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my presence is with you.

Ans: (Smile and respond while making eye contact) I

am doing pre y good Sir! How about you?
Eat before going (at least some snacks)
Wear my African wear, the one I used for the VISA
applica on (pick an ou it that makes you look like
what’s indicated in your documents. Just make it Que: What do you know about American
simple and decent. universi es? / Why study in US, why not UK or
Be confident. Make eye contact always, it shows Canada?
confidence. Be comfortable, easy to communicate Ans: American universi es are known for their
with quality of educa on and research opportuni es.
It’s not a life or death situa on. Eye contact can Creden als of US are very much respected in Ghana
make or break an interview and has global recogni on.
Make sure you have a confident smile when you Their programs are well designed to balance theory
interact with prac cal skills.
Don’t let fear stand in your way. Be smart
Research South Dakota State University. Get to know
li le important details
Que: Which school are you going to?/ What
Short, direct answers will be much appreciated by
Ins tu ons did you apply to?
the consular officer
Ans: South Dakota State University, Brookings, US
Make sure to speak slowly than you would normally
Be there in at most an hour to at least 30 minutes
Que: Why did you select this/these ins tu ons?
Never give out informa on or documents when it’s
not asked Que: Why South Dakota State University?
REHEARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ans: The structure of their program suits my future
career and research interest. I received a Graduate
Teaching Assistantship scholarship too.
SMILE at the consular with a gree ng like……Hi,
Ques: How may courses have you registered?
MOST Ans: Three ( 3 ) They are:
Numerical Analysis1
Opera ons Research1

Que: What is the purpose of your travel?/

Que: Good morning. How are you doing today? Why do you want to come to us?
Ans: To pursue my Master’s in Mathema cs
Que: Are you sure you will be coming back to Ghana
a er studies?
Que: What will be your specializa on/major in MS?
Ans: Yes! Ghana has great opportuni es in the field
Ans: Applied methema cs-modeling of diseases. of my study. The advance degree I get will be a great
asset in advancing my career here in Ghana.

Que: Which school did you a end?

Ans: University of Cape Coast and currently African Que: Tell me about the school?
ins tute for mathema cal sciences. Ans: South Dakota State University is research
University located in Brookings South Dakota State.
The department has many research areas:
computa onal biology, computa onal finance,
Que: why do want to do masters again?/ Currently molecular dynamic simula on, opera ons research
what do you do? and op miza on, ramsey number theory. It is a good
I aim to try my hands on teaching and do school for me specialize in applied mathema cs.
interdisciplinary –having ideas from different areas of I have interacted with few professors who are doing
science will help me to excel. ac ve research in my area of interest.

Que: What did you study? Que: Do you happen to know about the city you will
be going?
Ans: Mathema cs with Economics
Ans: Brookings South Dakota State. My friend s have
filled me in on the weather condi ons at specific
Que: What do you want study?/ mes and will help me adjust perfectly.

Que: Why did you select this field of study? Que: How many universi es did you apply?

Ans: Masters in Mathema cs Ans: Two(2)

Q4: Who is sponsoring you? Que: Which universi es did you get admission?

Ans: South Dakota State university through the Ans: I got admission from 2 universi es (South
Graduate Teaching Assistantship scholarship. Dakota State University, US, and Cleveland State

Que: Why were you awarded so much?

Ans: I have teaching experience; currently I am a
Que: What are your plans a er gradua on? Teaching Assistant at the Department of
Ans: come back to Ghana and take posi on at the Mathema cs and Sta s cs.
department of mathema cs university of cape coast.
Que: Do you have any work experience?
Ans: Yes I do. I have been working as a Teaching Que: How do you plan to finance your educa on
Assistant at the University of Cape Coast a er a er the first year.
gradua on Ans: I plan to perform well in other to be worthy of
Que: How was your experience working at the the graduate research assistantship scholarship the
University? school offers to second year students. Aside this, my
Ans: Challenging and interes ng. I love it uncle will foot the expenses if need be.

Que: Why did you select this program?

Que: Why would you like to pursue your studies in
the US? / Why, because there are many programs in It has many research areas which fit my future career.
Ans: The educa on system in the US is known for its
academic excellence. On top of that having a degree Que: Does this degree help advance your career?
there has global recogni on. Ans: Absolutely. Earning an advance degree from US
will definitely serve as a great asset in advancing my
career and enhancing my skills.
Que: Who is sponsoring your studies?
Ans: South Dakota State University, US through a
Graduate Teaching Assistantship scholarship Que: Your family is in Ghana, why do you choose to
leave everything and pursue further?
Ans: In today’s compe ve world, I feel that my
Que: Can you pass those suppor ng documents? decision to pursue graduate studies in the US is a
Ans: Definitely! (Pass GTA, bank statement and smart way to advance my career. While I invest some
sponsorship le er) me and money into this valuable educa on, the
payoffs will be well worth my me and money.

Que: Who is your uncle? And what does he do?

Que: What are your summer vaca on plans? Will
Ans: My uncle is Emmanuel Kwame Essel and he is a you return home for the summer?
Ans: No. I prefer to get an internship experience
during the summer
Que: Where does he work?
Ans: University of Cape Coast Que: What will you do if your visa was rejected?
Ans: I will reapply provided the next available date
for visa appointment comes before 16th August,
Que: Why would a lecturer want to sponsor you?
2015, the repor ng date for my GTA scholarship.
Ans: Because I am his nephew and he has taken care
of me since a er my Senior Secondary days through
undergraduate. He, in fact, was the reason I chose a Que: Great! I approve your visa! Enjoy your me in
profession in Mathema cs, for that ma er actuarial the US!
science; it was a recommenda on from him.
Ans: Amazing! That’s great news Sir! Thank you! Q5: I mean, who is covering the other part of your
Have a blessed day! expenses?
Me: Mr. So and So…(I did not say much…It was
Professor something but if I had said that he would
have probed further knowing most likely the
MOOOOOOOOORE PARTY Professor would be my teacher instead of my
supposed uncle)
Q6: May I see documents?
Me: (I pushed my endorsed bank statement and
sponsors le er to him. He reads sponsors le er and
REAL QUESTIONS ASKED flips through bank statement, smiles and writes
something on a s cker and pastes it on my passport)
The actual interview took less than 3 mins. I was
Interviewer: Congratula ons (as he hands a copy of
asked 4 simple ques ons. GOD was in it
the s cker to me). Come here next week for your
I was called up to meet my interviewer (crucifier). He VISA
smiled at me and greeted me ‘Hi, how are you doing’
Me: Thank very much Sir. (I took the s cker, turned
my back and pumped my hand into the air)
I responded ‘I am doing very fine Sir. How are you
Q1: Which school are you going to? Finally the D day came and I was asked the following
ques on;
Me: Illinois State University
Ques ; Why south south Dakota state university;
Q2: Which school did you a end?
ans. I chose SDSU because of the structure of the
Me: University of Cape Coast Maths program
Q3: What did you study, and may I see your ques; what is the structure?
Ans ; they specialize in applied maths diseases
Me: Actuarial Science, I pushed my transcript and modelling
Degree Cer ficate to him (since I did not know which
Ques; how do you do that?
docs he wanted)
Ans; we use differen al equa ons to capture disease
propaga on ………………..
He then looked at ucc transcript and approved my

He flipped through my transcript, shakes his head

and hands them over to me
Q4: Who is sponsoring you?
Me: Illinois State University through the GTA
scholarship (I tried to play smart knowing very well
what he meant)
He asks again….

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