12 Revenue Villages Under 10 Village Councils of Igatpuri Block of Nasik District. 6475 38161 6.88.% 4626.86 Ha/ 3861.40 Ha

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Project area of GV-13 watershed is from Sahyadri Range of Maountains.of the State of Maharashtra, Country-lndia.

is iQgatadzfleafestdtoi-lhe proj^eHategJhe total coverage of project service area is 12 revenue

villages under 10 village councils of Igatpuri block of Nasik District. The project covers 6475
families and 38161 populations with 6.88.% of SC & 21.98 % ST population. The total geographic and treatable area of the project is 4626.86 ha\ and 3861.40 ha; respectively. The geographical area comprises of-

Geographical Area Cultivable Raifed Area Waste Land Forest land Permenant Pastures

4626.86 ha 3316.74 ha 520.56 ha 765.46 ha 24.10 ha

Project service area is in Agro climatic Zone III, in high rainfall region of Sahyadry Mountains. Topography of the area is undulating and having medium - steep to very steep slopes. The top altitude surface of the range is totally desiccated with less vegetation added to the problems of excessive runoff and soil erosion. The project area receives an average annual rainfall more than 3500 mm but there is acute scarcity of drinking as well as irrigation water throughout the year and also adversely affects the crop harvest, which results in acute shortage of food and fodder. Almost all of the families from the project area are socio-economically backwards. Their farms are undulating and situated on heavy slope terrain of the Sahadryi range. They are generally cultivating their cultivable dry land by extending their faith on God. Also most of the tribal & marginalized families from villages of the project are constrained

to migrate towards nearby urban areas, such as Igatpuri, Nasik .Kalayan and Mumbai etc. to meet their need for sustenance. An observation indicates that the cultivation is being practiced in high sloppy lands without any soil and water conservation measures. The pressure on pastureland is steadily increasing due to livestock population, which comprises mainly descript small and low yielding breeds of cows, buffalos and goat. In absence of any other source of earning, the people mainly rely on agriculture labour and wages of Non agriculture work as secondary occupation. The minor forest produce like Hirda, Karvand, Jambhul, Mango, and Honey etc are available in plenty but due to lack of proper knowledge and skill people are not being able to utilize its full advantage. The Project Implementing Agency [PIA] is Taluka Agriculture Officer [TAO], Igatpuri, Dist-Nasik of State Agriculture Department, Maharashtra. The Agriculture Department is one of the departments of state of Maharashtra dedicated to improve the livelihood of farming community through promotion of integrated farming system, [i.e Optimum & appropriate utilization of Land, Water, Vegetation, Livestock and Human Resources] During the tenure of last 60 years of its existence, Agriculture Department has become synonymous with soil and water conservation, poverty alleviation, and social awareness venture projects/programs in the state of Maharashtra. Whilst paying particular attention to the marginalized and disadvantaged community in the state, the Agriculture Department has striven for integration of the farming community as a whole into the socioeconomic, political and cultural life of the village. Its main trust is comprehensive agriculture development programs/projects. Since 1950 they are actively involved in the agriculture development through following initiatives... Social Capital Building Program- Community Organization, Awareness and Motivation [OAM] & Strengthening of Community Based Organization [CBO's]. Watershed Development/Natural Resource Management Program [NRM], Agriculture and Income Generation [AG] Activities Promotion Program. Floriculture Programme. Horticulture Programme. Farm Produces Processing and Marketing [FPPM].

For evolving the plan from the community, Participatory Rural Appraisal

[PRA] accompanied with Participatory Livelihood Planning [PLP], Participatory Socio-Economical Survey [PSES], and Participatory Land Use Planning [PLUP] exercises were conducted in each village and problem analysis was carried out. It is reflected that effect of prevailing poverty in the villages forcing the project community to face the following situation & problems are Rain fed Farming Lack of protective irrigation for crops Low Agriculture income Lack of The identified project area is Part and partial of well-defined mega watershed. The area of watershed project around 5000 ha. The site of the watershed with noticeable erosion and depletion of natural Scarcity of water for drinking as well as agricultural purpose. Hilly mountainous area, having serious problem of sustention followed by High proportion of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes community. Vision I Overall Objective : Improve the livelihoods of rain fed area rural community... Improve the livelihoods of rain fed area rural community through

income generation facilities Seasonal Migration Deforestation

resources such as soil, water, vegetation and livestock etc.

migration of the residents for source of income. Village that have shown concern for resource conservation.

participatory watershed development with focus on integrated farming systems for enhancing income, productivity and livelihood security in a sustainable manner. Organizing groups of project area community i.e SHGs, UGs, WCs, GPs and work Regeneration, conservation and optimum utilization of natural resources in the Regenerate the ecology by increasing vegetative covers for drought proofing. Avoid silting of the ponds and reservoirs. Increase the productivity of living community in order to reduce their migration towards capacity building of these groups. project area for enhancing livelihood of rainfed area community.

from rural to urban.

Creating and strengthening farmers institutions for bringing value addition in the Ensure employment opportunities and economic avenues, particularly for women, Improving the overall standard of life of the project area community through

present farming system. and marginal families integration of productivity enhancement and livelihood improvement activities, promotion of value based educational, health, hygiene and sanitation practices etc to take out the people from the vicious circle of vulnerability. Establishing and strengthening of CBOs network at cluster, block, district and state level to develop long term strategy to address the issue and scaling up of technological model introduced under the project. Undertaking systematic capacity building interventions for creating a pool of trained paraprofessionals to work at the local level in furthering the process of livelihood improvement. Enable the local CBOs & Community to manage and maintain their assets.

The soil & Water conservation, watershed development and efficient water management are the key to sustainable development of rain fed area of Maharashtra state. Not only the degraded ecology but also livelihoods of rural rain fed area community will be restored and improved in sustainable manner with a participatory & well-managed Integrated Watershed Management Programme [IWMP] as under: Awareness generation among the project area community about ecological degradation as well as participatory solution of watershed management for all the problems. Formation and strengthening of the village based people's organizations for collective Land utilization according to its capability to support the cropping pattern. Treatment to the entire watershed with sustainable soil and water conservation decision-making and action.

measures applying Ridge to valley Principle aimed at reducing soil loss and maximizing the availability of water. Reducing stresses on available resources such as Land, Water and Vegetation by encouraging allied livelihood improvement activities like dairy, poultry, goatry (Stall feed) and micro agro-based enterprises.

Building up infrastructure for credit availability, processing and marketing, so that To make it a people's program by organizing them for collective decisionmaking

the producers get the maximum benefit to the efforts instituted by them. and implementation. Thus the project strategy is having the focus on Awareness Participation

Empowerment-Formation & Strengthening of CBOs. Natural Resources Development & Optimum Utilization. Sustainability Self-Reliance. mmetmmaEsm
To achieve the said objectives and carry on the process initiated by Vasundhara State Level

Nodel Agency [VSLNA] in the state of Maharashtra, it is proposed to focus on following

broad results/measures/activities, which will lead towards the integrated farming system for enhancing the livelihood of rain fed area community. Result 1 : Capacity & Institution Building Basic systems and structures are established in the villages and community is able to plan, implement and monitor the development interventions in the long term. Result 2 : Watershed Development I Natural Resource Management Enhancement in land productivity and increase in agricultural income through sustainable management of natural resources Result 3 : Productivity Enhancement & Livelihood Improvement Employment opportunities and economic avenues are created in the villages, which has significant impact on migration control. To achieve the set of objectives and work in the line of anticipated results, following activities/measures are proposed. The activities are presented result-wise Result 1. Capacity and Institutional Building : Under capacity and institutional building, we propose to generate the awareness among people and realize them through Meetings Discussions Gramsabhas Shramadan Training Camps

Exposures Technology Demonstrations Watershed Committees [WCs] Self Help Groups of Women and Men [SHG's] User / Beneficiaries [UGs] Producers / Harvesters Co-operative Societies / Clubs [PCSs]

Also we plan to form and strengthen the village level institutions viz-

Result 2. Watershed Development / Natural Resource Management [NRM] : Under watershed development / natural resource management, we will regenerate the ecology and enhance the agriculture income through planned agronomic as well as mechanical measures as no Under productivity enhancement & livelihood improvement, we will enhance the income, productivity and livelihood security in a sustainable manner through on farm & nonfarm productivity & livelihood improvement activities/measures as 9 Land Resource Productivity Enhancement Activities Vegetation Resource Productivity Enhancement Activities Water Resource Productivity Enhancement Activities Livestock Resource Productivity Enhancement Activities Human Resource Productivity Enhancement Activities Land & Vegetation Resource Development Measures/Activities Afforestration [AF] Pasture Development [PD] Crop Cultivation [CC] Floriculture [FC] Horticulture [HC] Drainage Line Treatment Measures/Activities Diversion Bunds Gully Plugging [GP] Loose Boulder Structures [LBS]

Result 3. Productivity Enhancement & Livelihood Improvement:

Considering the project treatable area we planned the project implementation schedule for a period of five years with six monthly phases. Amount in Lakh
1 Entry Point Activities [EPA] 4% 2 Institution and Capacity Building 3 4 5 8 9 10 11

23.17 5% 28.96 5.79 347.53 17.38 5.79 5.79 57.92 86.88 '9.21 .

Detailed P Report Preparation Watershed Dev. Activities Consolidation Phase Activities Project Monitoring Cost Project Evaluation Cost Administration Cost Livelihood activities for landless & farmers

1% 60% 3% 1% 1% 10% 15%

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INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Project area of GV-13 watershed is from Sahyadri Range of Maountains.of the State of Maharashtra, Country-lndia. The Highest Peak of Maharashtra KALSUBAI is located nearest to the feroject area.The total coverage of project service area is 12 revenue villages

under 10 village councils of Igatpuri block ofNasik District The project covers 6475 families and 38161 (populations with 6.88.% of SC & 21.98 % ST population. The total geographic and
treatable area of Ithe project is 4626.86 ha\ and 3861.40 ha; respectively. The geographical area comprises of Project area receives an average annual rainfall around 3500 mm but there is acute scarcity of drinking as well as irrigation water throughout the year and also adversely affects the crop harvest, which results in acute shortage of food and fodder. Higher Number of BPL families. Higher SC/ ST population, Low income generation facilities. Shallow Soil depth, low fertility.absence of protective irrigation results in low Severe soil erosion due to overgrazing deforestation.

agriculture income. Area & Size of Watershed The identified GV-13, IWMP-8 watershed project is the part of GV-13 Mega Watershed delineated by GSDA Maharashtra. The total geographical area of the project is 4626.86 ha and treatable area is

ha. The watershed is Oval - to - rectangular in shape, having shape factor of 0.46.

The upper reach portion is covered with good vegetative cover i.e forest land followed by cultivable land. The cultivation is being practiced on high slope land. Out of total area of

4626.86 ha, 3316.74 ha cultivable land, 165.13 ha uncultivable waste and 765.46 ha area
is under forest.

Present Land Use Pattern of Watershed

a) Forest Lands : Those lands having shallow soil depth, with steepest land slope ( 15 to 35 % )and without or partly vegetative cover and needs more attention toward these lands. Total forest land in this project is ij These lands are sloppy,( 8 - 15 %) medium deep soil and needs good soil moisture conservation treatments. These lands can be used for pasture development or Forestry. This type of area in the project is 355.46 ha which is proposed for Continous Contour trenching treatment. I ii)These type of wastelands are having medium slope range,( 5- 10 %) medium deep soil depth , fertile. These lands can be brought under crop cultivation by soil conservation treatments.The area under this land is 165.13 ha proposed for Terracing Treatment. I c) Agriculture lands : ' [These lands having gentle slope .medium deep or deep soils used for Paddy Cultivation . These land fan be brought under double rainfed cropping by soil conservation measures, and needs good tillage practices, fertility improvement. 3316.74 ha land is proposed for Repair of Old Paddy Punds. Topography and Drainage : The Toposheet shows the topography of the area and existing ground features. The watershed iwell drained by the single major river namely Godavari River and their tributaries. The whole Jrainage system is the part of the Godavari Valley/ Basin. Shape of Watershed - Rectangular Slope of Watershed - 0 - 5 % area 879.10 ha - 15 % area 2452.24 ha Above 15% 1295.52 ha Drainage of watershed - Well drained soil. Villages & Gram Panchayats included in the project area:

The watershed consists of 12 revenue villages of 10 Grampanchayats Tringalwadi, Balayduri ,Advan, Takeghoti, Ghoti B, Khaigaon, Ubhade, Deole, Khambale & Daundat resp. Detailed list of included villages and Grampanchayats are presented in Table 1.1..


The State Agriculture Department has implemented the Western Ghat Watershed Development Programme in villages namely Khambale & Manikkhamb of Watershed No Gv-13/03/14 of area 578.08 Ha & Project Cost Rs. 77.22 Lakhs .These villages are covered under Gatiman Panlot Mission . Treated Part of these villages are deducted from the IWMP project. Other village development programmes like, Gram Swachhata Abhiyan, Rural Health Mission, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan are being implemented by Panchayat Samiti in the said villages. Under RKVY & MREGS programmes 26 Farm Ponds are completed in the villages.The details of ongoing development & watershed programmes are presented in Table 1.2 & 1.3 respectively GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA GV -13, IWMP-08 watershed development project is located in the Igatpuri blocks of Nashik on Mumbai - Agra National Highway No -3. & It is located between 7400' longitude and 20 latitude.The area lies amongst highest elevation range of Sahyadri Mountains.The Peak Kalsubai of Maharastra is nearest to the area. Area having approach to Central Railway line The GV-13, IWMP-08 watershed project in Agro Climatic Zone III. Major part of the watershed area is rainfed. At higher elevations Soil is shallow, the land bears to Forest Department and at lower elevations soil is medium deep belongs to farmers & major crops are grown in these soil types. Main crop of the area is Paddy, Nagli, and Warai, Niger in Kharip & Wheat, Grams in Rabi.Some area is under vegetable cultivation in post rabi. The identified GV-13, IWMP-08 watershed project is the part of GV-13 Mega Watershed delineated byGSDA Maharashtra. The total geographical area of the project is 4626.86 ha and treatable area is ha. The watershed is rectangular in shape, having shape factor of 0.46. Slope at higher elevations is above 15 -35 %.& towards middle of watershed 3 - 1 4 %.


The temperature data is collected from the Zonal Agriculture Research Centre, Igatpuri.. In project area the temperature ranges from 30 c to 41 c in summer season, but goes down to 10c

muring the winter season. Avg. Wind Velocity in the area recorded for year 2010 is 4.1 km/hr.
The Ivg. Bright Sunshine Hours for the year 2010 are 5.5 hrs per day. Evaporation measured 4.7 mm. lor year 2010.The details of climatic condition of last five years are illustrated in Table 2.1. The project area falls in the semi-arid zone of Nashik district having arid climate. The area Receives its annual precipitation from the South West monsoon. The rainy season normally starts in jhe second week of June and lasts till the beginning of the October. The average annual rainfall is (3500 mm recorded for the past 5 years from the Zonal Agriculture Research Station Rainguage fetation. The minimum rainfall recorded, 2100.10 mm. was in the year 2009 and maximum rainfall, pj 4815.00 mm; were in the year 2006. However the occurrence and time of the rain is iinpredictable. Hence there is uncertainty of cropping pattern as well as harvest. Normally in project area watershed community experiences the drought once in four year. The details of droughts and Iheirfrequency in project area are presented in Table 2.2. Once in a five year there is frequency of drought in the area which affects the agriculture activities. In general there is Scarcity of water in the month of April to June. Because of hilly terrain & heavy rainfall in the month of July & August, Considerable soil erosion occurs. Because of scattered vegetation on the hill top & hill slope and more gradient of the slope the intensity of erosion is more. Drainage Characteristics Drainage Pattern - Dendritric Pattern - Tree like branching of streams indicating homogeneity in f hology & lack of structural control as shown in draninage map of watershed. Stream Order - The smallest fingertip tributeries are designed as Order 1. Where two first order channels join a channel segment of order 2 is formed. Where two of order 2 join order 3 is formed as shown in drainage map Drainage Density - .Is total length of mainstream devided by area of whole basin. = 13360 m L / 4626.86 ha= 2.88 mile/sqmile Shape Factor - Watershed width / Watershed length 3410/8060 = 0.42 acity of land to support different production 3, afforstation, pasture development etc. The / classification are slope, soil depth, soil the land is classified into eight classes. The

Capability of land to support productive system decreases gradually from class I to VIII. The cultivable fcndbelongs to class I to IV and non-cultivable lands belong to class VI to VIII. f There are llw , class with area 694.03 ha , III s class with area 1295.52 ha , IV es class with larea971.64 ha, VI es class with area 1110.45 ha & VII es class with area 555.22 ha. The area is affected by severe soil erosion. The details are presented in Table 2.3. [Those lands having shallow soil depth, with steepest land slope are privately owned uncultivable wasteland and open forestland without vegetation. [The land having medium deep soil & gentle slopes are fertile and productive, used for crop cultivation. Double rainfed crop can be grown on these lands by soil conservation works. In Kharif Paddy, Varai, , Finger Millet [Nachani], Niger (Khurasani, ), are grown. In Rabbi Wheat, Pulses- j Hulaga, Grounut and vegetables are grown. Land capability Sub Classes Clasees II III IV VI VII VIII Total e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 694.03 0 0 0 0 0 694.03 s 0 1295.52 0 0 0 0 1295.52 es 0 0 971.64 825.89 555.22 284.56 2637.31 694.03 1295.52 971.64 825.89 555.22 284.56 4626.86 Total

The area is predominately Kharif/Rabbi. The main Kharif crops are Paddy,(2131 ha) Finger Millet (Nagli 126 ha ), Black Gram (21 ha) , Niger (Khurasni - 60 ha). Total 2131.00 ha area sown under Kharip Crops. In Rabbi season the main crops are Wheat ,( 186 ha) Gram (183 ha) Groundnut ( 25 ha) & Some vegetables. If we see above table the productivity of field crops are low compare to

the productivity on the university farm. Because of irrigation constraints the area in rabbi & Summer is very less.

The main source of irrigation is Ponds. There are 52 no. of wells in the area.The area under well irrigation is 10.60 ha. The wells are also seasonal and there is scarcity of water during the month of April to June. Area 9.60 ha is under protective irrigation from 26 farm ponds.In villages Tringalwadi , Khambale & Khairgaon Ml Tanks are constructed & area of 17.16 ha is under irrigation. Total 37.36 ha area is under irrigation. Details of irrigated area are presented in Table 3.5.

No Horticulture crops are grown in rainfed conditions.

ils of land holding pattern given in Table 3.6. Due to increasing population land is deviding in parts that are unsuitable for cultivation .Due to small size use of land use of machinery is restricted & uneconomical for production. Present farming system in villages are only Agriculture. There is scope for raise the economy through Agriculture + Dairy or Agri. + Horticulture. The total cattle population is 7554 out of which cows are 1419 & buffalos are 2973 Bullock are 1462 Goats are 1538 .The main fodder source is crop residue. No special fodder crops are grown. The main fodder source are, Rice straw & Grasses on wastelands. The major breeds are Dangiin cow.Pandharpuri in Buffalo.& Jamnapuri in Goat. The animal husbandry is the main supporting enterprise to the farming. Goat rearing , Back Yard Poultry, Cross Bred Cow Improved buffalo rearing is major source of livelihood to farmers. The total fodder available in the village is not sufficient for the existing livestock and some fodder crops must be grow to fulfil fodder requirement. Details of livestock population and feed requirement are presented in Table 3.7.


Total 765.46 ha forest area is in the project. Major species of trees are found Hirda (Terminelia Chebula ), Khair (Acasia Catechu) Arjun Sadda (Terminalia Arjuna) Behda.(Terminelia Belerica ) Dhawda (Anogeissus Latifolia) in the forest. Mango , Jamun also available in large quantity. Some families depends on forest for earning.

Due to mismanagement .grazing in forestlands, deforestation by people, forest cover reduced. Thick dense forests converted in barren lands. Special attention needed for forest conservation.

The main income source for the farmers is from agriculture. The average income from one family per year is Rs. 30,000 & annual expenditure is Rs. 27250/- Farmers depends on wages as agricultural income is insufficient Income from animal husbandry is the supportive income for almost all farm families. In Landless families income comes from wages in nearby urban areas. Low

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