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Relationship between People and Technology - Benefits and Impacts

The ability to think is a gift bestowed upon people as living beings in order to enable
them to create and advance civilizations through science and technology. Science, technology,
and art have all been around since the beginning. To live more comfortably, safely, and in other
ways, one employs science, technology, and the arts. Because people employ their intellects to
find solutions to every issue they encounter in the hopes of improving human life in the future,
science, technology, and the arts also advance. On the one hand, the incredible advancements in
science, technology, and the arts have undoubtedly greatly aided the advancement of human
civilization. It has been acknowledged and considered that the advancements in science and
technology that we have made thus far greater ease and improve the quality of human life.
However, technical advancements and improvements also have a detrimental effect on human
life. As a result of mistakes in the use of technology and the reasoning of users who do not
emphasize the principle of mutual benefit for mankind, the negative or unpleasant impacts of the
products of the human mind are felt.
There will always be issues to be solved on this planet. Problems simply shift from one to
the next. So as long as there are people on the planet with the capacity to think, they will keep
seeking solutions to the challenges they encounter every day, resulting in the development of
science and technology to ease human concerns. Technology is directly tied to the idea that it is
the result of human knowledge and intellect that is based on science and engineering. As a result
of the practical application of science, technology is seen from a cultural perspective as one of
the parts of culture. The Big Indonesian Dictionary defines technology as the use of knowledge
to attain practical aims, as well as the entire system of producing the things necessary for human
survival and comfort. Science, technology, and the arts as they relate to humans. Because of
advancements in science and technology, people may make sophisticated tools and equipment
for a variety of purposes, providing a variety of facilities for their daily activities.
Technology and people are symbiotic relationships. Technology is a practical approach
developed by humans using their thoughts and expertise with the goal of making work more
precise, effective, and efficient. People consider ways to make work easier in order to meet
human needs, which range from basic needs like food, clothes, and shelter to secondary and
tertiary needs. Therefore, technological advancements that seek to simplify work are inevitable.
In the 17th century, the word "technology" first appeared in English. Where at the time is used
exclusively for discussing applied arts. But with time, art started to take priority. Apart from
tools and machines, the phrase rapidly evolved in the 20th century to include a wide range of
methods, procedures, and concepts. The expression "means or activities that humans utilize to
affect or manipulate the environment" was used to describe technology during the Middle Ages.
However, critics of such a broad definition point out that it is getting harder to tell the difference
between scientific research and technical activities. The development of environmental alteration
or manipulation is unquestionably connected to the detrimental effects of technology on human
Humans gain a lot of good things from technical advancements, as is evident when
examining the advantages of technology. Regarding essential necessities, there are numerous
technologies that make it simpler for people to access things like food, from the technology used
to gather food ingredients to the technology used to distribute food to an individual. The same
applies to the requirement for clothing and a bed. Humans develop technology to design,
construct, and manufacture a variety of clothing, homes, and shelters. At first, technology was
understood only to refer to physical items like machinery or equipment. Technology has
advanced quickly since it initially became available. The majority of people today rely heavily
on technology, which may even be a basic requirement for everyone. Starting with parents and
moving on to kids who use technology in various facets of their lives. People can carry out their
tasks more swiftly and efficiently with the help of technology.
We can use the current state of technological advancements in communication and
information as an illustration. Technology has various advantages that people can experience. It
will be significantly faster, more accurate, and more precise to obtain information. Anyone
quickly accesses the most recent information regardless of where they are located in the world as
long as they have an internet connection. Technology in communication and information also
makes it easier for people to communicate with distant relatives. Technology does not always
have a good impact; occasionally, it is detrimental. This is a result of the misuse of technology
and the intentional creation of technology for undesirable purposes. One of them is weaponry,
which was initially developed to defend against threats and attacks, but which now has a
negative effect in the shape of human wars, which of course result in the loss of life and state
Despite the fact that communication and information technologies have many positive
effects on people, there are also drawbacks. One of these negative effects is that people spend
more time playing with technology than doing other things like studying, working, or engaging
with other living creatures face-to-face. People have a tendency to become more at ease with
online life and can lose the ability to interact with society. Other detrimental effects include
copyright violations, crimes committed online, the dissemination of fake news or arguments that
can spark disagreements and rifts, the development and spread of computer viruses,
pornography, gambling, fraud, violent shows, and numerous other detrimental effects on people.
Information technology advancements cannot be dismissed; rather, they must be used if
one wants to remain included in the global community's social structure. The community can be
empowered by information technology, as the weaker the community is, the more negative
effects will surface and endanger lives. Community empowerment can be achieved by: 1)
introducing information technology and highlighting its advantages for social life, 2) eradicating
technological stuttering and a sense of inferiority while responding to information technology,
and 3) fostering a culture of technological literacy, 3) educating the public about potential
drawbacks associated with the usage of information technology, and 4) enhancing the
community's capacity for reason and decision-making in response to the deluge of information,
to enable more mature and critical responses.

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