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Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.0

Q.1 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa- ers.

ded with students up to the limit was stopped
by the police. a) ( ) where
b) ( ) whom
a) ( ) for which c) ( ) when
b) ( ) in which d) ( ) which
c) ( ) which e) ( ) whose
d) ( ) when
e) ( ) what Q.3 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
sinale a alternativa correta).
Q.2 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- the meaning of the words.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed gifts, not particularly caring what other people
into. thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
c) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. own right. She painted for years, not to be a
d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault. commercial success or to be discovered, but to
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
Q.4 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
lative pronouns:
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
tist is my girlfriend
truth was what made her successful in the end.
a) ( ) who (HUTZLER, L.)
b) ( ) which A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
c) ( ) that Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
d) ( ) whose pintora

Q.5 (0.50) - Read the text and answer: a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress? b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
No, Calvin c) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? d) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
No, Calvin e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
Then, can I have a cookie?
Q.7 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
No, Calvin
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
She‘s on to me
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
but were addressed by their first name, or simply
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
meaned them that many black women, long af-
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
called by their first name. A mother and father
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
that white people would have no choice but to
address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
a) ( ) na escola. not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
b) ( ) no telhado. first lady of the land, well, that would have been
c) ( ) na rua. unthinkable.
d) ( ) no parque. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
Q.6 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
that made an incredible impression on me in the
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
conventional ideas or images about womanhood
“unthinkable” ressalta que
or what makes someone or something beauti-
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique a) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

sável. a) ( ) in which
b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. b) ( ) who
c) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável. c) ( ) there
d) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. d) ( ) which
e) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. e) ( ) where

Q.8 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who Q.10 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
who am I to be blue tra:
Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friends and my house
Who who am I to feel dead and
Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
And where where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable a dog.”
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
And my generosity has me disabled fácil acesso aos animais.
by this my sense of duty to offer b) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
Why why do I feel so ungrateful c) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
Me who is far beyond survival seada.
Me who’s seen life as an oyster d) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
And how how dare I rest on my laurels do outro lado.
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
How dare I ignore a third world country milar à do cão.
Who who am I to be blue
Q.11 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
Os vários questionamentos presentes
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
na letra da música
speak her native tongue.
a) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão a) ( ) whose
econômica. b) ( ) whom
b) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade c) ( ) which
burguesa. d) ( ) who
c) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social. e) ( ) where
d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
Q.12 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite […] As we know, many people are insecure
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
presentatives now. sing

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

industry and most of the private firms that about everything in every possible way. The
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
teenagers by served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
creating the perception that they can feel edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
special by buying specific products. They will It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
basically say, “If you citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
buy our product, you will be popular, good tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
scaring us in our necessary
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us THEY se refere a)
what to buy. This
is basically what consumerism is all about: a) ( ) voices.
creating a niche in the market and then making b) ( ) readers.
a profit c) ( ) citizens.
In the statement “They will basically say”, d) ( ) writers.
Who does pronoun THEY refer to? e) ( ) heads.

a) ( ) People Q.15 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-

b) ( ) Media TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
c) ( ) n.d.a overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will
d) ( ) Teenagers know Peace.’’
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
Q.13 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
____name I could not remember, was one of
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
the best I had ever seen.
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
a) ( ) whose de que.
b) ( ) who
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
c) ( ) whom
cada vez mais as pessoas.
d) ( ) which
b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
e) ( ) where
aqueles que se amam.
Q.14 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ- c) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only entre os homens.
place in any society where, within the secrecy d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
of our own heads, we can hear voices talking o poder do amor.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.1

Q.1 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was speak her native tongue.
a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) where
a) ( ) where c) ( ) whose
b) ( ) whose d) ( ) who
c) ( ) when e) ( ) whom
d) ( ) which
Q.3 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
e) ( ) whom
lative pronouns:
Q.2 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para The girl __________ mother is a scien-
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had tist is my girlfriend

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) who Q.7 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA

b) ( ) that CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
c) ( ) which mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
d) ( ) whose Peace.’’
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
Q.4 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
presentatives now.
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
a) ( ) there de que.
b) ( ) in which
a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
c) ( ) where
entre os homens.
d) ( ) which
b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
e) ( ) who
aqueles que se amam.
Q.5 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra: c) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
o poder do amor.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
cada vez mais as pessoas.

Q.8 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:

Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
No, Calvin
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
No, Calvin
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
Then, can I have a cookie?
a dog.”
No, Calvin
a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com She‘s on to me
fácil acesso aos animais.
b) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
milar à do cão.
c) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
e) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
do outro lado.

Q.6 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
____name I could not remember, was one of
the best I had ever seen. a) ( ) na rua.
b) ( ) no telhado.
a) ( ) where
c) ( ) no parque.
b) ( ) which
d) ( ) na escola.
c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) who Q.9 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA
e) ( ) whose QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

society where, within the secrecy of our own he- a) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything econômica.
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring b) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri- c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do burguesa.
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- zer.
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
but we need to remember it is necessary
Q.11 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
(Assinale a alternativa correta).
THEY se refere a)
a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
a) ( ) writers.
the meaning of the words.
b) ( ) heads.
b) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
c) ( ) voices.
c) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
d) ( ) citizens.
d) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
e) ( ) readers.
Q.10 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Q.12 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an-
Who who am I to be blue cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo-
Look at my family and fortune men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or
Look at my friends and my house Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
Who who am I to feel dead and or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
Who am I to feel spent so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
Look at my health and my money men, long after they had left the South, refu-
And where where do I go to feel good sed to answer if called by their first name. A
Why do I still look outside me mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable no choice but to address their daughter by that
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire title. Black women were meant for the field, or
And my generosity has me disabled the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They
by this my sense of duty to offer were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea
Why why do I feel so ungrateful of a black woman as first lady of the land, well,
Me who is far beyond survival that would have been unthinkable.
Disponível em: Acesso
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
How dare I ignore a third world country
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
Who who am I to be blue
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
“unthinkable” ressalta que
Os vários questionamentos presentes
na letra da música a) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. a) ( ) when

c) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. b) ( ) for which
d) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. c) ( ) what
e) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon- d) ( ) in which
sável. e) ( ) which

Q.13 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things Q.15 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
that made an incredible impression on me in the MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
conventional ideas or images about womanhood […] As we know, many people are insecure
or what makes someone or something beauti- and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique sing
gifts, not particularly caring what other people industry and most of the private firms that
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
own right. She painted for years, not to be a teenagers by
commercial success or to be discovered, but to creating the perception that they can feel
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and special by buying specific products. They will
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who basically say, “If you
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- buy our product, you will be popular, good
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
truth was what made her successful in the end. scaring us in our
(HUTZLER, L.) everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a what to buy. This
pintora is basically what consumerism is all about:
a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. creating a niche in the market and then making
b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. a profit
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. In the statement “They will basically say”,
d) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
e) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
a) ( ) n.d.a
Q.14 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo- b) ( ) Media
aded with students up to the limit was stopped c) ( ) People
by the police. d) ( ) Teenagers

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.2

Q.1 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who And my generosity has me disabled
who am I to be blue by this my sense of duty to offer
Look at my family and fortune Why why do I feel so ungrateful
Look at my friends and my house Me who is far beyond survival
Who who am I to feel dead and Me who’s seen life as an oyster
Who am I to feel spent And how how dare I rest on my laurels
Look at my health and my money How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
And where where do I go to feel good How dare I ignore a third world country
Why do I still look outside me Who who am I to be blue
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable Os vários questionamentos presentes
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire na letra da música

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
zer. sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
b) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social. truth was what made her successful in the end.
c) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de (HUTZLER, L.)
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
econômica. pintora
e) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
Q.2 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
speak her native tongue. Q.5 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
a) ( ) where
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
b) ( ) whose
c) ( ) who
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
d) ( ) which
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
e) ( ) whom
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
Q.3 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
de que.
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
ers. entre os homens.
b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
a) ( ) whom o poder do amor.
b) ( ) where c) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
c) ( ) which cada vez mais as pessoas.
d) ( ) whose d) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
e) ( ) when aqueles que se amam.

Q.4 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things Q.6 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
that made an incredible impression on me in the MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
conventional ideas or images about womanhood […] As we know, many people are insecure
or what makes someone or something beauti- and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique sing
gifts, not particularly caring what other people industry and most of the private firms that
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
own right. She painted for years, not to be a teenagers by
commercial success or to be discovered, but to creating the perception that they can feel
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and special by buying specific products. They will
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who basically say, “If you

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

buy our product, you will be popular, good b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by the meaning of the words.
scaring us in our c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a d) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us into.
what to buy. This
is basically what consumerism is all about:
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
creating a niche in the market and then making
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
a profit
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
In the statement “They will basically say”,
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
a) ( ) Media ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
b) ( ) People whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
c) ( ) Teenagers us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
d) ( ) n.d.a rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
Q.7 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
but we need to remember it is necessary
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
No, Calvin THEY se refere a)
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
No, Calvin a) ( ) readers.
Then, can I have a cookie? b) ( ) heads.
No, Calvin c) ( ) citizens.
She‘s on to me d) ( ) voices.
e) ( ) writers.

Q.10 (1.00) - Complete with the correct

relative pronouns:
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
tist is my girlfriend

a) ( ) that
b) ( ) who
c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) which
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
Q.11 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-
a) ( ) na rua.
aded with students up to the limit was stopped
b) ( ) na escola.
by the police.
c) ( ) no telhado.
d) ( ) no parque. a) ( ) for which
b) ( ) in which
Q.8 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
c) ( ) when
sinale a alternativa correta).
d) ( ) which
a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. e) ( ) what

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.12 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an- b) ( ) which

cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo- c) ( ) where
men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or d) ( ) there
Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, e) ( ) who
or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
Q.14 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
____name I could not remember, was one of
men, long after they had left the South, refu-
the best I had ever seen.
sed to answer if called by their first name. A
mother and father in 1970s Texas named their a) ( ) which
newborn “Miss” so that white people would have b) ( ) whom
no choice but to address their daughter by that c) ( ) where
title. Black women were meant for the field, or d) ( ) who
the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They e) ( ) whose
were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea
Q.15 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
of a black woman as first lady of the land, well,
that would have been unthinkable.
Disponível em: Acesso
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
“unthinkable” ressalta que

a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. a dog.”
c) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
d) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável. fácil acesso aos animais.
e) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon- b) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
sável. milar à do cão.
c) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
Q.13 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
presentatives now.
e) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
a) ( ) in which do outro lado.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.3

Q.1 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite

beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
presentatives now.

a) ( ) who
b) ( ) in which
c) ( ) which
d) ( ) there “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
e) ( ) where a dog.”

a) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-

Q.2 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra: seada.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

b) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes. us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
c) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
fácil acesso aos animais. looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
d) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está but we need to remember it is necessary
do outro lado. In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- THEY se refere a)
milar à do cão.
a) ( ) citizens.
Q.3 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa- b) ( ) heads.
ded with students up to the limit was stopped c) ( ) writers.
by the police. d) ( ) readers.
e) ( ) voices.
a) ( ) for which
b) ( ) which Q.7 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
c) ( ) what that made an incredible impression on me in the
d) ( ) when film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
e) ( ) in which her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
conventional ideas or images about womanhood
Q.4 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As- or what makes someone or something beauti-
sinale a alternativa correta). ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed gifts, not particularly caring what other people
into. thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
b) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault. own right. She painted for years, not to be a
c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you commercial success or to be discovered, but to
the meaning of the words. express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
Q.5 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
____name I could not remember, was one of truth was what made her successful in the end.
the best I had ever seen. (HUTZLER, L.)
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
a) ( ) whom
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
b) ( ) who
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) whose a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
e) ( ) which b) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
c) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
d) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything Q.8 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri- English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of […] As we know, many people are insecure

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- Q.11 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette
sing Who who am I to be blue
industry and most of the private firms that Look at my family and fortune
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those Look at my friends and my house
teenagers by Who who am I to feel dead and
creating the perception that they can feel Who am I to feel spent
special by buying specific products. They will Look at my health and my money
basically say, “If you And where where do I go to feel good
buy our product, you will be popular, good Why do I still look outside me
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
scaring us in our Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us And my generosity has me disabled
what to buy. This by this my sense of duty to offer
is basically what consumerism is all about: Why why do I feel so ungrateful
creating a niche in the market and then making
Me who is far beyond survival
a profit
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
In the statement “They will basically say”,
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
a) ( ) n.d.a How dare I ignore a third world country
b) ( ) People Who who am I to be blue
c) ( ) Media MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
d) ( ) Teenagers Os vários questionamentos presentes
na letra da música
Q.9 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had a) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could burguesa.
speak her native tongue. b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
a) ( ) who relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
b) ( ) which c) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
c) ( ) where zer.
d) ( ) whom d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
e) ( ) whose econômica.
e) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
Q.10 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was Q.12 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- relative pronouns:
ers. The girl __________ mother is a scien-
tist is my girlfriend
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) when a) ( ) whose
c) ( ) whom b) ( ) who
d) ( ) whose c) ( ) that
e) ( ) where d) ( ) which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.13 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an- Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo- loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or de que.
Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
cada vez mais as pessoas.
so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
b) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
men, long after they had left the South, refu-
entre os homens.
sed to answer if called by their first name. A
c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
aqueles que se amam.
newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
no choice but to address their daughter by that
o poder do amor.
title. Black women were meant for the field, or
the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They Q.15 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, No, Calvin
that would have been unthinkable. Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
Disponível em: Acesso
No, Calvin
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
Then, can I have a cookie?
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
No, Calvin
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
She‘s on to me
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
“unthinkable” ressalta que
a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
c) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
d) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
e) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
Q.14 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will a) ( ) na rua.
know Peace.’’ b) ( ) no parque.
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- c) ( ) no telhado.
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico d) ( ) na escola.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.4

Q.1 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- basically say, “If you
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in buy our product, you will be popular, good
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun scaring us in our
[…] As we know, many people are insecure everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
sing what to buy. This
industry and most of the private firms that is basically what consumerism is all about:
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those creating a niche in the market and then making
teenagers by a profit
creating the perception that they can feel In the statement “They will basically say”,
special by buying specific products. They will Who does pronoun THEY refer to?

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) Media Q.6 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-

b) ( ) n.d.a ded with students up to the limit was stopped
c) ( ) People by the police.
d) ( ) Teenagers
a) ( ) which
Q.2 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para b) ( ) what
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had c) ( ) for which
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could d) ( ) in which
speak her native tongue. e) ( ) when

Q.7 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:

a) ( ) where
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
b) ( ) whose
No, Calvin
c) ( ) which
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
d) ( ) whom
No, Calvin
e) ( ) who
Then, can I have a cookie?
Q.3 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, No, Calvin
____name I could not remember, was one of She‘s on to me
the best I had ever seen.

a) ( ) who
b) ( ) where
c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) whom
e) ( ) which

Q.4 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite

beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
presentatives now.
a) ( ) no parque.
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) na escola.
b) ( ) where
c) ( ) na rua.
c) ( ) who
d) ( ) no telhado.
d) ( ) in which
e) ( ) there Q.8 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
Q.5 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was Peace.’’
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
ers. vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
a) ( ) where
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
b) ( ) which
de que.
c) ( ) when
d) ( ) whom a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
e) ( ) whose entre os homens.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
o poder do amor. or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
c) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
cada vez mais as pessoas. men, long after they had left the South, refu-
d) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre sed to answer if called by their first name. A
aqueles que se amam. mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
Q.9 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
that made an incredible impression on me in the no choice but to address their daughter by that
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of title. Black women were meant for the field, or
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They
conventional ideas or images about womanhood were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea
or what makes someone or something beauti- of a black woman as first lady of the land, well,
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique that would have been unthinkable.
gifts, not particularly caring what other people Disponível em: Acesso
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
own right. She painted for years, not to be a A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
commercial success or to be discovered, but to Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and história das relações humanas na cidade natal
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- “unthinkable” ressalta que
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
truth was what made her successful in the end. b) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
(HUTZLER, L.) sável.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme c) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
pintora e) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
a) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
Q.12 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ-
b) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only
c) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
place in any society where, within the secrecy
d) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
of our own heads, we can hear voices talking
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
about everything in every possible way. The
Q.10 (1.00) - Complete with the correct reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
relative pronouns: served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
The girl __________ mother is a scien- edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
tist is my girlfriend It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
a) ( ) whose citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
b) ( ) who tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
c) ( ) that to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
d) ( ) which necessary
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
Q.11 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an-
THEY se refere a)
cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo-
men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or a) ( ) readers.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

b) ( ) writers. Q.15 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette

c) ( ) heads. Who who am I to be blue
d) ( ) voices. Look at my family and fortune
e) ( ) citizens. Look at my friends and my house
Who who am I to feel dead and
Q.13 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
(Assinale a alternativa correta). Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you And where where do I go to feel good
the meaning of the words. Why do I still look outside me
b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
And my generosity has me disabled
Q.14 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus- by this my sense of duty to offer
tra: Why why do I feel so ungrateful
Me who is far beyond survival
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
How dare I ignore a third world country
Who who am I to be blue
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re Os vários questionamentos presentes
a dog.” na letra da música

a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com a) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de

fácil acesso aos animais. relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
b) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- b) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
seada. c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está burguesa.
do outro lado. d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes. econômica.
e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- e) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
milar à do cão. zer.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.5

Q.1 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- basically say, “If you
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in buy our product, you will be popular, good
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun scaring us in our
[…] As we know, many people are insecure everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
sing what to buy. This
industry and most of the private firms that is basically what consumerism is all about:
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those creating a niche in the market and then making
teenagers by a profit
creating the perception that they can feel In the statement “They will basically say”,
special by buying specific products. They will Who does pronoun THEY refer to?

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) People Who who am I to feel dead and

b) ( ) Teenagers Who am I to feel spent
c) ( ) Media Look at my health and my money
d) ( ) n.d.a And where where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
Q.2 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
that made an incredible impression on me in the
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
And my generosity has me disabled
conventional ideas or images about womanhood
by this my sense of duty to offer
or what makes someone or something beauti-
Why why do I feel so ungrateful
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
Me who is far beyond survival
gifts, not particularly caring what other people
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her Me who’s seen life as an oyster
own right. She painted for years, not to be a And how how dare I rest on my laurels
commercial success or to be discovered, but to How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and How dare I ignore a third world country
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who Who who am I to be blue
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own Os vários questionamentos presentes
truth was what made her successful in the end. na letra da música
a) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
b) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
a) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. c) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução. d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. econômica.
d) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.

Q.3 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, Q.5 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
____name I could not remember, was one of tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
the best I had ever seen. were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
but were addressed by their first name, or simply
a) ( ) whose
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
b) ( ) where
meaned them that many black women, long af-
c) ( ) who
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
d) ( ) whom
called by their first name. A mother and father
e) ( ) which
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
Q.4 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who that white people would have no choice but to
who am I to be blue address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
Look at my family and fortune men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
Look at my friends and my house for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as a) ( ) whose

first lady of the land, well, that would have been b) ( ) when
unthinkable. c) ( ) which
Disponível em: Acesso d) ( ) where
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). e) ( ) whom
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a Q.8 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
história das relações humanas na cidade natal lative pronouns:
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo The girl __________ mother is a scien-
“unthinkable” ressalta que tist is my girlfriend

a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. a) ( ) which

b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. b) ( ) whose
c) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. c) ( ) that
d) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável. d) ( ) who
e) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
sável. Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
Q.6 (0.50) - Read the text and answer: presentatives now.
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
No, Calvin a) ( ) in which
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? b) ( ) who
No, Calvin c) ( ) there
Then, can I have a cookie? d) ( ) which
No, Calvin e) ( ) where
She‘s on to me
Q.10 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
speak her native tongue.

a) ( ) where
b) ( ) whom
c) ( ) which
d) ( ) whose
e) ( ) who
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:

a) ( ) no parque. Q.11 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:

b) ( ) na escola. (Assinale a alternativa correta).
c) ( ) na rua.
a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
d) ( ) no telhado.
b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Q.7 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- into.
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- the meaning of the words.
ers. d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.12 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo- about everything in every possible way. The
aded with students up to the limit was stopped reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
by the police. served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
a) ( ) when
It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
b) ( ) what
citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
c) ( ) which
tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
d) ( ) for which
to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
e) ( ) in which
Q.13 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus- In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
tra: THEY se refere a)

a) ( ) voices.
b) ( ) readers.
c) ( ) heads.
d) ( ) citizens.
e) ( ) writers.

Q.15 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-

TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will
a dog.”
know Peace.’’
a) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
do outro lado. vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
b) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
milar à do cão. loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
c) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- de que.
a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
entre os homens.
e) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
fácil acesso aos animais.
o poder do amor.
Q.14 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ- c) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only cada vez mais as pessoas.
place in any society where, within the secrecy d) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
of our own heads, we can hear voices talking aqueles que se amam.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.6

Q.1 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
that made an incredible impression on me in the she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into truth was what made her successful in the end.
conventional ideas or images about womanhood (HUTZLER, L.)
or what makes someone or something beauti- A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
gifts, not particularly caring what other people pintora
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
own right. She painted for years, not to be a a) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
commercial success or to be discovered, but to b) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and c) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

d) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. speak her native tongue.
a) ( ) which
Q.2 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
b) ( ) whose
lative pronouns:
c) ( ) where
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
d) ( ) whom
tist is my girlfriend
e) ( ) who
a) ( ) who Q.5 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
b) ( ) whose Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
c) ( ) which No, Calvin
d) ( ) that Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
No, Calvin
Then, can I have a cookie?
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
No, Calvin
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
She‘s on to me
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
industry and most of the private firms that
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
teenagers by
creating the perception that they can feel
special by buying specific products. They will
basically say, “If you Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
buy our product, you will be popular, good
a) ( ) na escola.
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
b) ( ) no parque.
scaring us in our
c) ( ) no telhado.
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
d) ( ) na rua.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
what to buy. This Q.6 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
is basically what consumerism is all about: peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
creating a niche in the market and then making a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
a profit ers.
In the statement “They will basically say”, a) ( ) whom
Who does pronoun THEY refer to? b) ( ) which
c) ( ) whose
a) ( ) People
d) ( ) when
b) ( ) Media
e) ( ) where
c) ( ) Teenagers
Q.7 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
d) ( ) n.d.a
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
Q.4 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had but were addressed by their first name, or simply

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de- d) ( ) voices.

meaned them that many black women, long af- e) ( ) readers.
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
Q.9 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-
called by their first name. A mother and father
ded with students up to the limit was stopped
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
by the police.
that white people would have no choice but to
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- a) ( ) for which
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or b) ( ) when
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, c) ( ) which
not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as d) ( ) what
first lady of the land, well, that would have been e) ( ) in which
unthinkable. Q.10 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
Disponível em: Acesso ____name I could not remember, was one of
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). the best I had ever seen.
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a a) ( ) whose
história das relações humanas na cidade natal b) ( ) whom
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo c) ( ) who
“unthinkable” ressalta que d) ( ) where
e) ( ) which
a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
Q.11 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
e) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-


QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
a dog.”
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of fácil acesso aos animais.
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- b) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- milar à do cão.
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
but we need to remember it is necessary do outro lado.
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
THEY se refere a) seada.
e) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
a) ( ) heads.
b) ( ) writers. Q.12 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-
c) ( ) citizens. TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
know Peace.’’ How dare I ignore a third world country
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- Who who am I to be blue
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos Os vários questionamentos presentes
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião na letra da música
de que.
a) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir burguesa.
cada vez mais as pessoas. b) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
b) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor zer.
entre os homens. c) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
aqueles que se amam. econômica.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
o poder do amor. relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.

Q.13 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Q.14 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
Who who am I to be blue beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
Look at my family and fortune presentatives now.
Look at my friends and my house
Who who am I to feel dead and a) ( ) there
Who am I to feel spent b) ( ) which
Look at my health and my money c) ( ) where
And where where do I go to feel good d) ( ) who
Why do I still look outside me e) ( ) in which
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Q.15 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
(Assinale a alternativa correta).
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
And my generosity has me disabled a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
by this my sense of duty to offer b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
Why why do I feel so ungrateful the meaning of the words.
Me who is far beyond survival c) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Me who’s seen life as an oyster into.
And how how dare I rest on my laurels d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.7

Q.1 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re- ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
lative pronouns: in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
The girl __________ mother is a scien- that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
tist is my girlfriend ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
a) ( ) whose
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
b) ( ) which
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
c) ( ) that
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
d) ( ) who
but we need to remember it is necessary
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
society where, within the secrecy of our own he- THEY se refere a)

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) voices. a) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.

b) ( ) readers. b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
c) ( ) heads. c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
d) ( ) writers. d) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
e) ( ) citizens. e) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.

Q.3 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA Q.5 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco- Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know No, Calvin
Peace.’’ Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- No, Calvin
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Then, can I have a cookie?
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos No, Calvin
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião She‘s on to me
de que.

a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir

cada vez mais as pessoas.
b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
aqueles que se amam.
c) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
entre os homens.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
o poder do amor. Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:

Q.4 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things a) ( ) no parque.

that made an incredible impression on me in the b) ( ) na rua.
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of c) ( ) na escola.
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into d) ( ) no telhado.
conventional ideas or images about womanhood Q.6 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
or what makes someone or something beauti- tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
gifts, not particularly caring what other people but were addressed by their first name, or simply
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
own right. She painted for years, not to be a meaned them that many black women, long af-
commercial success or to be discovered, but to ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and called by their first name. A mother and father
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- that white people would have no choice but to
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
truth was what made her successful in the end. men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
(HUTZLER, L.) for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a first lady of the land, well, that would have been
pintora unthinkable.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

Disponível em: Acesso Q.8 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a ers.
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
a) ( ) whose
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
b) ( ) when
“unthinkable” ressalta que
c) ( ) where
a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. d) ( ) whom
b) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. e) ( ) which
c) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
presentatives now.
e) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
a) ( ) where
Q.7 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- b) ( ) in which
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in c) ( ) which
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em d) ( ) who
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun e) ( ) there
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- Q.10 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
sing (Assinale a alternativa correta).
industry and most of the private firms that a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those the meaning of the words.
teenagers by b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
creating the perception that they can feel into.
special by buying specific products. They will c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
basically say, “If you d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
buy our product, you will be popular, good
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by Q.11 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette
scaring us in our Who who am I to be blue
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a Look at my family and fortune
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us Look at my friends and my house
what to buy. This Who who am I to feel dead and
is basically what consumerism is all about: Who am I to feel spent
creating a niche in the market and then making Look at my health and my money
a profit And where where do I go to feel good
In the statement “They will basically say”, Why do I still look outside me
Who does pronoun THEY refer to? When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
a) ( ) People And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
b) ( ) Media And my generosity has me disabled
c) ( ) Teenagers by this my sense of duty to offer
d) ( ) n.d.a Why why do I feel so ungrateful

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Me who is far beyond survival “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
Me who’s seen life as an oyster a dog.”
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
a) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
How dare I ignore a third world country
milar à do cão.
Who who am I to be blue
b) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
do outro lado.
Os vários questionamentos presentes
c) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
na letra da música
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- seada.
zer. e) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
b) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade fácil acesso aos animais.
c) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
econômica. Q.14 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
d) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de ____name I could not remember, was one of
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. the best I had ever seen.
e) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
Q.12 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo- a) ( ) who
aded with students up to the limit was stopped b) ( ) which
by the police. c) ( ) whom
a) ( ) which d) ( ) where
b) ( ) for which e) ( ) whose
c) ( ) what
d) ( ) in which
Q.15 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
e) ( ) when
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
Q.13 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus- always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
tra: speak her native tongue.

a) ( ) whom
b) ( ) who
c) ( ) which
d) ( ) where
e) ( ) whose

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.8

Q.1 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances- for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., first lady of the land, well, that would have been
but were addressed by their first name, or simply unthinkable.
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
Disponível em: Acesso
meaned them that many black women, long af-
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
called by their first name. A mother and father A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
that white people would have no choice but to história das relações humanas na cidade natal
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or “unthinkable” ressalta que

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. The girl __________ mother is a scien-

b) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. tist is my girlfriend
c) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) that
d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
c) ( ) whose
e) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
d) ( ) who
Q.2 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things Q.5 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
that made an incredible impression on me in the Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of No, Calvin
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
conventional ideas or images about womanhood No, Calvin
or what makes someone or something beauti- Then, can I have a cookie?
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique No, Calvin
gifts, not particularly caring what other people She‘s on to me
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
own right. She painted for years, not to be a
commercial success or to be discovered, but to
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
truth was what made her successful in the end.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
a) ( ) no telhado.
b) ( ) na rua.
a) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. c) ( ) no parque.
b) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. d) ( ) na escola.
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
d) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
e) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
Q.3 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
____name I could not remember, was one of in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
the best I had ever seen. that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
a) ( ) who
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
b) ( ) which
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
c) ( ) whom
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
d) ( ) where
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
e) ( ) whose
but we need to remember it is necessary
Q.4 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re- In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
lative pronouns: THEY se refere a)

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

a) ( ) readers. a) ( ) when
b) ( ) voices. b) ( ) whom
c) ( ) citizens. c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) heads. d) ( ) which
e) ( ) writers. e) ( ) where

Q.7 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who Q.9 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA
who am I to be blue CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
Look at my family and fortune mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
Look at my friends and my house Peace.’’
Who who am I to feel dead and Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
Who am I to feel spent vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
Look at my health and my money Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
And where where do I go to feel good loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
Why do I still look outside me de que.
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire cada vez mais as pessoas.
And my generosity has me disabled b) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
by this my sense of duty to offer entre os homens.
Why why do I feel so ungrateful c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
Me who is far beyond survival aqueles que se amam.
Me who’s seen life as an oyster d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
And how how dare I rest on my laurels o poder do amor.
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
How dare I ignore a third world country Q.10 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-
Who who am I to be blue aded with students up to the limit was stopped
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps. by the police.
Os vários questionamentos presentes
a) ( ) in which
na letra da música
b) ( ) when
a) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão c) ( ) what
econômica. d) ( ) which
b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de e) ( ) for which
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade Q.11 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
burguesa. preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
zer. speak her native tongue.
e) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
a) ( ) who
Q.8 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- b) ( ) whose
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was c) ( ) whom
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- d) ( ) which
ers. e) ( ) where

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.12 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- into.
presentatives now. c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
the meaning of the words.
a) ( ) which
d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
b) ( ) who
c) ( ) there Q.15 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
d) ( ) where MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
e) ( ) in which English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
Q.13 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
industry and most of the private firms that
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
teenagers by
creating the perception that they can feel
special by buying specific products. They will
basically say, “If you
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re buy our product, you will be popular, good
a dog.” looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
scaring us in our
a) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
milar à do cão.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
b) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
what to buy. This
do outro lado.
is basically what consumerism is all about:
c) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
creating a niche in the market and then making
fácil acesso aos animais.
a profit
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
In the statement “They will basically say”,
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
e) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
a) ( ) n.d.a
Q.14 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
b) ( ) Media
(Assinale a alternativa correta).
c) ( ) People
a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. d) ( ) Teenagers

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.9

Q.1 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any THEY se refere a)
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
a) ( ) voices.
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
b) ( ) readers.
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
c) ( ) heads.
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
d) ( ) writers.
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
e) ( ) citizens.
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- Q.2 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- that made an incredible impression on me in the
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
but we need to remember it is necessary her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

conventional ideas or images about womanhood a profit

or what makes someone or something beauti- In the statement “They will basically say”,
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
gifts, not particularly caring what other people
a) ( ) Teenagers
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
b) ( ) Media
own right. She painted for years, not to be a
c) ( ) n.d.a
commercial success or to be discovered, but to
d) ( ) People
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who Q.4 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- who am I to be blue
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own Look at my family and fortune
truth was what made her successful in the end. Look at my friends and my house
(HUTZLER, L.) Who who am I to feel dead and
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Who am I to feel spent
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a Look at my health and my money
pintora And where where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
a) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
d) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
And my generosity has me disabled
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
by this my sense of duty to offer
Q.3 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- Why why do I feel so ungrateful
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in Me who is far beyond survival
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em Me who’s seen life as an oyster
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun And how how dare I rest on my laurels
[…] As we know, many people are insecure How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- How dare I ignore a third world country
sing Who who am I to be blue
industry and most of the private firms that MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those Os vários questionamentos presentes
teenagers by na letra da música
creating the perception that they can feel
a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
special by buying specific products. They will
basically say, “If you
b) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
buy our product, you will be popular, good
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
c) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
scaring us in our
d) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
e) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
what to buy. This
is basically what consumerism is all about:
creating a niche in the market and then making Q.5 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

c) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que

o poder do amor.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
cada vez mais as pessoas.

Q.8 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-

ded with students up to the limit was stopped
by the police.
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
a) ( ) what
a dog.”
b) ( ) which
a) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- c) ( ) in which
seada. d) ( ) when
b) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- e) ( ) for which
milar à do cão.
Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
do outro lado.
presentatives now.
d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
e) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com a) ( ) where
fácil acesso aos animais. b) ( ) which
c) ( ) who
Q.6 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
d) ( ) there
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
e) ( ) in which
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
speak her native tongue. Q.10 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an-
cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo-
a) ( ) where men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or
b) ( ) who Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
c) ( ) whom or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
d) ( ) which so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
e) ( ) whose men, long after they had left the South, refu-
sed to answer if called by their first name. A
mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
no choice but to address their daughter by that
title. Black women were meant for the field, or
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
of a black woman as first lady of the land, well,
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
that would have been unthinkable.
de que.
Disponível em: Acesso
a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
entre os homens. A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
aqueles que se amam. história das relações humanas na cidade natal

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:

“unthinkable” ressalta que
a) ( ) na rua.
a) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
b) ( ) na escola.
b) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
c) ( ) no parque.
d) ( ) no telhado.
c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
d) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. Q.13 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
e) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. relative pronouns:
Q.11 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- The girl __________ mother is a scien-
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was tist is my girlfriend
a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
ers. a) ( ) which
b) ( ) whose
a) ( ) whose
c) ( ) who
b) ( ) which
d) ( ) that
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) when Q.14 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
e) ( ) whom ____name I could not remember, was one of
Q.12 (0.50) - Read the text and answer: the best I had ever seen.
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
No, Calvin a) ( ) whose
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? b) ( ) where
No, Calvin c) ( ) which
Then, can I have a cookie? d) ( ) whom
No, Calvin e) ( ) who
She‘s on to me
Q.15 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
(Assinale a alternativa correta).

a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed

b) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
the meaning of the words.
d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.10

Q.1 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:

Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?

No, Calvin

Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?

No, Calvin

Then, can I have a cookie?

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
No, Calvin
a) ( ) na escola.
She‘s on to me b) ( ) no telhado.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

c) ( ) no parque. her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
d) ( ) na rua. conventional ideas or images about womanhood
or what makes someone or something beauti-
Q.2 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
gifts, not particularly caring what other people
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
speak her native tongue.
own right. She painted for years, not to be a
a) ( ) which commercial success or to be discovered, but to
b) ( ) whose express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
c) ( ) who culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
d) ( ) whom she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
e) ( ) where sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
truth was what made her successful in the end.
Q.3 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
lative pronouns:
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
tist is my girlfriend
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) whose a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
c) ( ) who b) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
d) ( ) that c) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
Q.4 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
____name I could not remember, was one of
the best I had ever seen. Q.7 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
a) ( ) which
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
b) ( ) whom
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
c) ( ) whose
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
d) ( ) who
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
e) ( ) where
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
Q.5 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
ers. looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
but we need to remember it is necessary
a) ( ) where
b) ( ) whose In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
c) ( ) whom THEY se refere a)
d) ( ) when
a) ( ) readers.
e) ( ) which
b) ( ) voices.
Q.6 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things c) ( ) heads.
that made an incredible impression on me in the d) ( ) writers.
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of e) ( ) citizens.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

Q.8 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who Q.10 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
who am I to be blue (Assinale a alternativa correta).
Look at my family and fortune a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Look at my friends and my house into.
Who who am I to feel dead and b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
Who am I to feel spent the meaning of the words.
Look at my health and my money c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
And where where do I go to feel good d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
Why do I still look outside me
Q.11 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
And my generosity has me disabled
by this my sense of duty to offer
Why why do I feel so ungrateful
Me who is far beyond survival
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
a dog.”
How dare I ignore a third world country
Who who am I to be blue a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
fácil acesso aos animais.
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
b) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
Os vários questionamentos presentes
do outro lado.
na letra da música
c) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
a) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade seada.
burguesa. d) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
b) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- milar à do cão.
zer. e) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
c) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão Q.12 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an-
econômica. cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo-
d) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social. men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or
e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This
so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
men, long after they had left the South, refu-
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
sed to answer if called by their first name. A
presentatives now.
mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
a) ( ) there newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
b) ( ) which no choice but to address their daughter by that
c) ( ) in which title. Black women were meant for the field, or
d) ( ) who the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They
e) ( ) where were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
that would have been unthinkable. Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
Disponível em: Acesso […] As we know, many people are insecure
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle sing
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a industry and most of the private firms that
história das relações humanas na cidade natal sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo teenagers by
“unthinkable” ressalta que creating the perception that they can feel
special by buying specific products. They will
a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
basically say, “If you
b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
buy our product, you will be popular, good
c) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
scaring us in our
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
e) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
Q.13 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA- what to buy. This
TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love is basically what consumerism is all about:
overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will creating a niche in the market and then making
know Peace.’’ a profit
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- In the statement “They will basically say”,
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião a) ( ) People
de que. b) ( ) Media
c) ( ) Teenagers
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir d) ( ) n.d.a
cada vez mais as pessoas.
b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre Q.15 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-
aqueles que se amam. aded with students up to the limit was stopped
c) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que by the police.
o poder do amor.
a) ( ) what
d) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
b) ( ) in which
entre os homens.
c) ( ) which
Q.14 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- d) ( ) for which
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in e) ( ) when

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.11

Q.1 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco- o poder do amor.
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
Peace.’’ aqueles que se amam.
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico cada vez mais as pessoas.
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
Q.2 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
de que.
presentatives now.

a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor a) ( ) which

entre os homens. b) ( ) in which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

c) ( ) where b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you

d) ( ) there the meaning of the words.
e) ( ) who c) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Q.3 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- Q.6 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
ers. who am I to be blue
a) ( ) when Look at my family and fortune
b) ( ) whose Look at my friends and my house
c) ( ) whom Who who am I to feel dead and
d) ( ) which Who am I to feel spent
e) ( ) where Look at my health and my money

Q.4 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things And where where do I go to feel good
that made an incredible impression on me in the Why do I still look outside me
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
conventional ideas or images about womanhood And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
or what makes someone or something beauti- And my generosity has me disabled
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique by this my sense of duty to offer
gifts, not particularly caring what other people Why why do I feel so ungrateful
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
Me who is far beyond survival
own right. She painted for years, not to be a
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
commercial success or to be discovered, but to
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- How dare I ignore a third world country
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own Who who am I to be blue
truth was what made her successful in the end. MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
(HUTZLER, L.) Os vários questionamentos presentes
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme na letra da música
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
pintora a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
a) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução. burguesa.
e) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. d) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
Q.5 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As- e) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
sinale a alternativa correta). econômica.

a) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault. Q.7 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-

served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re necessary
a dog.” In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
THEY se refere a)
a) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
b) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com a) ( ) voices.
fácil acesso aos animais. b) ( ) citizens.
c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está c) ( ) writers.
do outro lado. d) ( ) readers.
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- e) ( ) heads.
seada. Q.11 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
milar à do cão. No, Calvin
Q.8 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa- Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
ded with students up to the limit was stopped No, Calvin
by the police. Then, can I have a cookie?
No, Calvin
a) ( ) when She‘s on to me
b) ( ) which
c) ( ) in which
d) ( ) what
e) ( ) for which

Q.9 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para

preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
speak her native tongue.

a) ( ) whose
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
b) ( ) which
c) ( ) whom a) ( ) no telhado.
d) ( ) where b) ( ) na rua.
e) ( ) who c) ( ) na escola.
d) ( ) no parque.
Q.10 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ-
XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only Q.12 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
place in any society where, within the secrecy relative pronouns:
of our own heads, we can hear voices talking The girl __________ mother is a scien-
about everything in every possible way. The tist is my girlfriend

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

a) ( ) which a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.

b) ( ) who b) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
c) ( ) whose c) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
d) ( ) that sável.
d) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
Q.13 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
e) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
____name I could not remember, was one of
the best I had ever seen.
Q.15 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
a) ( ) whose MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
b) ( ) who English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
c) ( ) where Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
d) ( ) whom […] As we know, many people are insecure
e) ( ) which and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
Q.14 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an- sing
cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo- industry and most of the private firms that
men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, teenagers by
or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This creating the perception that they can feel
so openly demeaned them that many black wo- special by buying specific products. They will
men, long after they had left the South, refu- basically say, “If you
sed to answer if called by their first name. A buy our product, you will be popular, good
mother and father in 1970s Texas named their looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
newborn “Miss” so that white people would have scaring us in our
no choice but to address their daughter by that everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
title. Black women were meant for the field, or perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They what to buy. This
were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea is basically what consumerism is all about:
of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, creating a niche in the market and then making
that would have been unthinkable. a profit
Disponível em: Acesso In the statement “They will basically say”,
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a a) ( ) Teenagers
história das relações humanas na cidade natal b) ( ) Media
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo c) ( ) n.d.a
“unthinkable” ressalta que d) ( ) People

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.12

Q.1 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA b) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir

CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco- cada vez mais as pessoas.
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
Peace.’’ aqueles que se amam.
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- d) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico entre os homens.
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião Q.2 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
de que. that made an incredible impression on me in the
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
o poder do amor. conventional ideas or images about womanhood

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

or what makes someone or something beauti- not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique first lady of the land, well, that would have been
gifts, not particularly caring what other people unthinkable.
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her Disponível em: Acesso
own right. She painted for years, not to be a em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
commercial success or to be discovered, but to A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who história das relações humanas na cidade natal
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own “unthinkable” ressalta que
truth was what made her successful in the end.
(HUTZLER, L.) a) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-

A autora desse comentário sobre o filme sável.

Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a b) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.

pintora c) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.

d) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
a) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. e) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
b) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
c) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução. Q.5 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
d) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. who am I to be blue
e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friends and my house
Q.3 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As- Who who am I to feel dead and
sinale a alternativa correta). Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
And where where do I go to feel good
b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
d) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
the meaning of the words. And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
And my generosity has me disabled
Q.4 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances- by this my sense of duty to offer
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women Why why do I feel so ungrateful
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., Me who is far beyond survival
but were addressed by their first name, or simply Me who’s seen life as an oyster
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de- And how how dare I rest on my laurels
meaned them that many black women, long af- How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if How dare I ignore a third world country
called by their first name. A mother and father Who who am I to be blue
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
that white people would have no choice but to
Os vários questionamentos presentes
address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
na letra da música
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, a) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de b) ( ) whose

relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. c) ( ) which
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade d) ( ) who
burguesa. e) ( ) whom
d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
Q.9 (1.00) - Complete with the correct re-
lative pronouns:
e) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
tist is my girlfriend
Q.6 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
a) ( ) that
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
b) ( ) who
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
c) ( ) whose
speak her native tongue.
d) ( ) which
a) ( ) whom Q.10 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
b) ( ) who tra:
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) whose
e) ( ) which


QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri- a dog.”
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- fácil acesso aos animais.
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- b) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, do outro lado.
but we need to remember it is necessary c) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto milar à do cão.
THEY se refere a) d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
e) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
a) ( ) readers. seada.
b) ( ) heads.
c) ( ) writers. Q.11 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite

d) ( ) voices. beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-

e) ( ) citizens. presentatives now.

a) ( ) where
Q.8 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
b) ( ) there
____name I could not remember, was one of
c) ( ) in which
the best I had ever seen.
d) ( ) who
a) ( ) where e) ( ) which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.12 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- […] As we know, many people are insecure
ers. and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
a) ( ) which
industry and most of the private firms that
b) ( ) where
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
c) ( ) whose
teenagers by
d) ( ) whom
creating the perception that they can feel
e) ( ) when
special by buying specific products. They will
Q.13 (0.50) - Read the text and answer: basically say, “If you
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress? buy our product, you will be popular, good
No, Calvin looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? scaring us in our
No, Calvin everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
Then, can I have a cookie? perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
No, Calvin what to buy. This
She‘s on to me is basically what consumerism is all about:
creating a niche in the market and then making
a profit
In the statement “They will basically say”,
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?

a) ( ) Media
b) ( ) n.d.a
c) ( ) Teenagers
d) ( ) People

Q.15 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
aded with students up to the limit was stopped
a) ( ) no parque. by the police.
b) ( ) no telhado.
a) ( ) which
c) ( ) na escola.
b) ( ) for which
d) ( ) na rua.
c) ( ) when
Q.14 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- d) ( ) what
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in e) ( ) in which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.13

Q.1 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco- o poder do amor.
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know c) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
Peace.’’ entre os homens.
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí- d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico cada vez mais as pessoas.
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
Q.2 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
sinale a alternativa correta).
de que.
a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
a) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre into.
aqueles que se amam. b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

the meaning of the words. thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault. own right. She painted for years, not to be a
d) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. commercial success or to be discovered, but to
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
Q.3 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
No, Calvin
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
truth was what made her successful in the end.
No, Calvin
Then, can I have a cookie?
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
No, Calvin
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
She‘s on to me

a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.

b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
d) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.


QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo: society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
a) ( ) no parque. in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
b) ( ) no telhado. that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
c) ( ) na rua. ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
d) ( ) na escola. whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
Q.4 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa- us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
ded with students up to the limit was stopped rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
by the police. looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
but we need to remember it is necessary
a) ( ) when In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
b) ( ) for which THEY se refere a)
c) ( ) what
d) ( ) which a) ( ) heads.
e) ( ) in which b) ( ) writers.
c) ( ) citizens.
Q.5 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
d) ( ) voices.
that made an incredible impression on me in the
e) ( ) readers.
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into Q.7 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
conventional ideas or images about womanhood tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
or what makes someone or something beauti- were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique but were addressed by their first name, or simply
gifts, not particularly caring what other people as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

meaned them that many black women, long af- Q.10 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
called by their first name. A mother and father English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
that white people would have no choice but to […] As we know, many people are insecure
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or sing
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, industry and most of the private firms that
not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
first lady of the land, well, that would have been teenagers by
unthinkable. creating the perception that they can feel
Disponível em: Acesso special by buying specific products. They will
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado). basically say, “If you
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle buy our product, you will be popular, good
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a looking and happy.” […] They will do this by
história das relações humanas na cidade natal scaring us in our
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
“unthinkable” ressalta que perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
what to buy. This
a) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
is basically what consumerism is all about:
creating a niche in the market and then making
b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
a profit
c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
In the statement “They will basically say”,
d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
e) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
a) ( ) Teenagers
Q.8 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para b) ( ) n.d.a
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had c) ( ) Media
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could d) ( ) People
speak her native tongue.
Q.11 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
a) ( ) whom ____name I could not remember, was one of
b) ( ) which the best I had ever seen.
c) ( ) who
a) ( ) which
d) ( ) whose
b) ( ) where
e) ( ) where
c) ( ) whose
Q.9 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite d) ( ) whom
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- e) ( ) who
presentatives now. Q.12 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
a) ( ) where peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
b) ( ) which a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
c) ( ) who ers.
d) ( ) there a) ( ) whom
e) ( ) in which b) ( ) which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

c) ( ) where Q.15 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette

d) ( ) whose Who who am I to be blue
e) ( ) when Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friends and my house
Q.13 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
Who who am I to feel dead and
Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
And where where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
And my generosity has me disabled
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re by this my sense of duty to offer
a dog.” Why why do I feel so ungrateful
Me who is far beyond survival
a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
fácil acesso aos animais.
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
b) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
c) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
How dare I ignore a third world country
milar à do cão.
Who who am I to be blue
d) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
do outro lado.
Os vários questionamentos presentes
e) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
na letra da música
a) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
Q.14 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
relative pronouns:
b) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
tist is my girlfriend
a) ( ) that d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
b) ( ) whose econômica.
c) ( ) who e) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
d) ( ) which zer.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.14

Q.1 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:

Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?

No, Calvin

Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?

No, Calvin

Then, can I have a cookie?

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
No, Calvin
a) ( ) na escola.
She‘s on to me b) ( ) no telhado.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

c) ( ) na rua. d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão

d) ( ) no parque. econômica.
e) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
Q.2 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
____name I could not remember, was one of Q.4 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
the best I had ever seen. beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
presentatives now.
a) ( ) whom
b) ( ) whose a) ( ) which
c) ( ) who b) ( ) where
d) ( ) where c) ( ) there
e) ( ) which d) ( ) who
e) ( ) in which
Q.3 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
Q.5 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:
who am I to be blue
Look at my family and fortune
Look at my friends and my house
Who who am I to feel dead and
Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
And where where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work “On the internet, nobody knows you’re
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable a dog.”
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
a) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
And my generosity has me disabled
do outro lado.
by this my sense of duty to offer
b) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
Why why do I feel so ungrateful
c) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
Me who is far beyond survival
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
d) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
milar à do cão.
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand e) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
How dare I ignore a third world country fácil acesso aos animais.
Who who am I to be blue
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps. Q.6 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-
Os vários questionamentos presentes MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
na letra da música English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- […] As we know, many people are insecure
zer. and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de sing
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. industry and most of the private firms that
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
burguesa. teenagers by

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

creating the perception that they can feel a) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
special by buying specific products. They will sável.
basically say, “If you b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
buy our product, you will be popular, good c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
scaring us in our e) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a Q.8 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us that made an incredible impression on me in the
what to buy. This film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
is basically what consumerism is all about: her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
creating a niche in the market and then making conventional ideas or images about womanhood
a profit or what makes someone or something beauti-
In the statement “They will basically say”, ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
Who does pronoun THEY refer to? gifts, not particularly caring what other people
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
a) ( ) Media own right. She painted for years, not to be a
b) ( ) n.d.a commercial success or to be discovered, but to
c) ( ) Teenagers express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
d) ( ) People culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
Q.7 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances- sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women truth was what made her successful in the end.
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., (HUTZLER, L.)
but were addressed by their first name, or simply A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de- Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
meaned them that many black women, long af- pintora
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
called by their first name. A mother and father a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.
that white people would have no choice but to c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, Q.9 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-
not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as ded with students up to the limit was stopped
first lady of the land, well, that would have been by the police.
a) ( ) what
Disponível em: Acesso
b) ( ) in which
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
c) ( ) for which
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
d) ( ) which
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
e) ( ) when
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo Q.10 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
“unthinkable” ressalta que peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

a near insurmountable task for the early pione- Q.13 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
ers. preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
a) ( ) whom
speak her native tongue.
b) ( ) when
c) ( ) which a) ( ) who
d) ( ) where b) ( ) whom
e) ( ) whose c) ( ) where
Q.11 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ- d) ( ) which
XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only e) ( ) whose
place in any society where, within the secrecy
Q.14 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-
of our own heads, we can hear voices talking
TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
about everything in every possible way. The
overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will
reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
know Peace.’’
served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
de que.
to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
necessary a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto cada vez mais as pessoas.
THEY se refere a) b) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
aqueles que se amam.
a) ( ) citizens.
c) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
b) ( ) readers.
entre os homens.
c) ( ) writers.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
d) ( ) voices.
o poder do amor.
e) ( ) heads.

Q.12 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: Q.15 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
(Assinale a alternativa correta). relative pronouns:
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
tist is my girlfriend
the meaning of the words.
b) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. a) ( ) that
c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault. b) ( ) which
d) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed c) ( ) whose
into. d) ( ) who

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.15

Q.1 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could conventional ideas or images about womanhood
speak her native tongue. or what makes someone or something beauti-
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
a) ( ) whose
gifts, not particularly caring what other people
b) ( ) which
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
c) ( ) whom
own right. She painted for years, not to be a
d) ( ) who
commercial success or to be discovered, but to
e) ( ) where
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
Q.2 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
that made an incredible impression on me in the she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own ____name I could not remember, was one of
truth was what made her successful in the end. the best I had ever seen.
a) ( ) whom
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
b) ( ) which
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) who
a) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. e) ( ) whose
b) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. Q.5 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
c) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. who am I to be blue
d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução. Look at my family and fortune
e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. Look at my friends and my house
Who who am I to feel dead and
Q.3 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
Who am I to feel spent
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
Look at my health and my money
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
And where where do I go to feel good
but were addressed by their first name, or simply
Why do I still look outside me
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
meaned them that many black women, long af-
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
called by their first name. A mother and father
And my generosity has me disabled
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
by this my sense of duty to offer
that white people would have no choice but to
Why why do I feel so ungrateful
address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
Me who is far beyond survival
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
first lady of the land, well, that would have been
How dare I ignore a third world country
Who who am I to be blue
Disponível em: Acesso
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
Os vários questionamentos presentes
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
na letra da música
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
história das relações humanas na cidade natal a) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo zer.
“unthinkable” ressalta que b) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
a) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon- c) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
sável. econômica.
b) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. d) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. e) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
d) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. burguesa.
e) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
Q.4 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:

Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
a) ( ) no parque.
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
b) ( ) no telhado.
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
c) ( ) na escola.
d) ( ) na rua.
industry and most of the private firms that
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those Q.8 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNATIVA
teenagers by CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
creating the perception that they can feel mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
special by buying specific products. They will Peace.’’
basically say, “If you Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
buy our product, you will be popular, good vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
scaring us in our loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a de que.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
what to buy. This a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
is basically what consumerism is all about: cada vez mais as pessoas.
creating a niche in the market and then making b) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
a profit entre os homens.
In the statement “They will basically say”, c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
Who does pronoun THEY refer to? aqueles que se amam.
d) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
a) ( ) Teenagers
o poder do amor.
b) ( ) Media
c) ( ) n.d.a Q.9 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-
d) ( ) People ded with students up to the limit was stopped
by the police.
Q.7 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress? a) ( ) in which
No, Calvin b) ( ) which
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? c) ( ) when
No, Calvin d) ( ) for which
Then, can I have a cookie? e) ( ) what
No, Calvin
She‘s on to me Q.10 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
a near insurmountable task for the early pione-

a) ( ) when
b) ( ) whom
c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) which
e) ( ) where

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.11 (1.00) - Complete with the correct d) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
relative pronouns: do outro lado.
The girl __________ mother is a scien- e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
tist is my girlfriend milar à do cão.

a) ( ) which Q.14 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ-

b) ( ) whose XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only
c) ( ) that place in any society where, within the secrecy
d) ( ) who of our own heads, we can hear voices talking
Q.12 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite about everything in every possible way. The
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
presentatives now. served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
a) ( ) in which It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
b) ( ) which citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
c) ( ) where tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need
d) ( ) who to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is
e) ( ) there necessary
Q.13 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus- In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
tra: THEY se refere a)

a) ( ) citizens.
b) ( ) readers.
c) ( ) heads.
d) ( ) voices.
e) ( ) writers.

Q.15 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:

“On the internet, nobody knows you’re (Assinale a alternativa correta).
a dog.”
a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
a) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes. into.
b) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
seada. the meaning of the words.
c) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com c) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
fácil acesso aos animais. d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.16

Q.1 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite the meaning of the words.

beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- b) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
presentatives now. c) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
d) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
a) ( ) where
b) ( ) in which
c) ( ) who
d) ( ) there Q.3 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA
e) ( ) which QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
Q.2 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
sinale a alternativa correta).
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
a) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

ters want the absolute freedom to say and do thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of own right. She painted for years, not to be a
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- commercial success or to be discovered, but to
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
but we need to remember it is necessary she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
THEY se refere a) truth was what made her successful in the end.
a) ( ) writers.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
b) ( ) voices.
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
c) ( ) heads.
d) ( ) readers.
e) ( ) citizens. a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
b) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
Q.4 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:
c) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
d) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.

Q.6 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para

preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
speak her native tongue.

a) ( ) whose
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
b) ( ) whom
a dog.”
c) ( ) which
a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com d) ( ) where
fácil acesso aos animais. e) ( ) who
b) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
Q.7 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
____name I could not remember, was one of
do outro lado.
the best I had ever seen.
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
seada. a) ( ) whose
e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- b) ( ) which
milar à do cão. c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) where
Q.5 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
e) ( ) who
that made an incredible impression on me in the
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of Q.8 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into who am I to be blue
conventional ideas or images about womanhood Look at my family and fortune
or what makes someone or something beauti- Look at my friends and my house
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique Who who am I to feel dead and
gifts, not particularly caring what other people Who am I to feel spent

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

Look at my health and my money so openly demeaned them that many black wo-
And where where do I go to feel good men, long after they had left the South, refu-
Why do I still look outside me sed to answer if called by their first name. A
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work mother and father in 1970s Texas named their
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable newborn “Miss” so that white people would have
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire no choice but to address their daughter by that
And my generosity has me disabled title. Black women were meant for the field, or
by this my sense of duty to offer the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They
Why why do I feel so ungrateful were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea
Me who is far beyond survival of a black woman as first lady of the land, well,
Me who’s seen life as an oyster that would have been unthinkable.
And how how dare I rest on my laurels Disponível em: Acesso
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
How dare I ignore a third world country A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Who who am I to be blue Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps. história das relações humanas na cidade natal
Os vários questionamentos presentes da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
na letra da música “unthinkable” ressalta que

a) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade a) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.

burguesa. b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
b) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão c) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
econômica. d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
c) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de sável.
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. e) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
Q.11 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?
e) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
No, Calvin
Q.9 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was No, Calvin
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- Then, can I have a cookie?
ers. No, Calvin
She‘s on to me
a) ( ) whose
b) ( ) which
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) whom
e) ( ) when

Q.10 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the an-

cestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black wo-
men were rarely granted the honorific Miss or
Mrs., but were addressed by their first name,
or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

a) ( ) na escola. In the statement “They will basically say”,

b) ( ) no parque. Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
c) ( ) na rua.
d) ( ) no telhado. a) ( ) n.d.a
b) ( ) Media
Q.12 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
c) ( ) Teenagers
relative pronouns:
d) ( ) People
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
tist is my girlfriend Q.14 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-
a) ( ) which TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
b) ( ) whose overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will
c) ( ) that know Peace.’’
d) ( ) who Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
Q.13 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun de que.
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
a) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
cada vez mais as pessoas.
b) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
industry and most of the private firms that
entre os homens.
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those
c) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
teenagers by
o poder do amor.
creating the perception that they can feel
d) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
special by buying specific products. They will
aqueles que se amam.
basically say, “If you
buy our product, you will be popular, good Q.15 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by aded with students up to the limit was stopped
scaring us in our by the police.
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us a) ( ) in which
what to buy. This b) ( ) for which
is basically what consumerism is all about: c) ( ) what
creating a niche in the market and then making d) ( ) which
a profit e) ( ) when

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.17

Q.1 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances- for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., first lady of the land, well, that would have been
but were addressed by their first name, or simply unthinkable.
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
Disponível em: Acesso
meaned them that many black women, long af-
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
called by their first name. A mother and father A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
that white people would have no choice but to história das relações humanas na cidade natal
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or “unthinkable” ressalta que

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável. everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a

b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável. perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
c) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável. what to buy. This
d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon- is basically what consumerism is all about:
sável. creating a niche in the market and then making
e) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante. a profit
In the statement “They will basically say”,
Q.2 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:
Who does pronoun THEY refer to?

a) ( ) Media
b) ( ) People
c) ( ) n.d.a
d) ( ) Teenagers


CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
a dog.” Peace.’’
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
a) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes. vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
b) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
fácil acesso aos animais. loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
c) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si- de que.
milar à do cão.
d) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu- a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
seada. entre os homens.
e) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
do outro lado. o poder do amor.
c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
Q.3 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- aqueles que se amam.
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em cada vez mais as pessoas.
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
[…] As we know, many people are insecure Q.5 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- who am I to be blue
sing Look at my family and fortune
industry and most of the private firms that Look at my friends and my house
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those Who who am I to feel dead and
teenagers by Who am I to feel spent
creating the perception that they can feel Look at my health and my money
special by buying specific products. They will And where where do I go to feel good
basically say, “If you Why do I still look outside me
buy our product, you will be popular, good When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
scaring us in our And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

And my generosity has me disabled b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.

by this my sense of duty to offer c) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
Why why do I feel so ungrateful d) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
Me who is far beyond survival e) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
Me who’s seen life as an oyster
Q.7 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
And how how dare I rest on my laurels
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
How dare I ignore a third world country
speak her native tongue.
Who who am I to be blue
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps. a) ( ) which
Os vários questionamentos presentes b) ( ) where
na letra da música c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) whose
a) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
e) ( ) who
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
b) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- Q.8 (1.00) - The 19th century artist,
zer. ____name I could not remember, was one of
c) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social. the best I had ever seen.
d) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
econômica. a) ( ) which
e) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade b) ( ) where
burguesa. c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) who
Q.6 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things e) ( ) whom
that made an incredible impression on me in the
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of Q.9 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
conventional ideas or images about womanhood society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
or what makes someone or something beauti- ads, we can hear voices talking about everything
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique in every possible way. The reason for ensuring
gifts, not particularly caring what other people that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri-
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her ters want the absolute freedom to say and do
own right. She painted for years, not to be a whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of
commercial success or to be discovered, but to us, readers and writers and citizens and gene-
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and rals and godmen need that little, unimportant-
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who looking room. We do not need to call it sacred,
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- but we need to remember it is necessary
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own In the text, THEY refers to (No texto
truth was what made her successful in the end. THEY se refere a)
a) ( ) readers.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
b) ( ) heads.
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
c) ( ) voices.
d) ( ) citizens.
a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. e) ( ) writers.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

Q.10 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem- a) ( ) which

peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was b) ( ) where
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- c) ( ) there
ers. d) ( ) in which
a) ( ) which e) ( ) who
b) ( ) when
Q.13 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative:
c) ( ) whom
(Assinale a alternativa correta).
d) ( ) whose
e) ( ) where
a) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
Q.11 (0.50) - Read the text and answer: b) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress? into.
No, Calvin c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? the meaning of the words.
No, Calvin d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
Then, can I have a cookie?
No, Calvin Q.14 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was lo-
She‘s on to me aded with students up to the limit was stopped
by the police.

a) ( ) which
b) ( ) when
c) ( ) in which
d) ( ) what
e) ( ) for which

Q.15 (1.00) - Complete with the correct

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
relative pronouns:
a) ( ) no parque.
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
b) ( ) no telhado.
tist is my girlfriend
c) ( ) na escola.
d) ( ) na rua. a) ( ) which
Q.12 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite b) ( ) who
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re- c) ( ) whose
presentatives now. d) ( ) that

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.18

Q.1 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:

Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress?

No, Calvin

Can I ride my tricycle on the roof?

No, Calvin

Then, can I have a cookie?

Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
No, Calvin
a) ( ) no parque.
She‘s on to me b) ( ) na escola.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4

c) ( ) no telhado. a) ( ) who
d) ( ) na rua. b) ( ) where
c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) whose
QUESTÃO: Literature is the only place in any
e) ( ) which
society where, within the secrecy of our own he-
ads, we can hear voices talking about everything Q.6 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
in every possible way. The reason for ensuring tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
that privileged arena is preserved is not that wri- were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
ters want the absolute freedom to say and do but were addressed by their first name, or simply
whatever THEY please. It is that we, all of as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
us, readers and writers and citizens and gene- meaned them that many black women, long af-
rals and godmen need that little, unimportant- ter they had left the South, refused to answer if
looking room. We do not need to call it sacred, called by their first name. A mother and father
but we need to remember it is necessary in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto that white people would have no choice but to
THEY se refere a) address their daughter by that title. Black wo-
a) ( ) voices. men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or
b) ( ) readers. for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition,
c) ( ) citizens. not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as
d) ( ) heads. first lady of the land, well, that would have been
e) ( ) writers. unthinkable.
Disponível em: Acesso
Q.3 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-
em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
a near insurmountable task for the early pione-
Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
história das relações humanas na cidade natal
a) ( ) which da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
b) ( ) whose “unthinkable” ressalta que
c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) where a) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
e) ( ) when b) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
c) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
Q.4 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
presentatives now.
e) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) there Q.7 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-
c) ( ) in which ded with students up to the limit was stopped
d) ( ) who by the police.
e) ( ) where
a) ( ) when
Q.5 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, b) ( ) in which
____name I could not remember, was one of c) ( ) which
the best I had ever seen. d) ( ) for which

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

e) ( ) what c) ( ) whose
d) ( ) who
Q.8 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
sinale a alternativa correta). Q.11 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
a) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
b) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
speak her native tongue.
the meaning of the words.
c) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed. a) ( ) where
d) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed b) ( ) who
into. c) ( ) which
d) ( ) whose
Q.9 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things e) ( ) whom
that made an incredible impression on me in the
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of Q.12 (0.50) - 1 ) MARQUE A ALTERNA-
her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into TIVA CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love
conventional ideas or images about womanhood overcomes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will
or what makes someone or something beauti- know Peace.’’
ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
gifts, not particularly caring what other people vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
own right. She painted for years, not to be a loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
commercial success or to be discovered, but to de que.
express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who entre os homens.
she was. The trueness of her own unique vi- b) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own o poder do amor.
truth was what made her successful in the end. c) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
(HUTZLER, L.) aqueles que se amam.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme d) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a cada vez mais as pessoas.
Q.13 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette
a) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura. Who who am I to be blue
b) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica. Look at my family and fortune
c) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular. Look at my friends and my house
d) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução. Who who am I to feel dead and
e) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem. Who am I to feel spent
Look at my health and my money
Q.10 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
And where where do I go to feel good
relative pronouns:
Why do I still look outside me
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work
tist is my girlfriend
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable
a) ( ) that And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
b) ( ) which And my generosity has me disabled

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

by this my sense of duty to offer scaring us in our

Why why do I feel so ungrateful everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a
Me who is far beyond survival perfect life and then misleading us by telling us
Me who’s seen life as an oyster what to buy. This
And how how dare I rest on my laurels is basically what consumerism is all about:
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand creating a niche in the market and then making
How dare I ignore a third world country a profit
Who who am I to be blue In the statement “They will basically say”,
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps. Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
Os vários questionamentos presentes
a) ( ) Teenagers
na letra da música
b) ( ) People
a) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social. c) ( ) Media
b) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa- d) ( ) n.d.a
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade Q.15 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilus-
burguesa. tra:
d) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto.
e) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão

Q.14 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU-

MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
[…] As we know, many people are insecure
a dog.”
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti-
sing a) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
industry and most of the private firms that do outro lado.
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those b) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
teenagers by seada.
creating the perception that they can feel c) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
special by buying specific products. They will fácil acesso aos animais.
basically say, “If you d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
buy our product, you will be popular, good e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by milar à do cão.

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 1 de 4

Instituto Federal do Pará Nota

Professor: Gabriel Marchetto
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Matrícula: Turma: 3º Ano Data: __/__/____

Marque o gabarito preenchendo completamente a região de cada


a b c d e
a b c d e

Prova: 748761.19

Q.1 (1.00) - The 19th century artist, ers.

____name I could not remember, was one of
the best I had ever seen.

a) ( ) where a) ( ) when
b) ( ) whom b) ( ) which
c) ( ) who c) ( ) whom
d) ( ) which d) ( ) whose
e) ( ) whose e) ( ) where

Q.2 (1.00) - Crossing Death Valley, —- tem-

peratures reach well above 110 Fahrenheit, was
a near insurmountable task for the early pione- Q.3 (0.50) - [C2/H7] O desenho abaixo ilustra:

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 2 de 4


CORRETA. ‘’ When the power of love overco-
mes the ove of POWER, the Wordl will know
Aproveitando-se de status social e da possí-
vel influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico
Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos
loves, Power e peace para justificar sua opinião
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re
de que.
a dog.”
a) ( ) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor
a) ( ) que não se pode deixar eletrônicos com
entre os homens.
fácil acesso aos animais.
b) ( ) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir
b) ( ) que a internet é muito fácil de ser manu-
cada vez mais as pessoas.
c) ( ) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que
c) ( ) que ninguém realmente sabe quem está
o poder do amor.
do outro lado.
d) ( ) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre
d) ( ) que os cães são animais inteligentes.
aqueles que se amam.
e) ( ) que o ser humano tem a inteligência si-
milar à do cão. Q.6 (1.00) - Mark the correct alternative: (As-
sinale a alternativa correta).
Q.4 (0.50) - Read the text and answer:
Mom, can i set fire to my bed mattress? a) ( ) Jane is the woman that car he crashed
No, Calvin into.
Can I ride my tricycle on the roof? b) ( ) She is the woman that dog the robbed.
No, Calvin c) ( ) A dictionary is a book which gives you
the meaning of the words.
Then, can I have a cookie?
d) ( ) Everything who happened was her fault.
No, Calvin
She‘s on to me Q.7 (1.00) - The large limousine —- was loa-
ded with students up to the limit was stopped
by the police.

a) ( ) in which
b) ( ) which
c) ( ) when
d) ( ) what
e) ( ) for which

Q.8 (0.50) - Offer - Alanis Morissette Who

who am I to be blue
Calvin gostaria de andar de triciclo:
Look at my family and fortune
a) ( ) na rua. Look at my friends and my house
b) ( ) no parque. Who who am I to feel dead and
c) ( ) no telhado. Who am I to feel spent
d) ( ) na escola. Look at my health and my money

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 3 de 4

And where where do I go to feel good Disponível em: Acesso

Why do I still look outside me em: 28 dez. 2019 (adaptado).
When clearly I‘ve seen it won’t work A crítica do livro de memorias de Michelle
Is it my calling to keep on when I‘m unable Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire história das relações humanas na cidade natal
And my generosity has me disabled da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo
by this my sense of duty to offer “unthinkable” ressalta que
Why why do I feel so ungrateful a) ( ) o trabalho feminino era inimaginável.
Me who is far beyond survival b) ( ) a origem do indivíduo era irrelevante.
Me who’s seen life as an oyster c) ( ) a ascensão social era improvável.
And how how dare I rest on my laurels d) ( ) o comportamento parental era irrespon-
How dare I ignore an outstretched hand sável.
How dare I ignore a third world country e) ( ) a mudança de nome era impensável.
Who who am I to be blue
Q.10 (0.50) - Marque a alternativa correta para
MORISSETTE, Alanis. Feast on Scraps.
preencher a lacuna abaixo:My sister Ann had
Os vários questionamentos presentes
always wanted to go to a city _____ she could
na letra da música
speak her native tongue.
a) ( ) evidenciam a busca pela aceitação social.
a) ( ) which
b) ( ) enfatizam a dificuldade de ascensão
b) ( ) whose
c) ( ) whom
c) ( ) criticam a generosidade da sociedade
d) ( ) who
e) ( ) where
d) ( ) demonstram o conflito entre o ser e o fa-
zer. Q.11 (0.50) - Virginia, —- is said to be quite
e) ( ) comprovam a complexidade de beautiful, is the home of many senators and re-
relacionar-se com o sexo oposto. presentatives now.

a) ( ) which
Q.9 (0.50) - (ENEM - 2021) Back in the ances-
b) ( ) in which
tral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women
c) ( ) where
were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs.,
d) ( ) who
but were addressed by their first name, or simply
e) ( ) there
as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly de-
meaned them that many black women, long af- Q.12 (0.50) - TEXTO PARA A PRÓ-
ter they had left the South, refused to answer if XIMA QUESTÃO: Literature is the only
called by their first name. A mother and father place in any society where, within the secrecy
in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so of our own heads, we can hear voices talking
that white people would have no choice but to about everything in every possible way. The
address their daughter by that title. Black wo- reason for ensuring that privileged arena is pre-
men were meant for the field, or the kitchen, or served is not that writers want the absolute fre-
for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, edom to say and do whatever THEY please.
not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as It is that we, all of us, readers and writers and
first lady of the land, well, that would have been citizens and generals and godmen need that lit-
unthinkable. tle, unimportant-looking room. We do not need

Verifique as respostas em:

Língua Inglesa Página 4 de 4

to call it sacred, but we need to remember it is is basically what consumerism is all about:
necessary creating a niche in the market and then making
In the text, THEY refers to (No texto a profit
THEY se refere a) In the statement “They will basically say”,
a) ( ) writers. Who does pronoun THEY refer to?
b) ( ) citizens.
c) ( ) heads. a) ( ) n.d.a
d) ( ) readers. b) ( ) Teenagers
e) ( ) voices. c) ( ) Media
d) ( ) People
Q.13 (1.00) - Complete with the correct
relative pronouns:
Q.15 (0.50) - (ENEM, 2017) One of the things
The girl __________ mother is a scien-
that made an incredible impression on me in the
tist is my girlfriend
film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of
a) ( ) which her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into
b) ( ) who conventional ideas or images about womanhood
c) ( ) that or what makes someone or something beauti-
d) ( ) whose ful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique
Q.14 (0.50) - TEXT: TEENS AND CONSU- gifts, not particularly caring what other people
MERISMText for Reading and interpretation in thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her
English (Texto para leitura e compreensão em own right. She painted for years, not to be a
Inglês) By Mariam Haroun commercial success or to be discovered, but to
[…] As we know, many people are insecure express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and
and a bit lazy. That’s why the media, adverti- culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who
sing she was. The trueness of her own unique vi-
industry and most of the private firms that sion and her ability to stand firmly in her own
sell beauty or lifestyle products may abuse those truth was what made her successful in the end.
teenagers by (HUTZLER, L.)
creating the perception that they can feel A autora desse comentário sobre o filme
special by buying specific products. They will Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a
basically say, “If you pintora
buy our product, you will be popular, good
looking and happy.” […] They will do this by a) ( ) vender bem a sua imagem.
scaring us in our b) ( ) recriar-se por meio da pintura.
everyday life, seducing us with pictures of a c) ( ) ter grande poder de sedução.
perfect life and then misleading us by telling us d) ( ) assumir sua beleza singular.
what to buy. This e) ( ) ter uma aparência exótica.

Verifique as respostas em:

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