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N°1 Name: Carmen, Valeria Date: June 2023
My Friend Alfredo’s Most Valuable Thing

We have all received gifts from relatives or people close to us at different stages of our lives.
These gifts were given important occasions or just to make us happy. We cannot deny that
we all like gifts. Consequently, that makes us feel happy and obviously each one has a gift
that is the most important thing because it was given to us by a loved one or somebody
important. Also, a toy can help discover skills or hobbies that a naïve (a) child can't believe
how significant it can be. As a result, in this composition, I'm writing about the most
valuable thing Alfredo has is a toy piano that his father gave him when he was a child.

This toy piano reminds Alfredo of those good old days when he played it with his
father. This toy piano takes back to the moments when Alfredo enjoyed a good time
learning music that his father taught him. First, he remembers that it took him a long time
to play the piano because he learned to play it alone with the help of his father and at home.
In fact, he didn't like playing the piano (02) because his fingers would get blisters, but then
he got used to it. Second, Playing the piano makes (01) feel happy because he likes this
instrument and spends time with his father. Consequently, for him it became a habit and a
hobby to play the piano because he liked to spend time playing the piano but he enjoyed
spending time with his father more. Finally, as the years went by, he liked playing the piano
more and more, but he did not want to improve playing only at home, but in an academy.
This was straightforward thing to do (d) for his parents because there was nothing clearer
that he should continue playing the piano.
This toy piano motivated Alfredo to learn music formally in a music academy. This
toy piano had a positive influence on Alfredo to take piano lessons, so his father
decided to register Alfredo in a music school. It was very easy for him to start with
piano classes at the academy because more than an obligation he saw it as a great
opportunity, so he practiced a lot during class time at the academy but at home also
with his piano toy but there was only one problem that for a time he lived with his
grandmother. Unfortunately, my grandfather was vulnerable (b) to loud sounds.
Consequently, he was unable to practice at home for a while. On the other hand, the
school where he was had a band and we could enthusiastically practice in his garage
because it was free. Therefore, the college was a great place to practice (04). He and
his classmates had many performances during school classes. Therefore, the teachers
congratulated us because their touch (03) was good.
In conclusion, Alfredo’s most valuable thing is his toy piano because he remembers
when he spent time with his father playing it, and how this toy influenced
Alfredo’s desire to learn music in a music school. In my opinion, the piano toy that
his father gave him was something that gave him excellent experiences. For example,
he had a performance at a famous restaurant who represented his academy and that
song was too hard to play (05), he was so nervous that his hands were sweating and
it was impossible for him to play the piano, for which his teacher was deviating
from (e) the original idea and asked Alfredo if he wanted him to replace him but his
nervousness vanished (f) and it was his first presentation in such an important place
and he did excellent. In conclusion, we can all have expensive things or cheap things,
but it does not compare with what is considered "the most valuable" for each of us. In
his case, despite having more things now, he will always choose the piano that my
parents gave me as the most precious object that Alfredo has.

Grammar reference: Use only five (05) of these six grammar features in your essay. Underline and write
the number that corresponds in parenthesis.

01) Gerund [as a subject] + Verb + C . . .

02) S + V + gerund [object of the verb] + C . . .

03) . . . possessive + gerund . . .

04) . . . noun to verb . . .

05) . . . too (adjective / adverb) to verb . . .

06) . . . (a piece of advice / pieces of advice) . . . (making non-count noun countable)

Vocabulary reference: Use only five (05) of these six vocabulary features in your essay. Underline and
write the letter that corresponds in parenthesis.

a) naïve
b) vulnerable

c) connotation
d) straightforward thing to do

e) deviate from
f) vanished

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