Nature of Religon Course Summary Notes

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Define the Supernatural dimension:

● The supernatural dimension is a realm of existence beyond the physical world that is
not subject to scientific explanation or empirical observation.
● It is believed to include entities and phenomena that are beyond the natural world and
the laws of physics, such as gods, angels, demons, ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal
● The existence of the supernatural dimension is often accepted based on faith, tradition,
or personal experience rather than empirical evidence.
● The supernatural dimension plays an important role in many religions, where it is seen
as the source of divine guidance and intervention in the natural world.
● It is also the realm in which supernatural experiences, such as miracles, visions, and
prophetic dreams, are believed to occur.
● The supernatural dimension provides a framework for understanding the mysteries of
the universe and the unseen forces that shape our world.
● It is an integral part of human belief systems and influences our perceptions of reality,
morality, and spirituality.
● The supernatural dimension is often associated with notions of the afterlife,
reincarnation, and eternal souls.

Discuss a transcendent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine being or

powers dwelling within the individual A transcendent religious worldview

● A transcendent religious worldview places a strong emphasis on the presence of a

divine entity or force that extends beyond the material realm.
● One of the key principles of this worldview is the belief that each person possesses the
divine inside them. The idea of the "soul" or "spirit," which is understood as the
fundamental center of a person's being and the conduit through which they might
communicate with the divine, is frequently used to describe this idea.
● Christianity, Islam, and Judaism emphasize that God is revealed to humanity from a
place outside of the human spirit. Muslims, for instance, hold that the books of the
Koran contain Allah's will as it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. This
worldview is transcendent because it holds that the divine is distinct from humans and
exists outside of them, having shown itself to humanity through an intermediary.
Discussing an immanent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine being
or powers dwelling within the individual

● According to an immanent worldview, humans contain supernatural abilities or divine

creatures. The pursuit of truth from inside the human spirit is emphasized in the two
Eastern faiths of Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhists, for instance, adhere to the
Buddha's Eightfold Way in order to achieve enlightenment. This is an immanent
religious worldview because it holds that divine power is inside humans and can only
be discovered by following the predetermined route.

Characteristics of a religion

● Belief in a supernatural power: Most religions involve a belief in some kind of

supernatural or divine power or powers that are beyond the realm of the natural world.
● Sacred texts and teachings: Many religions have sacred texts or teachings that are
considered to be authoritative and provide guidance on how to live a moral and ethical
● Rituals and ceremonies: Religious practices often involve specific rituals and ceremonies
that are designed to express devotion, reverence, and gratitude to the divine and
reinforce community bonds.
● Moral and ethical codes: Most religions have a set of moral and ethical principles that
guide behavior and provide a framework for decision-making.
● Belief in an afterlife: Many religions teach that there is some kind of afterlife or
existence beyond physical death, which can be shaped by one's actions and beliefs in
Explore the ways in which these characteristics interact to create a dynamic,
living religion

● The traits of religion combine in intricate and dynamic ways to form a dynamic
and living system of practises and beliefs. Religious practises and beliefs may
modify in reaction to, giving rise to new rituals, rites, and responses to moral and
ethical dilemmas as well as new interpretations of sacred texts. The continual
process of adaptation and modification ensures that religion continues to be a
significant and important aspect of people's lives.

● Belief in a supernatural power and sacred texts: A belief in a supernatural

power often leads to the development of sacred texts or teachings that are
believed to be divinely inspired. These texts serve as a source of guidance and
inspiration for believers, and they may be interpreted in different ways over time
as the religion evolves.
● Rituals and community: Religious rituals are often designed to reinforce
community bonds and express devotion to the divine. These rituals can range
from simple prayers or meditations to elaborate ceremonies and festivals. By
participating in these rituals together, believers reinforce their sense of
community and shared values.
● Moral and ethical codes: Most religions have a set of moral and ethical principles
that guide behavior and provide a framework for decision-making. These
principles are often expressed in the sacred texts of the religion and reinforced
through religious teachings and rituals. As society changes, religious leaders
may reinterpret these principles to make them more relevant to contemporary
issues and challenges.
● Belief in an afterlife: The belief in an afterlife can provide a sense of hope and
purpose for believers. It can also shape behavior in the present, as believers
strive to live a moral and ethical life in order to achieve a favorable afterlife. As
beliefs about the afterlife change, so too may religious practices and teachings.
Inextricable Connections

The Dreaming
- The Dreaming establishes the moral, social and psychological bond and
interdependence between humans, ancestral beings and the natural environment.

The Land
- It is the physical link between the living humans and invisible eternal world
- The land is a sacred place
- Continues to be inhabited by spirit ancestors
- In the sacred places, the dormant ancestors remain conscious and active, releasing the
- Spirit children and life force of their totem

- The whole landscape is Sacred, to varying degrees
- Underlying the physical contours of the land, are spiritual contrours of Dreaming tracks
or Songlines
- The land has a story to tell, hence it can be regarded as their ‘Bible’
- The totem mites also call the land ‘my Law’ as the land was also encoded with an ethical

The purpose of people

- The land calls Aborigines to cooperate with the creative cycle
- The land cares for the people through sustaining it and the people care for the land
through ceremony and management
- The land, sky, stars and natural phenomena are regarded as a vast sign system
- Conscientious caring for the land brings groups together including fire management,
conscious use of resources and educating the young

- Identify as part of the land ‘I am the Land’
- The land is living and includes the flora, fauna and celestial bodies
Nature of the Dreaming

The Dreaming is a concept in Aboriginal Australian culture that refers to the spiritual realm of
existence that exists beyond the physical world. It is a complex and multi-faceted concept that
encompasses beliefs about the origins of the universe, sacred sites, stories of the Dreaming,
and symbolism and art.

Origins of the Universe: In Aboriginal culture, the Dreaming is seen as a time when the world
was created and everything in it came into being. The Dreaming ancestors are believed to have
created the landscape, the animals, and the plants, and imbued them with their own spiritual
energy. These ancestors are also believed to have created the laws and customs that govern
Aboriginal society.

Sacred Sites: The Dreaming is intimately connected to the physical landscape, and many
sacred sites throughout Australia are believed to be places where the Dreaming ancestors
interacted with the natural world. These sites are considered to be highly spiritual and are often
the focus of traditional ceremonies and rituals. They are also believed to contain powerful
spiritual energy that can be accessed by those who know how to connect with the Dreaming.

Stories of the Dreaming: The Dreaming is also expressed through a rich tradition of stories and
legends that are passed down from generation to generation. These stories often feature the
Dreaming ancestors and their interactions with the natural world, and are seen as a way of
passing down spiritual knowledge and understanding from one generation to the next. They also
contain important moral and ethical teachings that guide the behavior of Aboriginal people.

Symbolism and Art: Aboriginal art is another important expression of the Dreaming. Many
Aboriginal artworks feature images from the Dreaming, such as animals, plants, and landscape
features, and are believed to represent the spiritual power of the Dreaming ancestors. The use
of symbols and patterns in Aboriginal art is also thought to have a spiritual significance,
representing the connections between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Overall, the Dreaming is a complex and multi-layered concept that encompasses many aspects
of Aboriginal culture and belief. It is a testament to the enduring power and relevance of spiritual
traditions in human culture, and a reminder of the importance of maintaining a deep connection
with the natural world and the spiritual forces that govern it.

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