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Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a girl called Ela.

She was
sweet and charming, the adoration of her parents. Ela's father was a well-
known merchant, and on one of his trips he married again. Later, he brought
his new wife named Lady Tremaine home, who did not arrive alone. She had
2 daughters of Ela's age. They were Anastasia and Drizella Tremaine, arrogant
and superficial girls who decided to make life impossible for Ela, so much so
that they changed her name by Cinderella. But that was not all for Cinderella,
when she found out that her father had died on one of his trips, Cinderella
was left in the care of her stepmother Lady Tremaine and her stepsisters. As
the years passed, Cinderella became a very beautiful young woman who
aroused the envy of her sisters. As a result, Anastasia and Drizella became
more and more selfish and unkind to Cinderella.

Cinderella slept by the kitchen fireplace.


GUS: Cinderella, wake up! Lady witch, she's calling you... wake up!

CINDERELLA: Gus another little while, I'm very sleepy..... GUS: wake up, it's
dawn, open your eyes, the witch is coming up.

(Cinderella opens her eyes, when she sees the sunlight she wakes up running
from one side to the other)

Cinderella: Gus, why didn't you wake me up? (she starts to prepare

GUS: (grimacing, "I told you so") (Stepmother from her bedchamber)

STEPMOTHER:(shouting): Cinderella, what are you doing, you lazy bum,

where's my breakfast, have you done your chores? (she shouts again)
Cinderella! Come quick

(Cinderella arrives at her stepmother's with breakfast)

STEPMOM: you're being lazy again Cinderella, today you have to scrub all the
floors in the house, clean the windows, the kitchen, prune the garden and
iron my clothes

CINDERELLA: good morning, My Lady, here is your breakfast. (anastasia and

Drizella were going into their mother's room) DRIZELLA: Yes, go clean the
floors, Cinderella!

ANASTASIA and make it quick! jijij

DRIZELLA: besides, I need you to fix my closet.

ANASTASIA: Mine too.

CINDERELLA: This is a lot of work, I'll have to hurry, otherwise I'll fall asleep
cleaning again

GUS: Don't worry, I'll help you. The ruler of this land, an old man who, in
order to give up his position to his only son Prince William, has decided that
he must marry.


KING: It’s high time my son settled down and get married. I want to see my
grandchildren to run around the palace.

DUKE: these things will take time, Your Majesty, the prince has not found the
right young woman to marry.

KING: You don’t know what it means to see your only child grow... I’m lonely
in this desolate old palace.

DUKE: I Understand. But don’t worry Your Majesty, there must be something
we can do
KING: I know, we’ll have a ball and invite all the young ladies of the kingdom,
take care of it immediately!

DUKE: Yes sir.

KING. I want tonight to be very special for my son, for that reason I want all
the preparations to be perfect.
Invitations had been sent to every maiden in the whole country for a big


CINDERELLA: My Lady, a letter has arrived from the palace.

STEPMOTHER: let me see, (begins to read), “there will be a ball in honor of



DRIZELLA: the prince!

STEPMOTHER: “and by order of the king all the marriageable maidens must
attend”. CENICIENTA: Then I can go too?

DRIZELLA: No, mother. She can’t go.

ANASTASIA: Can you imagine her dancing with the prince? DRIZELLA: Can His
Majesty take my broom?

(both girls laugh hahahahahahahahahaha)

Cinderella: hahaha very funny, because I can’t go, I’m part of the family,
besides it says that all the marriageable maidens are invited.

STEPMOM: mmmm that’s a very good argument, it’s ok you can go if you
finish your homework.

CINDERELLA: thank you, thank you, I’ll finish quickly.

STEPMOM: And you’d better find a dress to wear.

CINDERELLA: I will do that thank you DRIZELLA: Why did you say that?

STEPMOM: It’ll never end.

DRIZELLA: cinderellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa where are

my dresses

STEPMOTHER: Cinderella, come to the kitchen, I’ve spilled something.

CINDERELLA: I’m coming


GUS: Poor Cinderella is being bothered all the time, Cinderella, Cinderella

DRIZELLA: Cinderellaaaaaaa

GUS, she won't be able to find a nice dress.


While chaos reigned in Cinderella's house, another battle broke out in the
palace an hour later.

PRINCE: Father, why did you organize a ball?

KING: Because I want you to get married.

PRINCE: But I don't want to get married yet, I want to explore the world.

KING: Well, you will do what I say, because I am your father, the king of this
kingdom. My dear son, I promise you'll be the happiest Prince of all the

PRINCE: but... it's ok, yes sir (sad)

ACT 5 (The video´s Shirly)

Cinderella was crying because she doesn’t have any dress


FAIRYGODMOTHER: don't cry my child, I'll send you to the ball.

CINDERELLA: she says she has no dress

FAIRYGODMOTHER: Don't worry sweet girl

Bibidi Babidi buuu

- Your dress, Right now your high sandals pum

-Bibidi Babidi buuu

FAIRYGODMOTHER: -And I don't forget you (the mice)- Bibidi Babidi buuu

CINDERELLA: But my stepmother and stepsisters might recognize me.

FAIRYGODMOTHER: Don't worry, I won't let them recognize you- Bibidi Babidi

CINDERELLA: Thank you.

FAIRYGODMOTHER :But remember, my child.... The magic will only last until
midnight, Remember to get home by then. Good luck to you.
Cinderella left very happily for the ball, and when she appeared at the palace,
all the guests had already arrived. She was so beautiful that when she
entered the ballroom, everyone was dazzled by her beauty and
wondered who she was.


already in the palace, there was a parade of carriages and ladies in their best
dresses, all with the desire to be chosen by the prince as his wife.

KING: Go and ask a lady to dance.

PRINCE: but father, I don't like any of them... Oh, but who is she? She is so

The prince turns to Cinderella and....

PRINCE: hello welcome

CINDERELLA: Thank you, Prince (bowing).

PRINCE: may I have this piece

CINDERELLA: Of course, it would be an honor

Cinderella and the prince danced non-stop. Both were happy because love
had arisen

as soon as they looked into each other's eyes.

Suddenly, it was twelve o'clock at night and Cinderella, seized by fear, ran out
without saying goodbye.

PRINCE: don't go
CINDERELLA: No, let me go.

PRINCE: I can't

CINDERELLA: goodbye and thank you

PRINCE: but I still don't know your name, nor where I can find you, come
back, don't go

Cinderella's high sandal pum falls off.

Prince: My beloved has lost one of her glass shoes. I will find you in every
corner of this kingdom and, on that day, I will marry her.

The Prince's pages went all over the kingdom with no luck, until, at last, they
arrived at Cinderella's house.

DUKE: By order of the Prince, we go through the kingdom looking for the
owner of this glass slipper.

foot won't fit!

DRIZELLA first, I'm going to be able to put on this shoe, whatever it takes,
but... My ANASTASIA Let me do it, you have giant feet, mine are smaller and...
small, but

chubby and... no, no, it won't fit!

DUKE: Now you, even if you look like the maid of the house, the Prince has

that all the maidens must try it on.

STEPMOTHER: NO way, she's the maid of the house, she can't be a princess.

CINDERELLA: I can try it on.

The shoe fit, and since she had the other slipper, there was no longer any
doubt that Cinderella was the girl who danced with the prince and with
whom he had fallen in love. At that very moment, she left with the pages to
the palace. A few days later she married the Prince and both had a long life of
love and happiness. END

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