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Name: Ricardo Zhang C. ID: 8-985-2320

A. Combine the following sentence using adverb clauses. Then underline the adverb clause and
circle (or highlight) the subordinating conjunction.
● We set the meeting. More participants joined the committee.
● Once we had set the meeting, more participants decided to join the committee.

1.She is quite fit. She never takes any exercise.

She is quite fit even though she never takes any exercise.
2.They stopped work at 1.00 o’clock. They wanted to have lunch.
They stopped work at 1.00 o’clock, because they wanted to have lunch.
3. He won’t listen to me. You’d better try talking to him yourself.
Since he won’t listen to me, you’d better try talking to him yourself.


1. As for what I asked you to do before, that won’t be necessary. (Reason)
2. As I was walking back home, I met someone I hadn’t seen for years. (Time)
3. You should meet me where we had lunch the last time. (Place)
4. We arranged to hire a coach because the team needs it. (Purpose)
5. The more he helps us, the more I like him. (Comparison)
6. Provided that if you do this certain job, you will be allowed to join the Society. (Condition)
7. Since many of us failed yesterday, the teacher decided to give the test again. (Reason)
8. They decided to climb the mountain before it was too late. (Time)
9. We went swimming instead of running due to the rain. (Contrast)
10.I should be delighted only if it is a good restaurant. (Condition)
11.He arranged to come early in order to help the staff. (Purpose)

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