OpenText Archive and Storage Services 9.7.1 Installation Overview

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Open Text® Archive and Storage


Installation Overview

This guide is the entry point for administrators who want to

install Open Text Archive and Storage Services 9.7.1.

Open Text® Archive and Storage Services
Installation Overview
Rev.: 2009-Feb-06
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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................... 5
2 Common installation topics...................................................... 7
3 Guides........................................................................................ 9
3.1 Guides needed for new installation.......................................................... 9
3.1.1 Standard installation of Archive and Storage Services............................ 9
3.1.2 Remote DB............................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Document Pipeline Standalone.............................................................. 10
3.1.4 Open Text Archive Cache Services ....................................................... 10
3.1.5 Timestamp Server.................................................................................. 10
3.1.6 Remote Standby Server......................................................................... 10
3.1.7 Cluster installation.................................................................................. 10
3.2 Guides needed for upgrade ................................................................... 11

4 Partitioning .............................................................................. 13
4.1 Case 1: Archive and Storage Services and database on the same
computer, database created by Open Text ........................................... 14
4.2 Case 2: Archive and Storage Services and database on the same
computer, database created by customer.............................................. 18
4.3 Case 3: Archive and Storage Services and database on different
computers, database created by Open Text.......................................... 19
4.4 Case 4: Archive and Storage Services and database on different
computers, database created by customer............................................ 21
4.5 Case 5: New installation of Archive and Storage Services and use of
existing complete (with Archive Server tables) database of an
identical version ..................................................................................... 21
4.6 Case 6: New standalone installation of Open Text Document
Pipelines................................................................................................. 22

5 Platform dependencies ........................................................... 23

5.1 AIX (IBM)................................................................................................ 23
5.2 HP-UX 11.23 (PA-RISC 64bit, IA-64) .................................................... 24
5.3 Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SUSE; EM64T, 64-bit) .............................. 25
5.4 MS Windows Server 2003 platforms (i386, 32-bit or 64-bit) .................. 25
5.5 Solaris (SUN) ......................................................................................... 26

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services iii

Chapter 1
This document is intended to give an overview of the most important system
settings, preparations, and the order of the appropriate installation or upgrade

If an update is intended, make sure the installed Livelink ECM – Archive
Server version is 9.6.1!
Only for Archive Server version 9.6.1, the update documents mentioned in
this document can be used.
If the already installed version is older than 9.6.1, please refer to the upgrade
documents in the Open Text Knowledge Center

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services 5

Chapter 2
Common installation topics
Global assumptions
• Most disks for Archive and Storage Services should be mirrored with RAID 1,
and there should be at least 3 independent disks. The secure operation of the
database requires 1 disk for the database and 2 separate disks for the online
REDO and offline REDO log files. Archive and Storage Services stores all
documents temporarily on hard disk. This disk should be protected by RAID 5
or RAID 1.
• The partition sizes listed below are minimal sizes. The recommended sizes are
dependant mainly on the archive size and the number of logical archives. Refer
to the partitioning recommendation given to you by Open Text.

Unwanted fragmentation of disk partitions

Some file systems tend to unwanted fragmentation of disk partitions. This may lead
to incorrect free space detection and an attempt to write data to the file system will
fail (“no space left on device”).
This problem can affect the following partitions:
• Archive and Storage Services:
Cache partitions and, in case of remote standby scenario, the replicated disk
buffer volumes
• Archive Cache Server:
Cache partitions
To avoid this problem, see the Knowledge Center

Memory recommendations
• The recommended amount of RAM per CPU is at least 1 GB. The following table
shows the relation between total RAM and SWAP or paging space in your

RAM SWAP or paging space

1 GB to 2 GB 1.5 times RAM
> 2 GB and < 8 GB 1 times RAM

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services 7

Chapter 2 Common installation topics

RAM SWAP or paging space

> 8 GB 0.75 times RAM

Access rights for directories and partitions (UNIX)

• For the following mount points, directories and partitions, the owners must be
user <archive-user> and group <archive-group>. Access permissions should be 755
(-rwxr-xr-x). See below in the partition table.
• For all Oracle directories, the owner must be user <oracle-user> and group <dba-
group>. In all cases, the access permissions should be 755 (-rwxr-xr-x).
• Some files will have root permissions like the jbd!

8 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

Chapter 3
This chapter describes which guides are needed and in which order you have to
perform the installations or upgrades.
You can find the guides in the Open Text Knowledge Center

3.1 Guides needed for new installation

A separate guide exists for the Archive and Storage Services installation and for the
installation of several Document Pipelines.
The main order of performing them is the following:
1. Open Text Runtime and Core Services - Installation Guide (ELCS-IGD)
2. Guide for Archive and Storage Services installation
3. Guide for Document Pipelines

3.1.1 Standard installation of Archive and Storage Services

A standard installation of Archive and Storage Services consists of installing the
database binaries, configuring them, installing further Archive and Storage Services
packages like the Archive and Storage Services software, administration tools, and
Document Pipelines (e.g. for SAP).

Guides for installation of Archive and Storage Services including Oracle or MS

SQL database systems
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on UNIX/Linux (AR-IASUO)
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with Oracle (AR-
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with MS SQL (AR-

Guide for installation of Document Pipelines

• Open Text Document Pipelines - Installation and Upgrade Guide (AR-IDPDP)

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services 9

Chapter 3 Guides

3.1.2 Remote DB
It is possible to create and use the Archive and Storage Services-specific database
files on a dedicated database server. The guides to use are the same as in “Standard
installation of Archive and Storage Services” on page 9.

3.1.3 Document Pipeline Standalone

You can find all information on Document Pipelines in one guide.

Guide for installation of Document Pipelines

• Open Text Document Pipelines - Installation and Upgrade Guide (AR-IDPDP)

3.1.4 Open Text Archive Cache Services

The Archive and Storage Services installation guides now also cover the installation
of Archive Cache Services (former Archive Cache Server).

Guides for installation of Archive Cache Server

• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on UNIX/Linux (AR-IASUO)
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with Oracle (AR-
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with MS SQL (AR-

3.1.5 Timestamp Server

Open Text Timestamp Server is now included in Archive and Storage Services and
does not need further activities.

3.1.6 Remote Standby Server

Use the same guides and order for each Archive and Storage Services as mentioned
in “Standard installation of Archive and Storage Services” on page 9. You can find
information about the configuration of the Remote Standby scenario in the Archive
and Storage Services Administration Guide.

3.1.7 Cluster installation

In case you want to install a cluster, please contact Open Text Global Services.

10 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

3.2 Guides needed for upgrade

3.2 Guides needed for upgrade

The following guides describe the upgrade of Archive Server version 9.6.1 to
Archive and Storage Services version 9.7.1:
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services on UNIX (with Oracle) - Upgrading version
9.6.1 to 9.7.1 (AR-DUO)
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services on Windows (with MS SQL or Oracle) -
Upgrading version 9.6.1 to 9.7.1 (AR-DWO)
To upgrade version 9.6.0 to 9.6.1, see Livelink ECM - Archive Server 9.6.1 - Installation
and Upgrade Overview (AR090601-IOV) in the Knowledge Center

Guides for upgrade to version 9.6.0

See the following sources to upgrade Archive Server versions before 9.6.0 to version
• If you would like to verify the upgrade path for your current Archive Server
version 5.5 or 9.5, please refer to the Upgrade Matrix
• Which preparations are necessary for the upgrade? See
• If you have checked and prepared your current system for the upgrade, you can
continue and start the upgrade by following the instructions in the Upgrade
Guides referenced in this document:

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 11

Chapter 4
The partitioning depends on the location of the database. Will the database reside on
the same server as Archive and Storage Services (classical, local) or will it reside on a
dedicated database server (remote DB scenario)? Furthermore, the kind of archive
media you will use (WORM/UDO or DVD/Storage Systems) plays a role.

Database installation possibilities

Database created by Open Database created by cus-

Text tomer
Archive and Storage Ser- Case 1 Case 2
vices and database on same (see “Case 1: Archive and (see “Case 2: Archive and
computer Storage Services and data- Storage Services and data-
base on the same computer, base on the same computer,
database created by Open database created by cus-
Text” on page 14) tomer” on page 18)
Archive and Storage Ser- Case 3 Case 4
vices and database on dif- (see “Case 3: Archive and (see “Case 4: Archive and
ferent computer Storage Services and data- Storage Services and data-
base on different computers, base on different computers,
database created by Open database created by cus-
Text” on page 19) tomer” on page 21)

• In the cases 2 and 4, the customer provided database must match several
requirements, which are described in the appendixes of the following
installation guides:
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on UNIX/Linux
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with
Oracle (AR090701-IASWO)
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with MS
SQL (AR090701-IASWM)
You can find the guides in the Knowledge Center

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services 13

Chapter 4 Partitioning

Moreover, it is possible to perform a new installation of Archive and

Storage Services and to use an existing database (with Open Text tables) of
an identical version (see “Case 5: New installation of Archive and Storage
Services and use of existing complete (with Archive Server tables) database
of an identical version” on page 21).
• Recommended disk partitioning
Each entry is a separate partition, which is to be used exclusively by
Archive and Storage Services. The disk sizes given here are minimum
requirements; the mount points are only a suggestion.

4.1 Case 1: Archive and Storage Services and

database on the same computer, database
created by Open Text
This is the classic installation scheme.
Partitions under Windows:
• Build your drives/disks as Basic Disks, not as dynamic ones.
• Create primary or extended (with logical) partitions.

For Oracle databases: recommended disk partitioning

The following table is for both UNIX and Windows. The mount points and path
names are given in UNIX style. For Windows, partitions with drive letters and
appropriate path names have to be used.

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored Subdirec- User and group Recommended
tories size
Partition 1 <archive-user>: 5.0 GB
Mount point: /archives <archive-group>
Archive Server binaries ca. 420 MB
Partition 2 <oracle-user>:
Mount point: /oraclesw <dba-group>
Oracle binaries 1.7 GB
Partition 3 <oracle-user>:
Mount point: /ora-redo- <dba-group>
Online REDO logs ca. 450 MB
Partition 4 <archive-user>: 10 GB
Mount point: /archivecache <archive-group> e.g. 2 DVDs
Should hold data
for local cache from at least the
last two working

14 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

4.1 Case 1: Archive and Storage Services and database on the same computer, database created by Open

Disk 2 Database (RAID 1) Subdirec- User and Group Recommended

tories size
Partition 1 <oracle-user>: 3.0 GB
Mount point: /dbdata <dba-group> autoextend is on
for Database data files per default
Partition 2 <archive-user>: 10 GB
Mount point: /diskbuffer <archive-group> e.g. 2 DVDs
Disk buffer Should hold data
from at least the
last two working
Partition 3 <oracle-user>: 3.0 GB
Mount point: /ora-redo-arc <dba-group> Minimum; de-
pends on the
Archive REDO log files workload on the
Partition 4 <archive-user>: 0.1 GB
Mount point: <archive-group>
Forms Management

Disk 3 STORM database file sys- Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tem for WORM/UDO Juke- tories size
box (for medium size)
Partition 1
Mount point: /stormfs <archive-user>: 6.0 GB
Please note: /stormfs/ <archive-group>
For better performance, the hashdir 200 MB
inode files for large databases /stormfs/ 200 MB
should be stored on different hashname 200 MB
partitions on different hard /stormfs/ 5 x 600 MB
disk drives (in this case, the hashfile 500 MB
partitioning would appear /stormfs/
different from that suggested inodes
here). See (optional)
large.cfg for more details.

Disk 3 STORM database file sys- Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tem for ISO file archiving tories size
Partition 2 <oracle-user>: ca. 450 MB
Mount point: /ora-redo- <dba-group>
Mirrored online redo log

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 15

Chapter 4 Partitioning

Disk 3 STORM database file sys- Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tem for ISO file archiving tories size
Partition 3 <archive-user>: 15 GB
Mount point: /burnbuffer <archive-group> approx. 3 DVDs;
depends on the
with subdirectories: /burnbuff size of the images
er/tree and amount of log.
/burnbuff archives where
er/image ISOs are archived

Disk 4 STORM database file sys- Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tem for WORM/UDO Juke- tories size
box (for medium size)
Partition 1 <oracle-user>: 3 GB
Mount point: /dbindex <dba-group> autoextend is on
per default
Database Index
Partition 2 <archive-user>: 5 GB
Mount point: /dp <archive-group> Should hold the
data for at least
Document Pipeline one working
(will be created by config) week. Depends
also on the size of
the documents
In case hard disk archives are <archive-user>: 5 GB
used: <archive-group> Depends on the
Partition 3 amount of data
Mount point: /hdsk1 that will be ar-
Hard disk archive 1 chived
Partition 4 <archive-user>: 6.2 GB with
Mount point: /stormfs-bkp <archive-group> WORM filesystem,
or 0.2 GB without.
Backup file system for Same size as
STORM /stormfs plus 200
MB additionally

For MS SQL database: recommended disk partitioning

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored) Logical Recommended size

• Binaries for MS SQL D:\ 5.0 GB
• Archive Server Binaries

16 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

4.1 Case 1: Archive and Storage Services and database on the same computer, database created by Open

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored) Logical Recommended size

Local Cache E:\ 10 GB
e.g. 2 DVDs
Should hold data from
at least the last two
working weeks

Disk 2 Database (RAID 1) Logical Recommended size

Database data files F:\ 3 GB
autoextend is on per
Diskbuffer G:\ 10 GB
e.g. 2 DVDs
Should hold data from
at least the last two
working weeks
Forms Management H:\ 0.1 GB

Disk 3 STORM database file system for Logical Recommended size

WORM/UDO Jukebox (medium size) Partition
WORM Filesystem I:\ 6 GB

Note: For better performance, the inode

files for large databases should be stored
on different partitions on different hard
disk drives (in this case, the partitioning
would appear different from that sug-
gested here). See <archive-inst-
nWORM_large.cfg for more details.

Transaction log for MS SQL L:\ 2 GB

Minimum; depends on
the workload on the

Disk 3 STORM database file system for ISO file Logical Recommended size
archiving Partition
Burnbuffer for ISO images and ISO tree build- J:\ 15 GB
ing approx. 3 DVDs
Depends on the size of
the images and amount
of log. archives where
ISOs are archived.

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 17

Chapter 4 Partitioning

Disk 4 Index and Transfer (RAID 1) Logical Recommended size

Database index files M:\ 3 GB
autoextend is on per
Document Pipeline N:\ 5 GB
Should hold the data for
at least one working
week. Depends also on
the size of the docu-
ments (LargeFiles)
Hard disk archive 1 O:\ 5 GB
Depends on the amount
of data that will be ar-
Backup file system for STORM K:\ 6.2 GB
with WORM filesystem,
or 0.2 GB without. Same
size as /stormfs plus
200 MB additionally

4.2 Case 2: Archive and Storage Services and

database on the same computer, database
created by customer
In this case, the database software has been installed and the customer has already
created the database. As a result, no consideration needs to be made for database
software and the database files. The database provided by the customer must meet
several requirements described in the appendixes of the following installation
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on UNIX/Linux (AR090701-
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with Oracle
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with MS SQL
You can find the guides in the Knowledge Center

Recommended disk partitioning

These settings are identical to the recommended disk partitioning of Case 1 (see
“Case 1: Archive and Storage Services and database on the same computer, database
created by Open Text” on page 14)

18 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

4.3 Case 3: Archive and Storage Services and database on different computers, database created by Open

4.3 Case 3: Archive and Storage Services and

database on different computers, database
created by Open Text
In this case, the database is provided by Open Text, but is located on a different
computer than Archive and Storage Services.
It is mandatory that you install the database server and create the database first.
Failing to complete this step will result in an unsuccessful installation of Archive
and Storage Services, as a fully operative database is a prerequisite to the Archive
and Storage Services installation.

Recommended disk partitioning

These settings are identical to the recommended disk partitioning of Case 1 (see
Section 4.1 on page 14) but without the partitions for database data, index, and
REDO log, respectively, transaction log files. This space is needed on the database
server. Instead of space for Database Server binaries, you will need only 200 MB for
the database client installation on the system partition of Archive and Storage

For Oracle database: recommended disk partitioning for Archive and Storage
Services database on a dedicated database server
The following table holds for both UNIX and Windows. The mount points and path
names are given in UNIX style. For Windows logical partitions with drive letters
and appropriate path names have to be used.

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tories size
Partition 1 <archive-user>: 1.0 GB
Mount point: /archivesw <archive-group>
Binaries for Archive Server
(DB package)
Partition 2 <oracle-user>: 1.7 GB
Mount point: /oraclesw <dba-group>
Oracle binaries
Partition 3 <oracle-user>: ca. 450 MB
Mount point: /ora-redo- <dba-group>
Online REDO logs

Disk 2 Database (RAID 1) Subdirec- User and Group Recommended

tories size
Partition 1 <oracle-user>: 3 GB
Mount point: /dbdata <dba-group> autoextend is on
for Database data files per default

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 19

Chapter 4 Partitioning

Disk 2 Database (RAID 1) Subdirec- User and Group Recommended

tories size
Partition 2 <oracle-user>: ca. 450 MB
Mount point: /ora-redo- <dba-group>
Mirrored online redo log

Disk 3 Index and Transfer (RAID 1) Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tories size
Partition 1 <oracle-user>: 3 GB
Mount point: /dbindex <dba-group> autoextend is on
Database Index per default
Partition 2 <oracle-user>: 3 GB
Mount point: /ora-redo-arc <dba-group> minimum, de-
pends on the
Archive REDO log files workload on the

For MS SQL database: recommended disk partitioning for Archive and

Storage Services database on a dedicated database server

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored Logical Recommended size

• Binaries for MS SQL D:\ 5.0 GB
• Binaries for Archive Server (DB package)

Disk 2 Database (RAID 1) Logical Recommended size

Database data files F:\ 3 GB
autoextend is on per

Disk 3 Transaction Log (RAID 1) Logical Recommended size

Transaction log for MS SQL L:\ 2 GB
minimum, depends on
the workload on the

Disk 4 Index and Transfer (RAID 1) Logical Recommended size

Database index files M:\ 3 GB
autoextend is on per

20 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

4.4 Case 4: Archive and Storage Services and database on different computers, database created by

Note: If you want several Archive and Storage Services servers to share a
single database server with more than one database provided by Open Text,
please contact Open Text Customer Support before you install the database

4.4 Case 4: Archive and Storage Services and

database on different computers, database
created by customer
This case is similar to case 3, but instead of providing the database server, you only
need to check the database provided by the customer to ensure it meets the
requirements in the appendixes of the following installation guides:
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on UNIX/Linux (AR090701-
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with Oracle
• Open Text Archive and Storage Services - Installation on Windows with MS SQL
You can find the guides in the Knowledge Center

Recommended disk partitioning

These settings are identical to the recommended disk partitioning of Case 1 (see
Section 4.1 on page 14) but without the partitions for db data, db index, and REDO
log, respectively, transaction log files because the space is needed on the database
server. Instead of space for the Database Server binaries, you will need only 200 MB
for the database client installation on the system partition of Archive and Storage

4.5 Case 5: New installation of Archive and Storage

Services and use of existing complete (with
Archive Server tables) database of an identical
A precondition is that the (Archive and Storage Services) tables of the database to be
used have the identical version as the Archive and Storage Services to be installed.
If the database is on a different computer than Archive and Storage Services, the
partitioning is identical to case 3.
If the database is on the same computer as Archive and Storage Services, an Archive
and Storage Services instance must already have been installed on the computer
which is to be reinstalled. Please contact Open Text Customer Support before you

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 21

Chapter 4 Partitioning

begin, as several files need to be moved or saved before uninstalling and reinstalling
Archive and Storage Services.

4.6 Case 6: New standalone installation of Open

Text Document Pipelines
Recommended disk partitioning UNIX and Windows

Disk 1 System Disk, not mirrored Subdirec- User and Group Recommended
tories size
Partition 1 <archive-user>: 5.0 GB
Mount point: /archivesw <archive-group>
Document Pipeline bina- ca. 300 MB
Partition 2 <archive-user>: 5 GB
Mount point: /dp <archive-group> should hold the
Document Pipeline data for at least
(will be created by config) one working
week. Depends
also on the size of
the documents

22 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

Chapter 5
Platform dependencies
This chapter describes the recommended operating system parameters for Archive
and Storage Services.
Since Oracle version 10g, Oracle itself checks the recommended OS parameters like
kernel parameters, recommended packages, and patch levels. All requirements of
Oracle can be found here:
If this link returns an error, please copy them into the browser's address bar and try
it from there.
If Archive and Storage Services needs other or special system parameters, they will
be listed here under the special chapter for the appropriate OS.

To avoid data loss due to power failure or other OS crashes, Open Text
strongly recommends the use of journaling file systems on all operating

5.1 AIX (IBM)

AIX 5.3 must have maintenance level 4 or higher.
Oracle validates and shows the recommended parameters, packages and OS patches
during the installation of Oracle itself. It is recommended to adjust your OS
parameters before this installation and just let Oracle check it again during
installation. To do that, run the validation tool from Oracle (Note: 334562.1):
Direct download (to use this link, you have to login in Oracle MetaLink):

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Open Text Archive and Storage Services 23

Chapter 5 Platform dependencies

If those links return an error, please copy them into the browser's address bar and
try it from there.
Please also refer to the current installation guide of Oracle which can be found on
the Oracle web page

5.2 HP-UX 11.23 (PA-RISC 64bit, IA-64)

For HP-UX 11.23, apply QPKAPPS B.11.23 and QPKBASE B.11.23 dated from
December 2005.
Oracle validates and shows the recommended parameters, packages and OS patches
during the installation of Oracle itself. It is recommended to adjust your OS
parameters before this installation and just let Oracle check it again during
installation. To do that, run the validation tool from Oracle (Note: 334563.1):
Direct download (to use this link, you have to login in Oracle MetaLink):
If those links return an error, please copy them into the browser's address bar and
try it from there. Please also refer to the current installation guide of Oracle which
can be found on the Oracle web page

Kernel parameters:
Note: Be careful using much larger values, they might cause problems when
installing Oracle.

Kernel Parameter Minimum values




SHMMAX 1073741824

24 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

5.3 Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SUSE; EM64T, 64-bit)

5.3 Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SUSE; EM64T, 64-

Online update must be from February 02, 2006, or later.
Oracle validates and shows the recommended parameters, packages and OS patches
during the installation of Oracle itself. It is recommended to adjust your OS
parameters before this installation and just let Oracle check it again during
installation. To do that, run the validation tool from Oracle (Note: 334531.1):
Direct download (to use this link, you have to login in Oracle MetaLink):
If those links return an error, please copy them into the browser's address bar and
try it from there.
Please also refer to the current installation guide of Oracle which can be found on
the Oracle web page
The following packages have to be installed:
• glibc-2.3.3, gcc-3.3.3, gcc-c++-3.3.3, libaio-0.3.98, libaio-devel-
0.3.98, make-3.80, openmotif-libs-2.2.2-519.1, orarun-1-8-31, compat

Kernel parameter for data seg size (ulimit) must be at least 256 MB (for jbd with
more than one jukebox, resp. big ISO cache).

5.4 MS Windows Server 2003 platforms (i386, 32-bit

or 64-bit)
Only for the Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition and Datacenter
Oracle validates and shows the recommended parameters, packages and OS patches
during the installation of Oracle itself. It is recommended to adjust your OS
parameters before this installation and just let Oracle check it again during
installation. To do that, please refer to the current installation guide of Oracle which
can be found on the Oracle web page
• Windows update must be from December 01, 2007, or later.
• We recommend using the US version of Windows Server 2003 Editions.
• Installing Archive and Storage Services via Windows Terminal Server is not
supported, as you may encounter problems within Disk-Administrator or with

AR090701-IOV-EN-2 Installation Overview 25

Chapter 5 Platform dependencies

• If HP Systems Insight Manager is running on your computer, make sure the HP

Systems Insight Manager is uninstalled or at least deactivated. This tool may
cause Archive and Storage Services to hang.

5.5 Solaris (SUN)

Solaris is only supported on SPARC architectures.
Use the latest kernel patch from Sun Microsystems. Sun provides patch information
at (January 2007 or later).
Oracle validates and shows the recommended parameters, packages and OS patches
during the installation of Oracle itself. It is recommended to adjust your OS
parameters before this installation and just let Oracle check it again during
To do that, run the validation tool from Oracle (Note: 334567.1):
Direct download (to use this link, you have to login in Oracle MetaLink):
If those links return an error, please copy them into the browsers' address bar and
try it from there.
Please also refer to the current installation guide of Oracle which can be found on
the Oracle web page
The following packages have to be installed:
• SUNWarc, SUNWbtool, SUNWlibm, SUNWlibms, SUNWsprot, SUNWtoo, SUNWhea,
SUNWzlib, SUNWbzip

Kernel parameter for data seg size (ulimit) must be at least 256 MB (for jbd with
more than one jukebox, resp. big ISO cache).

26 Open Text Archive and Storage Services AR090701-IOV-EN-2

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