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A very good afternoon to the honourable judges,teachers and dear friends.

Once upon a time, in a thick forest, full of trees.. full of green leaves.
'tweet tweet tweet' oh they are the yellow birds flying happily above me.
"hisssss hisssss hissss, madam madam, can I ...can I climb on you. I know you
are big, strong and lively.I'm sure I can glide on your trunks, up and down, singing
my favourite song.
..hiss hiss on the trunk
On the twigs I go
Gliding, gliding gliding
Happy shall I be...
mmmmmmm....that's how I lived years back, many many years ago, once upon a
1 grew from a very tiny oval shaped seed. With a lot of rain shower and ample of
sunshine, my seed started to shoot out. Wow...look I am growing. I am sprouting
out shoots!
I was very happy that I was growing steadily with other grasses and flowers.
Day by day, I grow and grow and grow .....mmmmm I am very tall and strong.
Look, everyone look at me...I have many branches on me. They are thick and
Look at my green leaves...they are irregular shaped and they are very huge.
Mmmmm the leaves on my body are sweet smelling too.
Flowers on me are so beautiful, like the flowers so fragrant. What are these red,
round shaped fruits...'apples!!!Il apples!!! Apples!!!! Oooh so sweet and juicy
fruits I produced. Everyone who passed by me were sure to look at me with great
excitement. That powerful was I.
Everything was fine in my life until one day a little boy, Tommy, came under me
and went round and round my huge trunk. He was mesmerized with my huge trunk
and juicy fruits. He was not a happy boy like others. There was something
bothering him.
Not feeling happy, I asked him, " Little Tommy,Little Tommy, why are you so sad?
Can I help you in anyway to make you happy?"
"Oh kind apple tree, I want to eat good food but I do not have any money to do so.
My parents are too poor to buy me good food.....cried Tommy. " Don't you worry,
my little friend. Here take all the fruits from my tree and you will get
what you want.
The next moment Tommy shook the apple tree and fell all the delicious fruits.he
ate the apples happily.
A few years passed. Little Tommy has grown up to be a man, a poor but energetic
handsome man. Again he came up to me with worries and tears in his eyes.
(crying sound)...What's the point of me.l am a big man now...but I don't have any
money. Everyone is happy around me...but look at me.l have got no good
clothings. (crying sound)
Hearing the pitiful cries, became very sad too.
"Here, take my branches and trunk. You can make a big boat and you can sail very
far in the sea. You can become a rich man then.
Hearing my advice, Tommy chopped my branches and twigs and my huge
trunk...ouch,ouch it hurts me.Do it slowly, it hurts.
Few hours passed................l am no one now. am no more a huge strong apple
tree. My whole tree have been chopped off. Oh how sad am I. huge wonderful juicy fruits.. my sweet smelling
leaves....all no more. What am I now ?
Huge, powerful, strong tree is no more......No one loves me....l can no longer
breathe out oxygen..... Humans! All six sense humans...please be responsible for
your misdeed. If you keep on chopping me without replanting my day
we will all extinct from this world.
With that I thank you.

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