Operation Supervisor Evaluation Form

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== DATEM QE cur tausreo svnoen Supervisor Evaluation for On-the-job Training ‘Student Name: | Jor Pa G sedges — ‘Supervisor Name: | 54 Domeiae Vir EC Phone: | 06 291.08 Email “The purpose of this assessment isto provide the student intern with constructive feedback on hisiher internship experience. This evaluation form should be completed by the internship site ‘supervisor or the individual who is most closely responsible for supervising the intern’s work ‘assignments. Use the evaluation rubric to assess the student's performance on each ‘dimension by specifying a score based on the performance ratings and descriptors delineated in the rubric form. Candid and objective comments regarding the student's performance are also very much appraciatod. Please add your relevant comments in the space provided in the form. Quality of Work: The degree to which the student's work is thorough, accurate, and completed in a timely manner Ability to Learn: The extent to which the student asks relevant questions; seeks out additional information from appropriate sources; understands new concepts/ideas/work assignments; and is willing to make needed changes and improvements Initiative and Creativity: The degree to which the student is selfmotivated; seeks out cchallengesimore work; approaches and solves problems on his/her own; and develops innovative and creative ideas/solutions/options Character Traits: The extent to which the student demonstrates a confident and positive attitude; exhibits honesty and integrity on the job; is aware of and sensitive to ethical and diversity issues; and behaves in an ethical and professional manner Dependability: The degree to which the student is reliable; follows instructions and appropriate procedures; is attentive to detail; and requires supervision Analytica/Critical Thinking Skills: Students will be able to demonstrate analytical and critical-thinking skills in the context of organizational decision making Attendance and Punctuality: The degree to which the student reports to work as scheduled and on-time Organizational Fit: The extent to which the student understands and supports the organization's mission, vision, and goals; adapts to organizational norms, expectations, and coullure; and functions within appropriate authority and decision-making channels Response to Supervision: The degree to which the student seeks supervision when necessary; is receptive to constructive criticism and advice from histher supervisor; | (602) 3028-2006 DATEM Building, 99 Mindanao Avenue | Bey. Banay Toro, Quezon Cy Philippines HOS YOUR TRUSTED BUILOER Ks z= = DATEM implements suggestions from his/her supervisor; and is willing to explore personal strengths and areas for improvement. ‘Supervisor Evaluation of Trainee - Grading Rubric Evaluation Performance Ratini aos Dimension é 5 4 Peat Intemship Dimensions = Grading Citra Work was doe ina careless | Wit few minor excepons, Thoroughly and manner and was of eratic | adequately perermed most | accurately perfomed al uly wrk assignments workrequrements;most | work requirements; ae Quality of Work | were usualy at and werk assignments submited | submited al work i required revew;made | inatimly manner, made | assignments on tine; numerous enor occasional eos made few any erors Comments: ACEOIPUEHED ALL TASKS AGEICNED_@N_TmE Asked fewifany questons | inmost cases, asked Consisinty asked and rarely sought cut relevent quesions and | relevant questions and adaioralinformaion om | sought out adonal sought out ational aporopte sources; wes | infomation fom appropiate | infomation from unable or so to understand | sources; exited appropriate sources; very new concep, dees, and | acceptable understanding of | quick undersiood new [Ability to Leam | WO*assionments; wes new concepts, ideas, and | concepts, ideas, and 15 Unable or unwing fo | workassgnments; was | wok ssignmenis; was recognize misiakes and was | usualy wiingtotake | always wiling to take ratreceptve to making | responsibilty for mistakes | responsibly for rneaded changes and ad to make needed mislakes and to make improvements changes and improvements. needed changes and improvements Comments: ALWAYS Gite THAT TE Really _WANTs_10_TEARN Had ile obsavable dive — | Worked witout extensive | Wasa sel-satr, ‘and required dose supension;insome cases, | consistent sought new ‘supervision; showed tle it _| fund problems soWe and chalenges and asked for anyinterestin meeting | sometimes asked for additonal work standaris; id notseck out | adonal wrk assignments; | esigameni;roguaty Iniative and | adional work and remalysethisher oun | approached and soved | 955 Creativity | frequently rocrasnated in | goals ann aow cases, _| probes independenty; compleing assignments; | ted to exceed requirements | frequent proposed suggested no newdeas or | fered some crealve ideas | imovatv and creative options ideas, solutions, andor pions ‘Comments: WORKS WELL wr Wes insecure andtimié, | Exceplinafewminor | Deransaled an arderrepiaty ects | isates demortaase | expteay cone negative aude; wes | confident and positive | and posive ate; Character Tats | shone! andr showed a | atitude:regdaty exhibited | consistenly exibied | leckofinteriyon several | honesty andintgrty inthe | honest nd integtyn cccasion; was unable to__| worklace; vas usualy | the workplace, was éatencompn (os0n aozs-20ss DATE Bulseg, 89 Minganee Avene 89y-Banay Toro, Quezon Gy, Paippines 108 DATEM your TausteD aviLoeR (i) ‘aware of and sensitive to | keenly aware of and ingonstvetoethical ard | ethical and dversty issues _| deeply sensitive to diversy issues; displayed | on the ob; normally behaved | ethical and diversity significant apsesin ethical | in an ethical and professional | issues on the jb, always and professional behaviour | manner behaved in an ethical noadate and professional mannet Comments: MAINTAING POSTIVE ATTITUDE PURWG WoRK recognize andor was ‘Supervisor Evaluation of Trainee — Grading Rubric - Evaluation = Performance Rati se Dimension E 6 5 4 3 [2 cs = "Internship Evaluation Dimensions ~ Grading Criteria Was general unretable | Was generaly relable in| Was consisieny reliable in in completing work ‘completing tasks; normally_| completing work assignments; didnot | followed nstuctons and | assignments; always | follow instructions and | procedures; was usually | followed instructions and procedures promply or | attentive to deal, bu work | procedures well, was Las Dependability | accurately, was careless, | had tobe reviewed careful and extremely and work needed ‘occasional; functioned | attentive to deta required conctant folow-up; with only moderate Ite or minimum requied close supervision supervision supervision ‘Comments: VERY RELIABLE IN ALL_SmIWA TIONS Displayed ony alinted | Evdenced an abity | Demonstrated proficiency ably to guide, uide, encourage, and | on each ofthe leadership encaurage, and motvate | motivate others toward | dimensions sted under the cers toward idntifed | identified goals: balanced | ‘competent performance ‘goals; focused excessive | the need for tsk level, plus: Estened actively, attention tothe task or fo | accomplishment with the | and acknowledged and bul interpersonal relatons in| needs of work group on others’ ideas; engaged work groups; asked for | members; showed all work group members; ideas, suggestions, and | understanding and support_| kept work groups ontrack ‘Analytical Critical | opinions but in many | of workgroup members; | as needed; intervened 1 Thinking Skils | cases, neglected to sought and respected | when tasks were not consider them; on ‘thers opinions; sought | moving toward goals; occasion, showed ‘agreement with and involved work group favourtism to one or | acceptance of ideas and | members in setting mare work group Blans of action; provided | challenging goals and members; rarely recognition of and planning for their recogrized, encouraged, | encouragement towork | accomplishment orinvlved work group | group members members ‘Comments: LISTENED ACTIVELY, ALWAYS GUCCECT IDEAS TOM WORK PASIER DATEM Basing. 99 Mindanao Avenue | 847-84nay Tra, duezon hy, hiipines 06 == DATEM LFF wourrevsreo suuoee Was absent excessively | Was never absent and | Awaye repoied to work as andlor was almost abvays | almost always on time; or | scheduled wth no late for work usualy reported to work as_| absences, and was always ‘Atendance and scheduled, butwas aways. | onime 420 Punctuality ontime towork as scheduled and was almost abvays onstime ‘Comments: AAS Ol TE, MINIMAL AGENT BUT win ACCEPABLE RekaaT ‘Supervisor Evaluation of Trainee - Grading Rubric Evaluation Parformance Rati en Dimension 5 4 3 : Internship Evaluation Dimensions - Grading Criteria ‘Was unwling or unable | Adequatly understood and. | Completely understood and tounderstand and | supported the orgnizaton's | fly supported the support the mission, vision, and goals; | organizations mission, ‘organization's mission, | saisfacirly adapted to | vision, and goals; readily vision, and goals ‘organizational norms, and sucessful adapted to exhibited diffcuty in| expectaons, and culture: | organizatonal noms, adapting fo generaly functioned within | expectations, and cuture; | 4.9 Organizational Fit | organizational rarms, | appropriate authonty and | consistent functioned ‘expectations and | decision-making channels | wibin appropiate authority culture; frequenty and decision-making seemed to disregard channels anproptate authority and decisionmaking henna Comments: PERSoNALIY UGA % COMPLEMENT 10 THE “ene CULTURE: Rarely sought ‘On occasion, sought ‘Actively sought supervision superision when | supervision when when necessary was necessary, was necessary; was generally | always receptive 0. uring to accept | receptive to constructive | constructive rcism and constucive crtism | erfism and advice: ‘advicg; sucessfully Responseto | ®advce:seléomit | iplemeredsupensor | inplemenad superior Response %® | everimpemented | suggestions most cases; | suggestons when fered; | 4 ns supenisor suggestions; | wes usualy wilig to was aivays ing to was usually unwiting to. | explore personal stengths | explore personal strengths explo personal and ares frimprovement | and areas for improvement strengths and teas for improvement ‘Comments: ACCEPTS _CRINCKM_ ADVICE Total | 3-45 ‘Average (otal scores) | 1.05 ee catemcom.ph vom ee (9502) 8928-2898 = DATEM Building, 99 Mindanao Avenue oN, Bey. Banay Toro, Quezon City, Priippines 06 oe = DATEM Rating Scale for Overall Score ‘Numerical Rating $4.99 Exceeds Expectations 22.99 ‘Meets Expectations 3309 Salstactory $4.99, Unsatisfactory 55.9) Needs Improvement 6 Nol Observed \f2 position were available within your department, would you recommend this student [ ve] f ment? AUGUST 03, 2023 ‘Supervisor Signature Date aatemcompn (532) 8023-2836, DDATEM Bulding, 99 Mindanae Avenue Buy. Banay Toro, Quezon City, Philippines 108

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