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[Pelaez vs Auditor General] (1965) — involving, as it does, the adoption of means and ways

to carry into effect the law creating said municipalities —

[J.Concepcion] the authority to create municipal corporations is
TOPIC Creation of Local Government Units essentially legislative in nature. In the language of
SUMMARY (optional for relatively long cases) other courts, it is "strictly a legislative function".
DOCTRINE The creation of municipalities, is not an Although Congress may delegate to another branch of
administrative function, but one which is the government the power to fill in the details in the
essentially and eminently legislative in
execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is
essential, to forestall a violation of the principle of
separation of powers, that said law: (a) be complete in
I. FACTS itself — it must set forth therein the policy to be
executed, carried out or implemented by the
President Macapagal created 33 new municipalities by delegate —and (b) fix a standard — the limits of
virtue of sec. 68 of the Revised Admin Code via various which are sufficiently determinate or determinable —
EO’s. In this case, VP Emmanuel Pelaez filed a petition to which the delegate must conform in the
for prohibition and injunction against the Auditor General performance of his functions.
from passing in audit funds used for the EO’s creating
the municipalities. Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code does not
meet these well settled requirements for a valid
Pelaez argues that sec. 68 of the RAC has been delegation of the power to fix the details in the
repealed by RA 2370 and the EO’s are undue delegation enforcement of a law.
of legislative power.
The creation of municipalities, is not an
The Auditor General argues that the petition by Pelaez is administrative function, but one which is essentially
immature and that the mayors of the new municipalities and eminently legislative in character. The question
must be impleaded in the petition. whether or not "public interest" demands the
The argument of Pelaez stems from the fact the RA exercise of such power is not one of fact. It is
2370 places the power to create barrios in the legislature "purely a legislative question or a political question.
through a law or to the provincial board upon petition of
a majority of voters in the areas affected and with the IV. DISPOSITIVE
recommendation of municipal councils where the
proposed barrios will be created.
WHEREFORE the Executive Orders in question are
Following the train of thought of Pelaez, if the President hereby declared null and void ab initio and the
cannot even create a barrio, it therefore has no power to respondent permanently restrained from passing in audit
create an even larger political subdivision such as a any expenditure of public funds in implementation of said
municipality. Executive Orders or any disbursement by the
II. ISSUE municipalities above referred to. It is so ordered.

WON the President has the power to create

municipalities by virtue of an EO? NO

The power to fix such common boundary, in order to

avoid or settle conflicts of jurisdiction between adjoining
municipalities, may partake of an administrative nature

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