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Agarwood (Gaharu) Conservation from Extinction

(Cause and Effect)

Agarwood or gaharu-producing plants spread throughout Indonesia. Its economic value,
including high demand and selling price, has made farmer, community, private sector, and
government agency competing to cultivate the plant. However, its existency is being endangered
because of the activity of illegal loggers that is being conserved and included in the Appendix II
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES).
The conservation method is another challenge since the land characteristics are very
critical for it to grow well. Gaharu-producing plants need humid environment and light to grow
well. Therefore, both natural and man-made forest have been used for gaharu-producing plants
conservation. The conservation of gaharu-producing plants are intended to produce agarwood
resin than wood.
Considering the gaharu-producing plants economic value, so government needs to make a
strict regulation about the logging and cultivation of gaharu-producing plants. Successful
conservation will raise the local communities income. Beside that, it will also give protection to
surrounding environment since gaharu-producing plants may function in the absorption and
retention of ground water, strengthen the soil and prevent it from landslides, absorb CO2, and
produce O2. Therefore, Government must work together with the local communities on how to
run the conservation program as well as utilizing the plant’s seed and fruit available in natural
forest. In conclusion, gaharu-producing plants conservation is needed not only to prevent it from
extinction but also to strengthen the function of the forest as well as empowering the
communities around the forest.


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