Angelo Sheva

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es ToWham it May Concrn: the undersigned, Name: Cchory Santos Peston Head of Secondary Sehaot Schoo! Name: Regents Secondary Schoo Bal Caminidge Conte Number: 10409) ory coy tat, Nome: ANGELO SHEVA SUDHANA AZWAR Date of th January 8, 2005, Student Numer: Reza | bona de student af ou school, an isin Grad 11 this Academe Year 2022-2028, ‘go Shera wl be ang the Ineship at OX Ba “This creation isbeng sued on &th December 2022 forbs inert, 8 REGENTS SECONDARY ScH001 December 8, 2022 ‘oor Bapak! ou, Regents Secondary Schost would tke 10 calibrate with you on our seed! Ilemsip rogram which wil be fam December 8, 2022 - January 8, 2023. Students are expected to hove a minim of weekinorehip with amin 34 hours each dy. Internship Is an apport for students to have an authentic experienc of te woekloce tha fennances students cheser academic programs of sty. This awe students 10 realize i ‘what hey bollve they are studying I omating Dey wish to pursue fr thor ure carers The objectives of etrahip ae: ‘Expose student tthe ob, proesson or industry ‘An opportuni to ntegrate theory and pracies Erianco stort’ kil Experi work envienment Value hard workand money, Dovel work bi, ales, and valos necasary for work success ‘Sudents willbe proved wih an internship boklt where a necossary information about iniomship fs doled. Workticaton card is provided fr students to use ding the course of the intorshi, | would thet equos for an evaluation of tho intr ath eo thresh. “Thankyou vary much fr accommodating ou student forthe Intraship. [Althe BEST for DX Ba, REGENTS SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT PROGRESS REPORT REEL =e a aa a a - e | a p LL pa @ Leaderinme -nuoman Hanna cm cambidgs Aaesent Bincrstat eaten

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