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Mel Gibson

INFJ Personality type ( Characteristics People oriented, INNOVATOR of ideas, Serious, quietly forceful and preserving, Concerned with the common good, help others develop, conceptual, serene, idealistic)
INFJ types are natural defenders of those who cannot defend themselves. They instinctively and often, without realizing it - gravitate toward situations in which others are being taken advantage of. They enjoy an advanced awareness about situations that go unnoticed by other types. And they can systematically formulate a plan of action to complete projects in the most efficient way possible. INFJs have an highly-developed intuition about the world around them. They can easily see past the obvious to explore the more subtle, usually unspoken dynamics that yield the most accurate perspectives. Below, we'll describe how people with INFJ personality types' intuitive nature leads to them to suspicion and why they are unerringly self-confident in their own abilities. Plus, we'll explain how these traits can limit their success. Intuitive And Suspicious Because of their refined intuition, INFJ personalities harbor an inherent suspicion about the people in their world. While they exhibit a generous affability amongst those they know well, they're innately apprehensive around new people. As such, they select their friends carefully, after significant time spent observing them and interacting with them. That said, once INFJs befriend a person, the bond is typically long-lasting and the connection is a deep one. Self-Confidence And Faith People with the INFJ trait can easily absorb, understand, and process complex problems. And their intuition allows them to construct solutions to those problems that are usually more efficient than alternatives posed by others. They have a tendency to believe that their method, approach, or resolution is the most appropriate response for any given situation - and they're often correct. Over time, INFJs develop a concrete faith in their intuition. They're typically self-reliant, independent, and confident that their instincts are accurate.

INFJ Personality And Strengths Their tendency to come to the aid of others, often at the sacrifice of their own pursuits, is consistent with their inherent aversion to interpersonal conflict. INFJs can quickly surmise the motivations of other people and will proactively avoid saying or doing anything that will cause grief or dejection. While they are relatively easygoing and close friends enjoy their company, INFJs' personal values drive them to exceed their expectations of themselves. This pursuit of excellence seeps into their personal lives and makes them especially devoted as parents and familial nurturers. Potential Weaknesses INFJ personality types place an inordinate amount of pressure upon themselves. They are, in effect, the quintessential perfectionists, driven by an instinctive passion to reach their potential in every task they undertake. While this predisposition often results in their performing above others' expectations of them, they usually fall short of their personal goals. As such, INFJs' feelings of success are fleeting. Also, their personal drive tends to spill over into their family life and they can aggressively push their spouses and children to excel. There is little doubt that INFJs have an instinctive gift for achieving greatness, but doing so may come at the cost of personal fulfillment. While they don't need to sacrifice their high expectations, INFJs should understand how occasionally failing to meet those expectations can seem more important than it truly is. Rather than the failure representing the path toward mediocrity, it may be the door to personal satisfaction.

Julia Roberts
INFP Personality Type ( Characteristics- Virtuous, Devoted, Theoretical, Compassionate, Imaginative, Independent, HELPER, Reflective, Inquisitive, Empathetic)
People with the INFP personality type view the world around them through a tightly focused, optimistic lens that filters the unsavory details. They are extreme optimists, even in the face of circumstances that betray that optimism. They are instinctively driven toward serving causes that they consider worthwhile and will tenaciously pursue opportunities to contribute toward the improvement of their world. INFPs have a natural inclination toward untainted idealism and view every situation as a potential doorway to contribute value.

Below, we'll describe how INFP types relish the chance to participate toward the advancement of causes they deem meaningful. Plus, we'll explain the motivations behind their intense focus and how a few of their attributes can limit their professional and personal growth. Serving The Cause Nothing stimulates action from INFPs as effectively as presenting them with a worthwhile cause. As long as it is consistent with their deeply-ingrained value system, they will dedicated their energy to advancing it, even at the exclusion of their own goals. INFPs exhibit an innate aversion to facts, figures, and other data, preferring to devote themselves to lofty principles and ideals. When given a project in which the expected outcome is congruent with their own beliefs, they will work tirelessly to complete it with a determination and enthusiasm that borders on fanatical. An Intense Focus INFPs are perfectionists. Even though they are naturally flexible in their surroundings, easily adaptable to changing dynamics, they maintain high expectations for themselves with regards to their work. Often, this sharp focus can cause INFPs to neglect the details of their immediate circumstances. For example, it is not uncommon for them to devote most of their waking hours to furthering their latest cause, but remain oblivious to the cleanliness of their home. INFP Personality And Strengths With an inherent proclivity for diplomacy, INFP types will avoid conflict whenever possible. They find no value in determining with whom "right" and "wrong" lay; nor do they have any interest in identifying cause or placing blame. Instead, they work to build consensus among any parties involved in a potential conflict. INFPs have a natural intuition that allows them to infer meaning from nonverbal communication. They have a well-honed capability to understand the emotions, feelings, and motivations of other people. They are characteristically good listeners which makes others feel instantly comfortable in their presence. Potential Weaknesses INFP personality types avoid conflict primarily because it leads to bad feelings. For those who are predisposed to logic and pragmatism, this behavior can seem nonsensical. As a result, INFPs may experience difficulty in gaining the respect and serious consideration of others. Also, their tendency to avoid facts and data makes them exceptionally ill-equipped to think analytically or exact judgment. Finally, their affinity for perfection often leads INFPs to underperform to their personal standards, leaving them feeling discouraged. In the right settings, INFPs can accomplish remarkable things. They have attributes that are not only admirable, but essential for advancing idealistic causes. That said, they run the risk of alienating those who rely upon practicality. And their natural optimism can prevent them from understanding risks. If they can temper their innate idealism with a pragmatic approach, INFPs may find easier success in promoting their causes.

Tiger Woods
INTP Personality Type (Characteristics- Self-determined, introspective, independent, reflective and speculative)
People with the INTP personality type love knowledge and logic above all else. Their intuition is naturally refined and accords them an unusual level of creative problem-solving ability. In fact, this type looks forward to complex problems, considering them a challenge. Their analytical skills combine with their penchant to filter every circumstance through logic to yield solutions that others may find counterintuitive. In truth, INTP types have a well-honed aptitude for identifying relevant patterns and applying them to theoretical puzzles to produce unique answers. Below, we'll explain INTPs' relentless pursuit of clarity, their preference for theory over application, and a few potential weaknesses which can hold them back. Finding An Explanation For people with the INTP type, a situation that lacks a clearly defined explanation is infuriating. They take great pleasure in attacking problems that are complex and transforming them into easily understood puzzles. Every problem represents an opportunity for them to build their store of knowledge. In so doing, INTPs continuously generate potential resolutions for problems based upon objective reasoning. When left to their own devices, they will appear distant as they mull things over in their mind, applying answers to problems, even when unnecessary. Theory Over Application To theorize about something is a great joy to INTPs. They have a tendency to turn a problem inside out, approaching it in a variety of ways to find the most logical solution. But, applying their theories to a given situation holds little interest for them. The application of a problem's solution bores them as they would rather devote their attention to identifying patterns, clarifying problems, and ultimately, continuing to build their knowledge. Personality And Strengths When given a complex theoretical problem or puzzle to solve, INTP types have the ability to quickly clarify the issues. Their fondness for logic and theory encourages them to formulate a number of possible solutions. What's more, these solutions are often unusual because INTPs are uninhibited by conventional approaches to brainstorming and problem-solving. Instead, they avoid obvious answers, preferring to find better, more efficient solutions that others miss.

Because people with the INTP trait process so much of the world internally, they are often shy around people who are unfamiliar to them. That said, they tend to be friendly and outgoing with those they know well.

Potential Weaknesses Logic plays a major role in the critical thinking process for INTPs. They don't see the value of injecting emotion into their decisions. While this lack of emotion often yields the most logical decisions, it can also make INTPs seem incapable of addressing the emotions of others. Also, their love of logic and creative problem-solving comes at the cost of practical application. Specifically, they are content to solve a problem and dismiss it in pursuit of the next challenge, even if their solution has not been applied. If placed in a situation that caters to this approach (i.e. lab, think tank, etc.), INTPs can excel. However, amongst other people, their success can be limited.

Goldie Hawn
ESFP Personality Type (Characteristics- Expressive, Vivacious, Supportive, Responsive, Attentive)
ESFPs are known for their indiscriminate affection for people and their dynamic personalities. They're instantly drawn to others and can easily inject themselves into conversations with strangers. Of the 16 personality types, they are the most likely to make friends quickly; in the process, they become a source of encouragement and motivation for others. ESFP's also have a capacity for enjoying the world around them that escapes most people. They sense, feel and perceive things that go unnoticed by others. And as they enjoy the experiences of life, ESFPs seem to pave the way for those around them to enjoy their own experiences more fully. Below, we'll describe the charisma of ESFPs, how they perceive the world and a few of their inherent weaknesses. The Ability To Inspire The most prevalent attribute of ESFPs is their natural charisma. It emerges innately. When they're exposed to other people, this charisma emanates from them, making others feel better in their company. ESFPs are quick to encourage and motivate other people, inspiring them to accomplish tasks that may otherwise seem insurmountable. As a result, they're well-liked by others and are often asked to join or contribute to team efforts. Sensory Perception

Another powerful trait for ESFPs is their tendency to perceive the world through their 5 senses. Rather than relying upon a conceptual understanding of ideas, they enjoy each day by experiencing it. This characteristic has a ripple effect in their lives that expands to include how they learn, act, help others and solve problems. They live each moment, reacting rather than anticipating. They think practically rather than by formula or hypothesis. They act rather than plan. This trait makes them uniquely qualified to help others who need aid or advice regarding "real life" issues. Tentative Feelings ESFPs have an ability to empathize with others. However, unlike the outward expression of their charisma, their feeling nature is contained within. That is, they're less likely to communicate their feelings; they prefer to let those feelings guide them passively. This trait allows ESFPs to identify with people and the circumstances that affect them. This part of their nature makes them less likely to confront others or argue with them. And while they don't push their ideas upon anyone, their natural disposition toward feeling and perception allows them to subtly encourage others to embrace their ideas. Potential Weaknesses The attributes that guide ESFPs throughout their lives carry inherent weaknesses that can either lead to problems or pose them directly. Their inclination to live their lives without planning can expose them to unfavorable circumstances. When stress emerges, an ESFP - accustomed to seeing life through a positive lens - will typically experience more emotional distress than others. In the end, as with all personality types, ESFPs must find a balance that allows them to leverage their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses.

Kristi Yamaguchi
ISFJ Personality Type (Characteristics- Dedicated, Trustworthy, Loyal, Considerate, Conscientious, Sympathetic, MANAGER OF FACTS, Concerned about peoples welfare)
ISFJ types are most satisfied when helping others achieve their goals. They are quintessential nurturers, fundamentally in tune with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of those around them. They have an uncanny ability to absorb interpersonal information and remember it over long periods. Their recall is usually flawless and they can remember small details and nuances from personal interactions that are long forgotten - or were never noticed in the first place - by others.

ISFJs exhibit a kind-hearted compassion for those around them, even people whom they don't know well. And their tendency to assume responsibility for tasks makes them utterly dependable. Below, we'll describe the innate compassion that ISFJs have as well as their steadfast reliability. We'll also explain why these traits can pose a potential problem for them throughout their lives.

Associative Compassion ISFJ personality types are sensitive to the emotions of others. They can intuit anger, frustration, grief, and other feelings, and will often dedicate themselves to helping people overcome them. ISFJs tend to build associations between the interactions they have with people during their lives. For them, these associations add to a constantly growing storehouse of interpersonal knowledge that they can tap as a resource when serving others. ISFJs are partially driven to nurture the people around them because they tend to believe that there is intrinsic value within every person. Relentlessly Dependable Consistent with their personality and belief system, ISFJs are always dependable. They take personal pride in being responsible for fulfilling the tasks given to them. As long as they understand the practical application of what they're doing, ISFJs can be counted on to follow a project through to its completion, even to the point of exhaustion. Other people value them highly because such reliability is hard to find. Personality And Strengths One of the most distinguishing traits of people with the ISFJ trait is their unique faculty for memorizing personal details. Long-time friends are often flabbergasted to learn that ISFJs can remember conversations, opinions, and even facial expressions from interactions that occurred years ago. This trait blends with a natural loyalty and generosity that encourages their friends and family to treasure them. ISFJs are always open to hearing the perspectives of others, believing that most people have something valuable to contribute. Potential Weaknesses While their tendency to assume personal responsibility for tasks ensures that projects will be completed, ISFJ personality types have difficulty delegating things to others. They are more likely to do everything on their own. Over time, as more people increasingly rely upon them, ISFJs can feel overwhelmed. Another problem stems from their constant need for positive feedback. When they don't receive it, they become discouraged, eventually feeling inadequate for whatever task they're working on. People with the ISFJ type have several positive traits that others value highly. Their natural sense of personal duty makes them equally suited for support positions in a business environment as

well as running a smooth, loving household. If ISFJs can learn to delegate tasks and rely less upon the praise of others, they will feel less overwhelmed and more fulfilled.

Mel Gibson
I Prefer reflection over action. In tune with the inner world. Prefer to communicate in writing. Enjoy working alone. N- Theoretical emphasis. Oriented to future possibilities. Use a six sense. Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches. Trust inspiration. F- Empathetic. Guided by personal values. Strive for harmony and positivity. Compassionate. Want everyone to be treated equally. J- Organised. Strive to finish one project before finishing another. Like to pre plan.

Julia Roberts
I-Prefer reflection over action. In tune with the inner world. Prefer to communicate in writing. Enjoy working alone. N- Theoretical emphasis. Oriented to future possibilities. Use a six sense. Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches. Trust inspiration. F- Empathetic. Guided by personal values. Strive for harmony and positivity. Compassionate. Want everyone to be treated equally. P-Spontaneous. Start many projects but have trouble finishing them. Slow decision making power. Feels energised by last minute pressures. Enjoy surprises.

Tiger Woods

I- Prefer reflection over action. In tune with the inner world. Prefer to communicate in writing. Enjoy working alone. N- Theoretical emphasis. Oriented to future possibilities. Use a six sense. Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches. Trust inspiration. T- Analytical. Cause and effect reasoning. Solve problems with logic. Reasonable. Search for flaws in an argument. Treat everyone equally. P- Spontaneous. Start many projects but have trouble finishing them. Slow decision making power. Feels energised by last minute pressures. Enjoy surprises.

Goldie Hawn
E- Prefer action over reflection. Communicate by talking. Sociable and expressive. Enjoy working in groups. S- Prefer specific information. Oriented to personal realities. Value realism. Trust experience. F- Empathetic. Guided by personal values. Strive for harmony and positivity. Compassionate. Want everyone to be treated equally. P- Spontaneous. Start many projects but have trouble finishing them. Slow decision making power. Feels energised by last minute pressures. Enjoy surprises.

Kristi Yamaguchi
I- Prefer reflection over action. In tune with the inner world. Prefer to communicate in writing. Enjoy working alone. S- Prefer specific information. Oriented to personal realities. Value realism. Trust experience. F- Empathetic. Guided by personal values. Strive for harmony and positivity. Compassionate. Want everyone to be treated equally. J- Organised. Strive to finish one project before finishing another. Like to pre plan.

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