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Name: Cawa, Lennon T Course/Year: ABPOLSCI 1A

1. How did Christianity bring diverse and different political system into one?

= Christianity and politics have a complicated relationship. To be sure, the Church has had a
mixed role in the history of political liberty. It has repressed political, religious, and
economic liberty at times. Despite this, and despite irresponsible historical caricatures from
secularists like Steven Pinker, Christianity has been one of the most powerful advocates for
liberty and the concept of a limited government. Although Christianity is not a political
ideology, it does provide us with a framework for thinking about the state and its role in

2. What is the impact of Americanization of products to different economic activities of

countries around the world?

= The impact on the Americanization process is the entails massive migrations of people
across seas and continents, bringing cultures together and occasionally causing conflict. They
were all looking for a better life with more freedom.

3. How can globalization moves without sacrificing the culture of a certain political unitin the

= In the political relationship of various countries, governments, organizations and

organizations around the world. The example of this is the presence of meetings like ASEAN
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations).Through meetings like the ASEAN Summit,
Southeast Asian leaders have more flexible discussions and resolved issues in the region.

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