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He —---(get up) from the floor. Then, _____ (get up) the stairs. When he
_______(arrive) to the door he _______(try) to open it, the door ______ (burn)
his hand, he _______(scream) loudly and _________(fall down the stairs) to
put his hand under the snow, then he _____(feel) satisfied when he did so, but
his hand _____ (get) totally _________(burn). The kid was spying by the
window, when He _____ (see) that the burglar _____ (have) _____ (fail) , he
________(feel) happy.
The other burglar was trying to go up the stairs, but there____ (be) glue on
them, so his shoes ______ (be) getting stuck one by one and his socks
,too.Finally he _____ (can) arrive to the top , but when he was going to give a
step , he _______ (step) on a nail, so he ____(fall) down again and
______(yell) as loud as he could.

The first burglar_______ (find) a door _________(open) but at the moment of

opening that door , a trap ________(throw) fire on his head , it
________(burn) his bennie and his hair too, once again he _______(put) his
head under the snow to put out the fire. He _____(get) furious and _______
(kick) the door out to open it, then he _____ (say):

Where are you little crip?

Meanwhile the other burglar_____ (be) looking for Harry (the other),. Harry
______ (begin) to scare the kid.

The kid __________ (pretend) to be scared, but he _________ (have) a plan.

He said: “Ok, come and get me” , when the man ________ (come) in, his face
_________ (get) trapped with tape., he _______(take) it away quickly, but
when he _______ (give) a step forward , a fan _________(release) feathers to
his face, he _____(look) like a chicken.

The other man , __________(enter) by a door and ______(smile) of

happiness, but the unlucky man __________(step) on some Christmas
decorations and _____(hurt) his feet.

They finally, _______(find) each other, they ______ (get)_________(surprise)

of how they _________ (look) like. Suddenly, the kid __________(appear) on
the stairs, they quickly __________( run) after him, but both ______ (fall)
down to the floor because they stepped on some toy cars. The
kid__________(smile) and ________(dare) them to quit.

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