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Part IV 25-minute Test 25-minute Test Part IV Acids and Bases Name Day ke & (7) Cus 4B Dae one feet Tl vs /20 Time allowed: 25 minutes |. Which ofthe following statements about 100 em’ of 1.0 M CHyCOOH{(aq) is correct? 1 does not contain OH (a). Less than 0.10 mol of NaOH(aq) is needed to completely neutralize it tacts with NH(ag) to give salt only. thas a pl of 0, oer 2. Which of the following acids contains the largest amount of H’(aq) ions? A. 4em' of 0.7 M sulphuric acid B__ 10cm’ of 0.5 M nitric acid (Oven 3M nda D. 40cm’ of 0.2 M ethanoic acid 3. 25.0 cm’ of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution is titrated against 0.2 M nitric acid. Which of the following apparatus shoud be rinsed with istiled water and then with 0.2 M nitric acid before the tation? (1) Pipette: (2) Burete (8) Conical flask A (only CB eonly C. (and @) only D. @)and Q) only OG NEW CHEMESTY—A ote ine SStas he Eason! Pro 1 25-minute Test Partv 4. Consider the following four solutions P| 100cm’ of 0.5 M NaOH(aq) Q |[100cm’of0sMNHaq) _ | R_|100 em’ of 0.5 M HCKaq) ["s[s0em" oro m1i:s0dea) | Which of the following statements about the solutions is correct? Rand Shave the same pit. When mixing Q and R, HCI(a)is in excess. ©. Qhhas a grater pH than P. D. When mixing P and R, «neural solution is produced 5. A sample of an acid has a pH of 3.0, 200 em’ of the sample is diluted to 400 cm’ by adding distilled water. What isthe pH of the diluted sample? Qs B27 ©. 33 D. 60 6. The following diagram shows the set-up used in a tration between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide solution. ethanoie acid sodium hydroxide solution EA + indicator ¥ Which of the following combinations about indicator X and its colour change atthe end point is comect? work our change of Xa the end point @ Phenolphthalein Pink to very pale pink Phenolphthalein _Colourless to very pale pink CC. Methyl orange Yellow to orange D. Methyl orange Red to orange HOSE NEW CHEMISTRY —A Modem View 2025 Ate Educator Pres Ll. 25-minute Test pane 7. Which ofthe following, when added to 1 M hydrochloric acid, would NOT change the pH of the aca? A. Distilled water BL 1M sulphur aid C1 M nie cia (D.) 1 Methanoic acid 8. Ina titration experiment, 40 em of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid is added from a burette, 2.00 em at 4 time, to 25 cm’ of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution. The temperature of the reaction mixture is recorded immediately after each addition ofthe acid 0.5 MHCK(q) thermometer ‘ expanded polystyrene cup _» (0.5 M NaOH(aq) ‘Which of the following graphs correctly shows the relationship between the temperature of the reaction mixture and the volume of hydrochloric acid added? Ag Boy i fie: i 5 added / em? added / cm? | a 2 : Hi 5 L- 5 g i : é é Volume of HCKaq) Volume of HCI ea) ‘added / cm" added / cm? Os NEW CHEMISTRY — A Neem Vw (O23 Ata Eaveateal Pres Us a 25-minute Test 9, 10. M. Partlv $:10 g of potassium hydrogenphthalate (C\H,O.K) is dissolved in distilled water and made up 10 1 250.0 em’ solution. 25.0 em’ ofthe potassium hydrogenphihalate solution is titrated against (0.150 M sodium hydroxide solution ‘What isthe volume of sodium hydroxide solution required for complete reaction? (Molar mass of CsH.0,K = 204.1 g mol") (A) 16.7 em’ B. 250cm" ©. 334m" D. 37.5em" Both acids X and Y are strong monobasic acids. $0.0 em’ of 0.20 M acid X is mixed with 75.0 ‘em of 0.60 M acid ¥, 40.0 em’ of 0.40 M HClaq) is then added to the mixture, What is the pH. ‘of the resultant mixture? A. 025 BL 037 ©w D. 084 Which of the following diagrams shows the correct setup for drying a moist gas sample by using concentrated sulphuric acid? A 9 yeas BY ost ey ys zs gas i Sple Kh Semple A BA concentrated E> concentrated HSO«), H:80,() © moist + — diy gas > moist + ——y ay gas = 7 sample sample ) \ EZES5- concentrated EZHES— concentrated #800) H:80.() NEW CHEMSTRY —AMder Vow Bipasha Easetena Pes ‘ Paty 25-minute Test '2. Farmers often add slaked lime to soil because A. slaked lime isa fertilizer, G slaked lime reduces the acidity of sol “sled lime kil the bacteria inthe soi D._slaked lime slows down the evaporation of water from soil, 13. Which ofthe following substances canbe used to prepare zine nitrate crystals by their action on dilute nitric acid? (1) 28) 2) ZnCOKs) v G) ZmHCOns) (AL (and 2) only B. (1)and (3) only C. @)and 3) only D. (),@2)and@) ‘Which of the following reaction routes should be used for preparing lead(II) sulphate from lead(t) oxide? NaSOMaq) A. PbO(s) ——> PosO¥s) HS04aq) B. PLO) ——> PosOus) HiCI(ag) NaSOdaq) POs) ——> POCI(eq) ——> PHSOAs) HNO,(aq) H:S0409) (B} P03) —— Poavo.n(a) —— Poso4s) |S. “Fizzy dink’ tablets contain citi acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate asthe active ingredients. ‘Which of the following statements are INCORRECT when a “fizzy drink’ tablet is added to water? (1). Hydrogen ions are produced, (2) Awhite precipitate forms (3) Neutralization occurs. A. (1) and Q) only By (I)and @) only (©) @)and 3) only D. (),(2)and (3) HOSE NEW CHEMISTY — Adem View (ates Ato Esato Prem 25-minute Test Partly 16. There arethree unlabeled bottes each containing oe ofthe flowing colores solutions 20. Za(NO3):(aq) Pb(NOs):(aa) NaNOx(aq) ‘Which ofthe following solutions ean be used to distinguish between these solutions? AL NaQH(oq) (8. niiiaq) ae HNO\(aq) D. KOH(aq) ‘When a bottle of limewater is placed in the laboratory fora long time, some white solid appears round the mouth ofthe bottle. Which ofthe following may the white solid be? Calcium oxide Calcium carbonate Sodium oxide Sodium carbonate => gol ‘Which ofthe following statements about concentrated acids are correct? (Concentrated nitric acid is usualy stored in brown bots. 2) Concentrated hydrochloric acid forms acid mist when exposed to ai, (3) Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used for drying ammonia gas A. (land Q) only B. (1) and) only (2)and (3) only (D,@)and 3) 25.0 em’ of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide solution is mixed with 10.0 em of 0.4 M sulphuric acid, ‘What is the concentration, in g dn”, of sodium sulphate in the resultant solution? (Relative atomic masses: O= 16.0, Na= 23.0, $= 32.1) A. 00714 gdm? B. 0143 gdm S. 507 gam? (2) 0 gan? In which ofthe following reaction mixtures does dilute sulphuric acid NOT at as an acid? (A) HeS0daq and BeCh(0q) TB. HySOqaq) and Ne;COsaq) € and Fe(s) D._ 180,(aq) and CuO(s) ROSE NEW CHEMISTY —AModum View a5 prt Educa Pros Li .

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