Merchantignoe HAL???
8 Whole Pulse / Daal is Black!!!
9 Previously, we also, took Congress allegations lightly, but people now, start believing
this corruption Scam
10 Do not forget that SC cannot suppress eyes of Public
11 Do not forget that merchant is not Harish Chandra

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India
When Government leaves it to people to handle self???!!!
1 On July 28, 2020, Around 15 Lakhs infection cases officially & unofficially, could be 75
2 Rapid increase daily with speed 0.5 lakh
3 Public has been forgotten by Government
4 Nobody knows what shall happen next moment!!
5 PM has proved worthless & enjoying great smile, while he must be serious
6 Forget all other issues, because COVID-19 means, either live or die or face dirty
detrimental health in future
7 Indeed, time is not ripe for other issues, because, no life means no life & COVID-19
means danger to society
8 Now, Lakhs & next time for sure Crores, but leaders have slept
9 Let people solve their problems themselves
10 Why do we actually require government? For nothing!!!
11 In fact, people are self government & not PM led Government
12 Therefore, forget GOI & help self or else, no one shall stand with you from GOI
13 COVID-19 is relative to none, remember it is waiting for your body & you must keep
yourself safe
14 GOI did not bother, when it was given alert & it is not bothering now, when intensive
state of COVID-19 exists
15 Merchant is serious about economy of his friends & about temple construction

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16 What a sad time for temple construction, unfortunately!!!

17 Could be prorogued, but merchant thinks for winning religiously, for its votes & not for
national development
18 Merchant did not care for poor at all, that has been proved by condoning workers
19 We are humans have to act for our safety
20 There is no GOI at this time for public, except for some fools
21 Again remind, that you have to take care for yourself
22 No cow urine shall solve this problem
23 No chanting shall solve this problem
24 No ringing thali shall solve this problem
25 No kindling candle or diya shall solve this problem
26 No man ki baat shall solve this problem
27 We have with us, certainly, weakest & worst ever GOI
28 Public has been thrown to COVID-19 organisation's mercies
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India - COVID-19-GOI
1 It seems that there exists no GOI in Bharat India
2 Control on no sector, but only events shows, being displayed
3 No competent PM & No competent Minister
4 No competent POI
5 No control on COVID-19
6 No control on Prices
7 No Control on Administration
8 They are all ill educated & do not listen to people of Bharat India
9 43% MPs are having Criminal Background
10 43% Ministers are having Criminal Background or questionable history
11 Nobody knows what is going on in administration
12 No policy formation
13 No planning, only monkey & donkey talks!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public - Bharat India
COVID-19-Stop thinking that it has gone!
1 People in Bharat India have assumed that COVID-19 has gone
2 COVID-19 has yet started its true colour & in future, it shall work too fast, under power
of Delta & Lembda
3 Do not forget that it is free to contract you & everyone
4 Do not trust GOI published notifications about case loads & casualties
5 It is right time to have good care against COVID-19 or else, those, who do not care self
shall be in COVID-19 list

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6 Avoid crowds, Use Masks, Do not dance too closely, even during marriages, do not drink
in restaurants,
7 Remember that COVID-19 Delta is 3 to 6 times powerful than original COVID-19-
8 Youth can be contracted towards Delta & Lembda
9 Think & then act or else, COVID-19 has been too active

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public - Bharat India
1 Mindless Modi thinks that by re-hauling powerless ministry, public shall change its
opinion & support Modi HaHaHa
2 All know that there is only one & only one stupid minister & all know him
3 Better he should have resigned
4 No OBC cards would not work now
5 Modi is responsible for 25 Lakhs COVID-19 Related deaths

P Eng Suraj Singh

6 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public
World-Absence of Leadership Quality in Youth!
1 Youth that is considered leader in future should have certain quality coefficient & god
equips every youth with that criteria
2 It has been observed that this criteria has gone astray somewhere all over
3 Majority of youth have been carried away by power of money
4 Money that is significant part in life, but not an exclusive part
5 Money cannot buy everyone, but service
6 There are many youths, who are having leadership property to lead others, which state
requires to digest certain degree of struggle or self making, yet money greed or avarice
deflect/s their path
7 All pastures never continue to remain green, for mountains look attractive from distance,
but rocky or of soil, when reached at
8 When I talk of leadership, it never means political leadership, because world does not
expect political leadership to be pro people
9 Leaders in politics have proven themselves crooked all over
10 Youth until take responsibility of positive social leadership in whatever discipline or
profession, no society can move forward
11 Our lives are not constructed by vote eaters, who are generally crooked, but effective
leadership that has been missing
12 Youth has to take its role for this position that is responsible for making & forwarding
society in whatever form, selflessly
13 Money earning cannot be made a measurement scale for achievement
14 Personal life also, cannot be made a tool to measure, but contribution towards society
15 Youth has to understand its role towards making world & not just to survive for money
16 Think of yourself, think of others, think of country & think of humanity

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17 Youth can make houses for themselves, by earning money, but not for those, who make
their houses physically
18 Be active, do active, use your power & role
19 Do not think for crooked politicians
20 Lead self to lead others & lead nation & world

P Eng Suraj Singh

5 July 2021  · 
Shared with Public
World-COVID-19-Delta, Delta Plus & Lemda etc.
1 Expected COVID-19, Impact Through Water
2 Have vaccinated, but provisionally & for sure, do not rely upon relevant vaccines
efficacy, because, these are not foolproof
3 Vaccines are partly effective only
4 Whatever, political leaders around world instruct or assure, forget what they say & use all
time masks & glasses to keep yourself safe
5 Politicians shall not suffer, in case you contract COVID-19
6 Scientists shall not suffer, but you!!! Mind it
7 Very dangerous COVID-19 is on its way to attack humanity soon, through non human
contact mediums
8 Do not stop using PPEs & stop exciting about that COVID-19 has gone, because, it is
playing with humanity
9 COVID-19 is superb & we are all inferb, if compared to this most powerful entity
10 Whole Asia & Africa have been under Delta impact
11 Whole Europe has been under Delta impact
12 Major part of Far East has been facing its impact

P Eng Suraj Singh

5 July 2021  · 
World-COVID-19-Delta variant
1 It is advised that Delta may use water Medium to attack humanity
2 I have assessed this information, based on my intution through dream ora
3 This is no forecast, but received information from nature…

P Eng Suraj Singh

25 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
1 Has God organised well about Earth / Prithvi to make future decision related to
2 I had complained many times to my friend God, pertinent human spoiling all wealth
available on for every creature of Earth, but world robbers have deprived all world
citizens of required Godly produced wealth

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3 Per God's constitution of Earth, Earth belongs to all residents on Earth, including non
4 God had been fed up by some crooked children to abuse Earth to their benefits only
5 Every sector that could lead human to sustain a good life was exploited by these
smugglers of God delivered wealth, without obtaining God's permission
6 Result being that Air polluted, Surface polluted, Waters polluted, Minds polluted, Sea
polluted, Dignities polluted, Shame polluted, Living styles polluted, Truth polluted,
Honesty polluted, Dharma polluted, Faith polluted etc. etc.
7 God had no solution to foregoing problems & children never cared for God
8 God contemplated & then God decided to generate COVID-19, but it has been existing
on Earth for long
9 God, activated this weapon to impact on all human beings & even non human beings
1 Cover nose, mouth & eyes
2 Hands are dirty, wash wash & wash
3 People cheated Gods, close all worship places
4 Abuse of education, as it is on sale, close education institutions
5 Doctors, who had changed from serving status, were forced to work hard all times
6 Crowd used to create problems, so reduce to one third
7 Boys & Girls used to kiss whatever time, use masks & keep distance
8 Shaking hands have been stopped
9 Marriages shall be suspicious, because no one shall reveal truth about infection of Corona
10 Death has become meaningless, because crores have died or shall die
11 No value to cremations or burial & no value of religious ceremonies or relieving per
12 High profile seminars have been localized to net
13 All places for riches have been closed
14 Prideful riches world tour have been brought on hold
15 Mutual trust has gone & people seems psychic
16 Corona has become name of a threat, rather than a real disease
17 All Scientists have failed to reveal facts
18 All politicians have proved that they are real jokers
19 Western world & Europe have lost their known identities & now, they are being
understood below average
20 People have learnt to know that food change is a must
1 If people do not reform social life & professional lives, no future exists
2 All happened is God's Will
3 God desired & mandated Changes
4 But, yet human is avaricious & without knowing treatment, all are busy to find vaccine,
so as to make Corona opportunity based money
5 All must care to save from COVID-19 or be ready to face consequences
6 Infection is too dangerous, as if, some evil soul possesses human
7 Whole life health can be subject to additional effects
8 Must stop Air Conditioners & Cars use
9 Must reduce air travel

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10 Must stop buying fate food

11 Must cook at home
12 Must stop drinking alcohol
13 Must maintain social culture
14 No sexual exposure
15 No smoking
16 No undue extravert on ceremonies
17 No abuse of Petrol, Water & Air
18 No pomp & show of economy
19 Respect knowledge & that too true knowledge & forget cheating
20 Stop looting wealth
21 Stop involving with artificiality of pride
22 All moves with Corontine
23 COVID-19 shall secure all & tell each one to live simple
24 Think of Earth & God & help self & serve poor & needy
25 Do not support dishonest & corrupt
26 Do not support criminals
27 Do not divide society, based on Caste & Fake religions
28 And, all must be happy later, when conscience changes
29 Remember world does not have unlimited wealth!!!
Jai Prithvi / Earth / Jai Bhramand / Universe / Jai Truth

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public - SSSDR Bharat India
1 Merchant PM has nothing to teach to students of Bharat India, but it has done its best to
destabilize education from Bharat
2 Political Science is being changed from facts
3 Soul of Bharat India is being changed to Sanghis' designs, which are full of filth
4 They can remove Secularism & whatever from Constitutional studies meant for kids, but
they cannot change minds & soul of Bharat India
5 Modi is proving a Rogue PM in addition to Merchant PM status
6 Stop thinking that COI is just a book of Law!!!
7 It is soul of Bharat Citizens
8 Only super fools can think of Manusmriti speculations
9 He is busy in selling Bharat India assets & prospective minds of students
10 He has already destroyed higher education systems
11 He has already destroyed Institutions including Judiciary
12 Howsoever, Merchant must forget that this nation belongs to him or that it is his father's
13 Bharat India belongs to its subjects / citizens
14 Bharat India knows about it too well
15 Students are not fools like politicians
16 Bhakts can be called fools, but not non Bhakts
17 Time never supports one whole life & Change does its job with punctuality & regularity
18 Pride never stays permanently & one day dips into waters

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19 COVID-19 was not even expected, but it has come, doing its commands & changed
whole scenario
20 Better have sense or another form of COVID-Unknown shall set you right
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
SSSDR Bharat India 2014-2020
1 People have been changing their minds, in relation to mistakes that they caused during
foregoing period
2 There are Bhakts & their God, who got no other agenda of development & upliftment of
nation, but only single pointed manifesto
3 That single point manifesto is just to attack 60 years of nation's regime / since 1950
4 These Bhakts & their Fake God got no guts to speak out their achievements in 6 years,
because their CVs are blank with only bulleting past mistakes & that they cannot make
any mistakes, because whatever they do, is never correct
5 No achievement goes to their 6 years of full fledged working, for nation got no positive
move, but unlimited losses to an extent, that nation reached to sea bottom to a respecting
macro economy
6 Education has been fired by this regime
7 Science has been made a joke by this regime
8 Engineering has been considered just nothing
9 They always speak against 85% downtrodden population, as if, only Bhakts are
meritorious & others are nowhere
10 Unfortunately, their eyes have been blinded, so that Bhakts cannot view achievement
since 1947
11 These, are those people, who had never been Bharat supportive, for they supported
12 Now, they claim that they are only nationalist & opposing them & opposing their Fake
God are called anti nationals
13 Only stupidity lies in this criteria of definition
14 These, are mentally lost & completely, brain washed by Fake God
15 They are mostly upper class in social stratification
16 Beware of Bhakts & Fake God in national interest
Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public - Bharat-China - Specific interesting communication / conversation
1 Bharat - China you did not come to our lands & therefore, there exists no problem
2 China- We have shown you your value
3 Bharat- No border post has been taken over by China & there has been no intrusion, all
news are certainly fake
4 China- I made you fool, real fool, as I have intruded 4 Kms, but you had been sleeping
5 Bharat- Oh No, it is not true

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6 China- Ok, It is not true- Whole world, look what Bharat PM says. Therefore, do not call
me intruder on to their lands
7 Bharat- No problem, we shall send our armed officers to meet you formally!!!
8 China- Do not befool us, because we did not encroach your land
9 Bharat- But, we know China that our PM does not anything about encroachment, because
he is a kid, with no maturity
10 China- Let us make a deal!!!
11 Bharat- What does it mean?
12 China-I can move away 2 Kms & You too do same
13 Bharat- Ok, we move back 2 Km
14 China OK, we do too
15 China- We name this 4 Km land in title of Buffer Zone, means none can control it
16 Bharat- OK, we do
China smiling after agreement is reached
1 Bharat- Why are you smiling?
2 China- It seems that Bharat is weak in Mathematics
3 Bharat- What do you mean?
4 China- I entered into your land covering 4 Kms & now, I go back only 2 Km & push you
back by 2Km in Buffer Zone name
5 Bharat- What do you say?
6 China- Calculate & think, but we have agreed now!!
7 Bharat- You Red eyes, made us fools
8 China HaHaHa

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public- Bharat-Britain-World
1 I am unable to understand one point that happened under Royal Charter 1600 & EIC
Charter thereafter
1 It is well understood now, that to whom, our public of Bharat used to name Goras or
Firangis, how could they rule over our forefathers, when these British do not appear to be
civilised & intelligent
2 COVID-19 has exposed whole world standards & about how civilized are they!!!
3 I am currently, unable to find any reason, on what basis, we should call these Goras
society as intelligent & dynamic, because they are also, living in darkness
4 Their children & youth are no different that ours in every respect, except racial based skin
5 USA, UK & Europe expose similar dynamics of Social sciences, but we used to stay in
dreams, about their respective higher/superior standards, for we had been informed by
our past parents as such
6 USA public has been made foolish by top foolish President, who does not consider
anything other than about, how to save his seat, like our PM thinks so?
7 Russian President does not think anything else, other than about, how to be in seat up to
2036, when next moment is not guaranteed

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8 Trump does not even consider suitable & necessary to use PPE Mask!!!How can such
irresponsible President successfully lead nation powerful like USA?
9 Trump considers himself as top Scientist of World & condemns Sciences in totality
10 Similarly, Our Merchant PM does same
11 World has been changing by top power COVID-19 at moment & it has successfully very
smartly worked through & whole world has learnt many lessons, which shall impact
society for long times to come
12 British & USA have lost their standards & status among world
13 China & Europe have lost their standards among world
14 It has also, been proved that all powerful nations are powers only for name sake, with no
sound financial backing
15 All powers are proving themselves hollow vessels
16 Now, situation has reached to a status that all have thrown public responsibility, related to
COVID-19 & left public on its own
17 These nations are only keen to get economy & their ruling seats safe throughout world
18 But, they forgot that God is above all & they too have to leave this world for good
19 Our past parents, during British era could not understand weakness & lack of intelligence
of British Goras, due to degree of fear or British racial based terrorism, continuously
caused on to Bharat Public
20 Since USA citizens are not original, they too could successfully learn from British about,
how to abuse Blacks, under Gora terrorism & they have been doing it
21 On an overall basis, no one seems to be superior, other than COVID-19, who has
marched rapidly & uniformly
22 May be it stays for too long & cause changes to whole world
23 Real care of public resorted to is by GCC rulers, who did not show any disparity towards
residents / citizens & extended all kinds of medical helps to all
24 It shows that at least they respect humanity & not like our GOI or UK or USA
25 We must learn lesson & think for ourselves from a different perspectives
26 New eyes & ignited minds are needs of hour
27 Jai Bharat jai Vishva
28 COVID-19 continue your world change scenario obligations

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public- Bharat
Specific request to all on FB users
1 Those, who are Modi Bhakts should not send any request to me for Friendship
2 I do not intend to waste my time to deal with mindless community, who are not pro
Bharat, but Pro some illiterate person
3 If you think & can do whatever for Bharat India, you are welcome
4 If you are interested in Profession of Civil Engineering information exchange, you are
5 If you intend to deliberate on Constitution of Bharat, you are welcome
6 If you are interested on various national issues, you are welcome
7 Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

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P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public-Bharat
1 I request all Modi Bhakts, if they are friends on my page on FB, and if they do not like
my postings, which publish criticism of PM's working & GOI, may leave this page
2 I do not accept any abusive language from Modi Bhakts, because, it is no use to cry in
3 No one can set these Bhakts right, because of highest mental deficiency is prevailing in
4 I am not living for any political party, but for my Bharat
5 Your Modi's worship be good for your future
6 My future does not stand with crooked politicians
7 Jai Bharat Satyemev Jyete Vandematram

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2020  · 
Shared with Public
New Development in Public
1 People taunt others
2 If someone wears mask, is called Against Trump
3 If someone does not wear Mask, is called Pro trump
4 Means, USA too got crores / millions Trumps Bhakts
5 Really, Merchant PM has taught well Trump & USA public has been swayed to
negativism by negative merchant

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India - Opposition should quit Lok Sabha
Opposition should remain in public & debate
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people,
changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

P Eng Suraj Singh

28 July 2019  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat India
1 How many of us have been following these fundamental duties?
2 Are leaders of various parties, following these duties?
Part 4 A-COI
Article 51A Fundamental Duties
It shall be duty of every citizen of India

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a To abide by constitution & respect its ideals & institutions, National Flag & National
b To cherish & follow Noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom
c To uphold & protect sovereignty unity & integrity of India
d To defend country & render national service when called upon to do so
e To provide harmony & spirit of brotherhood amongst all people of India, transcending
religious, linguistic, & regional or sectional diversities to renounce practice, derogatory to
dignity of women
f To value & preserve rich heritage of our culture
g To protect & improve natural environment including, forests, lakes, rivers & wild life &
to have compassions for living creatures
h To develop scientific temper, humanism & spirit of inquiry & reform
i To safeguard public property & to abjure violence
j To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual & collective activity, so that
nation constantly rises to higher level of endeavour & achievement
k Who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or as case
may be or ward between age 6 & 14 years
Jai Bhara

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2018  · 
Shared with Public
1 Doctor means a person, who treats patients
2 Doctor means a learned person
3 Doctor means a person, with advanced studies, who does research in whatever field
4 Doctor means an exponent, who delivers certain unknown
5 Doctor means a person, who works on composition, research, development & review of
6 Doctor means a person in profession, with having basic academics & vast practical
experience / pragmatism
7 Doctor means a person, engaged in resolving issues in profession in theory as well as, in
practice, so as to reach project to its destiny of delivery
8 Doctor means a technician, who is expert to make & repair certain technology based
9 Doctor means a person with PHD degree
10 Doctor means a competent person, who authors books in an original fashion, without
copying & without using references
11 Doctor / Exponent is a person, who devises a system, unknown previously

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 July 2018  · 
Shared with Public
Bharat - भारत २०१९ किसकी सरकार ???
1 जितना मर्जी जोर लगा लो आरएसएस बीजेपी और सम्मानित प्रधान मंत्री मोदी
2 Force as much as RSS, BJP & Hon PM
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3 अब मोदी प्रधान मंत्री पद से जाने वाले हैं

4 जितना मर्जी जमु ले छोड़ो, जितना मर्जी वादे कर लो
5 Hon PM has to go off post
6 Deliver as many as Jumlas, make umpteen promises
7 जितना मर्जी बेवकूफ बना लो जितनी मर्जी रै ली कर लो भीड़ जुटा लो
8 अब मोदी प्रधान मंत्री जाने वाले हैं
9 Befool people as much as possible
10 Make gigantic rallies, Hon PM has to go
11 जितना मर्जी हिन्द ू मस्लि
ु म कर लो, जितना मर्जी लिंचिग
ं कर लो
12 अब प्रधान सेवक पद से जाने वाले हो
13 Debate Hindu Muslims, do lynchings, Hon PM has to go
14 बहुत हुई दे श की सेवा, अब सेवा दस
ु रो को करने दे ना हे
15 आपके बस्का मोदी प्रधान, अब सेवा करना नहीं रहा, क्योंकि बातों से रोटी नहीं मिलती
16 Enough Hon PM has served Bharat, talks do not deliver food
17 बातों से समस्याएँ हल नहीं होती
18 अब नरे न्द्र मोदी प्रधान मंत्री जा रहे हैं
19 विरोधी के सपोर्ट से बहुजन सरकार में आ रहे हैं
20 Opposition shall support Bahujans
21 बहुजन आ रहे हैं, आ रहें हैं, तथा आ रहें हैं
22 भारतीय जनता पार्टी का खेल समाप्त हो रहा है
23 भारत वास्तव में जाग रहा है
24 BJP has ended its game
25 Bharat is awakening
26 कांग्रेस पे बहुत झूठे इलज़ाम लगाए, पर उसकी पूंछ भी नहीं पकड़ पाए
27 प्रधान सेवक मोदी अब जाने वाला है
28 Allegations imposed upon Congress have resulted futile
29 नया सेवक आएगा और दे श को ठीक करे गा, जो वर्तमान प्रधान ने खराब कर दिया
30 New Hon PM shall come to set Bharat right, that has been spoiled by present Hon PM
31 टीवी चैनल्स की बकवास भी अब बंद होने वाली है
32 बहुजन के राज में बहुत लोग जेल जायेंगे
33 बड़े बड़े बैंक लुटेरों की खटिया खड़ी होगी
34 प्रधान सेवक अब जाने वाला है
35 TV channels designed shown shall end
36 Many corrupt shall go to jail in Bahujans regime
37 Bank robbers shall be held & their beds raised
38 प्रधान सेवक अपना चार्ज बना लो, बहुजन प्रधान मंत्री को दे ने के लिए, जो आने वाले हैं

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39 Repeat
40 प्रधान सेवक अपना चार्ज बना लो, बहुजन प्रधान मंत्री को दे ने के लिए, जो आने वाले हैं
41 Hon PM shall have to go now
42 Prepare your handing over charge Hon PM
43 बहुत हुई प्रधान सेवक की बाते, अब बस बहुजन आते
44 टीवी चैनल्स वालों अपनी दक ु ान को बंद करने की तैयारी कर लो
45 TV Channels, prepare to close your channels
46 इतिहास में ये सरकार पूर्ण नपुंसक मानी जाएगी
47 बड़ी बड़ी बातें करने वाले बात करते रह जायेंगे
48 This Dr Modi's GOI shall be considered in history as impotent
49 काम करने वाले संसद पहूंच जायेंगे
50 Work oriented persons shall join Parliament
51 पब्लिक तैयार रहो बेकार सरकार को भगाने के लिए
52 Public keep ready to kick GOI out
53 भारत दे श को उल्लुओं से बचाने के लिए
54 Protect Bharat from owls
जय भारत
Jai Bharat

Prakash KolpeP Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2017  · 
1 Sir, your views and comments r good, please write on engg.also

P Eng Suraj Singh

31 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Modi's Hypo!!-An illusion-Came to power
1 In name of eradication of corruption
2 But, could not understand that getting election funds from industries would cause a future
problem to me & my rule
3 Discovered that I am surrounded by my team, who too are participating in corruption
4 Thought that Gujarat model shall work over everywhere, but that model cannot be
applied universally for this model is itself a farce
5 I kept hiding many secrets in Gujarat for that was my native place, but I really could not
understand Bharat in true sense
6 I thought that dictatorship shall solve all problems, but found that it itself is evolving
7 I thought using name of Gandhi & Patel shall be a boon to me & my rule, but that legends
are also, getting faded now
8 I knew that I would not be able to explode all 40 lakhs crores black money from overseas,
but I did not know as well, that pubic shall be so active in this regard not to forget this
part of my agenda

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9 In fact, these people are so smart that in 3 years, they still remember that I promised to
pay only 15 Lakhs rupees to each individual
10 I do not know about, how to handle this neck / throat bone
11 I thought that in name of corruption screaming conducted by me against Congress, I shall
be able to move for 30 years, but till now, I could not find any clue about, how to
prosecute Congress leaders in name of looting this nation
12 Problem is that I could do that too easily had my own people not befriended with that
corruption in collaboration
13 By whispering, I state that I also, do involve within that collaboration for my 12 years
rule in Gujarat is not milk washed, but others do not know
14 I told all that I shall bring Utopia to Bharat, but Utopia requires elimination of Ravan
Rajya, whereas problem is that everywhere, there is Ravan Rajya, including my own
team members jurisdictions
15 I did not realise that people have been so smart that they do not remember for long, but
web connectivity has deteriorated all my illusion based visions
16 I was of an opinion that combat on press can resolve all such negative publicity issues,
whereas I tried copying Indira, but I failed for Rajiv's computer has altered whole show
17 Press combat has not worked well, for people do not bother press & TV now, but I am
also, impacted for my news & my speeches are also, considered Fake
18 All my plans & programmes have become a part of thousands laughing stokes
19 I know that all my designed election agenda has been a farce
20 All my plans have resulted in no direction
21 I know people are crying against enhancement of taxes & my FM is hopeless for people
22 I know that my / our relations to all neighbours have been spoiled, in spite of fact that I
tried to bribe them in name of international assistance
23 In fact, I never studied foreign policy applicable to Bharat & tried to bye pass previous
policies & results are evident that I myself have been encircled by all such irrelevant
24 My elder brother, who could be my master has been lying in bed & chair for many years
or else, I could go to him for guidance for he had been a pragmatic international leader &
not like me, who tries to change many dresses daily to impress all other international
leaders, using 1 Lakh rupees pen & 40000 rupees eye glass, with very expensive clothes
(cost secret)
25 I know that they do not hug me, but I do, even then they suspect me for my lack of
adequate education
26 Who shall help me come out of all such issues?
27 I naman all those, who believed in my fake man ki baats & election false never realising
28 My own party leaders ate lameducks
29 Shall you assist me?
30 Narender-Head of Hindu Rastra!!!

P Eng Suraj Singh

13 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Are we getting obsessed by politicians & political groups?

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1 Regretfully, writing that educated sections of Bharat society are getting to certain defined
orientation, in relevance to politics, which is nothing, but a slush area
2 It may be whatever political group all over land, there appears to be no major difference
in actions & understanding.
3 One part appears on one side & other appears on other side of coin, while many more
appear on circumference edge area of coin, but with similar physical & chemical
4 I am either loyal to BJP or Congress, as stated by some intellectual writers, but I do not
know why they so think?
5 They should understand that neither BJP nor Congress purchased me & they cannot
purchase me for they are not that rich to value my cost
6 When I write against BJP or to be properly worded, against GOI in some form or other, I
am entitled Loyal to Congress.
7 When I used to write against conduct of Congress in range of 2005 to 2008. I was named
as BJP oriented
8 I write about what I think fit according to my thoughts & analysis
9 As a Bharat subject, what I have to think & write, shall some other person tell me or
government in power would tell me
10 We are living in a democratic society, which is very vast & developing its all wings very
11 We have covered a long journey from desert to modern cities & rural villages to
urbanized villages
12 No one can hold mind of a person & no one can stop anyone to write about pro or against
13 As a serious & concerned citizen of this great land, it is my duty to express my views,
whether or not, someone pleases
14 I of course, do not care about, what others, those who only respond on writing & if find
against their contemplation, comment back illogical or logical, per their level of thinking,
but all such attempts cannot mar me, my contemplation or my writing messages to public
15 Neither BJP is mine, non Congress is mine
16 Why should I belong to any of these or others?
17 I am not intending to join politics & of course, I do not have background that can send
me to this field, where not even a school pass certificate is legally required, even to post
of president
18 It is also, true that not necessary, if my writings be per you images, which your mind
intend to see or read
19 I have my own mental activity working around
20 I do not intend to criticize others, for all have expressed constitutional rights
21 I may say GOI led by BJP is bad or good or by Congress was bad or good, it is all up to
me to impose upon writing
22 Why someone should burn ones heart for gain in none of positivity?
23 One can write ones thoughts on one page or all, if so interested to assist public from ones
vast knowledge about nation
24 Opposing responses shall not stop me from all such writings & would add strength
further to oppose located distant further, if it is so required

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P Eng Suraj Singh

9 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public- SSSDR Bharat India
1 Bhakts do have no minds in general
Modi Bhakts are excellent abusive language writers

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public - Thought
1 Those who do not know job shout too much
2 Those who know job do too much, but tell too less about, what has been done
3 Those who did not do anything or do not do, certainly criticize others, who do something
4 Those who sincerely work & those who do not intend to work are endangered by doer’s
acts, who sincerely work
5 A constructive criticism is done by a good friend, who must be regarded
6 An applaud is always extended by a non friendly person, who believes in other’s defeat
7 Fact remains that once you leave a job, in your absence, others who were your well
wisher would backbite for your sincerity
8 It is too easy to find mistakes & errors caused by person, who at least works
9 It is too difficult to find errors related to those, who never work
10 When one works, errors are imminent, mistakes are imminent, but improvement must
11 Foolish incompetent persons allege upon those, who have left job or this world
12 Brilliant & competent are those, who apply remedial measures upon mistakes & errors
caused by predecessors or else, incompetent keep barking
13 No one can be perfect, but proficient
14 Stupid reiterate errors caused by previous authorities in position
15 Responsibility must be owned by current flow & not that has died
16 Leaders are those, who accept mistakes & openly try to amend
17 Those who always talk about mistakes caused by past incumbent, certainly do not know
about, how to correct mistake & therefore, keep complaining

P Eng Suraj Singh

10 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Professional Engineer Title Related Post Written Examination Peer Interview
1 We engineers, after having academically qualified do have to work in field of engineering
related disciplines, either in core designs or in core execution engineering or else.
2 Per mandate of International Professional Engineering Agreement IPEA post graduate 7
years experience is a must, including 2 years in responsible position
3 During this period, candidate is required to record whatever one learned, while applying
principles of engineering, methods, errors or else, whatsoever
4 Continuous professional development CPD is an only opportunity in addition to self
evaluated report that candidate submits for purpose of professional engineers board
review to ensure sufficiency of candidate’s expected attainment at this stage

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5 Examinations both written & oral are meant to ensure that academically qualified
engineer has grown up to a level, wherefrom, achieved competency or capacity to be
legally certified for purpose of personal engineering practice that covers complete
responsibility for each & every act to be done in profession, hold good to be allowed
6 Such examinations are designed to cover above degree level subjects, which are ‘must to
be learned’ by professional experience for all these are very diverse in scope of practical
7 Every such subject got unlimited coverage, depending upon what project one handles
8 Main considerations remain that all those principles in theory, systems, management &
related inter disciplines, whether in engineering or otherwise must be clearly understood
& have been practically applied on project.
9 Project management particularly covers 3 main points namely time, cost & quality
10 Correct consistency respecting these certainly enriches working of project in to a
satisfactory results, but these management triangular corners are not so easy to
concurrently applied with
11 SHE, Quality Requirement, Engineering, Work management, administration & whatever
else, make prosecution too difficult, but leads to deliver of a professional project
12 A PE candidate is required to analyse during work experience, all these relevant sub
disciplines just to communicate clearly, based on interactions about, what level of
attainment accumulated in & list of difficulties, ambiguities & follow up resolutions for
final application to a success
13 Facts tell, when one does all as stated, a professional back up is automatically stored in
candidate earned knowhow about problems, issues & applicable & reliable solutions
within costs & time limits scheduled
14 In fact, as many projects one executes, level of consistency of knowledge & power of
competency both enhance personality, augmenting candidate’s professional confidence in
theory & practice making one expert gradually
15 PE status is designed to mark that professional incumbent is fit for work under required
competency to serve public with quality delivery & upkeep safety, a product that would
serve & be durable / reliable
16 Foregoing explanation is just an indicative one, for there exists no limit to include
whatsoever, depending upon professional work in different fields
17 Profession includes, designs, engineering, quality, safety, execution, management,
procurement, administration etc.
18 These are too descriptive spheres of expertise, involving a lot to be managed on every
19 These Spheres further furcate to various sub disciplines, which requires a question banks
to be used for PE interviews
20 Interview is not destined to know about whether or not, candidate know basics of
engineering or field work
21 No employer shall be pleased to pay to some unproductive engineer
22 It is not relevant to government employed engineers, located anywhere / everywhere in
23 Having so many years of experience, certainly engineer must know profession & have a
degree of expertise, which requires interviewing peers to raise questions that are relevant

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to profession & not just to check like an examiner about each aspect that applicant
24 Peer must have a status first, which establishes that peer self knows about, what is related
to be conferred with applicant
25 Excessive screening with, what applicant has submitted on CPD & self assessment do not
prove that Peer is well qualified to conduct such significant interview
26 Peer should have a degree to assimilate about, what candidate should know or should not
27 Questions that do have weight in line to profession only should be raise & responding
questions from candidate must also, be accommodated
28 It is not an interview just to mark pass or fail, but whether applicant is competent or not
competent to required mark
29 Communication skill is too significant for purpose of professional management, but not
for scrutiny like writing precise summary or compounding sentences or articulating
30 Professional language of communication is not what is structured script of any language
31 Communication means whatever is written must be clearly understood by person, who
reads that
32 Project Charter, Contract documents, Method Statements, Specifications, Design
procedures, Reports, Project Plans, Schedules, Investigations etc. that constitute
professional work do not import application of structured script
33 Interviewers must realize about, what is professional requirement & what is undue
34 At start of interview, certainly candidate is asked to narrate experience from career start
& when it is done, many questions can be asked from such speech
35 Candidate would certainly improvise & make it evident that it knows
36 Cross questioning would make candidate’s understanding proven
37 If peer is competent, just in maximum 20 to 30 minutes, competence of any / every
applicant can be established, by an only oral testimony
38 Significant requirement is that peers must have studied candidates CV comprehensively
39 Two CVs are required, one is complete career & one is 5 years only
40 Both must be analysed, prior to conducting interview conference

P Eng Suraj Singh

9 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public- SSSDR Bharat India
1 RSS never ever participated in Freedom Movement
2 They are talking of Hindu Rastra
3 Talking of Nationalism
4 Talking of Cow Protection
5 And so on & so forth.
6 Vote means / is everything for such politicians
7 Do not comment that RSS is not a political party for BJP is masked as such
8 This nation Bharat has to stay as ‘Bharat’ & Not ‘Hindu Rastra’ for ‘Bharat’ is real
Dharma Rastra, while Hindu is an Islamic/ Mogul designed name
9 Bharat stays united not because of RSS, but COI

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10 COI names it Bharat in addition to India

11 BJP is in power to comply with all provisions mandated under COI
12 Do not try to divide society in name of religion, caste, cow, mandir & many other issues
13 Try solve & come out with solutions
14 Nation belongs to people of Bharat (We people of India)

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public - Our leaders pre & post freedom 1947
1 Tilak, Gandhi, Subhash, Bhagat etc. are architects of freedom
2 Godse Architect of demolition of leaders
3 Jawahar Lal Architect of Mixed economy to avoid concentration of wealth, within few
wealthy people
4 Jawahar Lal Architect of agricultural inundation by canalizing fields & construction of
5 Jawahar Lal Architect of education system that helped initial stages of nation say 40
years of freedom years
6 Education system that helped have various jobs in field of virtual professions
7 Lal Bahadur Architect of honesty & simplicity, that nation should look like on ground
8 Indira Architect of banking & destroyer of Kings & Navabs
9 Indira Architect of TV initiation
10 Indira Architect of abuse of constitution
11 Indira Architect to control people by force
12 Architect of Bangla Desh creation Indira
13 Architect to lead internationally even ignoring superpower
14 Architect to instruct only used potatoes in emergency
15 Architect to having good international relations with Russia
16 Architect of self appointed King & forced sterilization Sanjay
17 Architect to digest its defeat rationally & with dignity
18 Architect of useless conduct in politics Janta Party Khichri
19 Architect of useless work Morarji
20 Did nothing, but talked of Jivan Kundli Jal-Urine drinking
21 Architect to send Indira to jail using parliament for 3 days Charan Singh
22 Architect to come back to power Indira
23 Architect of nothing VP Singh & Gujaral
24 Architect of computer & Coloured TV revolution Rajiv
25 Architect of voter age 18 & mandate on Panchayat Raj Rajiv
26 Architect of Economy opening Narsimha & Man Mohan
27 Architect of no talk & too much talk Narsimha
28 Architect of not to decide Narsimha
29 Architect to teach good conduct in politics Atal Bihari
30 Architect to teach politics as opponent / adversaries & not enemies Atal
31 Architect to encourage Nuclear Test Atal
32 Architect of Nuclear policy Man Mohan 123 agreement at cost of loosening government
33 Architect of silence Man Mohan
34 Architect of silence, but work Man Mohan

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35 Architect of Promises & reverting Promises Modi

36 Architect of symbolic gesture Modi
37 Architect of talks & talks. with least action Modi
38 Architect of claiming 40 Lakhs crores scam done by previous regimes, but when
provided opportunity to act for action to put scammers in jail, failed even in 3 years of
PM of this great nation
39 Only talks would not work. Engineering requires action even though, it is political
40 No one can be designated scammer, unless acted upon by government & then by
41 Engineering means speak & prove or stop talking senseless
42 Newer generations must rectify those errors, if they are competent & should then be
called Architect for remedial measures
43 They should not act Architect of Accusations only, which is too easy for someone
44 Moreover, all those, who have left for their permanent abodes, must have faced
punishment of their wrong doings. Why should we talk of something, which is out of our
45 We all make mistakes & try to admit & remedy those mistakes
46 If we do something, mistakes occur or else, our files remain clean
47 Now, there is a government of opposite Congress, which gives them a right automatically
to act against all those leaders, who have been involved with scams & corruption thereby,
but this police equivalent have no such direction, evidenced till now
48 Could be that they too are part on those scams or else, they completely lied in public by
propaganda management.
49 Emotional outburst shall not prove it, but facts would do & action would
50 It shall be a happy day for all, if those scammers, including Sonia & MMS are awarded
imprisonment, related to 40 Lakhs crores overseas, so called parked sum, but it would
never ever happen, which is signaled clearly
51 We have achieved nothing in that direction, while elephant SIT led by Justice MB Shah
has been getting its remunerations regularly for more than 3 years
52 In past, Atal too ruled us for many years, but could not do anything as well
53 Everyone should think in those leaders shoes about, how these errors happened & how, if
I were in those offices, could tackle to avoid errors?
54 Simply enlisting certain issues such as Kashmir or China or else, would not work at all
for decades have gone
55 There could be certain such circumstances knows to them only about, how they led to
those right to erroneous decisions
56 Now Netaji Subhash, related files have been opened, but no new point has come up to
show that he did not lay his life for this nation
57 Ministry still claims that he lost his life in plane crash
58 Nehru never preferred Indira for PM post
59 It was Congress, who did it & public approved it
60 Rajiv too was approved by public
61 Sanjay was rejected by public
62 Indira was also, rejected by public
63 But, she was reinstated after 1.5 years

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64 Once, Atal Bihari, who had been honest was rejected by public, even doing great
65 Congress held issue of UN resolution, by not conducting plebiscite / referendum, ordered
by UN security council, based on which, we are claiming that it is an integral part of
66 But, legal facts do not tally with our claims
67 Require to do complete analysis
Jai Bharat

P Eng Suraj Singh

8 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public - Ace Leaders
1 What can big leader do, when not even considered a leader of standard, but left in VIP
wilderness in title of Margdarshak, where there is no Marg decided by nominator for
nominator does not have any vision, where to go?

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
Promoters Launching Projects In Name PM Avas Yojna
1 I have noted many schemes, related to housing being launched by promoters in name PM,
while buyer has to pay demanded sum
2 These schemes are same as routine schemes, but how these are being named as PM Avas
Yojna is not understood
3 Is this a part of another propaganda?

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
BPL Cards- Must be cancelled & revisited
1 Below Poverty Lines cards require major considerations & review by GOI
2 This scheme had been planned by Bharat to support those sections of society that could
not make their food even as a part of living
3 Unfortunately, this scheme has been abused & misused by all classes of people, including
government employees & constitutional functionaries like MLA / MP & others
4 Basic definition mandates that a person can be called BPL, if one has no pucca house, no
scooter & no fan in home, otherwise, one does not belong to BPL category
5 BPL cards have been issued to those, who have bigger houses in villages & getting
thousands & lakhs rent from those structures
6 These people have cars, all facilities like air conditioner, fridge, TV, computers etc.
7 I have seen one family having one house & trying to buy another valuing 26 Lakhs,
having 9 Lakh value car, computer, fridge, stolen electricity & all facilities, But having
privilege of BPL
8 Tax payer does not add to revenue for such illegal & uncontrolled expenses
9 Irrespective, if what & whose government there is, it applies to all
10 Public funds have been misappropriated all times

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11 I am sure that hardly 5 to 10 % of these cards are owned by real needy

12 All other cards have been abused
13 GOI did nothing & current GOI is also, not doing anything to combat this public looting
14 Tax collected funds should be used for nation building & not to destroy as used on BPL
as well as, could be on other such schemes for poor
15 GOI & all state governments must look into this issue & cancel all such BPL cards for
new issue, with proper procedure definitions
16 Money cannot be allowed to be thrown away

P Eng Suraj Singh

7 July 2017  · 
Shared with Public
BJP Says
1 It is responsible for every good act in Bharat
2 It is responsible for pushing British out of Bharat
3 It is responsible for all developments that have occurred in Bharat
4 It is an only honest & different party
5 It is a party that does not believe in Bharat Ka Savidhaan
6 It is responsible to achieve a name of Good Bharat
7 Before it came to power, world did not know Good Bharat, but Bhrast Bharat
8 It says that BJP keeps only persons, related to Harish Chandra, though Subhash Chandra
can play with election marking ink
9 It has only one honest PM & all others were corrupt
10 All looted Bharat, but in 12 years in Gujarat, Harish Chandra ruled
11 It helps all to extend sab kaa sath sab ka vikas, but does not care, if farmers die
12 Once it gets elected, it then starts calling all promises Jumlas
13 It speaks very well like a guru of Dharma, who hypnotizes masses
14 In 3 years it has done everything that could not be done by other corrupt
15 It is too soft not to file cases against corrupt
16 It has successfully stopped economy
17 It has successfully damaged relations with all neighbours
18 It has brought nation to threshold of wars with China & Pakistan
19 It entertained China PM in swing / Cradle, but it is now luffing
20 It touched feet of Pakistan Rani, but it is now shocking for no earthing provided,
probably missed during touch
21 It has started a new world relation with someone, who does not have any relation with
Arab World, which considers us a part of their community
22 FM is only interested in credits
23 FM says that Atal started GST & not Congress
24 He could say that JP liberated this nation, not Congress
25 They have done all new aspects, not seen before
26 They care for industrialists, but allow farmers die
27 They do not bother about mob lynchings
28 They do not bother about Law & Order

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29 They do not bother about some new CM of Delhi, who intends to deliver something to
30 This GOI so far delivered only promises equating to Jumlas!!!
31 Jai Bharat-Necessary to write to avoid being lamented by them Anti national

Current Posts
On Face Book 04.07.2023
Bharat India Uniform Civil Code - A Delusion Created by EVM PM Modi
1 Is it required for general public or it is just another public stunt to please so called Hindu
2 Why not to declare just a law of one line that no citizen has any right to marry more than
one spouse at one time?
3 Bharat Culture per Holy records permits more than one spouses at one time
a Raja Dashrath had 3 wives
b Krishna had 8 wives
c Chandra had 27 wives
d Dropdi had 5 husbands
e Bheem had 2 wives
f Arjuna had 3 wives
g And many more such factual examples
4 Islam accepted maximum limit of 4 wives at one time & Islam does not recognize
marriage in a way, so called Hindus recognize. It is ‘Nikahnama’!
5 Islam recognizes an agreement, between husband & wife & not established relation from
one birth to another & imaginary up to 7 births
6 No divorce or Talak permission exists, per Vedas recognized by so called Hindus
7 Why does Modi not raise a voice to abrogate Hindu Marriage Act & replace that by
Vedas included provisions?
8 Stop befooling voters by playing religious cards!

Page 127 of 127 Suraj Singh Publication 03.07.2023

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