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Cambridge English TKT Teaching Knowledge Test TKT Module 2: Selection and use of coursebook materials - Sample Task For questions 1-8, match the ways a teacher can adapt a written text withthe teaching purposes listed AG. Mark the correct letter (AG) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. ‘Teaching purposes {0 focus on linking words and phrases toraise learners’ awareness of register 10 make the text more accessible to weaker leamers {0 generate interest in the topic to highlight particular grammatical patterns to develop learners’ proofreading skills armoon> ‘to work out meaning from surrounding context ‘Ways a teacher can adapt a written text 4] removing trom the text all the verbs which follow prepositions replacing nouns with nonsense words and asking learners to provide the original ‘words [31] puting some speting mistakes into the text @] shortening the text and paraphrasing parts of it 5] re-witing the text in an informal stye and learners compare it with the original 6] _jumbiing the paragraphs and asking learners to re-order them correctly {©UCLES 209 Ths naa ay exon (art aa ee ded dso Gahan charges mae friar rt cst are ona ar CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH

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