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Plan of Development is the key point in Oil & Gas Business of Indonesia Upstream Oil and
Gas Industry. POD is a guideline for KKKS to operate their project. There is a planning
program that describe of project activity during the contract. KKKS should construct the
detail of program activities and budgeting (WP&B) and Financial Authorization (AFE). In
the Indonesia PSC Term, POD, WP&B and AFE is the integrated aspect that every KKKS
should propose to SKKMIGAS. Therefore, between SKKMIGAS and KKKS should have
the same perception all about aspect of POD, WP&B and AFE especially about the basic
principle, mechanism & procedure, system and operational guidance.

Course Content:
 Overview of Upstream Oil & Gas Industry
 The PSC term and conditions
 Plan of Development (POD):
o Definition of POD
o POD Classification
o POD Content: Executive Summary,Geological Findings & Reviews,
Reservoir Descriptions, Reserves & Production Forecast, Drilling &
Completion, Production Facilities, Field Development Scenario, HSE &
Corporate Social Responsibility, Abandonment & Site Restoration Plan,
Project Schedule & Organization, Local Content, Commercial, Conclusion,
 WP&B:
o Definition of WP&B
o Budget Preparation: Explanation BS 1 – 17
 AFE:
o Definition of AFE
o Activity Classification
o Budget Preparation: Explanation BS 18 – 24
o AFE Close Out

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