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2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078316 Generated on: Jul 22, 2023

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: School Exchange Partnerships

Project Title

Let's save the environment, before it is too late!

Project Coordinator

Organisation Gymnázium Dobruška

Address Pulická 779 , 518 01 Dobruška , Královéhradecký kraj , CZ


Project Information

Identifier 2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078316

Start Date Sep 1, 2020

End Date Aug 31, 2022

EC Contribution 143,450 EUR


Transporturi Auto "Traian Vuia" Galati (RO) , Usak Lisesi (TR)

Topics Energy and resources ; Social/environmental responsibility of educational

institutions ; Civic engagement / responsible citizenship

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2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078316 Generated on: Jul 22, 2023

Project Summary

Humans have always been ambitious and have done their best to dominate nature so that they could have a
better and comfortable life. However, to achieve their goals, Humans have been damaging the Earth without
thinking about the negative impacts of their actions. Since the beginning of the 21st Century, a range of films
have been showing a dystopian future of our planet where environmental destruction and loss of quality of life are
key topics. Many countries have signed Kyoto protocol and other international environmental agreements that
should not only be deterrent to further environmental destruction, but also make the world leaders engage, design
and implement real and effective measures to preserve and protect the Earth. These actions have not been
implemented properly and so we as proactive European educators need to start collaborating to help our students
to be aware of the real environmental problems we are all facing nowadays globally. In this context, we have
designed this European educational partnership project because we wish to help our students get awareness on
the serious environmental problems caused by mankind with long-lasting negative impacts on our common home,
the Earth. We want to provide them with proactive environmental educational and citizenship values and skills so
that they can become responsible citizens really engaged in fighting for a cleaner and safer world for them and for
the future generations. Through this partnership, we also aim to make our schools greener by implementing
environmental practical policies and engaging all the members of the school communities.
This project main objectives are as follows:
- To share ideas and best practices amongst the different European partner countries as far as environmental
issues and problems are concerned;
- To help students get acquainted with a range of environmental topics such as sustainable development,
renewable sources of energy;
- different types of pollution, burning fossil fuels, renewable energy sources, the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle),
sustainable development, etc;
- To increase students’ self-confidence in new and different contexts (study visits, field work, LTTAs),
- To foster students’ flexibility and adaptability skills;
- To foster students’ engagement in their learning processes increasing their autonomy while doing project work
with environmental research, collecting data and presenting results;
- To enhance the participants’ intercultural competences and raise awareness of sharing national and European
values “United in Diversity”;
- To improve social and communication skills in multicultural and multilanguage contexts;
- To promote social inclusion within the school communities especially of the minority groups and the
disadvantaged students;
- To help students gain awareness of the importance and added value of getting involved in the life of their
communities which will empower them to become more active citizens;
- To increase teachers’ professional and personal development by sharing knowledge and best practices with
their European partners.

We intend to involve directly 1000 students aged 14-16. They are a very heterogeneous group: diverse social and
economic backgrounds, different nationalities, mixed abilities students, VET or general training students, high and
low achievers, different religious backgrounds, minority ethnic groups, diverse geographical backgrounds - rural
and urban areas. This heterogeneity is a key feature in our project and we believe it brings added value into it.
The fact that we can observe one another and learn from each other about our problems, interests, career paths,

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2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078316 Generated on: Jul 22, 2023

For the LTTAs participation, 100 students will be selected.

C1 – Water is Life (transdisciplinary approach, water as a source of life, water shortage)
C2 – Keep our environment clean (recycling, waste management)
C3 – Breathe and Let Breathe (air pollution, air quality)
C4 – Global warming issues and renewable energies for sustainable development
C5 – Take Action: Let’s build a cleaner future!
Before each LTTA, students will do a range of activities such as field work based on environmental research on
their school situation, on the context of the local community and their country. They will also interview their school
peers, parents, relatives and members of the community about the environmental subject to be addressed in the
LTTAs . Students will also establish contact with local authorities and NGOs so that they can learn about local
and national policies and, consequently, how schools can become actively involved in proteccting the
environment. The results of the students’ work will be shared during the LTTAs. During the LTTAs, the students
will have the opportunity to showcase their work not only to their peers but also to all the participants. Besides,
students will also have a relevant part in the teachers coordinated a

Link to project card: Show project card

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