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er venng America’s Fashion, Beauty & Entertainment Magazine March 1971 i ; 50¢ UK 2p Guide (9, Personal “Ecology, Waist-disposal Problem Solyial . Hip Exercises for Thighs \ The Arms Race—to Hold Oia) Body Tone fo Tine You Ha : F ~ a he Wégh-ing Ga ON TP egy “New Think Shrink . Party Plan ‘Team Competition Gharts ? wf Losers Become Viniers Ways (9 GainPounts, SLose“Inches The Byes of Merch Frambstp hye deas, Ongiie-“Biink ABeauly Sie VF lagmwaving Haghton “Pages Achipeh Tantuins = Good or “Bad? mull O Dent exeldsive “Interview See and Sree aaa ree Bg Di ecenn oritc ee SUS a Kui ai eee aei The blemishage. fight back. With Ci It’s special ointment with medicines that help dry up, heal acne blemishes, The same kind matologists use. Because ment, Clearasil let medicines dire: smoothing Clearasil onoily areasof face helps drink up excess oil that you usually have with blemish medicine u can get without a prescription, || Clearasil. Growing 2 beard Maybe acne pimples ‘can't be prevented, but these days they can be treated Thera-Blem® is medicine, Working medicine, Ithas resorcinol to help dissolve the waxy plugs that clog pores. Ithas two phenolic germicides tofight surface bacteria. Ithas silica to help dry up excess oils. ‘Thora-Biom’s power is concentrated ‘onacne pimples the instant you apply it (And the beauty is, ‘Thera-Blem is also an excellent cover-up. Ithelps to nide, while ithelps toheal,) Buy Thera-Blem, Covers things US while it helps Clear things up. Thera-Blem or: Why let a stupid blemish ruin your day. Thera-Blem pene ranues noxzema. Noxell | Relieved of Periogic Cramps You get around. Make the seene, Tho winter scene. Sking, Skating. Sledding. Tun. Laughs, Great mes. Action. Nov stop. No freezeup. No slowdown. Not ‘even for menstrual cramps, Hon? With miboL, Because MIDOL® gives you ‘An exclucivo anti-spasmodie that helps STOP CRAMPS... *Medically-approved ingredients that ELIEVE HEADACHE, LOW BACKACHE SOOTHE IRRITABILITY.<- ‘Plus an overall scion that gets you through the trying menstrual peviod 4ealing cheerful and sie. You get around. Any day. With MM1DOL. | ON THE COVER | | pio se oR DIDN'T SHE?? To find out how Bonnie got this way ovt HALE ’N’ HALF look, se@ page 92. Bonnie’ looking coy ‘cause she's got luscious looking lips with Yardley’ pink lip gloss from the Pot O” Gloss kit. Cover photography by Steve Berman [VOLUME FIFTEEN’ 7 NUMBER THREE 7 PUBLISHED MONTHLY 7 MARCH 1971 "RE FASHION 4B Fon Flogging Hloshes 51 Fly Hap 55. Rally Round the Fog BEAUTY 5B The Frome Game GB _ Body Tone to Tune You On 69. Gish contrat 70 The Weishting Gone B2_ Deer Beauty Esior | FEATURES | 2 Enter TEENent Mailbos 1g Your Horoscope 12. Estos Hurrah 18 Temper Tantrums — Good or Bos? | 20. Weoet 22. A Moloyion Toon Raps The egal Ryan O'Neal 24 Dear Jock aoa 26 Peers 36 De Your Hands Tell «Stor? ATTEN Soys the Yory Thing is... Wate forthe Eyes of March 57 MD/*Comer G4. The Great Myth Eptsion 7A Pit of the POW. 76 Zoo Mon BB. You Con Rote as on A Siter SOUNDS & SCENES 16. My Foie & Fonte Hollywood 28 Rapping on Records BB. “ve Got to Be Mes An Exclusive Interview with Ryan ©/Neok 60 Fedeo! Matchups 62. A Selo High Yo Creedence Country PARTY OF THE MONTH 72 The Weighting Game FICTION 34 The Siret Where My Heart Live, by Ellen Schoffer Conford 42. Beor With Mo by Betty M. Romer coos hoe i ey 3579 to “TEEN egesve, Post ice x 3257, Loe Angles Ca, 96038. BAS VEIONI I was afraid of a scale, before I lost 56 pounds. By Bonnie Trachtenberg—as told to Ruth L. McCarthy When I got one look at this picture, I refused to order more. Who needed to see 170 pounds twice! Goons crazy? Not when youve got ‘a weight problem. You just don't want fo go near anything that tells ‘you that you're fat—whether it's your brother, a swim suit, a mirror or a scale. And at 170 pounds, believe me, Iwas fat Ttseems now like Iwasalwaysheavy. {just never stopped stuffing my face. Chocolate bars, ice cream, potato chips, bagels and cream cheese, cook- Fes, cocoa. You could see how it showed ‘on'me, too. Like the day I went to Coney Island in a pair of slacks that ‘wouldn't button, I had fastened them together with a chain of safety pins and covered the open V with a blouse and coat. Then I had to go and ride a ‘motor scooter. And guess what? A pin popped. Before I knew it, went bang- ing into others as the rink men shouted: “Turn the wheel. The wheel!” Td like to see them take directions ‘with a pin sticking in their stomach, "The beach was another nightmare! {L used to look for the spot where all the old ladies sat, because I dreaded that moment when you take off your top clothes and everybody watches. Only time I suffered more was when ‘had to shop for clothes for an affair. T'd stand in front of a mirror in a size 18 dress and my mother would say: “With a long-line bra and a girdle and make-up, you'll look okay. And maybe by then, you'll losea few pounds.” But no matler what I did, I always ended up the fattest cousin there, Boys were something else. Only for- eign ones would give me a look. They seemed to like apple-round faces. didn't. ‘So periodically I'd go on a wild dict. Once even I took rainbow pills. One color at breakfast, another color at lunch, another at dinner. Tt was the ‘worst possible thing could have done. ‘AIL can say is, I'm grateful to the doctor who gotme off them. Butenough of that. Now I want to tell you what really helped me lose. ‘A chocolate candy. Ayds® Reduc- ing Plan Candy. 1 saw it in a drug- store one day. And since T alwa ‘craved chocolate, T said: “Why not?” (Actually I hada choice of four fla- vors.) Anyway, I read the directions carefully and the Ayds Plan really sounded safe. No harmful drugs, I earned. So I started and it helped me have willpower like I never had before. ‘Tut out all the garbage I was eating ‘and began with healthful foods. And thy taking one or two Ayds like the directions say, I actually was able to limit myself to a much lower calorie intake, With no feeling of deprivation, either, because I had my chocolate, ‘After a bit, I wasn’t afraid to get on the scale, since it kept going down. And down. Also, Istarted doing things: ‘Singing lessons, drama classes, night courses at college, even dating. ‘There ‘was no more time for guzzling. Anyway, by summer I had reached 114 pounds. I was bikini size at last. So T bought my first. I was almost seared to wear it, though, because T really hadn't been slim Iong enough to stop thinking like a fat person. But my fiancé reassured me, That's right. ‘My fiancé. I’m engaged, eestatically! T, who never thought anyone would love me except Herschel. I didn't tell ‘you about him, did I? He's the most gorgeous, gargantuan cat youeversaw. ‘First at his plate and last to leave — just like I used to be at the refrigera- tor. Terrible. Say, I'm wondering. The way, the Ayds Plan worked forme,do you think it would be any good for fat cats? Herelam after aride ‘ontheStaten Island Ferry. Getting down to 114 | Pounds makes @ difference, doesn't it? BI Weight Bust Waist Hips . Dress Height . EFORE AND AFTER ‘MEASUREMENTS: Before After ‘Wear a little dab of Cutitone instead. Its the color of your skin. ‘And itl hide most pimples so well no cone will even notice. TkIL help heal them, too. With special ‘medication that dries cut those externally- ‘caused pimples and controls excessive oll For all its soathing medication, though, Cutitone doesn't smell like medicine. ‘So wear something nice to school today. CCutitone Acne Cream. Its from Cuticura. The folks who've spent 90 years ‘making your skin a nicer place to live in. You don’t have to wear acne pimples to school today. Sit Gatto, pe. TeEs7t ‘ene cream. Enclosed’is 236 for Postage handle FREE GONUS Tube of cuticura ‘Sharpes containing roten, Ht You iy. CASSIDY CLAN 1 think David Cassidy is very cute, even though he & older than T! Does he’ have any brothers and sisters? If so, what are thelr names? Dear Belinda: ‘David has three stop-brothers — Shaun, 12; Patrick, 8 ond Ryan, 4 DOG TALK Tm just erazy about Cory Wells, who sang lead when Three Dog Night recorded "Mama ‘Told Me Not to. Come.” Could yon tell me some personal facts about him? Kathy Milo, Greystoke I Dear Kathys Cory is a blue-eyed, brown-haired [Aquarian who loves the outdoors, He is on lemert freshewater fisherman and hopes 0 open @ hunting lodge tn the future! PETER IS ALIVE AND WELL IN... ‘There has been a runor going around In school that Peter Tork died of an over. lose of sleeping ils recent dhs trc? Dear Suson: No, thank goodness; there ix NO truth to this rumor at all. Peter is very much alice and well in Los Angels. KLOWNING AROUND. 1 just haved “The Klowns” ‘TV special Jand wondered where T could waite to ‘Wilbur. Can you help me? ‘Gina Behrman, Nliwauki, Or Dear Gina: Yes, Gina, soe can help you! You can terite'to Wilbur c/o RCA. Records Pub- icity Dept, 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10086, I'm sure he would ue to hear from you BOBBY SHER-MANIA How many years has Bobby Sherman been in show business? Will he be doing any movies or television shows in the near future? T would uv for you to answer these questions for me! [lings Alden, Contra City, 1 Dear Belinda Bobby tells us he has boon involved in show bis for about five years, and he has loved very. minuto of i! Watch out jor his own TV special which should be aired soon. No movies have been set yet ‘SUNDANCE KID'S HANG-OUT Where do Robert Redford and his fam- ily live? Wasn't he fantastie in. “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"? T would Jv i you would print his pic! Soanne Val: Brewster, Wa Dear Jeanne Robert lives with his family (wife Lola ‘and their theee. children, David, Shaina ‘and Amy) in Provo, Utah. Yeah, he's a fabulous actor! LEGGY PEGGY Peggy Lipton from “Mod Squad” has such a great figure. She's really lucky, Do vou Know if she has a special diet to keep her tim? Dear Meghan: Poaay tells us that she doesn't have any planned menus, but she eats mostly health foods and has’ eliminated meat from her det entirely Woeite to: Enter"TEENmont Mailbag, c/o “TEEN Magazine, 8490 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, Ca. 90069, Please, please, please include a clear snapshot of yourself and write your fdkress om your question Now there's a Great Body for everybody. Now there's a Great Body" for your hair, no ‘matter what kind of hair you have, Because now ¢ there's new Extra Fine Hair Formula Great Body. = ae: Extra Fine Hair Formula does for girls with inal the finest, limpest,lankest hair what regularGreat Body does for everyone else. It’s specially made to doa little more for those of you who need it most. But don’t take our w Take our pictures. After shampooing, each of the girls above combed Great Body through her hair and set it. And whathappened to each of them can happen to you. In the time it takes to dry your hair, you can practically feel it growing strong healthier, thicker and fuller, curvier and curlier. ‘With more of the strength it needs to hold a set. Great Body, the body-builder for hair. Nobody should be without it. ‘And now nobody has to be. nawienal Youll dream youre not even Barely covers the subject... Precious Little® step-in bra. Hides nothing. (And has nothing to hide.) No seams to show. No closure. The nearly: naked truth in stretch nylon. One size fits all. $2.50. Briefly speaking. Precious Little bikini. No more than you want. No less than you need. One size (what there is of it) stretches to fit al. Colors match bra . . . tri-colors, sunshine shades, idight tones sand and wie $2 wearing your Precious Littles! The Cosmedic Cosmetic. Hypoallergenic. Of oils divested. Dermatologist tested. Yardley Youve got to ae young to get oe eae ‘tering Oa Kesing complaan even ogi aloek i BES 5 away with it. "iawn 067, Tomate Inako-up core oles ‘Thethorougnestoveleta yet, ea Shine Stopper Fce-resh open yous soci ourfage revo Enc tf ‘enn Te insingee ipuslato ye Ares (Mar. 21-Apr. 20): Advent: Azies people are infor an ‘Quick tips could be inthe offing, so be pre- pared. Star spring cleaning now to be free for fight by the 13th ‘Tamrms (Ape. 21-May 21): Taurus teens top the pop chart this month, Don't be sur piised if sou head up all committees at School and plan the spring pienie too! The stars say success is yours Gemini (Mey 22-June 2): Gemin'’s go creative now. Whip up that glad lad you've hed your eyes on. Chances are you'l be a smash no matterswhat, so get going. Remem- ber—no bragwing, though. Cancer (June 22-July 23): Moon maids set all the honors for perfect hostess this ‘month. The "TEEN aypsy predicts perfect jes ate your beat™especially round the ath Leo (July 24-Aug. 23): Okay, Leo's, hop to it! The eyes of March’ll make your pe fers picture perfect. The key is experiment! Now's the time to go all out infront of that risror and find your eye-deal ‘Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 23): Little Miss Homebody~that’s you come March time. Make the most of at-home do's and don't be too active. Write your pen pal and go back to painting Libra (Sept. 24-0ct. 23): Libra lassies, lasso your emotions! Hasty acts are no-no’ Give in to that whim—go to the big bash leven if you have to go alone. The stars pre- dict you won't be rolo for long, especially fon the 17h, Scorpio (Oct. 24.Nov. 22): Caution’s the byword for Scorpio sweeties now. Keep tight hold on those purse strings before the 22nd. Spending could mean an argument, so sit tight and keep calm ‘Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Sporty Sagitarians sprint into spring with new lads fall of color. Sweep out the deab and bring in the new brights! You'll want a new you this season. Stat now lapricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20): attention, Capricorn cuties! ‘The eyes of March are ‘upon you! So make the most of growp action Around the 15th and look for a susprise by the end of the month, Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19): Active Aquarians storm ahead fellforce this month, ‘Our gypsy lady says no blustery action, though. Keep things at home on an even Keel and watch for a new face on the 7th Pisees (Feb. 20-Mar. 20): The stars say Pisces people are in for an up and down ‘ime now Take it slow and let “think before you do” be your motto especially between the 18th and 25th PUEON SHOW-OFES ‘) eee Show off your groovy garb know-how with darling match-mated put-ons. Right: A nifty nautical mood set for making big waves. Sparkling white top with fab navy blue flare pants. Of 60% Dacron®/polyester and 50% cotton. About $20. Center, right: On the wild side, groovy match ’n’ clash duds ...dotted and striped to perfection. Of 100% cotton canvas. About $16. Center, left: It’s the jolly green match-me pants of 65% Blue "C®” polyester and 35% cotton. Topped with dots. The tunie’s 100% cotton pique screen print. About $24. Left: Be the circle of attention in super-duper tunic of 100% cotton poplin screen print. Matching pants of 50% Dacron®/poly- ester and 50% cotton. About $24. All match- mated sets available in sizes 3-11 petite junior. Fun garb by WESTWAY PETITE JUNIORS —Lorch-Westway Corporation. WESTWAY Photography Taken at SIX FLAGS Over Mid-America. Park Opens in May, 1971, So BE THERE! ESIWAY Rally ‘Round SIX FLAG 1 a t and GO! Right: Go for green. Snappy style #6334 has nifty drop waist. About $2 = 8. Center: It’s style #6331 in bright yellow with contrasting trim. About $24. Left: A red eye-stopper.Style #6333 with flippy pleats. About $28. All of Dacron*|polyester double knit, sizes I-II petite junior. From WESTWAY. ALLAS. Al fine stores throughout the country. a olenne and ()rchids for your feet.. ‘Opposite lett: 1s fash va W crinkle patent Testrop pe Pp pump. This shoe is avail Pe Bd ciie in biack, royat biue, Se Se bone, white oF red. About $11. Created by Jolene. JOpposite left: Walk happy with the sling treat- ment. This fantastic lerinkle patent shoe'll keep [you stepping lively. Comes in black, one or white HAbout $13. Created by lOrchias Opposite right: Dig the grovey up-front tiny bot and tico brass rings treat- ment on erinkle patent pump. Choice of black, rugal blue, Bone, white or red, about $17. By Jolene Opposite right: Plenty of fringe benente with this “fringe softie.” Comty to swear too. Comes in cork, bone or white. Created in ‘glove leather: About $1. By Jolene. More women use FDS to feel fresh, confident all day Because FDS has two 24-hour deodorants Tes fun to be together all day — especially with FDS to keep you fresh and confident FDS isn't a coverup. FDS has two 24-hour deodorants to check odor-causing bacteria and protect you from vaginal odor all day. In fact, FDS is so effective, more women use FDS than any other feminine hygiene deodorant Use gentle FDS every day — youll feel fresh and confident around the clock. And you'll enjoy every minute of being close. Burp, baby, burn! Throw rocks! Hate—hate! Aare with us that America stinks! The fascist pigs are taking us! Resist the police! Scorn your elders! Twist truth if it suits! Idealism isa huge joke! Marx, Lenin, Mao, Che, Eldridge, Tim- othy, Angela, Hitler and a bundle of other neurotic revolutionaries you've never heard Of will continue to appear,on your radar screen...trying to tell you “where its at” Party line: “The way to make the country Detter and stronger is est to.- DESTROY it! There are ways to make the country stronger and better without wrecking it America is « fantastic experiment in ‘human dignity and personal freedom. Itean be said that it represents the greatest and most successful effort ever undertaken to achieve both goals on a huge scale. ‘The experiment is not vet completed, New generations. mus ‘good way to make your und: the way(s) you can make Ani tounderstand bath the garbage being asked to throw at “today’s way” and at the same time know more and more and ‘more about “yesterday,” both here and the world over. “Yesterday wasn't all bad. In fact the U.S. way of life is the envy of the ‘world, and other peoples break their backs Gometimes their hearts} intryingto emulate ur lifestyle History! Ben Franklin wore his hair long. Wash- ington's was Tong—and powdered! Lace hankies and cuffs? You bet, Velvetjeans and boots? Si! Si Perspective. ‘That's the name of fair play. It’s the way to rate progress. Its the way to focus on where you are and want t0 be in five, 1, 20 years, Ti Just slx-more years, America will be celebrating her bicentennial. The Deckar ation of Independence will be 200 years old. Tes the best time we can think of to dig a litle deeper on “yesterday” all over the world ‘The payoff will be perspective “today and a better tomorrow: @D ie wena harder do-it yourself praject iat you think, knitted i. Select The Kind Of Music You Like Best... tse Feliiana PPE es 14 TT ey ALU) DEN MUNG Byatt cree RL Toa ‘aes - lection at tap the new AEA Musi Service. ‘Start Saving Now! raxe any 4 Reco, setts of Stereo 8 Tapes or, no mh 3 for sly 894! You alas chose from Narre roe, Reorze, ata. Mes Lande, or from ary of 40 ther abel Need NOT Buy A Selection Every Month! You merely ayce to by as fon a5 ‘Ee selectins win over at regula ‘Masi Sores prices: weually F198 for Records; $598 fr Catsetts ard Sterve 45 Than, ya deelde 2 rama 9 rem ban 4 generous ever pln els sob choco ove selection PRE for every twa you bay =a savings of ere Free Magazin! iustated MEDLEY re=y- you ee, and etn bythe date spac. Free 10 Day Trial! ou must be sata "Jou tay rer sau sletins witha ight om, oF an TRO. (aurieRi in ida ry) sa [s.| 19959 Of all the new television shows introduoed amid such heavy hype and hoopla at the stict of the 1970-71 season, more died than Ihed. There were few mourners for any of the teleliops this year Fatalities inchided a dozen weekly colossals designed to tekle the fancy of our grandmes and pas. Comedy took the worst beating. Only four reached the 20 top-rated prozrams. Tip-tepper ‘of all was Flip Wilson’s hechee teevee jamboree. Most of the Shows consigned to the TV boncyard were awfully cory, hammy, dumb, unrealistic or targeted for just one clement of the viewing population. So says Mike “Little Joo” Landon, veteran of 11 years on “Bonanza.” ‘The dialogue on our show is often so damb even fve-year-olds don't belive it” he complains, “My sixteen-year-old daughter says the Cartwrights are flesh-and-blood people who must have some faults, though you'd never know I¢ ftom watching them Weekly.” ‘Older andienoes seem to prefer fantasy,” Leonard. Nimoy inuses, “while Kids want honesty and characters who have both 00d and badd qualities, Nobody's perfect” in ‘Room 22%” we are encouraged. thank Cod, to sive our characters and the audience eredit for being intelligent” say the series of that smash show “ "Medical Center has to fight network censorship, whenever swe have a powerful, gutsy stony,” Chad Everett complains. “We Won some battles and lost others, but the CBS brass constantly David Janssen ond Rosemary Forsuth, party regulars, are. making the social round, Goldie Hewn (with handsome husband Gus Trikonis) has more movie offers than she can handle Leslie Warren of “Mission Impossible” 4 too by to-date much, Too Bad! George Hamilton's current flame i iz cipent actress Alana Collins. swam ws thet each segment mast he understood and accepted by am andience of mental telve Sear ods “Tonsler ifthe netverk execs ever talk to modern Kis! T do and I'tell you that subjects hike sbortion, venereal disease ani drugs are well within the conversational range of the twelve or thirteen vear olde who ae, I most sayy alten more advanced than so of the TY czars.” Shirley Jones agro: “Tho wsual comedy shows are fairy tules with cliches. Lin glad to say the ‘Partridge Family” deals svith real problems seithin a comedy format. My family aren't Candyestidt Kids, That's why we are stil xoing strona, David Cassidy is satsied wit the show but not so delighted swith his dise credits, "T Think 1 Love You” and other ities are edited not to him but #0 the fetitous Partilge Fam By the wav, David was driven ovt of Bis home by ganes of frcaked-out ail fans after a local deejay blabbed his addiess on the ar. He moved all his jk in Shoe easy tips with a rented Ucbrive truck, Sincere admirers respect their favorite stars fan freaks are pest Snubnosed,eacrt-topped Miteh Vogel, stil on the sumny side of Ld the Jamie of "Rooanna"is stil st the stage where he tries to read all he fan muy of which 80 peroont is from els. (S0- rice Surprise!) POne gil wrote me that she is ying to California to ive with nie, Thope it doesn't happen. She said her fay ist eating Kner well and she's going to un away. Sho sid she was 12. Togetherness: Barbara Hershey (“Baby Maker”) & David Carradine son of John. PRESLEY PERSONAL, Nobody asked ay opinion, bot Tsay i anyhow. Elvis Frsay alt bal bad Ao a song persona igyand a hunan beng he has few equal, Alongh superstar, he sill feels ine ee eee Sight and cations, His Yelings ere net by the ston prow elem of hs Alocunentary Bn, “Phat the Way IIe Ite muprsing howe much he iow bout top thned elton! heat Fe ‘One recut dy he and. Sonny West ised an LA, MogeamAmenin sl Telp welfare and apport grou Ry mane is Elves Presley" he tld the stunned "chitano. chick at ihe reception $ekias i ape aidett boo, May T ace Shon that worthy swarthy appeared, ls enp tied reel ieey earecters that T doit He Mexicus, Thats Here's ny. contribution of $2000 to belp So car’ on your work inthe aries” Drivin home, be chanced to pase the LA Free Ciieon Fairfax Avenues "Lote Kok in he tld Sonny. “I heard the dine rae eee ome Mer ae eine bread. fest” Trdg Bhis and Sonny rapped with ids, mnt of whom sere homeless, sik and eared teenage’ gre wailing tobe exam- ibed nd tested by the volunteer doctor Bal Genes or fo ik with the Tog iMviser Jeb, counselors and others On ike gout Ble Tai 8500 on tho Free ny coy TIRE AND PAIN, Many crazies are rine ning aroun ose. Thee ae he hola tania the este rad sd the armless dingariings we meet everwhere Montschtopbrents are interesting, colt tn charmtply econ characters 1m Sey dont fip ont of thei hes Jamas Taylor (ire and Rain” “Sweet Baby fame’) noes wnt that mens Tonge betore he wat 20, Janes commited Tic fo a mostalinseton when he Yeas ho as acing to strange and was iscng contol of ht bet, hich seemed to be racing dow witout brakes Te the hnpital the voune Jas. wae secon attucted © heautfel Tyearold Stzanne, 1 ranie-depresve, catatonic and Selfdmntive patient who was Kept wer Sater and restraint Only when. Tames Sor by hor side did she reat and show Tin cf responding to lve “Ate hi release, Jemes was well for a year before spell of despondency, host ded peor Tow setumed. He-committing itself was caer the second time around Tracie he tal Suranre waiting for him. Thon he leaned she'd been pot in a ted ‘cell for seleprotection, and. yet Fed Somehow managed to end er We Tiere he composed “ire and Rain” Fire isthe mental patient's word forekestc Shoak, Hain their eld shower teatments SP ahvays thought sce yo, Baby, one more tse cpa Let deya ‘and wrcts Ui cong and Tjast cant remonber-who to send it to Taylor ail sings to the Inenory of Stzanne SPINS AND NEEDLES, The ra of the Ton gi ad, wisecracking Top 40 es eee tacts ie Ls the pret wine ear’ and other species (eats ite eee Top 100 elarts are heard on AN radio, contnaed on pase 90 Beach Boy Mike Lace used to be a clean ‘ont all-American surfer. See any chanae? Marty Engles, actor and comedian, mugs | ("Room Jor Michael Constantine BP) land Mike's son Brondon, Hill St. John ie dating photogropher Ron Jou, ex-fancé of Nancy Sinatra Ir His kids drove him crazy.. .--up the wall. They wouldn't eave him alone until he came up with something that would help them do away with their acne pimples and blackheads. Considering he was a Pharma cist, and considering they were his children, he came up with something. Something called Propa PH. Propa PH is great. Because it does exactly what it's supposed to do, It attacks acne pimples ferociously. Tt ‘goes to work the minute you put it on, And once you have it on no one knows it but you. Because Propa PH is colorless. So go down. Run down. Jump down. And get Propa PH. And if you are not satisfied with the results within three days send usback the bottle cap and we'll send you back your money. PROPA PH. 11S GOT WHAT IT TAKES —sbmPER TAYTROGS ==6000 GR BAB? by tynne Kelly The shrill sounds of Suzi’s shrieking filled the school corridor. Heads turned. People stopped and stared. Some smiled. Others shook their heads. Suzi, the spitfire of Central High, was at it again. She was bugged that one of her Suzi’s temper —and everyone elses — goes deeper than hair color. You're 2 prod wet of heredity and environmental condi Woning. In the whole spectmm of raze ‘outrage, action and reaction, ‘there are willy diverse dejgreos ~ from teerble tan tums to dinid temors, Your way of & pressing rage may be as unique as your Fingerprints, Suzi sereams when hor ine rises, Others sulk, Others cry quiethy ond robitrasively. Stil others shmg and say thing. Which are you? What is. your temper type? Maybe it's among the follow ing lineup. THE VESUVIANS Like Swzi, a Vesuvian bursts with anger ‘The tantrum is quick and violent. The most extreme eases may fall to the Boor, sezeam fd kick, Others of this type have a ten Geney to throw any movable object avail able'and shout any oath that may hit the tip of the tongue. While tt lasts, the Vest van tantrum can be an awesome spectacle, Control seems to fly out the window, and although there is ttle doubt that mage provoked the tantram, sometimes the un ‘erlving cause or issue at hand is Forgotten fn the wake of the Veruvian's impressive Tistrionies — both. by'the spectators and the spectacle her (him self THE WHIRLWINDS Vocalizing is not the Whirlwind’ forte, Dut watch those arms! In a blue fenk, any Whirhvind worth her salt ean piteh like a Daseball pro. Anything goes — shocs, clothes, ls pietire, scrapbooks, records, ‘ld Tove Keters «all take to the air in the Whirkwind’s wake. 1 difficult to com- Imunieate with « Whirlwind ia action, but fs a aood idea, if you live with one, 10 Become adept at ducking THE ICEBERG Another silent soul, The Teeberg signals Aispleassre by blowing « discernible chill fn the ar. Tey silence. ponctnated, per- Taps, by a slammed door «i the trade- mark of the Ieeherg temper tantrum, Com= Ivnication i smposble, Tes obsions that she's upset about something, but shes Keeping that seeret lacked inside that frosty exterior. THE HERMIT Don't get the idea that the Hermit is silent! She doesm't have tobe, She can Combine the qualities of the Vesuvian and the Whirheind and still be « Hernit — she insists on venting her rage alone, You rarely ghmpse a Hermit ina Bt of angoe- She runs to her room, bolts the ‘looe, flings herself on the bed and evies hher eyes ont, Or she throws things, Maybo she even sereams to the four walls, Andi- fences inhibit her, however. When she docs hher anger thing’ she does it alone THE INSIDER ‘The Insider is a breed of Hermit, but this temper type hides behind amiability. not closed doats, A tiny smile a shruse and ‘A iqiel “Ob, As all right,” oe “Tt doesn't matter,” are’ her trademarks, The Tasider Keeps bad vibes locked smoldering inside. ‘She says it's all right when it font because She is unwilling — or unable — to let her eal anger show. THE COMPUTER This machine-oriented individual has a ‘memory like an elephant, She NEVER FORGETS slight, Unlike the Ieebers, ‘who Eoeps things locked! up, or the Ine sider who lets everything build up to a peak at which me the explosion occurs ver something tivial, the Computer Knows all: tine, date, exactly where you ‘ovo were standing, what you were weat- Ing, what she was wearing, what you said, ‘what she said, and on and on and on until Yor want to Blow gasket all over asa She's Tike an endless ticker-tape as forces you to experience the suffering she felt dme and time again, You're a criminal and sentenced for life as far as the Con Diter is concerned. THE MARTYR ‘This teary type is ako one of the worst to be enconntered in the ternble temper Vneap. Even if she's inthe wrong and you're totally in the right, she makes you feel half an inch tall and termblet She girlfriends had flirted with her steady and reow! — she was letting the world (as well as the offending girljriend) in on it. “It’s that redheaded temper! passing classmate. “She can’t help it!” laughed a moans, groans, ries, snifles and sighs her way to your gruiging ‘sympathy. Her Strategy ranges, froma whimpery “Its all fight. you've right!” accompanied by a trembling lower lip and a gentle. sigh to impressive histrionics, Ina real At of martyrdom, this. type. will recall every ‘ood thing she's ever done for you, “Who Introduced you to. Rick? Who leat vou ten dollars "to. get those records? Who gave you that blouse? Who has been your fiend no matter what??” "screams. the martyr. She may catalog other gifs. to ‘make you feel guilty about burdening her ‘with another. She may all on your con ccem for her “OF course, my feelings don't matter.” she says softly and tearfully. “You don't tere about me, do you? You just care about yourseliT Her often successful strategy hinges on making you mad at yourseli instead of at her THE SNIPER ‘Temper tantrums? Not a chance. Acts like screaming oF throwing things are so far beneath the Sniper's dig invisible, At all times, in al ‘Bo matter what the provocation, the Js im control of herself. She Knows it's not Jadylike or genteel for a wil to lose her temper, so naturally the Sniper never Toser hers, ‘Never? That's what she thinks, Anger i an emotion she’ not swing, to acknow= ledge because she disapproves of it, but that doesn't make it go away. Her family and friends could tell her that the way’ she really. handles her anger is to let i leak fut slowly for hours or days afterward, in tle bursts of sarcasm, If her boyfriend is late picking her up for a date, she smiles and ‘tells him is all right. But for the fest of the evening, she'll make eracks Mke, ‘Do. you always. buy. your shirts at the Salvation Arms?” or “You like this Bick? Bow, nothing. like being easy. to ple Mad? The Sniper's not mad. She'll tell you so herself. She just has a good sense ‘af humor, thats all, She'll never admit that finger is the gun that fios her Dullets of “humor.” THE SABOTEUR This temperamental type 2aps you where it hurts — silently, stealthily and. some- times VERY ellectively. If you inspire her seg nen easel oitlashie ay net ster scream or jump sp and down, but she fgets her revenge, You stroll out t0 the parking lot after school and see kick marks fon the fender of your all-paid-lor and Imnuch-loved ear, ‘The Sabotour has struck Ink ios mysterusly apps on hat tem ‘paper you stayed up all night typing (an Tefton your desk fer only a second). The silent, stealthy fand quick) Saboteur has struck— amin, The onder in your locker suddenly turns to balling disorder... ‘guess who? Your gym shoes disappear Your gyan suit bas a mysterious tear «> the spooky events zo on and on. You don't have to be a super-detective to put the chies together . . » sf you've cressed 4 Saboteur lately Vesuvians and Whirkvinds are always being) admonished to “cool it” Hermits tnd Insiders ate often praised for their feven tempers. Some experts in human be havior are seriously questioning the uni- versil “cool i" prescription, Those who ‘ool it best often handle anger the worst, fn Insider may not lsh out at an offender but he may never forgive him, The cool Tisider anentaly sashes away her rev ances, never to be forgotten. If, finally, the collection is volatile enovh, « sudden and unexpected tantrum may come burst fing out over a minor upset to the utter sstonishment of al around George Bach, the famous fight trainer and. anthor of The Intimate Enemy, calls stich Tnsider tactics “gunnysacking,” Gane fysacking can he one of the greatest ob- Stacles to good vibes. Important isees are parsed over and never settled, Minor ones ‘ay be blown up to monstrous proportions. Mary was an expert gunnysacker. When Lisa barged Jn and took her boyfriend way, Mary was cool, No confrontations. No shouting scenes. Little — if any — reac: ion at all, Mary and Lisa still ate lunch touether, shared homework and gigaled their way through countless Saturday shop- ping sprees, ‘True, Mary didn’t confide tn Listas much, Dut otherwise st was hard to detect any bad vibes...even when Mary found ont that Lisa was telling some ‘wil les about her. Oh, Mary avoided Lisa {ora day or so (and ered a itle, privately), bat she never confronted her with the evi dlence, Then one day’, Lisa teased hoe —in passing —about her wildly disoruanized Ticker and wow! The cool Insider became 4 Voruvian in 10 seconds flat! Mary ex: Dlded with litany of stored-up grefs and agmvdges, feolings that had been smoldering Inside for months. People who heard her ‘eruption couldn't believe it, farylosing hher cool over a tiny thing lke that?? She nist be Bipping! Julie, like Suzi, exploded regularly and Soeiferously...s0 much so. that people Devan to avotd her. Any issue, great or ‘nall, fom unrequited love to undercooked french fries, could trigger a tantrum. More tnd more, in faet, Jolie found her Tove to be unrequited, Teeanse sys, would soo Ther inaction ‘and think "She's cute, bat wow = who needs that tersble temper!” So who wine the dubious distineton of having the worst of the temble temper? Joke or Mary? Call it 4 He... but waitl 1f cooling it can canse sleers, surprise hys- teria and lifelong grudges. and explod- ng makes you ulcerproof,iriendproot and loveproof . «what's an uptight teen to do, anyhow? "Temper per se ts something we all have Terrible tempers are unconivollable ones, Silent tantrums can be as harmful as Toul ‘ones, If you're a compulsive Insider who fant scem to deal with the anger-provok ing sltvation at the frst appropriate time and. place, i£ you always hide behind a ‘mask’ of indifference or tnshakable smnia- bility . you have a temper problem. If yo yell and blaster wncontallably at each ‘light — both seal and imagined — you too have a temper problem. Insider or incite, you are faced with the awesome tak of taming a tenible temper! ‘So how do. yor tame the beast? Con. structive control is the key. This doesn't ean conti {0 the extent that you never admit to your anger and the difference or isagreement that caused itis never solved. Taming terrible temper does not tean eliminating, eradicating. or sqeleh= {ng it, It moans that YOU are the master fof your temper, You handle i: it doesn't Thandie you. You remain von, dealing with and teying to solve a problem in a mature tanner, rather than becoming a whimper fing, raging, inarticulate chunk of homani- 1s, oreating tare probs by such xeactons to the original one. How ean you make your temper — no matter what type you tend to, be ~ work for you rather than against you? Tust tane to some basie tactics for taniing your ‘won terble temper. ) The old saying “Count to ten” is not entirely without ment, Ya most eases, thnk- {ng for a moment before. you open. your tooth, can mean the difference’ between ‘prablem solved and the creation of new ‘ones. This is particularly good for correct- ing the Vesuvian tendeney to strike. back instinctively and blindly. and, 49 many ‘cases, ineffectively, Tk ie ako grod. for Ihabitual cryers, ‘These unfortunate. souls art off thet defense well enough, but at they approach the punch lino — that maz nifleent zinger they've boon saving. for just the right moment ~ their threats choke up, the tears start flowing and that mag- nifleent zinger is lost im barrage of tear= ful bubble. A few minutes to plana ‘counterattack (with the panch Tine sooner, perhaps, or the erver more composed a6 a result of thinking first) anay make @ fan taste difference. (2) If you're an Insider oF a Hider, earn {o catch yourself retreating and ask your sf why yor can’t admit-anger to other people and_face them directly. Are’ you Shvaid of not belng liked if you adit that {frend i bugaing you? Do yon fee] your Friendship would be jeopardized if you rewaled a diferent viewpoint? Tn many cases, honestly admitting anger may strengthen a friendship, Agi who's top good to be tue, who never gets upset, who seems to let the world walk over her fan put people off jst as much as a voci frous fighter. She Keeps friends sessing is she upset? How do T stand with her? 1s she being honest with me?" A. good fiend will generally prefer honesty. After all, a veal fiend loves you because yout you, and your feelings and temper corsti- {ute a ital part of you. () If youre an inveterate Vesuvien, earn to organize your outbursts, Don't syaste enerzy hurling oaths and insults, Use that fie to tackle the fswe at hand. (4) Even if you're another temper type, tuy to stay with the Issue at hand, Con structive anger isa device to correcta siti. ation (or to make sore it never happens gain.). If your best gelfiend does some- thing that makes you see red (and white and blue), you hate what she did, not hee (necessarily). “I hate you! T hate you!” i not as constenetive a8 “Thate what you did Let's tall about it NOW!" (G) In addition to keeping your construc. tive outburst isu-oriented, keep timely, Don't drag out griovanees from months and years past. Dont recite a catalogue of all past misdeeds. It distracts you both from NOW. If you have a tendency to. stash ‘gievances away lke a squiveel storing nuts for winter, force yourself to deal with these Inurts before they become ancient history You'll feel better and your opponents (who may have forgotten these past events) will be much Tess bewildered ) Try to maintain your maturity and reason when rage strikes, We all have dif. ferent levels of behavior, of course, A 40 eur old will in some instances, act like a child. Nobody: can behave rationally and {na natore manner a the time, But think Ing before you shout, organizing your at tack, channeling your anger to correct what makes you mad is a big step in the sight direction, ‘Withia the temper taming Ieup, there's still room for a lot of individual variations IF you've a Vesuvian, you may. think, dhen shout the rafters down (hopefully with 4 reasonable as ell as vociferous argument.) If youtse Mider or an Taser, there will be times when you still can't admit just how upset you are, but if you can clue others in to your feelings enough sp that Youre not gunnysacking like crazy or Tet fing the world trample you, you've come along way! ‘Temper, Tong as you live, it will be there, an inseparable part of vor Your temper — whether quiet or lod, vol tile low-key ~ will always keep its indi Vidual character. With a litde insight into Yourrell, however, yon can tame the beast in you so it works for you (afterall, wres tling wlth your temper and having i win coin be a drag). You are what you are —In- Sider or Ineiter— but with a tamed, con: structive temper, you'll be better yout Tie “What hace I told you about siting én Q. rove 70 use PerrumeD SOAP AND DUSTING POWDER, BUT THE SCENTS ‘CLASH WITH MY. COLOGNE. WHAT DO YOU suacEst? M.H., Coopersburg, Pa AL choose a sent that comes in a imoiched frsgrance wardrobe. Take Art bush for example. Tt comes in richly perfumed soap and dusting powder tat Fave the same fresh, ulira-feminine scent 2s Ambush cologne and perfume. When you wear them sll. together, you'll be in perfect scent harmony — for an eflst that's simply seent-sationall Oe ee ee OF PRONOUNCING THE NAME OF ee ee Sr ite Oe 1 ee A. The correct way t0 5: is its Enel pronunciation, “ko-noo". Jost for your information, the name ‘originated in France, where Canoe is mide». and its meaning is the Sime as in America. Thanks for your eom- pliment, we think is great, too! Q. some rts 00K so FRESH ABTER GYM CLASS, BUT 1M AL- WAYS. 4 MESS. WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND? EIHG., Huntington Beach, Cal AL brie beauty refresher. 1) ‘Wash hands, face, neck, then rinse with cool water: 2) brush hairs 3) apply fresh cosmetics: 4) give yourself fra ‘rant finish witha light, floral cologne Teal for school use is economical solid cologne. Glide it on from limb to limb, fon the nape of your neck, under your chia! Keep one in your school loc ‘with other grooming essentials. Yor set hundreds of applications ‘ro Single package (like Dera’s luscious, sling Ambush Solid Cologne. Fragrant you for the rest of the school day! Dana has a wonderful booklet called “How to take a Bath . -. the Fragrant Way!” For a fres copy, just write “Send Bath Booklet” on & postcard with sone full nome and address and mail to DEAR DANA. Dana Perfumes, Dept. T3 625 Madison Avenue NYC 10022 Canoe SHE'S PLEASED TEIN’ sont te best aie eer aes mee oe Se eer os se ttt ms fe BORDER TROUBLE Tm eng ty 8 Song Ts wt cag tee gee St eae ty at Coden i el caer etn a eCopt $5 lllon sd Magy Jan? or ec Rieger ene cee os Shmeh snp onl log aoe ne oe ees to fukn, ot etn ee ee tae cum We shen all ia nd chips an a ees SPS dog corn ye wk THe THUMBER T just read your ar- ticle on_ hitchhiking (Dec. "70. "TEEN, for thumbing as we fea it T smust diss faaree with you on ‘many. points. Today thumbing is an ac- cepted way of trans portation for Kids who are too young to drive or can't afford 2 car The people who give you rides are tesually the ones of your own age who are Icky enowgh to own a car oF have the use of one, Team a 1Syerold gid and I often thumbmmestly in groaps of two or more inl. But T have, on occasion, thumbed ‘love, I'am careful aboat the people Tride ‘vith. There isa risk, but iF youre careful, youe okay. Anyway, there's a risk to fven walking down the street these days, Isn't there? So T plan to- confine thumb: ing until T ean afford a car of my own We've received tons of lettore on this Most of our readers, though, vote “thumbs dlowon™ om hitehhiking. — Ed. WHO CARES? Tread the January issue of "TEEN and 1 especially read page 42, the arguments fon David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman, ‘nd Tve got an opinion too. Telly don't ‘are aboot Baby Sherman's age, whether he's 25 or 50, but David Cassidy surely 5 not undeserving of the privilege of belong falled a teen idol, In fact, i€3 just the op- posite T think David Cassidy is the groov Test, most talented young guy on television | today, So why don't you Bobby: Sherman [Hans think a litle before you start insulting avid Cassidy? IPS IN THE STARS ‘Whatever happen- ed ta. "Your Horo Scope”? I just love Horoscope. Tm a Capricom gal and tumed 15 this past Janvary. ettle,Caner, (Check out your Hor ‘scone on page 9-— Ea. IN DEFENSE OF PEACE 1 would lke to disagree with Gloria Cline’ letter (Jan, 71). T really don't care shat the peace symbol meant tn the Mid lo Agest I think that most teens are more concerned with the great meaning behind i TODAY! T wonder, Cloris, how you know the Communists aro OLEEFUL, when they see US. teens wearing the sym Del, Do you know any offhand? Robin Bentley, Chicago, << NOT PLEASED Thave to tell you that T thought vour “Hard Mat Bos ies”, (Dec. "70) neatly | as Ieantiful as they were insulting to the American teen. T Hy found ‘Camouflage disausting We are living ina Aifficult period this all we have to show as far as support and patriotism are concerned? "TEEN proces its foclings in “The Plight of the POWs" on page 74.— Ed, DEFINITION OF LOVE? Tim 14 and a freshman. Tin going to ‘comment on your Tnterview sith Sex in the January, 1971 sue, A gil or boy can be and shold be very mich in love when going steady without sex in the action. To mie sex can start after you're married and fant one minute before, Yow said that sex is & basie appetite, like hunger or thirst ‘Thats not the way it is with me or my best friends. Love is caring for each other tind not for each others body. Love is hhappiness-and caring for each other in. @ special way. Sex is filth and a craving for ‘each other's body. That sadness — not hap: pines. ‘Anonymous, Burington, Ke Send us your Tetters about the stories | {yon like and dislike fn “TREN — and tell iss why. We vill pablish your letter in most cases, only 4F you enclose 2 clear photo of yourself and #f you sign your | ame to it Send your letters to We Get, ef "TEEN Magazine, 8490 Sin set Blvd, Los Angeles, C2 90069. Styled for Pisces with’Scotch’ Hair Set Tape vo (oy a rn (a) =| aie ML PISCES “Scotch” eta nag small price. Ballet opaque panty hose in 13 pretty colors. 2.39. Or sheer Ballet panty hose in shades of skin. From 1.39. Pretty. Good fit. Pretty good. pete ‘panty hose A produ of Barintont® Hosiery Co ‘New York 1019 gmaae A Malaysian | Teen Raps Hop aboard the "TEEN magic carpet for another adventure jn intemational under standing! This month the "TEEN special heads east ~ to 4 land where people of various nationalities, speaking a variety of tongues, lie in harmony side by side. ‘The place? ‘Malaysia, Our teen host for this adventare: Helen Tsu-Hung, 19, of Panang, Malaysia, A lively presuniversity student majoring in Enilish literature and history, Helen digs dancing, movies, reading, swimming, writing, collecting mod accesories, wild clothes and crazy posters. She is alo tuned in to the foll-rock pop music scene and gives us 4n_up-to-the-minnte report on the current favs in her pret of the world, ‘Most of the English language music here is American,” says Helen. “Simon and Garfunkel, Three Dog Night, the Fifth Dipension, Ray Stevens, Elis Presley and Bob Dylan are most popular with teens here, The original cast allan of Hair, "Let It Be? Everything is Beautifel and “Save the Gosntry” by the Filth Dimension are the eurrent hits. Our hits are the same es yours, The only cilference is the time. factor. We may get the hit songs about two months after they've reached the top of the charts in the States.” Malaysia's music scene, however, bas 4 multclinsval aspect umparalleled_ anywhere “The hits I just mentioncd ace the ones that are popilt among. Eoulish-speaking teens,” Helen explains, “However, there are many Chinese-speaking youths in one countey and these teens will hear pop_music in Chinese, ‘The beats of these songs, thou, are borrowed from the West. The Chinese languave adapts well to the rack beat. a the same way; Malay-speaking and Tamil (indian) teens listen to. their own music AAs in the US. Helen notes that there is a definite generation gap in musical tastes ‘among the Enalisi-speaking sector anyway, “Johnny Cash popular with younger teens and swith the ails,” she says, and young. adults particaily like folk singers stich as Bab Dylan and Joan Bace. ‘The laiter kind of muse is appreciated by teens who have an idea of what is being sung The terminology — certain phrases and slang — is dificult to understand if one doce not v the mood and thonghts of the searching, drug-taking young. Ametican” ‘American movies dominate the fm scene i) Malaysia. “And we're ot far behind you!” smiles Helen. “We get movies only a few months after they're fist shown in the US. The favorites here have been The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, The. Sterile Cuckoo, MASH. Wes Side Story, The Sound of Music and Romeo and Juliet” Tf teens in the U-S, think that movie ratings are a prob, Helen insists that you haven't seen anything yet. “Our govemament banned Ean Rider here — ‘much tomy dismay,” Tto-19 Year olds she says. “T saw the movie when I was an AS, exchange student in the United States last year and loved it, Censorship is real problem here, The Graduate, Midnight Cot oy andl other NOW fils ~ especially those that portray turbulent, frightened, con emer youth ~ make the censors very nervous with their scissors. Its too bad, becaise these are all good movies that educate a totally cifferent society abuut the Ameriea of not only the young, the peace-niks and the hippies, hut alo that of the tan-paving ‘iddle-cla white Amexiean ~ the alent sajorty.” Helen's Tist of sereen favs sounds very familia. They may be on YOUR roster too. Paul Newman, Dustin Holfmas, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross, George. Peppard and Elliot Gould ‘When teens ike wo do? "We have lots of parties!” smiles Helen, “The teen clubs and discothégques so popular im the Statey are practically unknown here, Oh. inthe big cities there are a few nightclubs, but thee are expensive and frequented only: by: adults — mostly” middle aged businessmen. Tmt a small town gir, Teens where T live have to be. resourceful in entertaining themselves and do it with great spirit! We have lots of parties in private homes and dance tb goad records —like the Beatles. Live bands are OUT. ‘They're so expensive and most of them aren't that goad anyway. So we dance to the Dest there is —on record?” Some teen party scenes in Malaysia Took VERY American, "Yes, I guess they dot” Helen laughs, "Beach parties are very IN here, They're the best! Imagine dancing bare- foot on the clean sand with bright stars overhead! No nightelub could ever match that We love our beach and have some fantastic bashes there, Teens have really caught on to soul and beat moste and — at long last —fast dancing.” ‘She laughs, “We lear fast, actually! Not so long ago, teens here were still doing the cha-cha, the waltz and the shumba, Now we ean do ail the new fast chances. When ve waltz now (and don’t laugh — we still do sometimes), itis retuced to a tworstep. Malaysia aren't Istening to musie oF going to movies, what do they “Teens in Malaysia are— what do you say~ tuned in and with-itl We've eome a lon was? @ ‘Why a boy gives a girl flowers. He said he gave me And1 hope he's right, lowers because Howers because that's what | try are soft and pretty. tobe. He said he gave me Everything natural, the flowers because they'te — way nature is. Muguet des bois. something real and Even withthe pecune Which means Flower honest. ieee of the Woods.” And that's as natural as you can get. He said he gave me : ieee cae those aa , Muguet des bois by Coty are the things lam. - ‘ Something soft and pretty, teal and honest. CAN'T DATE PRIDE Dear Jack: A few weeks ago my ginlfriend told me this guy 1 liked was going to askmetoabig ance. 1 was all excited wating for him to ask me, but instead he asked another git. She accepted and broke the date with him ‘Teday he asked if 1 could go tothe dance. 1 told him no because it was such short notice. He said he had something to con- fess, and I said I knew all about the other sill. He apologized and Said he didn’t want ine to feel like a second choiee...but I do. Shall forgive him? Dear S.L. He didn’t tie to you. If you don’t forgive im, you'l both sit at home, TON OF JOY SS Louis Mo Dear Jack Tam a giel of 16 and have a big problem: my weight. [am very overweight. Lam happy this way, but as youcan guess, I have no boyfriend. Everyone says I've gota great Dersonality and that Tam eute. Do you think Til ever get anyone and do you have any suggestions? Dear JT. Fat is fun but tonely. Why not be thin now? You have the rest of your life to be abby UNEAGER EATER Dear Jack Tam 14 years old and have been going with a wonderful hos foralmostfive months On Friday nights we go to dances and ater wards he wants to go out to eat Cust refuse because to tell you the truth, Pean’t at in front of him or any’ other boy. He ine fists I don't want to be seen with him, and this is not tre, SSW. neste Dear SW: You'ee gor « bigger problem than I can handle here. Better talk to 4 school coun: selor or your parents SHE'S $0000 OLD Dear Jack Tam 12 years old but look and act much older. Boys have asked me out but my par- tents say Tam to young, They tell me to wait about three more years. Some of my friends dated when they were 10.1 think 1 ain old nous but how'd make my parent fel Dear PH. The best woy is to act responsible. Be thoughtful. Anticipate and volunteer to Tielp with family chores. Ask fr opinions on things you are seeingihearingldoing. Try to bbe indepenilent part of the time by earning spending money, ‘TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS Dear Jack: T'm I5 and I like this guy who fs 17. He likes me too. My problem is that we are nelghbors, and my’ sister and brother ste really good friends with him. So he ignores ‘me when they are around. How can I make him like me not only when we are alone? Dear JM. He's playing it cool, so go along with it and enjoy hin then you've finally alone together. WHO IS ME? Dear Jack Tve been living for 15 years. 've grown up see two sisters leave home, my parents Separate and come back together and friends depart forever. [ve experienced death and life and hate and rage and 100 kinds of love. ve been drink with happiness and diss ceased with unhappiness. ‘Who am I? Who is me? Why am T so uncertain of my individ self? Lam so mixed up. Tam sollte. Ind age of campus disorders and anti-war pro- fests, In this age when police use force to break up a peace demonstration, what can one small, 15year old girl do or become? ‘AI my life I've dreamed of becoming a writer Nowa ofa sudden I've realized I'm not as talented as I thoustt, that there is ‘much more competition inthe world than I ever thought of What path is eight for me? Will Lever, ever be truly sure who is right for me and why? ‘Most important, when will Tbe happy? 1 god Pa Dear LP. You will know yourself because you ask. And because you ask before wou act, wou taill probably find more happiness: than misery. Get committed. Dive into your ream. After all,that'stchat lifts all about. wHar? Dear Jack: Tm I5 and took a trip on my own to Cali fornia last summer. While T was there, I stayed with some friends of my family: [ hadn't seen them in three years. One of the three boys in the family had been my fst boyfriend. Needless to say, we really got along well, and Fike him a whole lot The Tast night 1 was there he told me he was going steady: I don’t know if Tl ever see himagain. He says he'll come to see me next summer, but we're not sure, 'm lost “Rp Machen 0 Dear AP. That's an interesting story. What's your problem? ME, ME, ME, ME Desc fack ‘Around our nefghborhood we have « crippled gil who isnot ene and i ite Det Believe itor not she staking my boy Friend away from me, Robbie as been fait ful to me since childhood, and ruddony he Hikes this othr ge 1 don't know what he ses tether and al Lneed sto have ever ne know tot Rbbie toler What tot? Dear V.Z.: : ‘Sounds like you are more interested in your reputation then Robbie. Meube Robbie's breaking the childhood ts PARENTS: LETTER 7,000 Dear Jack Tm Id. Three weeks ago Jackie asked me to go with him, My parents know T am dat ing him, but they don’t ike it. My onom wants me to have three or four boyfriends. I Tike lots of boys, but Jackie comes fst. T want my parents to meet him, but they wouldn't consider it. They'd rather I see him behind their backs when all L want is to befrankaboutit think its fine to have him 4s number one boylriend as long as T date ‘other tuys too, What do you think? RC? Part Larpton,Ont Can. Dear RC. Your folks are overreacting to your inte rest in one age If. Fact is, they shouldn't be so touchy if you are dating lots of other guys. Don't do anything stupid to ourself to punish your folks. BOSSY BIG SISTER Dear Jack: 'm 12 and will be 13 in a week. My older sister, who will be 15 ina couple of months, is impossible. She slays wants something lof mebutneverretumns the favor She always asks me to do something forher when some ‘of her friends are around. They're just litle things, but T get tired of waiting on her hand and foot. When we are alone, she tells me hhow dumb T am for making a scene. She makes or tes to make a fool out of ae in front of boss (even if they are just friends). Isshesealous? Does shehate me? Whats i? Dear W.G. ‘She sees queen-kid until vou were bom Her hang-ups aren't malicious. Kil her with Kindness YOU'RE NOT ALONE Dear Jack Tam 1 years old and am afraid to even ‘make conversation with a hoy. I don't know why, because I ike boys. Every time one ‘sks me a question or even looks at me, 1 feel embarrassed. I hato to act this way. My cousins all have boyfriends and are dating already. Twish [could too but I would prob- ably feel tense. Could you help me? Js Besta. ce Dear JW. TEE help you to know you are only one of 36 million teen gisls who have the sume problem some of the time. Have some hu- Inilty, The world does not depend on your performance. Stay loose. AGES DO TELL Dear Jack ve been going with « boy for almost six ‘months. He's 20 and I'm 18.1 told him I was 17. How ean I tell him the truth without losing him? aS Dear RC. ‘difference of fice yoars at your age ts too much. Hell be getting serious before you are ready. Tell him the truth and bail out Lying about your age is only appealing uuhen you're middle-aged and obeious | Some protien con teceatwttinthaeslunn, Send inet Shale Angsn 6890668 We TEEN/MARCH 1971 Our tampon is soft outside, because your body is soft inside. ‘Most girls think a tampon has to come in a hard cardboard or plastic tube. Not true. The Kotex tampon Is soft. And curved. And very natural. A slender insertion suid helps sin the typopn perfectly inta place ‘And perfect placement means perfect protection. Protection so natural you forget what day itis. Kotex” tampons / natural tampons Feniniity today ron Kinberty-Clerk THE WAY IT 1S Dear Jill: Tread alter about a 14-year-old gil who said she was in [ove with a BE-year-old guy fand wanted to know if he's using her. Tm 13 years old andi thought I was in love with an IS-yearold guy, sol would ike to tell her Something ftom someone experienced —me. 'No parents 1 know would allow their Mi yearold daughter to date a L-year-old guy 1 seasnt allowed to date an 18 year old, but 1 did anyway, behind my mother's back Believe me, it was no fun, because I had tell her Iwas going to dances or over to my firlhiend’s house. I realy felt awful after while, And where can someone that age take a4 year old? Soom we ran ont of places to-go, so we would end up parking some- place, That's how I finally found out thet 1 twas too yorung for him. T hope that gel realizes what I'm talking about. Unfortua: ately I realized it to late and was hurt very baal. LPS. Ambon AFTER Hi, WHAT? Dear Jil What do you do once you're to the “hi” stage? Here's my problem, It’s always R. [think about [ think T really love him. He says hi Tsay hi and then he has too. His fiends say he likes me, and when I'm around him, he seems to like me.1 hope that if we got to know each other better there would be a chance of our getting together, Dut the thing i, how? We go to different schools, 2 Doar KE. Don't give up after a hi. You have mutual friends: find out what you have in common ‘and then plan alad what you'll say when You see him. Get his attention with a ques- ton about his school, ike “Howe it going at dear of” Rutabega High?” or “What's cooking with so-and-so?” Sometimes fiend: ‘hips don’t happen by themselves. You can help them along a lot—just don’t push HANG TOGETHER SEPARATELY Dear fill ‘This girl who is almost my best friend asked me to goto a party with her because: she didn’t know anyone there and she dide’t have anyone to hang around with and 1 didnt either Atthe party, everytime I stood by her she would walk away, and when we sat down, she would just get up and walk away. She hung: around with these other ills all night, and Thad to hangaround with another gil, What I want to know is, does she hate me? Cee Dear RE: I doubt it. But it’s a good idea when you 0 t0 4 party with another ial to spread out fand meet others so that you're not stuck together like a sandwich You meet new people that seay, But your friend should: hhave told you directly she wanted te hang loose instead of acting rude about i INFLATION Dear jill: Thave a sinall allowance, I recently gata telephone and the bill is $5 a month. My al- Towance is $6 a month. I get $1 for myself” babysit once ina while but there is no one 1 ‘can sit for regulary. Ts there anyone who'd sive a job to a 13 year old? I need dough? ony Sae6. Hoved ca Dear MS. You can go one of three ways. (I) Put cards ‘on supermarket bulletin boards that sayy you'll shampoo dogs, run errands for shut fs, or what have you fora litle cash. (2) Share a teo-party Tine, which will cost wow less. Or 3), share your family phone which costs you nothing. (2) and (3) ell help you ‘et more mileaze out of the money in hand. TIME FOR A MAKEOVER Deas jill: Ym Hf and an eighth grade student. This oy and T went to school together when T ‘wae thin, Nowr I'm fatand ugly, wear glasses and am ashamed for him to see me. We just {alk a lot on the phone because he lives i New York and I in New Jorsey. He asks if Ihe can come over, and I tll him no because ‘my mother says I'm foo young to have com- pany. Please tell me whatto do.(2) Don't tell ine fo go on a diet 2) Don't tell me to tell hhim the truth: because f cane. zi ae fchames, rage Dear U6, You're telling me nor t0 tell you exactly what you know you have to or "Joss up. But you have such a great motive {0 get in shape. Give him a date when your mother says you can have company ~maybe fn to months or three—and then get to work and knock off the feb on deadline ‘THOSE WHO CRY WOLF Dear Jill: We are two H-yearold fieshman gis. Last fall we got the crazy idee of chasing two older boys we hardly knew, and now they hate us for it We did't realize atthe time what they, along with everyone else, would think when we wrote notes, made ‘rank phone calls, searched their ‘school lockers, ete. We've tried to talk and reason, with them, and make them realize that it's rho longer a game. But they completely fqnore us. To them we're just litle girls. ‘We're beginning to think i the other way around: we've at least tried. SE AAL, cote, We Dear SL, 6 AL: Tf you're sincerely sony and have apol- ‘ogized and explained, and they're not hae- ing any of it, you've done all you can do. Stash the whole thing under "Growing Up" fand keop smiling. THAT'S HOW IT IS Dear ill: This hoy Tknow has a swimming pool. He ‘asks me fo go swimming all the time. What do you tell him when you're having ‘period? I have to have an excuse. Dear KC. No excuse is needed. Just say “I can’t go swimming this week, but I'd like £0 ko next week.” If he asks why, you could tell him, but i's not necessary to explain HAPPINESS IS A GOOD FRIEND Dest J Last year Ian around with the group that some people called “soodie-goodies. "Twas really'a nice git Three months ago I got into another group, I started sneaking ont ty meat bos smoking dentin te: Now like to know whathoe I should ty to got talent goodie group ort promise ny self not todo anything wrong. ino. naii ky Dear NO. Why put a big burden on yourself by Betas arvond people you con't rerpech and then saving you'll try not tobe like them? Nel wth the goes he Dudes con't LOOKS DON'T LIE Dear Jill: Aboy at school keeps trying to kiss me and put his arms around me, He is really ‘ely and fat, a year younger than Tand afoot shorter. Nobody likes him, but [try to be hiee. How can T get rid of him without hurt ing his feelings? Dear CB, He probably knows that he's wel, fat, shorter and younger. What he doesn’t know. fs that he's wcry out of line. So tell him ively" like to like yore but T can't if tou Keep trying to hus and kiss me.” If he doesn’tunderstand that, then fieezehim out. THREE’S A CROWD Dear jill ‘There are three girls in my class who adore one boy and want his admiration in etum. He is a sociable boy, but we still can’t get him to give us some personal al- tention. Would it be correct to send him an ‘mous Teter from all of us telling hitn ‘much we like him and that he should letus know if he likes one of us by writing back? We are sure he knows about ws, (Budd ake Dear C.C. 1. Asking him to choose would be putting hhim on the spot. 2. Anonymons letters are ‘always creepy. 3.1f your're sure he Knows “about you howeontheletterbeanonymous? DULL DORA. Dear Jil ‘A boy T went with last year spread the rumor that Pim a bore and no fun at all. He ‘went with me for half year and he would hhave broken up with me sooner if that was really the way he fel Is there something T ‘can do to make the boys reslize that [ean bbe fun? I'm 1d years old and pretty shy. Dear SG. You're your own best advertisement. Shy ness doesn't prohibit laughter. Keep it light ‘and happy and the rumor sill fade. our fetes 0 eat il elo TEEN Magsne, 8450, Sunset tas gees 9008 Wecant arse *. Real one-two with creamy e Reviewed by Maureen Donaldson ow to dig music fr fun and profitis the name ofthe RO R. game. Its your chance to speak out... and wina prize for doin’ it! And if Wow! A refreshingly different sroup. CHEROKEE have released gem of an albumon ABC/Dunhill. It's ‘a welcome change, Could even start « ‘ew trond in musiel These groovy-look ing guys are the most together group I have heard in ages. Just luv “Strange Ways” “An incredible LP packed with gj several potential chart toppers. They all E have such beaut fel voices. CREAT! ExMonkee Michael Nesmith has ‘come up with a delightful LP, LOOSE SALUTE, on RCA records. Par: ticularly interesting is the new eojatry version of “Listen tothe Band” AIT ons except one were penned by Nesinith, ‘who writes pleture-painting lyrics! Very pretty. Good countrylrock flavored al- bum. Really dig his hit “Stiver Moon,” which is included. Dig on this. Memphis group Booker T & the M.G"'s album on Stax records is filled tothe brim with soul-rousing down home music- Ever since "Green Onions,” the group has provided the musical back- around for many top voeal hits A con- Stant recording seliedule has kept them frantically busy. Now they have released their own LP, MELTING POT, which Should boil over into the chats soant Jobn Lennon plays guitar and Ringo Starr beats on the drums E> while Yoko Ono provides the vocals (?), YOKO ONO on Apple records is a com plete puton. She wails, sereeches and = Gries throughout the entire LP, making © it extremely painful to the ears. If you ‘want to listen to this allan the frst two ® Seconds és plenty! Te would be an effort tolisten to this again, Folk singer Tom Rush has heen around for years and stil faithfully inues to release beautiful albums Let's hope that WRONG END OF THE RAINBOW on Columbia will give hia the recognition he deserves. This patic- ‘lar LP of Rush's has some ofthe prett- fest songs he as ever recorded, Folk fs tunite—put Tom where he belongs: the top ofthe charts! HERE'S HOW: Just rate these LP's 1 through 10 (I= tops & 10 worst) in the boxes above, BUT DO IT YOUR WAY. You fan win your own TEEN-rapped LP no matter what order you rate “em. Then send the entire page to us. (PS. Who do you pick for a "TEEN special story? Name any celeb that grooves ya) PLEASE DO A STORY ON: you don’t agree with the raps below, then just rap back. Bea pop Feporter Join the "TEEN scene. And WIN! BRIAN HYLAND on UNI records isan album of great musical depth, Brian sings with such feeling he sends “Si tip and down sour spinel A Bne taodlonby Bel hemos waco angetesd inlonen meaell est or oely Teardrpt and Maral Eel ce as aan sling single, “Cypey Womtn A Boe Avotr rte it albu, hs tine ome Boor on Bek \rcordr ides Touche Hell lowe out *Heopte he Sas and GSM My Bie plan lies A ut , sour caleton 300 ie the Doon Alou Tate vernon of Light Ny re thie foup dra Kas Goo Rscenidon hati EE wl ster ea er fam The man behind the hit single “Indiana Wants Me,” R. Dean Tay- Tos, as a new album out on Rare Earth records entitled 1 THINK, THEREFORE I JAM. Aside from bis one and only bit, [which is included on the LP, it totally Tacks any feeling: His misinterpretation ‘of James Taslor’s “Fire and Rain” is an- roving. His voice is very monotonous Not an album to add & your collection, From out ofthe blue, RCA records introduced Sky, abunchoftalented musicians aged 16,17 and I8.TTheir debist albumDON'T HOLD BACK contains some 0d old eck and roll mixed with a selec: tion of acoustical ballads. Listen to ‘Don't Hold Back” and “Make It in Time,” wo excellent tricks! These guys are headed for the top. The "Sky's" the Timi Rap on it What can onesay about Elton John that hasn’t already been said? He has to be one of the best songwriters around today. His second album, = TUMBLEWEED CONNECTION, on UNT records is Fantastic! Although Fiove alltwacks, “Love Song” and "Talking Old Soldiers” deservespecial mention, Elton BF aulds a little country musicwith “Country Comfort” showing his versatility Names Res ee ee Address. (Cig ST Sane =< 87, ee ‘tie A raat suomi ete beline becomes te oper ot TE las ines you te earn af ABCD RCA. EI Slee i ik ana Bare Ea Some boys have a gift for romance ra ee re There's a gift they give that’s almost as sig- eee een areas Sweetheart Chest. I's really the beginning of the home you'll someday be sharing with one Pee om eam Sane Lane’ Sian s ees Roe e rn a ea) Cee samc eens CT a ed of Sweetheart Chests and other antec ean ere come ert ar ean aie Otero ema ec) THE METAL TATTO It’s another whole way to do your own thing. Because ‘you can have it engraved with your name, your sign, or a wish. The Metal Tattoo comes in as many styles and shapes, as you have things to say. Pick the one that fits you, then do your thing like no one else in the world. ‘You can with a Metal Tattoo from Speidel. PAIR & FRANTIC continued from page 17 while 49 percent are spon on the tum: lables of FM, the so-called underground stations. One theory for the stitch: FM has fever Jonu-winded commercials and Tess ossck jabber. "The Byrds ace into still another change, the uimpteenth in their soven yout bistory Founder-leader Roger MeGuinn says he's hoted ‘with countried music after two years of it, and will steer the group back into soft-core zocksounds on future fights, "The Osmond Brothers are gradually evolving cut of the four-part, square-block thord harmony (some call it barbershop hharmony) into a more contemporary sound, [A TEXTRON COMPANY, ‘ays Alan, the Si-yoareld bwana of the Osmond tribe, "Like the Jackson 5, we are emerging into & music that’s not bub- Begum and not really heavy but middle efthesead ip, sore tnt shyt and Stop me if you've heard this story about Laura’ Nyro, composer of “And When T Die,” “Ei Coming,” "Wedding Bell Blas,” “Stoned Soul Pleni,” ete. In her Gertie Greenhorn days, Lovra auditioned a selec- tion of her songs for 2 Broadway song publisher who listened ‘with half an car for awhile “Why can't you write simple tunes?” the rude, crude fellow snorted. “Go home and waite us a What Kind of Fool Am 1?” TLaura gathered her material and slunk ‘out. A few days Tater she returned, struck {2 plano chord and began to sing, “What Kind of Fool Are You?” ‘The Beach Boys axe ont of puberty ‘and into the age of prime. ‘Though they ‘po longer drag their jalopies for the pink fr side the wild surf on bucking boards, their contemporized music is an even eater car-tupping vide for one and all. Recent response to their L.A. area con: certs was $0 enthusiastic that the hovs have booked a major US. tour this spring, their frst since, 1968. STH AGH SESE on Dog mere kes fs hurting. promoters, booking agents, and susie stars, not to mention the ticket. Ing concertgoers who are being. gonged, Performers and promoters accuse each other of being greedy. For the past year, the amazing Joan Baez has set a $2 ce ing on her concerts. When she lowers het fees, promoters are required to lower theles to match hers. Jethro Tull won't allow promoters to soak more than $3.50 tops compared with $7.50. last. tour. Sweat and Tears played to half empty auditoriums om their lst college tour. Ive seen legy, Jagger, Grace Slick, Jim Morrison. and other wild singer swingers ‘whip andionces to frenzy and incite them to stampede the hall, maybe because it does their egos good. ‘The funk, far out Grand Funk Choo- ‘choo, on the other hand, never goads crows to disorder and defiance, yet their Concerts have been marked (marred?) by more riots and rowdy demonstrations than. ‘any other graup rocking the concert stage today. Please explain. Facing his Feass. Cory Walls, third of the Three Doggers, suffered agonies on ‘very tour, To overcome his fear of fying, Cory took fying lessons in small planes Not only did his jet Sight fear disappear, but he learned to love flying so much he's now bucking for a pilot's license, ‘Between pictnres, Oscar contender Carrie Snodgress lives in a Topanga Canyon ‘commune with other off-beat mod folk searching for a new non-traditional sile. One initating andicap: the tele- hone, shich is always ringing for her She can't get away from the square world that easly ‘Two Stewarts are cresting simultancous- ly: Joh Stewart, native Califomian, ex Kingston Trio, writer as wll as pop singer. Best lnown Capitol LP, “California Blood Fines.” Red Stewart, ‘native Englander, ceedeff Beek grouper, solo singer on Mer: ‘cay, lead singer with Small Faces on WB label, Best known album: “Gasoline Alley.” Billboard Directory of pop_ artists ists Bobby, Debbie, Gloria, Jeff, Johnny, Little johnny, Mary. Marian, Sam andi Ted Taylor, also the brothers James and Liv Ingston ‘Taylor and sister Kate Taylor, none of whom should be confused with ‘the June Taylor Dancers. DANGLING DIALOGUES. Glen Camp: ir “I never realized my speaking voice zh until I, worked with John Wayne in “Truc Grit” Wow! His voice is san almost smell the manne.” rink’, smokin? or dopin 1s an injection of Goss love. Totie Fields: “T'm on a new only things beginning with “A” like a continued on pase 79 ‘TEEN /MARCH 1971

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