The Effect of Auditor Judgment and Professional Skepticism On Internal Audit Quality

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and,
Education (ICoSIEBE 2021)

The Effect of Auditor Judgment and Professional

Skepticism on Internal Audit Quality

Egi Rahmansyah1, Abdul Pattawe1*, Lucyani Meldawati1, M. Ikbal Abdullah1,

Masruddin1, Muhammad Din1
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of auditor judgment and professional skepticism on the quality
of internal audit at the Inspectorates of Central Sulawesi Province and Palu City. This type of research is survey
research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 54 auditors working in the Inspectorate of Central
Sulawesi Province and Palu City. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of
SPSS version 16.0 program. The results showed that the auditor's judgment had a positive and significant effect
on the quality of internal audit, while professional skepticism had a positive and significant effect on the quality
of internal audit. Auditor judgment and professional skepticism simultaneously affect the quality of internal audit.

Keywords: Audit, Quality, Judgment, Skepticism.

1. INTRODUCTION internal control, as an activity of the executive to

ensure that policies and management systems are
In the current era of Indonesian government, legal implemented. properly, so that organizational goals
problems are increasingly rampant in Indonesia such can be achieved. effective, and 3) examination,
as corruption, collusion, nepotism, and the use of state referring to the activities carried out by the
money for personal gain. A survey conducted by government on the results of government performance
Transparency International in 2018 on its official related to the standards that have been set [3]; [4]; [5].
website stated that Indonesia was ranked 89th out of
180 countries with a score of 38 out of the highest The internal control function in the government's
score of 100. The corruption perception index in 2019 internal audit is carried out by the Government Internal
got a rating of 85 [1];[2]. This shows that Indonesia is Control Apparatus (APIP), namely the Inspectorate. In
a country with high corruption. accordance with the provisions of Government
Regulation Number 41 of 2007 concerning Regional
In order to realize good governance and clean Apparatus Organizations, the Inspectorate is the
governance, it is necessary to implement a reliable element that oversees the implementation of regional
internal control and inspection function. A good government. The Regional Inspectorate has the task of
internal control system in accountability for the use of supervising the implementation of government affairs
funds for the administration of government ensures the in the regions/provinces, the implementation of
implementation of activities in an equitable manner, fostering the implementation of regental/municipal
distributed throughout the public sector and in government affairs, and the implementation of
accordance with established policies and plans as well government affairs in the districts/cities. The roles and
as applicable regulations economically, efficiently, functions of the Provincial, Regency/City
and effectively. Inspectorates are generally regulated in Article 4 of the
There are three aspects that support the realization Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number
of good governance: 1) namely supervision, as an 64 of 2007. It is stated that in carrying out the task of
activity that oversees government performance, 2) supervising government affairs, the Provincial,

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 173
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

Regency/City Governments have the functions of number of clients: the more the number of clients, the
planning supervision programs, formulating policies better the audit quality will be because auditors with a
and facilitating supervision, examination (audit), large number of clients will try to maintain their
investigation, testing, and assessment of the internal reputation, 3) the financial health of the client: the
control tasks carried out. healthier the client's financial condition, the more
likely the client will be a pressure the auditor not to
The results of a quality internal audit indicate good
follow the standard, and 4) review by a third party:
and responsible supervision and management of
audit quality will increase if the auditor knows that the
government finances. If the quality of internal audit is
results of his work will be reviewed by a third party
low, then it provides leeway for government agencies
to make mistakes and irregularities in the use of the
budget which results in the risk of lawsuits against Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus Audit
government officials who implement them. Standards Regulation of the state minister for State
Apparatus Empowerment Number:
News released by Sulteng BPK in May 2020 BPK
PER/05/M.PAN/03/2008 concerning Audit Standards
submitted the 2020 Examination Results Report to
for Government Internal Supervisory Apparatuses,
regional heads of Central Sulawesi Province and Palu
consisting of:
City as well as DPRD leaders, and obtained an
Unqualified Opinion on Regional Government 1. General Standard
Financial Statements, for 7 seven consecutive years.
a. APIP's vision, mission, objectives,
This positive result certainly cannot be separated from
authorities, and responsibilities must be
the role of the Inspectorate as Supervision and Audit.
stated in writing, approved and signed by the
However, according to BPK, there are still problems
highest leadership of the organization.
that need attention in the internal control system and
compliance with laws and regulations. BPK also asked b. In all matters relating to the audit, APIP must
the regional head of Central Sulawesi to pay close be independent and its auditors must be
attention and seriously implement BPK's findings and objective in carrying out their duties.
recommendations on LKPD findings.
c. Auditors must have the knowledge, skills and
Based on the descriptions and problems that the other competencies needed to carry out their
researchers describe, the researchers are interested in responsibilities.
researching the effect of auditor considerations and
d. The auditor must use his professional
professional skepticism on the quality of internal audit
expertise carefully and carefully and must be
at the regional inspectorate of Central Sulawesi
careful in every assignment.
Province and Palu City.
2. Performance Audit Implementation Standards
a. In each performance audit assignment, the
2. THEORETICAL REVIEW AND auditor must develop an audit plan.
b. At each stage of the performance audit, the
2.1. Internal Audit Quality auditor's work must be supervised to ensure
Internal audit quality is the attitude of the auditors that the objectives can be achieved, quality is
in carrying out their duties which is reflected in the guaranteed, and is able to improve the
results of their reliable examinations in accordance auditor's expertise.
with applicable standards. Elfarini [6] stated that the c. Auditors must gather evidence to support
measurement of the quality of the audit process is performance audit conclusions and findings
centered on the performance of the auditor and
compliance with the standards that have been outlined. d. Auditors should develop findings found
The Government Accountability Office defines audit during performance audit work
quality as adherence to professional standards and e. Audit documents must be stored properly and
contractual ties during auditing. Audit standards serve systematically to facilitate review, reference,
as guidance and a measure of the quality of the and analysis.
auditor's performance [7].
3. Performance Audit Reporting Standards
There are four things that are considered to have a
relationship with audit quality, namely: 1) the length a. The auditor must immediately make a report
of time the auditor has conducted an examination of an on the results of the audit in accordance with
agency or tenure: the longer an auditor has audited the the format of the assignment.
same client, the audit quality will be lower, 2) the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

b. The auditor in making the report on the audit in the field, audit risk, and audit evidence in which the
results must be in writing and immediately to auditor assesses according to the facts in the field.
avoid the possibility of misinterpretation or Professional judgment at the reporting stage considers
conclusions. making a manuscript of audit results which will be re-
exposed and discussed so that the auditor can provide
c. The report made by the auditor must be
audit recommendations that good and trustworthy
communicative, so that it can be understood
by the auditee or other related parties.
Based on the description above, the following
d. The audit report must be timely, complete,
hypothesis can be formulated that:
accurate, objective, convincing, clear, and as
concise as possible. H1: Judgment auditor affects the quality of internal
e. The auditor must ask the auditee for feedback
on conclusions, findings, recommendations 2.3. Effect of Professional Skepticism on
and corrective actions. Internal Audit Quality
f. The audit result report is submitted to the According to [13], professional skepticism is a
head of the organization being audited and behavioral attitude that is full of questions in mind,
other authorized parties in accordance with being alert to situations that indicate possible
the laws and regulations. misstatements due to error or fraud and an assessment
4. Performance Audit Follow-up Standards of the evidence. These risks can be occurred in various
decisions such as selecting appropriate audit methods
a. The auditor must continue to communicate and techniques.
with the auditee to complete and follow up on
the findings and recommendations given The more additional information the auditor
obtains with skepticism, the more accurate the
b. Auditors must monitor follow-up on findings evidence will be to prove whether or not the symptoms
and recommendations of fraud are true. Internal audit quality requires the
c. The auditor must report the status of findings auditor to collect sufficient and relevant evidence.
and recommendations that have not been Therefore, an auditor must think critically in collecting
followed up. and understanding audit evidence. Low auditor
skepticism will cause the auditor to not be able to
d. Auditors must cooperate with law produce a good quality internal audit. It is because the
enforcement officers in following up on acts auditor will easily believe the evidence and
of non-compliance with laws and regulations information obtained without any evidence and other
2.2. The Effect of Auditor's Judgment on the supporting information. If the attitude of professional
Quality of Internal Audit skepticism possessed by the auditor is high, the better
the audit quality produced by the auditor will be [14];
Audit judgment is the auditor's policy in [15].
determining an opinion regarding the audit results
which refers to the formation of an idea, opinion or Based on the description above, the hypothesis can
estimate about an object, event, status or other type of be formulated as follows:
event [9]. H2: Professional skepticism affects the quality of
Judgment in auditing is certainly very necessary internal audit.
because the audit is not carried out on all evidence. 2.4. The Effect of Auditor Judgment and
The auditor must have the ability to consider evidence Professional Skepticism on Internal Audit
and information that is felt to support the conduct of
the audit. The evidence is then used to provide
conclusions and recommendations to the auditee in Professional judgment and skepticism is an
accordance with the audit objectives [10]. important attitude that must be possessed by the
auditor in determining the quality of the audit.
Judgment is influenced by audit assessment. This
Judgment in auditing is necessary because not all
needs to be done because basically the audit is carried
evidence is questioned, researched and evaluated.
out based on a sample, in which not all data must be
According to [16], judgment is influenced by audit
questioned and researched [11]. The ability to assess
assessment, because basically the audit is carried out
and conclude must also be appropriate. The judgment
based on samples and, and not all evidence is audited.
auditor is the one who determines the level of
Therefore, proper judgment is needed to produce good
materiality in a financial report. Professional judgment
audit quality. Not only that, judgment auditor is
is at the implementation stage in the form of findings

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

necessary to determine the level of materiality of a variable in this study is a factor that can affect the
financial report. Proper judgment is needed in the quality of internal audit and is an important variable
audit. The judgment auditor also determines the audit that must be considered to support the achievement of
plan and the sample to be audited. This is continuous a quality audit. Judgment in auditing is certainly very
with professional skepticism. Professional skepticism necessary because judgment is required for an audit
refers to an attitude that always questions and not to be carried out on all evidence. The auditor must
evaluates audit evidence critically. Audit evidence have the ability to consider evidence and information
collected by auditors who have a high skepticism will that is deemed to be able to support the
prove it with a very relevant and accurate explanation implementation of the audit. The evidence is then used
of the evidence being tracked, and do not just believe to provide conclusions and recommendations to the
in the auditee's statements to look for supporting auditee in accordance with the audit objectives.
evidence. Judgment is influenced by audit assessment. This
needs to be done because basically the audit is carried
Based on the description, the two variables of
out based on a sample, in which not all data must be
auditor judgment and professional skepticism are
questioned and researched. The ability to assess and
interested in simultaneously researching because
conclude must also be appropriate. The judgment
judgment auditors determine the level of materiality of
auditor is the one who determines the level of
financial statements. This is supported by auditor
materiality in a financial report.
skepticism because before considering the level of
materiality of a financial report, professional This is supported by auditor skepticism because
skepticism is certainly needed to find out, analyze, before considering the level of materiality of a
evaluate and look for supporting evidence before financial report, professional skepticism is certainly
stating that the financial statements are misstated or needed to find out, analyze, evaluate and seek
the amount of value omitted. supporting evidence before stating that the financial
statements are misstated or the amount of value
So, based on the description of the theory, the
omitted. Skepticism is also very important for audit
following hypotheses can be formulated:
quality according to the facts found in the field. The
H3: There is an effect of auditor's judgment and more findings obtained, the more quality the audits
professional skepticism on internal audit quality. carried out. To look for findings, especially negative
findings, a critical attitude is needed in other words,
professional auditor skepticism. Things like this also
3. RESEARCH METHODS strongly support the creation of the effectiveness of the
audit quality. But, according to the auditors that the
This research was conducted by sending more negative findings, the lower the auditor's
questionnaires to 54 auditors at the Inspectorate Office performance will be in the process of fostering
of Central Sulawesi Province and Palu City. The data regional organizations.
was processed using multiple linear regression with
the help of SPSS. According to the auditor, the reporting of findings
in the field is stated in the audit work paper. All
findings must also be stated in the working paper, and
4. RESULT the output of the findings will become audit
recommendations. Recommendations will still get a
4.1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis follow-up or review from the auditor whether the
Results recommendations have been implemented or not,
The output of the SPSS for windows version 16.0 because the audit working paper will also be reviewed
program shows the results of multiple regression in by an external audit, namely the BPK. If there are
Table 1. Based on the regression coefficient values findings that can be said to be material and have not
obtained from the results of the multiple linear been resolved within the period, it will affect the
regression analysis, then it is entered into the multiple opinion of the external auditor or BPK.
regression equation model with the following formula:
Y= 23,598 + 0,476X1 + 0,456X2 + e
The first hypothesis testing showed that based on
the results of the F-test, it illustrates that the first
hypothesis in this study which states that auditor
judgment and professional skepticism on the quality of
internal audit have a simultaneous effect can be
accepted. So, it can be seen that the independent

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

Table 1. Results of Multiple Linear Regression The results of the study show that professional
Analysis skepticism has a positive influence on the quality of
internal audit. It means that auditors who work at the
Independent Regression t- Sig. r- Inspectorate of Central Sulawesi Province and Palu
Variable Coefficient count partial City have a fairly good level of professional
X1 0,476 1,722 0,091 0,234 skepticism in conducting examinations.
X2 0,456 2,751 0,008 0,359 Third hypothesis testing showed that based on the
Constanta = 23,598 results of the t-test obtained, the significant effect
Multiple-R = 0,454 indicated by the significance level is smaller than the
10% confidence level, namely 0.091 <0.10. It
F count = 6,622
indicates that the auditor's judgment according to the
Sig. F = 0,003 basis of interpretation is said to be of good quality with
R. Square = 0,206 a mean value of 4.15.
Adjusted R Square = 0,175 It can be seen that the auditor's judgment has a
α = 0,10 positive and significant effect on the quality of internal
audit. The sign of a positive regression coefficient
The facts found in the field stated that an illustrates that the better the auditor's judgment it will
understanding of the internal control system will also help the auditor in critically assessing the risks faced.
affect the effectiveness of audit quality. An They will also take into account these risks in various
understanding of SPI is an important factor in planning decisions such as choosing the right audit methods and
audits for auditees as well as guided by the principle techniques, assessing the audit evidence collected.
as an attitude that must be carried out by the auditor. They have a better ability to produce audit quality to
Doing it in accordance with general audit standards is produce recommendations for auditee improvement.
also a construction of internal audit quality indicators. Based on the facts found in the field that according to
The second hypothesis testing showed based on the the Palu City regional inspectorate auditor's judgment
results of the t-test obtained, the significant effect auditor, the internal auditor's way of working is also
indicated by the significance level is smaller than the more directed to the process for 1 period of work for
10% confidence level, namely 0.008 <0.10 indicating OPD. This is different from external auditors such as
that professional skepticism has an important role in BPK who receive results and examine LKPD and OPD
the quality of internal audit. The mean value is 4.60 on performance in Central Sulawesi and Palu City.
the basis of very good or very high-quality The dimension of judgment or consideration of the
interpretation. It indicates that professional skepticism auditor in auditing is an attitude of necessity in
has a positive and significant effect on the quality of auditing. According to the auditors of the Central
internal audit. Sulawesi regional inspectorate that the level of
The dimension of professional skepticism also judgment of auditors varies, usually more dominant in
illustrates that the higher the professional skepticism, the length or the experience as an auditor so that it
the better the quality of internal audit. In accordance affects the level of knowledge and skills at the time of
with the research conducted on auditors and looking at auditing. Therefore, new auditors will not necessarily
the results of the tabulation of respondent's answer go directly to auditing. In the beginning, they need
data, it can be seen that in carrying out the guidance and training from senior auditors in the local
examination, the auditor has collected audit evidence area.
based on skepticism and prudence in making
decisions. Skepticism also supports in obtaining
existing findings, especially negative findings. 5. CONCLUSION
According to the auditors of the regional inspectorate
The findings of this study indicate that the auditor's
of Central Sulawesi, the level of skepticism of the
judgment has a positive and significant effect on the
auditors varies, depending on which audit should be
quality of internal audit. Professional skepticism has a
carried out, such as an investigative audit. This
positive and significant effect on the quality of internal
requires a strong attitude of skepticism for the audit
audit. Auditor judgment and professional skepticism
planning process, audit implementation in the field
have a positive and significant effect on audit quality
and audit follow-up, as in the findings of the
at the regional inspectorate of Central Sulawesi
departmental OPD. This is also different from the
province and Palu city.
process of coaching auditors to OPD which does not
require skepticism, because usually in terms of It is expected that the auditors of the inspectorate
coaching only carry out education and training for of the Province of Central Sulawesi and Palu City to
auditors. uphold professionalism and independence. From the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204

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